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>maam listen to me!
The avatar was cool as a concept
Invisible gatherers were also very good
>attach two engineers for autorepair
>use that one aoe ability to make units invisible
>use said redeemer to crush units without ever breaking stealth
it was broken but funny af
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>play scrin
>build PACs
>autoresolve everything
>win against brutal AI
big brain time
great game, EA just had to ruin the series with their great ambitions of profit
>rage generator
>super special ability on an epic unit does literally nothing if your opponent isn't afk and has given move orders to his units
>he is unaware
I tried doing Nod mission 17 (on normal) at least 12 times, the GDI just spam mammoth tanks and zone troopers nonstop against the Scrin base, unable to rush GDI base before the Scrin are fully overrun. I just wanted to unlock the Scrin campaign, so I decided to say fuck this AI cheating bullshit and went to ProfileData.ini, put in PPK = 9999999999999999 to unlock the campaign. Also I already completed the GDI campaign before starting the Nod campaign.
I'd mock this behavior but my understanding is that the campaigns are scuffed from multi-player patches.
This is what I mean whenever I remind kids these days that they no longer have the curiosity (and, sadly, intelligence too, it would seem) to experiment and discover things. Sad.
Is this the one where you need to protect the tower? It is still possible but you need to be at least advanced scrub tier to do it. I've figured out one strategy that works well for me and I've seen one anon post a noticeably different one so there are at least two ways to beat it.
You'd rather go through all this trouble rather than set the difficulty level to easy?
>experiment and discover
Doesn't work with live-service nu-games.
>Outright removed
I'm not even talking multiplayer here.
It's really fucking disheartening when it happens.
Bonus points:
>The dev posts in his blog telling how the change was necessary in order to align with his vision
>It's a 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' early access
Old games and non-pozzline games still exist. The rest doesn't make any sense in the context.

>touching early access
>non-pozzline games
such as?

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