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Is it any good? Was it worth the wait?
I just loaded the game and just the initial focus trees look incredibly uninteresting.
fuck off with your goi$ garbage make a hoi ghetto where you all celebrate your shitty visual novels made by trannies we don't need a thread for every bullshit mod some faggot shits out
is the Danubian federation fun??
Robbie chan what's wrong??
Yes, as long as you don't play in America. It doesn't have much in the way of content though.
Two Germanies??? Get those potheads out of the writers' room! This is a serious mod.
Took a look at all the initial trees and i have to mirror your sentiment

looks boring
looks like the slop of kaiserreich + the boringness of TNO (but without the kino gui)
That is German Reich and Mittelafrika
leaf status?
If anything it should have had dismantled Russia like TNO. Considering this is German cold war too. And Russians went Savinkovist apparently which allows for plenty of interesting warlords and could have had more interesting warlord Russia thsn TNO.
I played Danubia yesterday, and I feel like this sums up the experience: you have this huge focus tree and the occasional minigames, but I never did anything with it. I didn't wind up joining any factions (despite getting an event for it, I had no choice that let me join) and had no wars to participate in. I'll do a playthrough of an Entente major or Germany to try to get a better impression, but I'm not yet impressed.
Is THAT CITY named Kiev or Kyiv?
I'm not gonna bother with woke shit
>le collapsed russia with le warlords scenario #34
That's even more stale
Z sisters..... its not fair
My playthrough of KR had the Reichspakt losing the Second Weltkrieg.
Not at all. If anything it still wasn't done to its full potential. Because there are way more interesting stuff that westoids don't even know about, that could be done there.
Let me guess, germany wins WW2 as well?
Kaiserniggas need to stop sucking imperial german cock for one second
>Let me guess, the UK wins WW2 as well?
>Alliedniggas need to stop sucking british cock for one second
this is you.
I just think the scenario where russia and the internationale (or entente) win is far more kino than “hurr durr germaney invincible”
>spot the commie faggot
There also was a third internationale - natpop russia cold war scenario but the mod was unironically a commiewank and the team torn itself apart due to infighting
I am happy that Krasnacht died. Unfortunately, its legacy lives on because everything wrong with all the mods nowadays started there.
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>Germany wins WW2
>Savinkov is in charge of Russia

>Germany loses WW2
>Savinkov is in charge of Russia
The worst part is none of these mods actually do Sav right because nobody taps into his Orientalist beliefs.
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so true zizter
>the team torn itself apart due to infighting
I respect their dedication
and how would Britain and France without their colonies defeat Germany realistically? it's a lost cause, the real kink is entente 2.0 vs germany
KX definitely does the whole resurgent Entente vs Reichspakt better. Because chances are that the both Canada and France will go full-on hardline reactionary ultranationalism and imperialism.
However, my preferred scenario is a Reactionary Entente vs American-Soviet Alliance.
Can't wait for Kalterredux!
>and how would Britain and France without their colonies defeat Germany realistically?
Then what’s the point of Kaiserreich in the first place?
Those made-up flags looks retarded beyond measure
I still wish for a mod about the Soviets actually winning that war. Considering the secret plans and deals they were making with Germans around that time, how to break the Versailles system. It would make for such a fun mod.
I honestly don't get HoI IV modders. We don't have a good Cold War mod but you fuckers have already made multiple alt-hist "vgh... Grossgermaniums..." mods.
It's a canon event. Poland can't lose, God said so.
The continuation war sucks so much. I wanted to destroy Russia not return to 1936 borders.
Savinkov was just another socialist scumbag instead of le based russian hitler. He's so boring and I don't understand why everyone keeps putting him everywhere. It would be much better if Russia was a monarchy in Reichspact that would start recovering and assuming leadership from within like OTL Germany or China in TNO
You WILL get your ahistorical Nietzschean overmanism and you WILL rike it.
incredibly reddit meme
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imagine simping for pooland of all fucking places
go clean my toilet janusz
>friendship ended with poland
>now hungary is my best friend
genociding not-commies
>play as Germany
>nothing happens for a year
>random commie uprising in the ruhr cause why not
>resolved in like 2 months
>nothing happens for another 4 years
>mittleafrika randomly implodes (nothing you can do about that) and replaced by random wholesome nigger warlords
>nothing happens for another couple of years
>Willy III dies, Willy IV comes and the onlything he does is institute feminism
>nothing happens for one more year
>third american civil war
>is supposed to be able to escalate into a reichspakt vs toronto accord showdown but doesn't, union just stomps everyone
>nothing happens for 4 more years
>le end
That's basically the mod, there's nothing going on except for a couple of small proxy conflicts that go nowhere, hell there are 5 great powers and 3 of them do absolutely nothing internally or externally, this mod is a complete waste of time where you wait for some cool showdown (or hell anything) to happen but doesn't
Legitimately this was one of the worst ideas for a HoI4 mod ever conceived and I'm amazed this alpha version even got out.
What a massive waste of effort on a terribly conceived world.
At least now Americans know what it feels like when the devs don't know or care about your country and are just like "ehhh divide it up into 3 pieces that have different ideologies".
Is there at least insane fluff writing like TNO has?
Not that the writing was good, but it at least justified why the gameplay was so limited.
I don't understand why these mods like this and TNO don't just end in WW3. If you're not going to ever make the content anyway, and you won't, why bother pretending the world goes on? Just nuke 'em and it's "resolved". The lack of closure is the desolate resolution of nuclear war or whatever "war is bad, okay?" message they're going for.
Totally a divine miracle and not Stalin himself fucking up in one of the rare military battles he had direct input.
Russians famously never make hilariously stupid blunders in military conflicts.
Not really, aside from a text prompt after some of the focuses and the occasional event there isn't much writing, maybe less than Kaiserreich though I am not 100% as I haven't played that one in years. The closest thing to "gameplay" you get as Germany is spending years reforming your government through using like 15 focuses and political power to uhhhh, make it a bit more centralized and autocratic? Not that it has any effect on anything. Other than that uhhh you can spend 50 civs for a year to develop your allies (as in give them an extra 2 civs and +5% stability) through decisions and there are 2 wars you can send volunteers to (1 division) to get one side very loosely affiliated with you which is in no way represented in text or gameplay. That's it that's the mod, wait for 10 in game years for something to happen while doing focuses and research
>Legitimately this was one of the worst ideas for a HoI4 mod ever conceived and I'm amazed this alpha version even got out.
This, even if the devs are great (they aren't) the idea is so fundamentally dogshit that you really can't do anything with it
>the setting is bad
Why? Is it that WW2 in KR wouldn't happen anyways or that even if it did the aftermath would be boring somehow?
It's that they basically hedged their bets and refused to make the tough calls necessary for a dynamic post-war world. They still did in a few places, like Savinkov Russia, but not really. They didn't have the balls to make India Communist or something somewhat out of pocket.
No decisiveness = no soul
I just played an Unionist America run.
Really fucking boring, only fun I had was senting a single tank division and an air fleet to the chink civil war.
I had fun with Danubia and AUS but it's clear it's an early release, hopefully should get better

I do enjoy how much it makes syndieboos seethe however
Isn't it hilarious that BOTH sequel mods featuring the 3rd Internationale/4th Internationale winning both collapsed due to modder infighting?
You clearly have never actually read him.
The devs probably couldn't agree on who loves nigs and troons the more.
From my friend in the modding scene, I heard the Krasnacht devs were all ideas guys too, didn't have any programmers so development never went beyond writing
Which is weird. I with my basic coding skill managed to make an Ouroboros mod for personal use. Only PDX and toozer mod shitters peddle this lie that HoI4 is hard to code.
Legit hilarious if true considering the ideas are garbage
Literally he is “liked” (considered canon) because he is the Hitler analog and essentially starts the conflict by reunifying Russia.
There is no other Hitler analog candidate, even.
Which also leads to a lack of tensions and thus potential.
It's why a post axis victory cold war scenario has so much appeal. You have a ton of large powers with internal issues which are also radically opposed to one another to the point that large scale wars are quite probable. It can be OTL turned up to 11, if you're willing to commit to it.
You don’t have to settle. The Entente wins in North America, International takes West Euro, and Moscow Accord takes East Euro. Then they fight a three-way proxy war, but war between Fascists and Commies seems unpreventable.
Instead they have this abomination.
>There is no other Hitler analog candidate, even.
There are, Gorgulov, Rodzevsky and plenty of other guys.
Also play KX, because it actually portrays Savinkov and his beliefs properly.
That's the point.
I've read terrorist memoirs and know that he's more like Lenin than Hitler
Which is dumb because Savinkov doesn't anything incommon with Hitler. Hitler was a patriot of his own country who fought in WW1 and got to power because he was favored by monarchist establishment. Savinkov was some leftie cunt who hated his country and tried to destroy it like spartacists did in Germany.
Except that he fought for the Whites and in general was more complex than people think.
The entente being a real power is even more retarded anon. There's no way fucking Canada or Algerian France can hope to bolster the men and resources needed to take on the 3rd Internationale much less Germany. Algerian France would immediately collapse from native revolts fueled by the Third Internationale and Canada's dream of naval invading Britain is a pipe dream. If the Allies had trouble landing in Normandy imagine how hard it would be from Iceland to Scotland which is mountainous. You can make the bullshit argument that the Third Internationale had brilliant generals and admirals that can win them the war, the Entente would have to warp reality for their victory to happen. Unironically the Third Internationale-Russia Cold War mod looks more realistic.
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buck broken by pole chads
Wait what? Is that those focuses on the bottom of his path? I always wondered what the fuck that was. I thought he was losing his mind there
Less improbable things happened irl. Taking on 3rd Internationale is easy, because they fight the Germans too. Plus one thing KR doesn't represent is that bunch of the eastern europe and central europe states that are in German sphere had their own exiles over in the Canada especially.
Yep, Sav was big into Orientalism taking indpurations from Turkicks, China and Japan.
He also speciffivally wanted to only incorporate Belarus and Ukraine and make Baltic and Poland into allies against Germans.
What's the writing like? Most of the time I find Paradox mods literally unplayable due to typos, grammar errors, and prose that reads like it was written either by an ESL or a schoolchild. Is this any different
I do agree with your sentiment that less improbable thing happened irl like Russia switching sides in the 7 years war. However the resources, supply, and logistics just simply isn't in the Entente's side. That's why I said their goals are a pipe dream. No matter how good your plans and commanders are itll fall flat without tangible resources to use. It was extremely difficult for the Allies to break out of the Normandy beachhead irl despite fighting a weakened Germany that was battered from 5 years of war. Best case scenario is they land in Southern France (lmaoing at the thought of Entente marines landing in Scotland) with high casualties but still manage to create a beachhead. It would only be a matter of time before Communard forces start to overwhelm them with superior numbers. I'm not jacking off the 3rd Internationale here, but the Entente is fighting on the 3rd Internationale's home soil and with a population seeking revenge from the mistreatment of WW1.

The Germans are also gonna be preoccupied in the East. Even more so than in WW1. The Russia they'll be fighting is I presume an industrialized one with a population of fanatics. That means they'll be fielding so many divisions, tanks, and planes in a ridiculous amount much like the USSR irl. If that's the case then Germany will be more preoccupied trying to stabilize the East against the Russian hordes rather than invading the 3rd Internationale. So long as the 3rd Internationale can keep pressuring Germany in the West then Russia can bulldoze the Eastern puppet states. Industrialized Russia is too OP, they'll tip the balance against Germany. No matter how much the Germans and their Eastern Allies can scrounge up, Russia can simply deploy 2 to 3 times more.
>got buttfucked my every major empires in history
A developed Russia makes all the difference. Their might will be enough to equal and maybe even surpass the Germans. The Kaiser will be more desparate trying to stop masses of Russians flooding the East. Remember, the Germans thought it was a lost cause when a backwards Russia managed to mobilize and industrialized in WW1 now imagine how much they'll be shitting in their pants when a fully industrialized Russia knocks on their door.
The issue is that Russia is not even so industrialized in KR/KX. If anything, their position is worse than irl Soviets. Having even weaker industry, and being plagued by agricultural and infrastructural issues. And the only way they can counter these is by expansion itself. So if you manage to counter their expansion into the Caucasus and stall their offensive into Ukraine and Baltic they quickly lose steam.
The Germans are desparate for oil in this scenario because the Russians managed to grab the Caucasus and Baku as seen on the mod's map. They're gonna be plagued with the same oil shortage as irl Germany because the Romanian oil fields just doesn't cut it, even worse I think because they have a gigantic navy and merchant fleet to maintain. Russia is rich in resources for industrialization like coal, iron, population, and oil. It'll be easy for them to do it, just needs someone like Savinkov to stabilize Russia and guide it to the right path. The only thing that stopped them back then was Alexander II and Nicholas II's brainrot.
But they are not blockaded? They can import oil from many places
Is that better than KaiserWorld - A KaiserreduX Sequel?
So Russia and Japan are basically irrelevant and don't really factor into the cold war despite also being super powers with their own spheres of influence? It's just Entente vs Reichspakt? And somehow Britain is the leader of the entente but also at the same time occupied by Germany? And a weakened Britain, Canada, a few American rump states and the shittier half of France together are strong enough to rival Germany and it's allies? Who writes this shit?
Japan fights communists guerillas and Russia just decides to give a fuckton of territotory to the Reichspakt members, that's it. Also yes it's a completely trash idea that they just wanted to go through with for some reason. Realistically even having the exiles control Britain and half of France is retarded as they had no means of stopping Germany from just installing pro-Reichspakt governments. Not optimistic for this mod anyway as they would have to pull stuff completely out of their asses or have a faction that could dominate all the rest but doesn't for no reason
Not really, both are incredibly boring but kalter is somehow even worse in that area
I don't need to imagine things, I watch Ukraine war footages regularly about that industrialized fanatic Russia you mentioned
And where is that oil gonna get transported? Their ships can't go the English Channel for obvious reasons. Trying the Atlantic to Iceland to North Sea route then finally Hamburg is super dangerous. You'll have Communard subs patrolling the Atlantic with easy reach and disruption to German shipping because the UK and France are closer to the Atlantic than Germany. It's not like Germany can stop those raids because they don't have Atlantic bases to use. Using Trieste then to Austria then Germany will take a really really long time to arrive because of train and Alps add that with dangers from the French navy in the Mediterranean. Passing by Albania is just begging to get raided. Supporting the Ottomans to get oil from the Middle East is a bad idea becuase it will antagonize the Arabs and Egypt might close the Suez to the Germans.
Again, Germany has terrible geography for world trade due to their location in the middle of Europe but they have the best geography for dominating the entire continent.
The current Ukranian Russian War is fundamentally different from a WW2 scenario. In a World War, countries would use everything and exploit every opportunity for success. Be it running the economy to the ground or mobilizing every man they see. It's total victory or death, the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War doesn't have those stakes or scope.
the 2022 russo-ukrainian war is a psy-op
psimple as
Bad writing with nonsensical shit. The other mod that had a 3rd Internationale - Savinkov Russia Cold War is much much more realistic and interesting. They have actual clashing ideologies that oppose each other naturally. The balance of power also isn't clear on who the dominant power will be as the 3rd Internationale is made up of different states with varying degrees of power in one alliance and well Russia is Russia, a traditional superpower since it got extremely big.
Meanwhile the Entente-Germany Cold War doesn't have clashing ideologies as both Germany and France/Britain have Constitutional Monarchies. They are also big on keeping Colonial Empires, Capitalism, Dempcracy, Liberty, and Rights for All. They just have wayyy too many common ground to be rivals in a Cold War.
>france and gaymaniums having const. monarchies
pfft dream on michelangelo
My apologies didn't mean to include France but still the faction leader Britain is one.
>mobilizing every man they see
That is what Soviets did in the Great Patriotic War. And it is also the reason why Putin is so aggressive with the defence policy because he has to win before the current generation gets too old. Because all the Russian demographic issues nowadays literally started by the Soviets mobilizing so many people and then also losing them.
>Meanwhile the Entente-Germany Cold War doesn't have clashing ideologies as both Germany and France/Britain have Constitutional Monarchies. They are also big on keeping Colonial Empires, Capitalism, Democracy, Liberty, and Rights for All. They just have wayyy too many common ground to be rivals in a Cold War.
Explain WWI then.
They had a bigger navy than the syndicalists combined who also had to deal with the entente
Wasn't a cold war full of ideology driven proxy conflicts, now was it?
nta but
what does people dying 80 years ago have to do with the current generation of Russia? Also are you aware that Ukrainians were also mobilized back then? what are you even trying to say
KaiserWorld is dead
>what does the death of millions of able body, young men have to do with demographic decline generations later
That's just Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary acting like niggers. Literally none of it had to happen. It's not like Austria-Hungary is on the brink of a succession war when it's heir got killed and also the terrorist group isn't even tied to the Serbian government.
>the terrorist group isn't even tied to the Serbian government.
Yeah about that
>the terrorist group isn't even tied to the Serbian government
>young men died 80 years ago and even though there was a population boom after the war those deaths specificaly are responsible for today's demographic situation
The point still stands, they chimped out like niggers
The Entente navy isn't a credible threat. They have no means of actually making those ships viable. They're outdated WW1 shit.Again all it takes is a couple of Syndicalists subs and the Germans are gonna have a really really bad time trying to trade with the rest of the world.
>He does not understand what the implications of the industrial death of tens of millions has on the psyche of a people

Turns out, when your fathers, uncles, brothers, sons and friends all died in a muddy ditch for nothing, you may think twice about reproducing.
but it's not the fathers who died retard
The war ended 80 years ago, so it were probably great grandparents that died. The population of USSR kept on growing after the war, so again, how does that affect the current demographic situation?
>takes is a couple of Syndicalists subs
NTA but it'll take more than a "couple". OTL WW2 saw the Germans produce over 1000 U-boats which led them through two "happy" times. Just like the Nazis if the Internationale dumps an equivalent amount of resources into the submarine arm of their nations then they're doing so in the presumption that fleet action has been rendered unviable and the naval war is essentially won in the West anyway. And any journey from an Austrian port to Germany would be no worse than a journey from Romania, the Middle East or the Caucuses. So your point about Trieste oil makes no sense. This all assumes as well that unlike the OTL allies the Germans never learn how to deal with submarines and the "Happy Time" lasts throughout the entirety of the war which is ludicrous.
If you're actually asking this you're retarded anon. Go and look at any Russian population pyramid and tell me what you see.
It's supposed to be Authoritarianism vs Liberalism. And the Liberalism of the Entente will (just like the west in the Cold War) outproduce and outcompete the RP proportionally. Because Authoritarianism always hurts growth and progress and the like. As I understand from reading the discord they even may plan to nerf Germany soon as well. Because again Authoritarianism is bad and so on. I think the main kicker is that Danubia (the untouched America analogue though not as strong obviously) is supposed to break with the RP eventually to go its own way - as Danubia is somewhat liberal and liberalism hates authoritarianism as we all know. I expect the same in KR soon desu with how the German-Austrian fight in the new Polish content is set up.
I don't even necessarily like Kalterkrieg (I don't really care for most "cold war" mods in general) but the actual seething it has produced by being the only cold war mod for Kaiserreich to actually make it out of toozer status is hilarious. All the others kept shittng themselves with infighting and uselessness and the fact that the one RP vs Entente one is the one that made it is funny as shit. Says something about something.
Just because you manage to release your mod, doesn't mean that the mod isn't shit. Shit should always be called shit.
The Serbs? Yes, they did.
I honestly don't even know how can Serbia and Romania be alive in Kalterkrieg. The whole point of their KR content is to invade and dismantle Austria. So if Austria is alive, they should be butchered, Belgrade Pact dismantled and there should be Austrian puppet governments installed.
As I said I don't even like the concept talk about the mod but the seething is still hilarious, especially from the buttblasted Redditors.
> manage to release
Come on now anon. This makes you sound invested. They didn't "manage" to release, they correctly organised and moved from toozing to viability and from there to release. Comparatively, the other mods, most Internationale victory scenarios, fell into infighting (often and ironically leftist infighting) or never left idea spitballing status.
can you add my pronouns to disc?
dono if i'd fit in there
kind of like homeboy tranny mitts on his dick, whether he'd fit in with thane up in heaven
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The intro screen is pretty nice though.
Serbogroids at it again with the revisionist propaganda. Serbien muss sterbien.
brah I once read a rough estimate for the likelihood of a man born in the 1920s Soviet Union surviving to age 25 is around 40-50%. take a look at any post soviet union countries' population pyramids, you'll notice the shortage of men every three generation immediately
>The population of USSR kept on growing after the war
which was a combination of multiple commie republics and not just russia
>how does that affect the current demographic situation
it's been 30 years since the collapse of the USSR and russians never mentally recovered
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>Savinkov was some leftie cunt who hated his country and tried to destroy it like spartacists did in Germany
>Meanwhile, Savinkov was a nationalist that fought for the whites
Most intelligent hoi4 player.
Welcome to HOI4 cold war mods. Yes, they are just visual novels "at best". Did you expect actually gameplay or anything interesting?
80IQ Dunning Kruger moment. Many socialists fought for the whites, that doesn't make them any less socialist.
>>Meanwhile, Savinkov was a nationalist
Also a member of socialist party who engaged in terrorism in the same way as bolsheviks. There is a distinction between left nationalism (national-syndicalism, fascism, strasserism) and right nationalism (blackhundredism, integralism, etc). One of them is way less disgusting than the other
I expected WW3
>left nationalism (national-syndicalism, fascism, strasserism)
>further implies that le meme intregralism was le good
holy kek, damn, knew I was talking to a retard.
Hm? That would be fun. Gameplay. You don't get this with your cold war mods; what you are asking for is unprecedented. Enjoy reading events as you select focuses and run on speed five for ten years, instead.
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kalterkreig dev meet-up
Considering how the main point of the mod is liberalism vs evil authoritarianism and how weak Russia is, that is just false.
bs, eastern europe in the mod barely had any content in the mod. replace the pic with any WT Wehraboo meme
>liberalism vs evil authoritarianism
Failed from the start.
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>Is THAT CITY named Kiev or Kyiv?
Wasn't the authoritarian German Empire historically a leader - by far - in science and technology? Like in terms of Nobel Prizes they dwarfed everyone else, even the US.
the racism against ukrainians in this mod simply agitates me and gets me a little scared
Enjoy having to switch proxies. Enjoy the mild inconvenience because the people who coded this website are retards or wanted to intentionally facilitate b& evasion.
They're literally generic libs lmao. Germany is getting NERF from my reading of their discord as liberalism is supposed to power the Entente to the end of history.
Preußen Atlantroppën when
They don't bases to operate from anon. It'll be really hard to sail into the Atlantic without the Commune knowing. A fleet without adequate air support is a sitting duck waiting to be sunk.
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thane here,
sitting here at regimental HQ
we greet the b̶u̶d̶g̶e̶t̶ k̶̶a̶̶i̶̶s̶̶e̶̶r̶̶r̶̶e̶̶i̶̶c̶̶h̶̶ kalterkrieg team with love and respect
will you extend a hand to the same?
perhaps we could benefit from a mutual exchange of technologies?
*resumes calculating the average travel time for a goblin rowboat to sail across the blackrush*
yep, it's as i thought...
about the same time as it took m'janny to manually delete all of my /gsg/posts
this is now an albatross thread
my brothers in maine,.. the 'russiya' flag is lacking some resolution
fax me over the raw artwork and i will save you a new .tga
Problem is, this one ain't even a visual novel and there aren't minigames out the ass to fake gameplay. Also there being a cold war is nonsensical
Germany is getting another nerf? Yeah this mod is made by hyperbaric retards that took a dumb premise and somehow made it worse
Rather than the 50s, the game feels like it's set in 1942 (the average year you've accomplished everything you wanted and got bored to death with your KR campaign). Why is America still divided? Why is China still divided? It makes no fucking sense. Also, as funny as purging the map of cringicalism is, replacing it with wholesome chunguses and other reddit favorites from original KR (i.e. the fedcuck chink) isn't any better, and if anything is even worse because there's no real idealogical struggle anymore. Which leads us to the main problem: for an althis Cold War mod Entente/German victory does not work nearly as well as Int/Russia victory. Germany isn't even that oppressive, and it's not like Toronto Cuccords are made up of staunch anti-monarchist republicans, what are they fighting over? Pure realpolitik stuff in the fucking 50s?

TL;DR - if the setup of your mod is boring it doesn't matter how good everything else is (not that I would claim it's good mind you)
USA really should have been unified already China I can see fun stuff from it being disunified, but I doubt they will do them. And yea, considering what a staple of KR syndicalism is, it really should be present here. Personally, I would have had syndies win in India.And some south american countries.
Keltering on my krieg rn
>there's no real idealogical struggle anymore
Like there wasn't during French Revolution? Come on man
>for an althis Cold War mod Entente/German victory does not work nearly as well as Int/Russia victory
Int/Russia would be boring because it's just irl cold war
>and it's not like Toronto Cuccords are made up of staunch anti-monarchist republicans
They are, see France
>what are they fighting over? Pure realpolitik stuff in the fucking 50s?
Old order vs new order, continentalism vs atlanticism, monarchy vs liberalism, empires vs nation-states? There are a lot of themes that could be explored that are beyond copypasted irl cold war with ebil savinkov and wholesome syndies.

>TL;DR - if the setup of your mod is boring it doesn't matter how good everything else is
That's not true at all, I found pony setup to be boring and cringe but I still played it because everything else was good. Kalterkieg sucks just because it was poorly made
nothing ever happens simulator
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Considering how gigastrong Germany is and how weak the Entente are in KR, this scenario just seems retarded. The Reichspakt just clobbers everyone into submission.
>world war every 20 years
>every single time Germany just absolutely rapes everybody
What could have been, the thousand year reich that we deserved.

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