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How's the Definitive Edition?
boring, no skirmish
great, new maps and campaigns are hard as fuck but fun. Definitely one of those better remakes.
I rather wait for a Stronghold Crusader DE.
HD > this.
seems ok just for the scroll honestly but im not giving firefly my money yet and too lazy to pirate right now
waiting for crusader DE
Wait couldn't even add skirmish to the game? Why would I buy this over the original version. Haha
the original has no skirmish either thobeit
Yeah, that's why that anon said "add", numbnuts.
Stronghold is not as good I remember
I was going through the campaign on Hard and stopped at the mission where you're required to break through The Pig's castle.
>Look up how it's done
>Entire strategy is based off cheesing ranges by attack-ground-ing from 1 tile out of the enemy range
>needing a guide for anything but some of The Wolds missions
>needing a guide for The Wold

git gud singleplayer fags
there was literally only 1 i struggled on as a kid, it was the last mission
Every time a bigger sale comes up I'm tempted to buy Stronghold Warlords because they always give it -90% discount and despite the mixed reviews the game looks alright. I know some day I'll cave it, get it and just play it for a few hours before I get bored. Not gonna be this summer sale tho.
Reminder there's a Stronghold "Europe" mod for Crusader, tough missions and mini-skirmish trail
All old games have mandatory BS levels
Here is the solution for you
>Pirate the game
>Check out why it has mixed reviews
>Make up your mind based on that
>Buy if you're some weirdo. keep playing otherwise
>Or don't buy and also uninstall, if you dislike it
It's not rocket science, mate
This is the fucking mission I couldn't beat as a kid. I very very hated them.
Was not aware this was a thing
The style isn't exactly the same, but I like it. The more detailed characters look very in the vein of ugly uncanny valley pre-rendered graphics of that era. Like someone slapped an HD texture pack on OoT.
Why is Firefly still so adamant with no skirmish mode for the OG game?

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