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>start game
>immediately design 8,000 ton light cruiser, 15,000 ton armoured cruiser
Time to game.
Go play Spain.
>start game
>turn everything to megaslow
>heavier-than-air flight to superslow
>spend 400 years fighting Italy
>fighting Italy
God I hate that it's never worth the trouble having to sail down to the mediterranean. Russia and France are simpler targets.
are you having fun designing 30k ton pre-dreads?
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I take Corsica and Rhodes and never ever let them go no matter what. Makes life easier all around.
Who knows anymore, but it's my GOTY so far.
I like making the most armored and heavily gunned BB's known to mankind. But they get sunk in the first big battle. What am i doing wrong?
Fun to have Anglo-French wars every decade like it’s the 18th century, except with jet aircraft and missile boat swarms.
Are you losing your gucci BBs to torpedoes or to being overwhelmed by superior numbers?
Fap fap fap fap
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>no one has posted their ships in this thread
actually, no, Shogun 2 sucked. People only latched onto it because it was a slight improvement over Empire and Napoleon. Rome is still the ruler of TW
Anyways, am I the only one who plays with delayed airplane tech? Planes are GAY
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I need to reinstall RtW1 with the 18+ mod again. I lost most of the images of silly ships I made with it.
To keep your super battleships safe from torpedoes you absolutely have to respect enemy light forces. The AI is cunning with torpedoes. Never sail in a straight line when enemy destroyers are in torpedo range and never chase the enemy in low visibility (night, bad weather) until you get radar technology. Remember: the destroyer can see your big battleship in the dark easier than you can see them and they will launch before you know they are even there.
As for being outnumbered: you need to build enough hulls with enough gun barrels that the enemy can't focus fire your best ships with a horde of trashboats. Your return fire needs to have enough volume to it so that you don't eat ten hits for every one you deal back.
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Its pretty sad that passion projects like RTW, Shadow Empire, Starsector etc is only way we can get a good games now. Its either indie jank which takes a decade to finish or old games from now on.
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Gotta go fast as well, if you're slow enough that the AI can force the engagement, you'll always have to deal with them running you down with superior numbers. Either way, if you're aggressive, or severely outnumbered, you'll end up taking damage. Surviving is all that matters in the underdog situation, and a couple 16in+ hits can knock out a CA or slow a BB down enough for you to manually switch fire and either ignore it or send your own DDs and CLs to mop it up. Some ships are just plain unlucky though, her sister hadn't taken nearly this much damage.
How does that thing not instantly explode when shot at? 12" turret armor isn't going to stop a peer capital ship and 2" secondary armor on secondaries that can flashfire is just begging to get KO'd by a stray 6" round.
I love this game but only the pre-Dread to early Dread era. Just let me make over armored cruisers that can wade into the thick of it.
Gives me an idea to make a mod that pushes all of the torpedo range techs to much later dates so we can enjoy some proper gun brawls for longer.
Which countries can safely order ships from Britain without having them stolen on the slipways in 1890? So far my experience is that Germany can almost never do it, USA and France can but there's still a risk, and Japan can almost always build in Britain. But what about Italy, A-H, Spain, Russia, and China? (haven't played any of those much yet)
ive been working on my attempt of a improved victoria 2 game for around 4 months now, im constantly in a flux of "in the zone" and "why bother" i wish i had more consistency, but some parts will take me weeks to finish so ill get burned out doing that and need a while to come back to it. I can see why indie stuff takes so long.
There is no hard rule for it. It's solely tension related. Germany only is worse of because they compete with britain in their home waters. Just try to keep tensions low and hope they don't get into a war with others.
I've only had ships taken while not at war with that country once, France stole a while line of Bs and a big CA from me after I went to war with the UK in the late 1890s. I was fucking pissed, but it ultimately made the run more interesting
Been considering getting this game, but the geopolitical aspect looks underbaked.
Going to play for the first time since 2 released, how do I remember all the shit I forgot?
Also, tips for Japan as well as the post-1950 shit?
What the actual fuck is with the AI trying to ram me nonstop?
Checked, and completely based AI, just ram them back
Don't misunderstand, I love ramming too, but I only plan on doing that when I'm losing, not when easily raping the entire enemy fleet without any losses on my side.
Sounds like you put the AI in that spot then. Either way, if you're under 1000 yards they seem to go for it, especially earlier on, just don't cross in front of them, circle back and let the gunners on the other side get some practice
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Unless its night, then sometimes weird things happen.
>Just after 22:00 see blue dots in-between me and La Corona after a long running fight against superior French numbers
>Damn the Torpedoes, Full speed ahead
>Charge straight through the French line
>7 hits at 58 yards
Best performance from -2 11in guns I've ever seen
Are there any good mods?
Mods pretty much only affect the nations available, variations on ship restrictions and the map somewhat. What were you thinking about, graphics?
I was thinking more a campaign that places during the 1800's or where the British wins the war of Independence.
Real life=video game?!
My only problem with this game is there’s no soundtrack, what do anons listen to whilst gaming?
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BREAKING: Trump allegedly put less than two inches of deck armor on an armoured cruiser
So I had a weird war with the British I’m Japan, I spent alot of money on having a good cruiser force my battleships are very outgunned by theirs but I haven’t lost any yet. But every cruiser battle is just a total massacre I totally wiped them several times they had 75 DD’s in south east Asia and are now down to 10. Even though every fleet battle I have to withdraw because their BB’s are far too strong
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>see this approach your fleet
what do?
>Shadow Empire
>good game
it can be fun game and idea is neat but its really badly designed and i don't even mention graphics and ui that may be ugly but are tolerable(for me)
fire nuclear torpedoes
Missiles, blind fire radar, and aircraft really allows for a disgusting capital ship kill count
Is it just me or has the bug with invasions still not been fixed? The one where your landing craft swirl around meaninglessly while sucking eachother off, instead of, you know, going to the landing area and fucking landing. I remember this being in the original release of RTW2 and that was my first fucking time playing the game!
Run to port like a little bitch and pray to God that I won't lose too many ships.
I believe you have to destroy the land batteries at the invasion zone first.
Why can’t I save my refit designs? Do I have to build the ship in the old style and refit it later seems abit odd that I can’t just build the same hull with my better tech
How come the turns get really slow during massive battles when the game is this simple
Can you armor your ship to protect against missiles? How thick do they need to be and using which armor scheme
what kind of research priority do you usually go for? I always set fire control and machinery to high, and then depending on what kind of priority I want I set either guns/ap/he to high, or torps/light forces. Everything else on low. Airships get ignored, heavier than air and AA to medium when it rolls around, electronics and missiles to high when they start to appear
i don't think so
the missile cruiser armor scheme is literally 0 armor
I wouldn't bother. HSSM can penetrate 15" of belt armor, and even if you make a BB with enough armor the chances are the missile will just hit your superstructure and do massive damage and fires anyway. Just load up your fleet with SAMs, countermeasures, and make sure your carriers are providing CAP to your battleline and pray to RNGesus you don't get hit.
this, on repeat
There's no requirement to destroy the batteries, you just need x transports to survive after reaching the invasion point (the red circles). The real bug is that the invasion point and batteries are often inside a bay or something with an imaginary no-crossing line at the mouth so you can't actually get close enough to shoot at the shore batteries, especially when the game gives you a bunch of CLs and DDs to guard the convoy instead of your capitals. The only solution is to set speed to ~2 knots and troll back and forth hoping to attract shore fire to enable enough transports to survive as they park at the invasion point and get shot at by the shore batteries.

Do those boomer fucks still update this game? Haven't touched it in a year.
>set naval mines to unlock in 1970
>set dive bombers and aerial torpedoes to unlock in 1970
>set submarines to unlock in 1970
>launch rtw3.exe
How autistic do you need to be to enjoy this?
at least a little bit autistic, this is not a normie friendly game, but it has a lot of mechanical depth and can be very rewarding (if occasionally frustrating) game to master, it also helps a lot if you like boats
Checked and yes, they constantly drop little updates that ruin map changes, and the only good tool to get the coords for the map is from rtw1
Deck armor is a meme anyway. 2 inches max.
Been seeing a lot of players complain about late game air power, saying things like its too expensive and it gets slaughtered by SAMs, but weirdly that has not been my experience in my most recent campaign. From 1970 to 1990 I was consistently able to attack enemy fleets with attack jets (JA) without suffering big losses. Now granted, heavy investment into carriers and jets was my plan, late game battles involved me throwing 300 JA and 200 HJF from 10 supercarriers at the enemy in a single strike, but I'd generally lose less than 10 planes per strike and they enemy would take catastrophic damage to their battleline and/or carrier force. In longer battles I'd even throw the JA in with quad bomb loads and still not suffer the kind of losses I see people complain about. It does make me wonder if there is a tipping point where the enemy becomes so overwhelmed that they can't fight back effectively, where I think a lot of players do repeated smaller strikes, feeding what little planes they have into the meatgrinder for little gain. 10 supercarriers is horrendously expensive to maintain I will admit though, but my 10 carriers sent far more tonnage to the bottom than my battleline did in the final 20 years of the campaign. Currently working on a Austria-Hungary and a UK campaign, will report back when they get to the jet and missile age with more results (when I get there, might be a while).
The "Coordinate Strike" button is hard for a lot of people to figure out. I always throw my entire deckload of carriers out the first time I have a good idea where they are at. Yes, I have watched 300 planes fly out into the ocean without result, but when they hit, they hit hard. I agree that I think the AA gets spread too thin at a point, though I've not played till the 60s yet.
How do I know what to build in order to effectively compete with rival nations? I'm Austria 1890 start and I know Italy are going to be the main enemy. They've got 2 battleships with another 2 building, and I've got 1 with 1 more on its way. Not a navy guy, so I'm not knowledgeable like I would be if it was tanks.
Battleships are a meme in 1890, build a cruiser that can do 17+ knots with the largest -1 gun you have unlocked and enough belt armor to slug it out with anything fast enough to keep up with you and raid their merchants without mercy
>The "Coordinate Strike" button is hard for a lot of people to figure out.
Isn't that the button that for most of the game, if not selected, the game will ask you if you intended to not select it? And then when you select it, the game will remind you that you haven't developed the ability to coordinate strikes yet and demand that you unselect it? Not sure how anybody could forget that it exists.
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This any good?
2 inch guns are useless.
Needs more firepower. 19th century combat is all about the "hail of steel" because accuracy sucks, so you have to compensate by slinging more rounds. For example this is one of the first ships I built in my Austria-Hungary game that I've played from 1890 to 1927 so far. Note the very numerous secondary and tertiary guns. Those are what will be doing most of the work until fire control gets decent. Also, main battery turrets are the most explody parts of the ship and therefore should be the best protected part of the ship. Secondary guns 6 inch and below don't flashfire when hit so they don't need as much armor. Your main battery would be better off in a 2x2 arrangement, that would give you a four gun broadside, right now you only get three with one of your guns always pointing in the wrong direction. Cramped accommodation is fine if the ship never leaves your home zone, if sent abroad it gets a debuff. Finally, as the other poster mentioned: 2 inch guns are terrible. Low range, low damage. 3 inch guns are still kinda bad but so much better for barely any extra weight. 4 inch guns are the smallest caliber that can fire AP or HE rounds, making them even more versatile as tertiary guns.
>[secondary and tertiary guns] are what will be doing most of the work until fire control gets decent.
Why would secondary and tertiary guns be better than primary guns? The AI happily designs CLs with 12+ 6" primary guns.
A few reasons.
1) 6 inch secondary guns don't flashfire, 6 inch main battery guns can flashfire meaning you need to devote a lot of armor weight to protect them or risk instantly losing the ship. Secbat guns can be left lightly armored meaning you can safely cram more of them on your ship per ton.
2) before your fire control techs start rolling in your mainbat has no accuracy advantage over secbat, and that advantage gets reset when secondary directors are unlocked, meaning you need higher tier fire control before the advantage really starts swinging back to mainbat
3) secondary guns don't have to do ladder or ranging shots, they go straight to "deliberate fire", giving them an initial advantage in accuracy and rate of fire
4) secondary guns don't jam
Now this is all somewhat focused on 1890s ship design. These are the reasons 1890s meta ships go so hard on secondary/tertiary batteries. Eventually main battery overtakes secondary battery, about 1905 for battleships (the dreadnought race), 1918 for CA (improved director and superfiring turrets), and 1925 for CL (triple turrets). But those are 15-35 years into the game.
Based. You don't need 2 inch decks on cruisers
>but muh splinters
Shoot them before they shoot you.
In addition to what's already been said I like using as many secondary and tertiary guns as I can fit and setting them at 20/80 AP to HE. The big main battery guns that are big enough to pen are too inaccurate to actually be useful and they're -2 meaning they can't be upgraded later. I'd rather have 2x2 8 inch guns on my Bs and CAs so I can fit more secondary and tertiary guns and aim to start as many fires as I can on enemy ships.
Should I get this game or Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts?
Depends on what you want from a game. RTW3 is drier and more realistic while UAD is more gamey and cinematic. RTW3 covers naval warfare much more comprehensively, including features lacking in UAD like aircraft carriers and missiles, while UAD focuses exclusively on big gun surface combat with a kind of romantic timeline where dreadnoughts rule into the 1960s. Both games are really light on 4x features, but for map painting UAD has a slight edge. Tactically speaking RTW3 is much more dynamic, having features like terrain, ports, minefields, and nearby airbases to deal with, while battles in UAD always take place in an endless open ocean.

If you are really averse to taking a risk on one or the other, neither game has any DRM to speak of. You can find pirate copies of the latest patch for both really easily. Just try before you buy. I played my first campaign of Rule the Waves 3 on a pirated version, liked it so much I bought it legit. I also own UAD and have quite bit of time in both. Hope this helps.
RTW3's strength is ship design Ultimate Admiral's strength is having 3D battles. It's not a perfect comparison but it's the old "CK2 with Total War combat line". I personally think RTW3's battles are simulated better but watching a 20km shot arc in has its own gameplay value. Both have AI that will make your ships make questionable decisions but RTW3 has captain mode which mitigates that somewhat. I also recommend pirating both if it meant picking one to purchase. RTW3 is very much for you or not for you.
How does a light/medium/heavy missile affect its damage?
Should I spam heavy SSM or should I have a mix of SSM
Why should I use light SAM if medium SAM also protects nearby ships
For surface to surface missiles you get Heavy SSM much earlier so you will naturally have a lot of those in your fleet, but once you get Medium SSM you can fit more of those on each ship so spam those. MSSM has nearly the same range as HSSM and still does a lot of damage on hit.

Now for Surface to Air missiles its very different. MSAM is the "do everything" missile, but requires a 1965 tech to attack ships and a 1970 tech to intercept missiles. LSAM is the best at intercepting missiles and can do it the earliest. Your most valuable ships should have some LSAM especially before 1970. Don't use LSAM for area defense, the radius is tiny. HSAM is the best at disrupting incoming airstrikes because its the first in the air defense sequence. It also does more damage against ships than MSAM, but HSAM can never intercept missiles. So basically its MSAM anywhere you can fit it, LSAM on the ships that need the most protection, and HSAM on dedicated air defense ships or if you want a large magazine of ghetto SSMs.
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it would also appear that HSAM can attack planes that are simply flying too close and not just what is attacking your formation, in this screenshot I wasn't being attacked by planes at all, which is weird because I've seen other players claim that HSAM only fires in response to direct attacks but I see them fire at nearby aircraft all the time
Good luck anon. Do those tiny CLs work in battle at all, or are you just trying to bolster blockade defense?
They're completely useless in battle but give 4 blockade value for 10,500 and can generate enough VPs through raiding to offset blockade VPs. A bit cheesy and unrealistic that 3 of them have more blockade value than a comparable costing 12,000 ton B which could kill 20 of them without breaking a sweat. But I like to imagine that the entire crew take turns loading the stokers, the gunners are trained to aim at merchant ships and the captains are given maps of shipping lanes and a list of neutral ports.
CSA? How do you add mods
Yeah, these things are great, just don’t forget to make loads of AMCs when the war starts.
I like UAD better because I cannot find a dark mode for RTW3
Honestly they both annoy me when I can't recreate historical ships.
Go to the RTW2 forum, everything is there. Modding is easy, just dump the files into the folder, and you can even go in to mapdata or whatever and open them in notepad. There's all sorts of them floating around, new nations and such, they're not all compatible, but usually are fine
Is it possible to give start dates aside from 1900 the option to build your own legacy fleet?
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Is this how submarines are supposed to work?
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And then after that battle...
Philadelphia Experiment moment
You're supposed to set the submarine tech unlock date to 1990 and forget they exist.
BBs become a liability at some point
I made the mistake of leaving my BCs detached in a sort of last hurrah once. They had spent the 40s and even early early 50s raping enemy carrier forces. Then the missiles got good and suddenly my detached BCs ate 5 missiles on spotting and promptly died
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average 50s refit BB (originally built 1938), had to cut down an awful lot of secondaries just to fit these 4 missiles
Eventually it is mandatory to have your destroyers between the enemy and anything you don't want getting hit with SSMs. I learned a hard lesson recently where the enemy had 8 total HSSM in their fleet and somehow landed 7 of them on my BC that was leading the charge. Instant KO.
I want a mech game like this.
Is there anything in the vein of RTW for age of sail era naval combat?
This game looks like a spreadsheet.
I know nothing about it beyond this, and boats.
Should i consider picking it up and playing it at work? I could get away with it at quiet times.
If you like naval stuff, you'll dig it. It's quite extensive regarding the designing of ships.
>at work
You can pause and save battles, and you return to then later.

It looks great as a bullshit thing for work, especially with the design screen or album up.
Is there a portable version or crack? Steam is blocked at work.
I guess I'd want a demo or crack first too before I buy to see if I like it.
It's on the usual place.

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