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>start game
>immediately design 8,000 ton light cruiser, 15,000 ton armoured cruiser
Time to game.
Go play Spain.
>start game
>turn everything to megaslow
>heavier-than-air flight to superslow
>spend 400 years fighting Italy
>fighting Italy
God I hate that it's never worth the trouble having to sail down to the mediterranean. Russia and France are simpler targets.
are you having fun designing 30k ton pre-dreads?
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I take Corsica and Rhodes and never ever let them go no matter what. Makes life easier all around.
Who knows anymore, but it's my GOTY so far.
I like making the most armored and heavily gunned BB's known to mankind. But they get sunk in the first big battle. What am i doing wrong?
Fun to have Anglo-French wars every decade like it’s the 18th century, except with jet aircraft and missile boat swarms.
Are you losing your gucci BBs to torpedoes or to being overwhelmed by superior numbers?
Fap fap fap fap
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>no one has posted their ships in this thread
actually, no, Shogun 2 sucked. People only latched onto it because it was a slight improvement over Empire and Napoleon. Rome is still the ruler of TW
Anyways, am I the only one who plays with delayed airplane tech? Planes are GAY
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I need to reinstall RtW1 with the 18+ mod again. I lost most of the images of silly ships I made with it.
To keep your super battleships safe from torpedoes you absolutely have to respect enemy light forces. The AI is cunning with torpedoes. Never sail in a straight line when enemy destroyers are in torpedo range and never chase the enemy in low visibility (night, bad weather) until you get radar technology. Remember: the destroyer can see your big battleship in the dark easier than you can see them and they will launch before you know they are even there.
As for being outnumbered: you need to build enough hulls with enough gun barrels that the enemy can't focus fire your best ships with a horde of trashboats. Your return fire needs to have enough volume to it so that you don't eat ten hits for every one you deal back.
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Its pretty sad that passion projects like RTW, Shadow Empire, Starsector etc is only way we can get a good games now. Its either indie jank which takes a decade to finish or old games from now on.
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Gotta go fast as well, if you're slow enough that the AI can force the engagement, you'll always have to deal with them running you down with superior numbers. Either way, if you're aggressive, or severely outnumbered, you'll end up taking damage. Surviving is all that matters in the underdog situation, and a couple 16in+ hits can knock out a CA or slow a BB down enough for you to manually switch fire and either ignore it or send your own DDs and CLs to mop it up. Some ships are just plain unlucky though, her sister hadn't taken nearly this much damage.
How does that thing not instantly explode when shot at? 12" turret armor isn't going to stop a peer capital ship and 2" secondary armor on secondaries that can flashfire is just begging to get KO'd by a stray 6" round.
I love this game but only the pre-Dread to early Dread era. Just let me make over armored cruisers that can wade into the thick of it.
Gives me an idea to make a mod that pushes all of the torpedo range techs to much later dates so we can enjoy some proper gun brawls for longer.
Which countries can safely order ships from Britain without having them stolen on the slipways in 1890? So far my experience is that Germany can almost never do it, USA and France can but there's still a risk, and Japan can almost always build in Britain. But what about Italy, A-H, Spain, Russia, and China? (haven't played any of those much yet)
ive been working on my attempt of a improved victoria 2 game for around 4 months now, im constantly in a flux of "in the zone" and "why bother" i wish i had more consistency, but some parts will take me weeks to finish so ill get burned out doing that and need a while to come back to it. I can see why indie stuff takes so long.
There is no hard rule for it. It's solely tension related. Germany only is worse of because they compete with britain in their home waters. Just try to keep tensions low and hope they don't get into a war with others.
I've only had ships taken while not at war with that country once, France stole a while line of Bs and a big CA from me after I went to war with the UK in the late 1890s. I was fucking pissed, but it ultimately made the run more interesting
Been considering getting this game, but the geopolitical aspect looks underbaked.
Going to play for the first time since 2 released, how do I remember all the shit I forgot?
Also, tips for Japan as well as the post-1950 shit?
What the actual fuck is with the AI trying to ram me nonstop?
Checked, and completely based AI, just ram them back
Don't misunderstand, I love ramming too, but I only plan on doing that when I'm losing, not when easily raping the entire enemy fleet without any losses on my side.
Sounds like you put the AI in that spot then. Either way, if you're under 1000 yards they seem to go for it, especially earlier on, just don't cross in front of them, circle back and let the gunners on the other side get some practice
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Unless its night, then sometimes weird things happen.
>Just after 22:00 see blue dots in-between me and La Corona after a long running fight against superior French numbers
>Damn the Torpedoes, Full speed ahead
>Charge straight through the French line
>7 hits at 58 yards
Best performance from -2 11in guns I've ever seen
Are there any good mods?
Mods pretty much only affect the nations available, variations on ship restrictions and the map somewhat. What were you thinking about, graphics?
I was thinking more a campaign that places during the 1800's or where the British wins the war of Independence.
Real life=video game?!
My only problem with this game is there’s no soundtrack, what do anons listen to whilst gaming?
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BREAKING: Trump allegedly put less than two inches of deck armor on an armoured cruiser
So I had a weird war with the British I’m Japan, I spent alot of money on having a good cruiser force my battleships are very outgunned by theirs but I haven’t lost any yet. But every cruiser battle is just a total massacre I totally wiped them several times they had 75 DD’s in south east Asia and are now down to 10. Even though every fleet battle I have to withdraw because their BB’s are far too strong
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>see this approach your fleet
what do?
>Shadow Empire
>good game
it can be fun game and idea is neat but its really badly designed and i don't even mention graphics and ui that may be ugly but are tolerable(for me)
fire nuclear torpedoes
Missiles, blind fire radar, and aircraft really allows for a disgusting capital ship kill count
Is it just me or has the bug with invasions still not been fixed? The one where your landing craft swirl around meaninglessly while sucking eachother off, instead of, you know, going to the landing area and fucking landing. I remember this being in the original release of RTW2 and that was my first fucking time playing the game!
Run to port like a little bitch and pray to God that I won't lose too many ships.
I believe you have to destroy the land batteries at the invasion zone first.
Why can’t I save my refit designs? Do I have to build the ship in the old style and refit it later seems abit odd that I can’t just build the same hull with my better tech
How come the turns get really slow during massive battles when the game is this simple
Can you armor your ship to protect against missiles? How thick do they need to be and using which armor scheme
what kind of research priority do you usually go for? I always set fire control and machinery to high, and then depending on what kind of priority I want I set either guns/ap/he to high, or torps/light forces. Everything else on low. Airships get ignored, heavier than air and AA to medium when it rolls around, electronics and missiles to high when they start to appear
i don't think so
the missile cruiser armor scheme is literally 0 armor

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