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Every other mod is full of libs and bloat, meanwhile here you can get an actual realistic alternate history experience rather than commie fan fiction.
Sorry. Its EaW. The true king. Furries make good shit
Genuinely the most bland fantasy setting I have ever seen. It only wins out because every other high fantasy mod is dead or stuck in development hell.
It only wins because unlike other mods they continually update to add content and don't go full retard at every opportunity.
>Its the best because every other mod is worse
Yes that is how being the best works
>actual realistic alternate history experience
>no focuses beyond the end of WW2
>no Cold War content, let alone Cold War gone hot
>no space race
my mod got added to this and then they buffed it so a random country in the middle of nowhere becomes stupidly relevant
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>space race
>in 1956
Can everyone explain the motivation behind the special division research tree?
The problem with this mod is that it expands upon the worst system in vanilla HOI4 outside of the trading system, which is the tech tree. Adding a bunch of techs which come after 1945 (or even 1942!) is great. If you play that long, that is. But adding a bunch of extraneous 1936-1945 techs like flamethrowers, weird doctrine-but-not-a-doctrine "technologies" as mentioned here >>1796625 and an entire new tech slot isn't. It forces engagement with one of the least engaging features of HOI4.

To be fair this is chiefly a Paradox problem in that the entire HOI4 tech tree has you spending most of your time flipping through tabs rather than engaging in the game. But choosing to emphasize this feature is a deliberate choice of rt56 team.

Overall, the mod doesn't appreciably add on to what already exists in vanilla. The trees aren't any worse than those added by the DLCs but they aren't any better. I don't think any tree is as good as Bulgaria or Mexico, the gold standard of PDX focus trees. You only really miss having rt56 in your game when you're hitting 1944, WWII is still ongoing, and you're still engaged in the game. And that's a really low proportion of your playthroughs, most of which are effectively finished by 1942.
That's not a picture of EAW.
>Calls the horsefuckers furries.
What are you, retarded? But yeah, furries continue to infest the fandom. They are like rats.
>"don't go full retard at every opportunity"
>main EQS dev canned
>what is stalliongrad
>what is chiropterra
At least it's not TNO I guess.
Agreed. Furfags are for more pervasive than horsefuckers ever were in their prime.
the only reason that I play r56 more is because kaiser/kaiserredux takes 10 mins to load on my PC
Do anyone of these overhauls focus on WW2 AND the cold war equally? I got the impression once the big wars done it's game over.
At least they load. It takes me 20+ minutes to load KR and KX will straight UP not load at all
brothers in arms anon
road to better cpu
The problem is the Cold War is completely different to WW2 and HOI4 itself is just a Barbarossa Simulator.
What kind of toaster are you even using?
>consistently developed and updated since 2016
>still can't play as French Indochina because the Japs automatically annex you with their focus tree
It's shit.
>play Japan
>Annex French Indochina
>make it a fortress
>never go to war with anyone except China
Good ending, Communist China never happens and Vietnam never happens.
One that hasn't been upgraded since at least 2010, if not earlier.
>actual realistic alternate history
lmao even
Anyone who thinks that any tr00n mod, made by real tr00ns, with tr00n content is better than EaW should kill himself
If you really think EaW doesn't have content made by trannies then I have some bad news for you.
EaW is a furfag mod.
The namesake nation of the mod is practically irrelevant and exists almost solely to give the changelings content.
>pony mod
>look inside
>ponies have the worst content
One of the most overrated mods.
It really is the greatest Hoi4 mod ever, it's kind of bland because it doesn't have a ton of althist like content but it just does its job great.
It does little but it does it well.
turning off historical makes the game become too nonsensical
While I agree with the tech tree being bloated, rt56's czech focus tree is my favorite in the game and is leagues ahead of vanilla.
iirc this too is bloat

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