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How to play zero hour mods if I downloaded it from steam unlocked
Most tutorials I found are for origin
Bump x2 please I really want to know how
imma bump you like my dad does to my mom every night
have ya tried genpatcher & genlauncher? genpatcher claims to work on any major release and iirc you can get genlauncher from that too
There's this Israel-Syria mod I liked, and The end of Days is good (adds Russia and reworks a lot of things).
Contra is also good.
I don't like the others. Cold War Crisis would be kino if the guy didn't stop working on it.
>have ya tried genpatcher & genlauncher?
Do these they have many mods and the game is more stable.
end of days is ruined since they removed superweapons
Superweapons are kind of boring though. If I included them I would put on something like a 20-minute timer and make them an auto-win button. Like Nuclear Storm under Nuke general in Contra.

But the problem is that Nuke general does not have defenses that exist in The end of Days, so.... You could hole up much easier and make the game boring.
Superweapons are just wrong as a concept. I'm sure you can add them back through a submod if you really want to.
I don't know whats wrong with me but i literally can't beat end of days AI. Even fucking contra is easier since you can use units to defend and superunits are basically mobile superweapons you can spam to crush the AI with. with teod the computer just comes after you right away, hits every one of your buildings, and you don't even have time to set up. People also say GLA is the easiest ai to beat and i wonder how they can say that when you just get spammed to death
It's a bit difficult, you have to use aviation.
>with teod the computer just comes after you right away
Usually (let's say as Russia) what I do is train one or two riflemen to capture, and then three guys with an RPG and one BTR. micro them so the first scout unit doesn't run over them, then just deploy 2-3 tanks and an anti-air vehicle or two. Make sure to cap the oil for some money.
The key thing is that you have to upgrade to get the better tier units early, and you have to use aviation or artillery. Helicopters are great to pick off enemy artillery, you just have to micromanage them. Airplanes or long range artillery have to be used to pick off distant enemy artillery otherwise they will fuck you up.
It depends on who you're playing with, I find playing with the US to be pain, but then again I never liked the US in any mod or vanilla, I just find them too finicky to use.
Russia can use tank fortifications which dramatically increase the tank's/anti-air survivability and when it gets destroyed you gain the vehicle back with 50% HP.
Also, use engineer vehicles that can repair other nearby vehicles.
Deployed radars can scout.

Generally with the initial force I mentioned you hold the line somewhat easily and then you have to rush upgrades, you can't just mass spam the basic units and hope you'll be fine.
It's tight in many games, I've used the Tu-22M3s on one-way missions to dump dumb bombs just to survive, it's sure one of the hardest mods out there (nothing compared to the Israel-Syria one, I can't play that shit, too difficult).
I haven't played TEOD in a few months but generally everytime I fail it's because I've not been fast enough and haven't deployed the right things. Anti-air launchers like S-300 are nice though they usually aren't a must to have. Remember they can target enemy artillery missiles and the airplanes.
Fighting China is pain as they can spam a lot and GLA can deploy shit behind your lines.
Also you might just be playing on too fast of a speed, you can lower it, because sometimes it's just inhumane to play on faster speeds.
In general you do what you do in other mods, you use long range shit to destroy the enemy's long range shit, you use command abilities to target enemy vehicle factory so you get a minute rest, and so on. Free units are also nice.
Unless you mention something specific I can't say much.
In general I hate any mod that gives GLA an air force because you're never expecting it. Against them you'll usually just build tanks along with stealth detectors and that's all, they can't do shit to you. If they have just a few helicopters, they can kill your whole tank army because you didn't bring any AA. There's also the question of infantry but in most mods (even for other games) they're only useful in the opening stages of a match or inside buildings. They're not going to do much good against a vehicle army and they're too slow to keep pace with yours. It just seems like teod is designed so that you can't play defensively, which is how i play most mods. If you sit in your base and don't expand, you will lose. You give up all the tech buildings and supply docks to the ai, and they'll just steamroll you. 1.87 rotr is basically the same which is why i never play it.

Also the israel-syria mod is extremely hard simply because the israeli team is shit. Their tanks are slow garbage, can't be spammed fast enough to keep up with the computer, and even their fucking superweapon fails to explode on occasion. It's really frustrating. The only strategy I found that works is just spam helicopters, but there's a nasty glitch where they can all die at once for no reason. If you choose to specialize in armor, they get merkava 4 tanks that have lasers which block missiles. They're still shit but somewhat better than the other tanks
>In general I hate any mod that gives GLA an air force because you're never expecting it.
Their suicide airplanes are very annoying and the tech tree abilities as well, otherwise they're fine when you do the things to prevent that.
>There's also the question of infantry but in most mods (even for other games) they're only useful in the opening stages of a match or inside buildings.
They're actually great for defense, especially the upgraded ones, make sure to deploy medics and expect them to die sooner or later.
Russian upgraded RPG guys have a great rate of fire and you can also put them into the micromanaged defense bunkers. US Javelin guys are fine as well. Just spread your infantry out.
> just seems like teod is designed so that you can't play defensively
You have to commit offense to defend yourself, by destroying the enemy long range shit, but otherwise TEOD is perfect for turtling, you can deploy long range AA batteries and completely shit on any hope of an enemy airplane attack.
>If you sit in your base and don't expand, you will lose
Which is how it should be. Shame the AI will never be able to properly secure additional bases because it eventually runs out of funds. If it didn't run out of funds I'm pretty sure I'd lose 90% of my matches. You can secure them if you're not dumb about it. Send a good force and build barracks and vehicle factory there, or even like 3 of them each if you have the money.
I heavily dislike turtling ever since I learned how to defend myself as a Nuke general in Contra challenges, now those were fucking hard. TEOD is a breeze after you go through that torture.
>You give up all the tech buildings and supply docks to the ai, and they'll just steamroll you.
That's why you destroy them.
>Also the israel-syria mod is extremely hard simply because the israeli team is shit.
Yeah, that, lol.
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Keep in mind I have been playing C&C ever since I could talk.
Tech buildings respawn in mods like contra so you cant deny them to the ai forever. I also really hate how they got rid of the overlord for china, partially because it was unbalanced and partially because it made no sense in the lore. Teod units are mostly real life vehicles, but they replaced it with something just as ridiculous. And don't get me fucking started with the overwatch ability GLA gets in rotr. You can't even dodge or shoot those things down and they do broken amounts of damage.
>Tech buildings respawn in mods like contra so you cant deny them to the ai forever
So? Challenges are good. People forget how hard games used to be. I was struggling for hours to beat the first level of Men of War Red Assault.
Things that add difficulty without being insanely over the top are fine.
> I also really hate how they got rid of the overlord for china, partially because it was unbalanced and partially because it made no sense in the lore
Every other mod has overlords and other wacky shit. They're doing something unique.
>Teod units are mostly real life vehicles
> but they replaced it with something just as ridiculous
I forgot what in particular is ridicolous, but they seem fine.
Well, except the whole Russian high-tech military stuff, kek, especially with T-1x platforms.
>And don't get me fucking started with the overwatch ability GLA gets in rotr
I didn't play ROTR much. Feels too easy.
Russia was shit in early versions of rise of the reds. They had frogfoots originally, which were basically aurora bombers that did insane amounts of damage, so they replaced them with su50s in later versions. If you're against GLA as them, your best option is tesla tanks, as they instantly kill infantry and completely ignore any type of armor, dealing full damage to everything. They're shit against heavier factions because their vehicles are tougher, but GLA vehicles are so weak to begin with. In older updates, the ai would spam buggies at you, and after every promotion, their reload cycle immediately gets cancelled, so they can keep hitting your tanks non-stop. The only tactic that made sense was to build those tanks that have the missile defense upgrade. They're like 3k each (plus 500 for the upgrade) but enough of them will just flatten anything GLA can make
I was always talking exclusively about TEOD as I didn't play ROTR more than 2-3 games.

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