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Whats your favorite SRPG? shit like fire emblem or even HOMM since the definition is somewhat loose

recenly I became addicted to Unicorn Overlord, I wan to paizuri scarlett btw
Yeah loved that game even though the story was so basic and the game got very repetitive.
Jagged Alliance 2
isnt every 4X an RPG of some sort, even in civilization games you could consider your empire/nation growth and development as rpg
Couldn't get through it because of that. The ease which you can just stumble on a completely broken setup also invalidates a lot of systems. Also why is equipment a thing? It just feels like you should stack red and blue gem equipment and ignore the actual stats.
Yeah there's a lot wrong with it, but the gameplay is such an interesting concept and rewarding loop that I blew through the whole game before realising most of the negatives. Just designing your stacks feels so good. I'd like to see them refine the concept in a sequel, but I also like how this dev does something different each game, so sort of want them to just do something new.
>Pls dont kill me I was murdering people for my sick little sister

Sure thing fren, to the dungeon you go

>Escapes, his buddies kill the guards
>Ten hours later he comes back rounding elf pussy to sell as slaves
>Pls no kill I did it for my sick little sister
>I guess you are okay go away now

The other guy who came up with the sister excuse just got the axe and that was it, and this fuck gets to live? Lemme choose both times damn it
I like Gammel. The Liberation Army is too photogenic.
I think a lot of the gameplay problems could be fixed if enemies required more specialization to kill. Mono-typed enemy units are rather rare once you get into the game proper, and the field being diverse and you having an inherit numbers disadvantage means that your best course of action is to find some swiss-army-setup that deals well with everything, killing the interesting army-building aspect. Hell far enough in many setups can nuke most everything, and if they don't then you just attack something else to re-roll the outcome. Weighting the stats of everyone in the unit based on the leader, increasing the available units to make (but still limiting deployment numbers), and not showing an entirely accurate forecast (at least not showing if you are critting), could probably go a long way in order to improve the lack of need for thought currently.
Sad, no reason to turn people away in this game. You just get them units. Those 2 end up being bros and spend their time making up for their crimes.
>Unicorn Overlord
>No Unicorns
What gives?

in my pants when I see Scarlett
>No Unicorns
Because the last one got shanked by big bad mage
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I am new to this genre and only played pic related and enjoy it. I used to like jprg's but honestly my gaming tastes are just not what they were 20 years ago. I want the distilled tactical combat and loot drops. Grinding, rng and character development are the fun for me too. If there was something like battle bros that had high fantasy and coop play that would be fucking amazing.
Iron Oath is basically high fantasy Battle Brothers, but it has a very rigid class system instead of BB's freeform character building, which makes it a lot less fun IMO.
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>you can actually marry the owl

not my choice for this run but I can respect they actually went there
I used to love Clash of Clan so much that it almost got me fired while playing at work ah ah, For now I think I might go for immortal Gates of pyre, I haven't played it yet but I watched the game play, its one of those games I cant wait for it to launch.
I will add this to the list of games I'm playing this weekend
I just added it to the wishlist

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