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>all points into Handicrafts
>change game language to German
Yup. It's Die Gilde 2 time.

Also, picked up The Guild 3 in the GOG summer sale. I played during the early stages of Early Access and figured the immense bugs would be ironed out. Nope. Even trade routes still don't work. In an eco sim. TG2 Ren is such a mess, but it'll always be the best.
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>Honest beer, nothing less. God bless.
you lost, idol worshiper.
This game has no real online scene, so it's not worth discussing, tragic as that sounds.
That is just wrong. Every time it is brought up, hundreds just come out of the woodwork. It has an incredible following.
I mean online play. Are there active games going? Is there a scene? A meta? In what way is this a strategy game, even?
>Not a strategy game
>Responds by posting another non-strategy game's sarcastic jpg
A statement like that is simply not worth the time to answer to with anything but sarcasm. The guild has all of these.
You sound insecure, and evasive people aren't worth talking to. SPbabs are a plague.
Is there any reason to get this or should I get renaissance instead.
you both lost, fags
now go suck each other off like the pope says god likes to watch
Deadwood Simulator
No reason, get Renaissance.
>Comes into a thread for a game he doesn't like
>Tries to start shit
>Someone replies with a meme image
>You sound insecure, and evasive people aren't worth talking to. SPbabs are a plague.
If only we could unsubscribe from your retarded mental spew the same way your non-friends and family probably have
>t. Can't read a conversation
If it's not a strategy game, then it doesn't belong on the board.
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>The Guild 2
Yeeeeeeeehaaaahhhaa I am going to reinstall this now. Going to make a Priest I think and marry a rogue slut.
Do you usually go catholic or protestant?
get renaissance! it's stand alone with all the improvements
Did anyone have any fun with the Pirate or battle troupe stuff?
I always play a farmer, baker/innkeeper or priest and stumble into gang warfare by accident.
Never tried that stuff. I always play pretty legit with whatever that big modpack is called. Last time i tried to strongarm someone my bodyguard bugged out and wouldn't do anything.
I'm also scared to try firebombing my competition because there are always guards everywhere
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Time to spread the word of god to the masses.
(And open a bank)
Wat u gonna do about it bitch boy wannabe janny swine?
ja die beste Spiel in der welt.
>whatever that big modpack is called
All I remember from the rogues is that there was one profession that could make insane money. I think it was from blackmail. No idea if it was ever fixed, but that basically confirmed for me that I will keep it honest in my playthroughs.
>suddenly several threads across all boards about the Guild
But why?
it's a good game. if only these godless heathens would come to my church.
some ASSHOLE plundered my church but I saw him and pressed charges. Turns out he was a bad hombre with a long rap sheet. Almost got him the death penalty but ended up he went to the dungeon for 4 years.
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I never played any game from the series, is starting from Guild 2 good idea?

What are some fun things you can do in this game? I assume its sandbox?
Play The Guild 2 Renaissance, it's stand-alone.
>What are some fun things you can do in this game? I assume its sandbox?
There's pretty robust trade/sell/craft and town politic systems that are fun to mess with, and the ability to get at your competition various ways if you want their land etc. You really can politic yourself into a position where you feel pretty untouchable.
Or you can just play it straight, set up your farms and inns or churches and try to build wealth through the generations of your family.
>evasive people aren't worth talking to
But anon... That are evasive, how were you supposed to talk to them anyways!?!?
>people filter themselves for you
>still goes out of his way to reach them
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>playing a dick-ass rogue
>everyone hates me
>the Aldersmiths libel me during their church sermons & Husband Aldersmith becomes Reeve and temp bans me from town
>feud between our families
>Get arrested but escape the cuffs and make a break for it to my hideout in the forest
>wait until the ban is lifted and smoke Wife Aldersmith out of her moneylender shop
>my army of whores distract the guards
>cut her down and finish her off in town
>Aldersmiths no longer want to feud
That will teach him. I stuck him with a sleeping dart thinking i could kill or rob him while he is out cold but that doesn't seem to let me so I'll have to wait until he wakes up to figure out how to get rid of him too and remove his dynasty from the town.
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my dude is like 65 so I need to hurry up and create a heir before I die. Found this hot piece of ass
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>65 and unmarried
Those 4-year time skips can really get away from you sometimes.
>telling a prot to suck off the pope
at least get your insults right, fedora-anon
I know 2 is superior but damn do I miss doing the zombie graveyard shit in 1.
>zombie graveyard shit in 1.
never played 1. Whats this?
While I'm at it, Never played 3 either but reviews say it's dog shit and watered right down. Which is really too bad as 2 is one of my favorite business sims
In The Guild Gold the graveyard was manned by Zombies instead of workers, and you had to balance out basically forcing people to pay you for plots of land or else they'd be tossed into a ditch and weird necromantic shit for cursing others.

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