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What games are most similar to this?
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I think this one is kinda similar.
Not sure tho....
Nothing comes close.
Never will we get a better custom map scene.
which one?
age of mythology
Not OP, but i'm looking for the rts deathmatch comparison, not the custom maps.
Spellforce 3 is abhorrent glitchy dogshit do not play it.
I dunno what the other 2 are like.
Armies of Exigo
If it wasn't for that fucking wobbly camera I'd love this game.
Sins of a solar empire
Kohan 2
Armies of Exigo is a straight rip off of Warcraft/Starcraft and
that asian style rts WC3 kinda ripped off whose name I can't remember.... War Clans or something I think
Where my sheep tag niggas at?
Right here bro.

Next to your Kodo tag friends and farmer vs hunter enjoyers.

It adds too much. Entire new campaigns were made by the community and many of them decent.

The deathmatch/skirmish is ok. Not the best gameplay but the faction variety and hero strategies make the gameplay options extremely varied.
It's not the most similar, but someone has to mention Warlords Battlecry as the rpg/rts hybrid.
All three are pretty solid.
I think I've spent the most time playing SF1. I wouldn't say it's the best game ever, but it's REALLY addictive, so eventually you clock in 200 hours and can't explain why.
Battle Realms is identical and free. Now fuck off and take your retarded, pointless thread back to /v/ with the rest of the worthless trash. This board is for people with more than 2 brain cells.
One of the best games ever
What does one do with human army in ffa or high eco scenarios? I feel as if human army is far inferior when maxed out compared to any of the other three races. It feels that you have to be carried by your trihero setup uberhard
lotr battle for middle earth
Immortal Gates of Pyre looks very similar; I saw the game play on YouTube.
Not bad desu

It looks interesting, but it's not live yet. I added it up on Steam, though.
>that asian style rts WC3 kinda ripped off
Battle Realms?
I like it more than W3 desu. But I did grow up with AoM and only played W3 a few years ago. AoM had lots of neat ideas and the soundtrack is best.
What's the best way to play the Frozen Throne campaigns? RoC has the enhanced campaigns for the original, re-reforged, and an SC2 remake.
But there is nothing I could find for the Frozen Throne Sentinel, Alliance, and Scourge campaigns.
Stormgate and Immortal Gates are two new RTS games that I've found to have impressive improvements.
Ughh I don't recommend the first one.
play custom campaigns downloaded from hive workshop, specifically Tomoraider's campaigns and the Book of Arkain series. you wont regret ti. Blizzard tier quality.
Godsworn is slavic/latvian wIII clone with slight aom influences.
there is a lotr:war of the ring copycat
I have been checking these out with battle aces too

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