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What are some of the best (preferably cheap) tower defense games?
I've already played Bloons, Dungeon Warfare, Defense Grid, Sanctum, and PVZ.

Something more traditional. Not really looking for an RTS-Defense hybrid like They are Billions.
Infinitode 2 is my favorite.
who the fuck cares? They're all the same. If you've played one, you've played them all.
>create gems with different properties and place them into towers, traps or just throw them at the hordes of creeps
>or better yet, use them to boost the attack wave for more enemies and more exp
>kinda grindy with a shitton of levels and upgrades to go through
>hope you know how to calculate logarythms, because at higher levels this game is pure math
Defenders Quest
>a bunch of Tumble OCs embark on an epic quest ful of story
>or just skip dialogues, because the gameplay is quite solid in this TD mixed with RPG elements
>has New Game +
Kingdom Rush
>if you're not offended by "muh mobile graphics" and some P2W micro-payments it's quite solid.

honorable mention:
>plot twist, YOU are the convoy and have to fight through the towers
>>plot twist, YOU are the convoy and have to fight through the towers
You mean Anomoly Warzone Earth. I bought that game a decade ago and got a gamebreaking bug in the first level. Never touched it again.
Sweatshop HD
>Defenders Quest
i used to check in every so often about DQ2
>10 years after he first let people preorder it
>still not released
quite hilarious
i dont know why people didnt get mad about it, he basically took their preorder then decided to spend a bunch of time doing everything other than working on the new game
Kingdom Rush is solid. Haven't played any of the sequels except for the Evil faction one, but they'll keep you entertained for short sessions.
kingdom rush
There's that one old tower defence game I used to play as a kid but can't remember the name of it at all.

Early 3D graphics, fighting various spooky monsters, 3 types of tower (AoE cannons, Anti-air magic and universal/poison plant ones) that'd visually evolve and get bigger and fancier as you upgraded them.

Had a campaign where the first map started you in a city, then the fields outside a castle's gates, then a series of increasingly magical and bizarre places. I'm fairly sure you ended up on a bunch of floating islands and an ice cave at some point.

When you reached the desert map (I think) you got access to a hot air baloon that'd automatically keep on dropping bombs on whatever location it was parked over.

Does all this ring any bells to anyone?
Cheers to the Gemcraft guy keeping it up since Newgrounds. Had fun with Frostborn Wrath even if it was a step down from the previous one.

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