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any /vst/ games similar to sengoku rance? I dont even care if it has porn or not this is fun
Any strategy game set in that era, I guess?

KOEI's Nobunaga's Ambition series, Sengoku Jidai, Paradox's Sengoku, Total War: Shogun 1 & 2 etc on the top of my head.
Eiyu Senki on steam is literally a Sengoku Rance clone. It's very good. There's even a patch you can get outside of steam that restores nudity to the steam version.
None of those games are like Sengoku Rance. They are set in Japan, that's it. Gameplay is totally different.

>paid patch

I'm sure you can find it for free easily enough. I was enough of a coomer to pay though.

is gold a new game or the same game + new stuff?
Huh, never knew that existed. From what I can find, it's a sequel. Same characters but new story and with a bunch of improvements. So seems kind of like a 1.5 reboot.

mite get both for my 'eck, I hope the patch works on that
Yeah I'm gonna buy Gold since it's 50% off. The first one was great, so I imagine it will be as well.
Touhou Sengoku. It's even translated. No porn though and I think battles are less complex
>Touhou Sengoku

of course the touhou people did a rance game
>No porn though
Honestly not even a problem. Easily the weakest part of Rance games strangely. It's all very vanilla and not really well drawn for today's standards. I always find myself skipping the scenes to get back to the gameplay or story.
Isnt there a massive fan mod for Sengoku Rance, even endorsed by the creators themselves?
I'm listening.
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The Disciples game series.
disciples is closer to homm tho
Did you play other alicesoft strategies?
Daibanchou is fully translated
Daiteikoku partially and daiakuji will never be translated (use on screen translation)
There is obviously kichikuou rance too
It's shitty game imo
Bith gameplay and story(coomerbait for coomerbait purposes) is too simple in both versions of it
Found it, need to know nip sadly.

>It's shitty game imo
Is it? I remember the story being weaker than Rance, which is understandable. But the gameplay was solid. Didn't have the branching paths like Rance I don't think, but the foundations were there.
>But the gameplay was solid.
It's fun early on(battles and skills are okay)
But you just hire more and more heroes(which are all female) and pass turns until you upgrade them so you can beat enemies (if you are somehow got stuck that is)
You can take as many turns as you like and it removes importance of acting fast
Nobody will surprise attack you, if you didn't start war it will never start
It's just game that took sengoku rance and made it worse
Still fun to try i suppose
hows daibanchou
It's fun
You don't have armies per say but characters you hire act as them(fight battles for territory, collect taxes) you can train and lvl them but you need to watch your funds so you don't go bankrupt(also they die in battle permanently if they lose all their hp)
Story has multiple branches, events depending on what you conquer first
Final battle is great too
New game+ with character clears(use wiki for those doe) giving them bonuses to stats
Kamidori Alchemy Meister might be close. More of a tactical JRPG. But it's an H-strategy game with some cool characters and fun story.
kichikuou rance, dai series, this >>1799320, and if you don't mind tentacle porn there is also the venus blood series
I really should learn JP so I can finally play Daiakuji, wonder how it compares to the other Dai games. Loved Daiteikoku and Daibanchou, still replay them every year.
Gameplay is pretty much daibanchou but only on district stage map(with more locations)
There is a mini game for finding and selling girls into sexual slavery which gives a lot of money
It's missing a few qol improvements like getting additional stamina if you and enemies run out of it but nothing crucial
Story is decent
Imo if you're lazy slob and didn't start learning runes after all those years then you definitely won't start learning them later
Just use onscreen translation it's decent enough (nobody will ever bother translating this game due to technical issues with text if that's what you've hoped for)

can kichikou run on modern systems
anon you can even play it on the ps vita and android phones, yes it can run on a modern pc
Gold is an entirely new story with new characters and scenes. Simplest way to explain it would be normal is the normal end and gold is the good end. Or normal is the blind run and gold is ng+.
One of the things I found so satisfying with Sengoku was finding that perfect like first 10 or so turns that set you up for the rest of the game. It's a very enjoyable game to optimise your playthrough in.
Is it possible to beat the game without relying on save-scumming or is the game just built into doing that strat?
Yeah, but your first run is almost always a failure or very poor. It's sort of built that way. You're encouraged to play through the game multiple times and get permanent bonuses that help you each time along with the knowledge of what to do. There's like 3 or 4 different branching paths to take that focus on different women as the main love interest and a sort of free play mode where you just fucking kill the monkey so it can't break the jar. It leaves you to conquer Japan without all the demon storyline stuff.
It's very possible. The game has multiple failsafes in place on your first playthrough and it's on the easiest difficulty with weakened/missing enemy mechanics. It's very hard to game over from anything but getting Rance killed in battle on your first game unless you go full retard and declare war on everyone at the same time.
Second game on at 1 * or higher it's a lot more unforgiving and you're expected to either optimize or savescum more the higher in difficulty you get.
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EraTohoK is somewhat similar but weaker.
There also is http://www.darknessherorance.com/homepage.html which was made by westerners,dunno how good it is. Seems to be Sengoku but on Kichikuou map and the whole cast.
Given that I managed to trigger an event near the end of my first playthrough that conquered every demon territory for me I would say that its very forgiving on your first run
>trigger an event
That's the handicap that triggers when you take too long. It means you did bad.
You only need save-scumming when doing 100% optimal runs where you refuse to lose a single time.
> It means you did bad.
I could feel the disdain from the Japanese developers when the popup came up

Dishonourbu dispray
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance
Kingdom management, battles, dungeons, it has it all. Also, everything runs on actual AD&D rules.
My only issue is that there's very few casters in the setting.
Does anybody know on what happened to the Daiteikoku translation? From what I remember the unofficial one stopped due to rumors of an official translation, but that didn't seemed to go anywhere.
Maybe after the remaining Rance games have been translated, nothing has been announced though
The game having Hitler-chan probably doesn't help
>but that didn't seemed to go anywhere
Jast usa recently picked it up
I guess it's at least a year or few before it gets translated doe
Retia is funnily enough one of the things I would consider the least offensive.
The game goes really hard on historical facts about certain countries such as the president being a figurehead controlled by a shadowy cabal of oligarchs that goes against the propaganda by said country.
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Sure lmao
Here's a pic from Jast usa official account in twitter announcing translation
"In a few years"
In Sengoku Gensyouko map is kinda the weakest part.
Focusing the otaku market mainly on Japan and the United States was a good idea.
where can I actually get this game?
The Internet
If you want to actually buy it, mangagamer sells it, along with other rance games.
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EraTohoK. It's fun and it's a porn game.

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