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anyone play this? I've very new to it - some questions

1) how does deck building work in this game - how do I get more cards? I've just been playing with the stock decks

2) any general tips? I've found it best to... Recon and Scout hard, and focus on getting Resources - which seem very very tough to get in this game.
It's a deck construction game, not a deck building game. You can access deck creation in the main menu, it is your deck for the entire game.
You construct your deck before game. For each game you and coputer players cannot extend limit of points (max deck size), so if you choose to play with 175 limit your deck needs to be below that to start. All possible cards from specific race are available during deck construction. Other cards can be found during game, and are available only during this game, so if you found something, you cannot permamently attach it to your deck.

Usually good strategy is turtling somewhere with main force, while you try to discover something overpowered on the map. Troops are dependent on supply, so you can cut off supply access of enemy for easy win. You can also cripple yourself during deck building if you do not have something to extend your supply range. Some heroes and scout units can activate stealth - might be impossible to find if enemy does not have intel center in their deck or specialized hero. You can move HQ to some other base so you will not lose if enemy finds or researches WMD.
I wish they'd remake this like they remade Solium Infernum. It's a fun game but it runs on one of the worst engines ever made.
I'd love a remake but I don't think modern devs would do it justice. Modern Solium Infernum looks awful
Only played the demo but the Empire of Man has this huge tank that even out of supply has a high attack value. I turtle until I can deploy it and then send it straight to the enemy base
Not unless a good dev gets it, that SI remake is terrible. Rather it never get remade than turned into shit.
What's so terrible about the SI remake?
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some questions
1) is it just Incredibly rate to find Facility cards in your deck? because I'm not drawing any and so have no way to extract resources from these hexes I'm discovering

2) how do I play Attachment cards? I can't seem to drag and drop them on anything.. right click does nothing.. etc
Your heroes and engineers can build facilities
1) you right click on hero and you have options what to build

2) you need to have specific unit deployed into some army or garrison. for instance AP Chain Guns can be attached to "Infantry" and you seems to have "Imperial Pioneers" which look like infantry - then you can move the attachment card to deployed unit in army and it shoud attach.
There was one guy doing lets play with tutorial on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=424sr3zfjqk
thanks everyone. I have been watching Battlemode's Lets Play as well. a great game indeed
Can I get a general overview of each faction? Is there a horde faction or a technologically superior one? Or are they all the same but only visually different?
Factions seem to be balanced, but different, for instance xenopods require more human resources, machine empire less. Human faction and machine empire have more aircraft options, xenopods have some, mutants have none as far as I remember.
Each empire has basic infantry, elite infantry, basic vehicles and advanced vehicles. Infantry can be upgraded by training and attached weapons, vehicles by attached weapons and technologies.
Technologies are different for each faction.
You can introduce imbalance during deck construction, for example having more infantry cards than vehicles, and heroes specializing in elite infantry plays different than same empire with tank heavy army, which is different than epsionage/assasination deck.
Unironically yes. See Master of Magics remake for a good example.
And the new Master of Orion. That thing was abandoned in less than 6 months
I'm giving the demo a try. Game is good but the UI is really bad. No tooltips of any kind. Funny enough I'm learning from the error messages.

Anyway I built a war college at HQ and it was supposed to give me one extra human resource per turn. It isn't happening and I have no idea why

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