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If I could will one game into existence it would be an 18th century city builder/RTS with real time tactical battles integrated into the same map, like 18th century Manor Lords but with more effort put into the battles. What would your perfect strategy game be?
Empire Total War but not a buggy mess and open to modding
I can't even play that game on my PC due to the crashes. Tried troubleshooting for so long and reinstalled so many times too
I only play Darthmod. Can't even remember the last time I booted vanilla Empire
Darthmod did not fixing the crashing for me. I gave up and just played napoleon
That dumb ass game would crash other applications I had open in the background whenever I started a battle. How the fuck is that even possible?
Shame. Works "fine" on my Windows 11.
Based game goes total war against other apps
Lol. It was definitely the buggiest TW game ever released. Or at least the one they fixed the least post release.
i remember playing empire on my rice cooker. good times
"Apps" fuck off zoomer theyre programmes
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I wish we had an Age of Empires 4 that went 1800-1920 wish a heavily lean on "simulation" than AoE3. Fewer bullshit 10x damage modifiers. Start with a small town maybe already with three houses and a mill or something. Have units trained at the "battalion" level so you get to see a big block of 20 or so soldiers marching around.
applications? executables? programmes? oh my!
how on earth would you model massive 18th century battles inside a city builder.
App as a short for application has been around longer than any smartphone zoomery, you dolt
You might check Ultimate General: American Revolution that comes close without the city building aspect, but be aware Game-Labs is famous for great ideas and undercoocked launches.
This but 17th century, so the battles can be more like skirmishes and more localized. Fits the scale better.
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>What would your perfect strategy game be?
I described it some time ago: https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1773963/#1783815

The other major feature would be that information would travel no faster than your tech level permitted it. At the start of the game, this would be at light speed. As you teched up, the speed of information would be several times faster than your ships could move. Ships that were outside of your instant communication zone would have pre-set orders.
Such a feature would naturally make it more difficult for one to blob.
>they didn't have massive battles before napoleon
nice but future tech is soulles

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