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File: San-Miguel-De-Gualdape.jpg (87 KB, 1072x630)
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Which city builders are the hardest and most challenging? The genre on the whole seems pretty easy.
Why would a city builder be hard and challenging?
Man city builders are just so fucking boring
I've never got into these games because it's just sims for men. it's pure goyslop
Hopefully I'm going to find something itt, if there is no threat of failure in the game it feels like playing it is a waste of time. I was thinking about Workers and Resources since it has some infrastracture autism
Workers and Resources
Against the Storm if you consider that to be a city-builder (it's isn't, really)
https://citymania.org/ If you want gookclick.
W&R isn't hard, it's just obtuse and doesn't explain half the mechanics properly.
The actual gameplay is literally less difficult than baby games like CS if you know the basics.
>this is your brain on contrarianism
City building is an aryan endeavour, you are too brown to understand building instead of destroying stuff, go play something "based" like fortnite or other brown slop idk
muttmerican please
im like 50percent brown from 2 continents probably
and city builders are some of my favorite games

across the storm kept me busy for awhile

why is vst one of the less botted boards
i guess all strategy gaming companies dont have marketing budgets. like u know when someone mentions galciv 4 its just brad shitposting here
Frostpunk is supposed to be pretty hard I think
It's just a puzzle game my dude and not a good one.
There is a best solution and some middling solutions for retards and the solutions don't change with resets, or even really between scenarios.
>It's just a puzzle game my dude and not a good one.
In what way is it even a puzzle game?
>w-well the scenario events are predetermined so you know what's coming
Yeah never heard of scenarios in a strategy game, let alone in any RTS
>b-but that doesn't count because you can complete it in different ways in those games
You can in Frostpunk as well
>n-no there's 1 best way if you dig through the exact values of everything in the code
Yeah that's the case in every strategy game with a campaign, titles like warcraft have units that are broken and dogshit, and none of that matters for a normal playthrough. This also changes based on scenario, just like any other campaign strategy game.
>y-you have to micro your units, that makes it strategy!
You have to micro your scouts and workers in frostpunk as well, especially on higher difficulty level to be optimal. In extreme you cannot pause, do that then.
There's also like 7? scenarios at this point which is a ton of content, considering a few of them are the length of the campaign.
Just stfu
nta but you have created a strawman and are answering questions you yourself have came up with, it makes you look silly to say the least
Go back
you are so close to fitting in buddy, just push a bit harder
The Impressions citybuilders (Caesar 3, Pharaoh, Zeus, Emperor). They're more like puzzle games with a citybuilder theme though. But trying to build a functional city is a real challenge
>In what way is it even a puzzle game?
Maybe finish reading the post before replying.
>Yeah never heard of scenarios in a strategy game, let alone in any RTS
Plenty of RTS have variations in scenarios. And even those that don't simply have some RNG which Frostpunk doesn't.
>You can in Frostpunk as well
The game chastises you if you don't. And practically if you can't get the perfect scenario you are a bit of a dimwit.
>n-no there's 1 best way if you dig through the exact values of everything in the code
You don't have to dig anywhere you midwit. Just play the scenario once and keep tabs of how many resources you need over time.
>This also changes based on scenario, just like any other campaign strategy game.
Not really. Once you figure out how much resources each non retarded policy gets you, you can pretty easily carry the same build plan across all scenarios. The only thing new scenarios do is give you a thinner margin for error.
>y-you have to micro your units, that makes it strategy!
Where did I say anything about micro?
You okay Don Quixote, those windmills giving you a rough time?
>There's also like 7? scenarios
Nebuchadnezzar has 13 out the gate and a free play mode like all other city builders except terrible ones like Anno 2205. Also the fact that you aren't sure let's me know you might have not even finished the game you praise so hard. Are you claiming it's hard just because you didn't beat it?
>Zoomers baiting each other
If you play it with full manual settings, W&R is probably peak logistics autism out there, even bigger than heavily modded RRT3 on custom maps
Way to miss the point that having a build order that works in a scenario that doesn't change from playthrough to playthrough is a feature of basically every classic RTS which doesn't make them puzzle games
Anno multiplayer and then fuck someone's shit up or become the fucked.
Last I played Anno in multiplayer it took at least an hour for anyone to get to the stage where they could build a military, and by the time multiple people got to that point, most people were pretty close to quitting already. Tbh Anno is just too slow of a game for multiplayer, unless you're playing with a consistent community or something.
DotAge isn't graphically impressive but it's pretty good and a fairly challenging citybuilding game. Also Frostpunk. I don't know of any challenging Simcity-style citybuilders.
You can have multiple different orders in an RTS. That's all you got after so many days, puzzlet?
I played Farthest Frontier. It's probably the hardest city builder, but only because on the higher difficulties it transforms into a puzzle tower defense game. I don't know. That's now what I want from a citybuilder.
>multiple different build orders
yeah there is a best build order and some middling build orders for retards
all RTS are puzzle games
too bad it will take another 5 years before they finish it
but they did find a good balance between builder and RTS
i just wish it had 45-degree rotation for buildings and that buildings like cabins and rat catchers didn't have a hard radius
It is and it isn't. You are running on pretty tight margins but the solutions are very obvious. It feels like you are railroaded into certain way of playing with everything else being excessively punishing but figuring it out is too easy to actually feel smart about and be satisfying which is why people like >>1800298 call it a bad puzzle game.
A more recent game is a very similar vein ixion had the same issues.
They Are Billions is sort of a hybrid RTS/city builder/base defense that's qutie challenging.
setting up MP in the anno series is a chore I'll give you that. But there are usually more ways to compete other than military, like economy, quests, expansion, trade and saboteurs.
Lol. It is far harder to fail in CS than to succeed. The game is a city painter, where nothing you do matters.
Workers and resources is like an old testament god in comparison.
Ok, what's the best build order for Zerg?

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