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Hola, El Presidente! How's your island going?
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3 or 4?
4 is basically 3 with extra stuff, I think the base 4 has every budling that was in 3 + expansion. 3 does have a god tier soundtrack and good radio banter
I heard 4 was casualized compared to 3 that's more closer to 1?
Not really both 3 and 4 are really easy once you get the basic economy going
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Tropico 4's volcanic eruption reminds me of how fun cover art was for video games... and now we have stuff like Cities Skylines 1 & 2 which is just dead.
Tropico has never been hard outside of those with scenario time limits and RNG ship raiding/treasure fleet routing.
Both are good in their own way, though 4 has some cool extra stuff like natural disasters.
What about 5 and 6?
How's 1 really? Still worth playing?
I actually find 6 to be harder than 3-5, it's pretty easy to end up in a debt death spiral if you don't know what you are doing. Then there is the virus DLC which is just bullshit.
4 has a revamped imports/exports system
Tbh 6 is hard only because the logic system is bugged, so despite having such a wide land is NOT RECOMMENDED to build everything too far away.
Probably the hardest and most grounded out of all of them. Cars aren't a thing so that changes the way you build slightly.
just build garages, docks, housing, and amenities at those far away places too
>Tropico 3 base game is almost like tropico 1 remake. With the expansion pack they made it a lot easier with new edicts and the new nationalist faction thaat is trivial to keep satisfied
Is this true?
The Tropicoland mission in 6 was total bullshit.
I cleared it on normal the other day, I just focused on production at first until I got a car factory up and then focused on tourism and the objectives. The trick on any tourism focused mission and a tourism economy in general is to keep liberty up to avoid rebels and guerillas since they will kill your tourism
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>2011 game
It was a different time.
Big mistake most people (including myself) does is run the free wheels edict and build garages everywhere. This jams up the roads and prevents teamsters from doing their jobs, use buses and metros to move people around and run the speedway edict to make the teamsters even faster.
i just reinstalled 4 the other day because of a thread on /v/
and I remembered how often I never get past the first island because there's still room to grow and polish my banana republic into a tropical utopia.
Anyone else prefer 3 over 4?
>blame (((the powers that be)))
I just reinstalled 4, how’s the modding community like for this game?
Almost non existent, there's like 5 mods and they only change minor things, like being able to place old buildings after the new ones from Modern Times replace them
Fucking realism in my tropico. Next you're gonna tell me the pops are too stupid to use ring roads.
what's the unknown effect for that 3rd option?
Triggers a random disaster.
>Uneven terrain.
Sorry, El Presidente, retaining walls are beyond the ability of even the greatest Tropican architects.
Me. I prefer 3 over 4.
Sadly the Tropico games are too easy for me and it got kind of old. They should change something. Raiding was not fun. Everything is too goofy. And not in a good, old-fashioned way they did before.
>buy 6 for a couple of euros
>play through the "story" missions
>early islands are easy but atleast different from eachother
>keep getting more and more advanced built up islands starting in modern times
>drop the game
the eras are a mistake

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