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Today on Bottom Sector:
>I fly a safety overriden eradicator
>Anons struggle to teach newfags basic fitting guidelines
>And the 'cord sets fire to the thread (again)

*thread budget does not exceed 23 credits
>not waiting until page 12
Really nigger
You impatient nigger, you will be castrated like Nia Tahl and forced to play Tranny Shipworks.
nuh uh
i will be given penis enlargement pills and be forced to play sneedault-chuckoyan (coming 2026)
Page 11, the last page is effectively auto-hide and archive/delete.
You just delayed it by another 10 years
>he doesn’t know about page 12
brainwashed sheeple
>safety overriden eradicator
I don't know which tranny mod adds it, but pather eradicators with one large slot are worth all the other garbage bloat that comes with it
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What is it about starsector that attracts so many mentally ill men?
Its a space fleet building game with economy in it, that's the autismo deluxe you secondary.
Anyways I'm hyped for those UI changes I love a well thought-out interface that makes planning easier.
>seething at discord reacts
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i wish i could lay course to a planet by clicking it in the price table, no idea why i have to manually search it on map every time i want to do a trade run.
post that to the blog's post on the forum maybe Alex will notice you and add it.
also a place with a great many autists.
Why shouldnt i put converted hangers with mining pods on every single ship? its only 10 op
this post made by a Luddic Church fleet commander
it's luddic enhancement by the HMI guy

10 OP for 4 drones that don't do much besides block a few shots and provide fuck-all PD firepower, plus an increase in maintenance and deployment point cost
you'd be far better off just improving the ship's tank directly
or upgrading to wasps
DME Dart drones used to be great for this, back when they cost 0 DP.
it's usually a very good deal, yes.

this retard sucks off old men under railway bridges
oh I forgot to mention this but TRANS RIGHTS
stay mad catamite
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look new carrier
oh wow generic uaf triangle number 2857469
>or upgrading to wasps
Just edit the game files so they use paladin lasers instead of mining lasers
Go back.
>posted by a tranny discord moderator
>flight deck in space #23
you don’t understand
there just needs to be excessively long runways in a zero gravity no atmosphere environment because they just do okay???

what do you mean it’s more reasonable to just have short external flight decks that are basically just flattening the armor right outside the hangar entrance so the fighters can exit/enter more easily
Oh hey, it's a ship for the VTuber faction.
I've seen enough fiction to know where this is going.
i should make one with an actual accelerated launch rail just to show them how it's done
I assume those are supposed to be there retard. I don't see any other reason for those lines.
and they don't bother actually coding any functionality to match, retard
Shill me Starsector.
Have been playing Brigador for the past weeks and apparently there's some kind of crossover, but I have no idea what Starsector even is about, and it being STILL in EA raises a bunch of red flags for me.
Now let's also say I enjoyed FTL and MoO2, will I like Starsector?
Starsector is different genre from both FTL and MoO, it's an autismo deluxe RPG. You start with a small fleet and do missions/trade/steal/mug to get more money for more and bigger ships. You can colonize planets in the mid to late game, but it's not 4x, although there's a megamod for that.
Game has been playable and bug free for year now. It's less of an early access and more of a finished game that gets free DLC every couple of years.
> there's some kind of crossover
There are 2 character portraits from brigador and some planets names reference the game, that's it.
starsector totally not a general drinking game:
>take a shot every time someone says "tranny" out of nowhere
>repeat until thread slides off page 10 or until you ACK, probably the latter
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I never knew I needed this weapon so bad.
Thankyou forbidden discord.
>there was more content in Starsector in 0.9.1 (five years ago) than in some fully-released 70 dollar games, and it only got more and more shit from then
>basic gameplay is engaging and in-depth, without requiring the hair-pulling levels of care of a super deep sim like Children of a Dead Earth
>extremely moddable, and there are enough mods to last you a lifetime
I'd say it's an incredible bargain for its price, anon.
This not-general's quality would improve by 100% if you perma banned every unironic discord user.
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They don't need to. Starsector handwaves plenty of things.
>Uses the word 'retarded' incorrectly
Now that is irony.
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>have an urge to play SS again
>too lazy to download mod updates
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only unironic retards parrot opinions instead of deciding their own opinion is the correct one
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MFW last thread the local retard asked how to defeat derelicts and everybody gave him deliberately terrible advice.
I'm just amazed by the teamwork
>"make america great again"
You just couldn't help yourself, could you?
Anon, they basically have a politically themed cordycepts fungus controlling their actions, the urge to spread propaganda is basically uncontrollable for these poor lost souls. Have some pity.
So that's why that image was marked up so high in the bait store
because it's premium grade bait
i mean he probably would find a way to fuck up if given good advice anyways
given that he managed to lose 6 high end cruisers to derelicts
Ironically, i love Daisy Chaining FTL and Starsector together. You start playing FTL and stop the rebels, take their flagship and use it to start playing Starsector. Bonus points if I name all my lieutenants after the crew that helped me beat the flagship.
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you will never get this
I don't like this post because i've been playing Brigador for the past few weeks and now i've picked up Starsector because apparently there was some kind of crossover. I don't like your post all!
there are too many ships in that faction

pick 8 and get rid of the rest
they are condensed on the edge of the game map atleast so its not as terrible as bloating the "default" ship pool almost every vanilla faction uses
Is this game hard to learn?
I'm finally ready to settle down with 0.97, anything new and good modwise?
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is the San Batavia Republic Mod worth playing?
Anyway, everything is pathetically weak except the things which are stupidly overpowered
Lol, faggy person with faggy mod. I seriously don't understand the mental illness. Is it because of soiboys not having enough testosterone that they delude themselves to thinking that they are (fe)males?

Future doctors will have a field day with this tranny phenomenon
It's modern aviation tacticool mod, if that sounds appealing then go ahead. If not then don't bother unless you just want another faction in the frey. Their faction is also weighted towards being friendly from get-go, which is kinda lame.
The recent update made it much more playable. Rare case of someone actually fixing their mod and taking feedback.
its got its own whiskey drink with substance abuse mod
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>A picture of ship
>Immediately think of mentally ill troons
i have not tested the new version yet but the previous one was hilariously underpowered with the exception of 1 weapon which got buffed according to weapon data
>immediately think of mentally ill troons
fixed it for you
Case in point
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I would really like to use Interstellar Imperium but this looks like shit, can I just delete the AI slop pictures or is that sufficient enough to crash it?
>ai slop
Who's gonna tell him
...all according to keikaku, ehehehe
Use your words what is it?
The ones on the top are literally titled "ii_aigen".
It's shit he stole from internet. Not even ai.
Look at it. It looks exactly like every other ai portrait mod and this is ignoring the filenames.
Look at Rome total war cover and then at AI portrait 2.
They got a war with heggy right now for me
How about the other 11?
Do your homework. Some are roman themed wallpapers, some are shitty AI slop, some are from deviant art I think. Google search is your friend.
>some are shitty AI slop
So then don't insinuate in 2 separate posts that these pics are not AI. I feel like a dumbass for even responding to you.
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i just found out i can just hold fire on my main weapons to get rid of flux so my pd still works on high armor ships instead of venting and having missiles fuck me up i feel so retarded
The first anon is not me. I just tried to explain his words and reasoning to you, retard.
It's not AI. Interestellar Imperium has had thos esame portraits for years now.

Then why the fuck are they called "ii_aigen".
For the anon being autistic about .pngs.
You can change them as long as you keep the name, otherwise it could potentially cause errors as the game tries to pull image data that's otherwise not there.
You also have to keep in mind the dimension of the pic too, but (You) should already know that.
If its remotely well coded, it should skip over whatever portrait is missing to another it can use, but I wouldn't trust TRASHsector >>>>modders to do anything good.
For some reason poland is now full of mentally ill freaks

Apparently they got a huge influx of ukrainian refugees and like 15% of their country is ukrainian now
Things this game doesn't need:
>Yet ANOTHER special snowflake faction
>colonies and colony development
>factional warfare with the depth of a wet puddle

Things this game does need:
>Coherent storyline
>factional politics
>luddic path that makes some fucking sense
>conflict and resolution arising out of the storyline
>highfleet levels of electronic warfare and long-distance missile/fighter autism in the travel layer to make it interesting
>performance pass on travel layer hyperspace clouds what the actual fuck its literally thousands of layered animated transparent sprites are you kidding me??

Sad that this game's modding scene has been taken over by deranged troons and leftists with a chip on their shoulders
>retard thinks AI slop looks bad

AI slop always looks fucking amazing compared to the artistic skill of an average artist. You aren't looking at AI slop here buddy, that's someone's lovingly hand painted bespoke artwork. No AI came within 20 miles of those portraits.
Poland was always a shithole, it's just now more apparent.
>t. pole
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Ava Nitia and Kaysaar are from Poland

Really makes you think
>noah and xane bloat
Germany was right
They have no right to exist as a country
Bros I went on midnight's wild ride, am I the baddies or is this AI tellin the truth?
It is because the sprites are a lot chunkier and fat then the concept and official art depicts them to be. So this guy envisions it to be like an Onslaught (which is a Star Wars destroyer with arm guns in art vs the cone looking sprite) but flattened and smoothed out at the top. In reality, his ship is 4/5ths hollowed out hanger and runway space.
I just had to read your autism and now I'm upset and need to spend the rest of my night bullying a low viewer vtuber off of a stream and then doxing her off the internet. I had shit I WANTED to do tonight.
Fucking asshole.
Me. I care.
Is this game hard to learn?
no you can literally play by letting the AI autopilot all the ships for you

that's what I do, I don't really enjoy flying one myself, I prefer focusing on ship builds and making ship builds work together better in fights as a sort of optimization problem that satisfies my brain autism for awhile before I realize how boring and awful every part of the game outside the combat is
What's this game like? M&B in space?
yeah pretty much

less depth than M&B though, both in the combat and in the whatever part outside combat where you travel around

sadly dev has abandoned the game except for minor tweaks released once a year or two
>Things this game does need:
Stop nerfing fun things and builds like SO monitor because trannies from pisscord are mad at their op snowflake factions getting obliterated by dagger spam
Me when I lie
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>less depth than M&B
MB has more diplomacy, integrated factional conflict instead of requiring a mod for it, more NPC dialogue, better NPC interactions, a larger map - particularly if you go off travel times, actual meaningful terrain that makes certain cities and locations stand out, more distinct cultures and factional differences, better random encounters while traveling, more immersive exploration of towns and cities, and warbands and traders that are actually tracked outside your immediate view and don't just disappear or generate out of thin air like magic

Then in combat M&B allows you to give more refined and complex orders with actual formations and fighting styles you can adjust in the fight without retarded order limits, plus actual terrain that makes a difference.

Like M&B doesn't even have a lot of depth but starsector has basically nothing. You flit around a frozen universe with a rushed and retarded narrative even more forgettable than M&B's, and just play collect-a-thon until you've built a fleet that autowins every fight. There is nothing worth fuck all in this game outside the core combat mechanics and AI behaviour.

I mean starsector is still fun to play, but it's such wasted potential it's crazy. The past like 6 years the guy making this game has done fucking nothing to actually flesh shit out and make anything fun to play, and honestly he just has no clue what to even do. If you read the forums you'll find posts from him laughing at how dumb highfleet is and yet highfleet's exactly the kind of complexity and narrative his game needs in the overworld

in other words, sorry broski but not only is starsector really shallow - worse than even M&B - it's never going to get better.

Hell, even modders have given up any pretense of trying to flesh the game out and just shit out a never-ending stream of My Little Faction mods rather than interesting content.

Starsector: Wasted Potential, the game.
I'm not giving that a (You), but bait used to be believable...
Did you catch the dev laughing at Highfleet? He really shouldn't. I thought he'd love such a game.
Give him credit for having the decency of selling his work for 15dollars, that's honest.
I've only been playing for some days and already i've had to replace the sound effects for all the guns, the auditory landscape is a disaster and my time on the campaign map is spent thinking about how Sunless Skies does the chooseyourownadventure-roleplay of the captain and crew's adventures so much better. I don't mean to shit on the mood of the thread. I'm glad Starsector is a videogame with its ambition of being eveOffline. Once i get cozy with a faction then its market soundtrack changes, that is an exellent idea for ambience and immersion.
What the dev should have done is get a little team together, a sound guy and a writter, 3-4 guys because creating a game alone demands proefficiency at every aspect of game making. That's the catch with it.

I'm sure i'll discover some good stuff in the game, i have this idea of playing a space terrorist.
Then just fucking replace the portraits while keeping the same filenames you fucking retard
>I thought he'd love such a game
Chmalex is a liberal and highfleet dev is a literal monarchist of course sasha is going to seethe
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is this a good onslaught build?
I concede on everything except
>integrated factional conflict instead of requiring a mod for it
Not every game with a map and factions needs to turn into a map painter
>more distinct cultures and factional differences
That requires more interaction and dialogue, and the storyline plus crisis system is about that too
>and warbands and traders that are actually tracked outside your immediate view
They are
>If you read the forums you'll find posts from him laughing at how dumb highfleet
Wait what the fuck, more on this? Have you got the forum posts at hand?
If alex really did it he's a giant faggot
Why is AI le bad in this setting if the entire threat from using AI is from other humans?
AI is not le bad.
It's just that it's hard to empathize or understand a higher intelligence, and humans, specially the inbred, hillbilly, fuel-sniffing variety that the Persean Sector houses, tend to not get the fact that the glowing orb does not care about you, or your fleet made out of shithulls (D), and that it's following orders give to it by it's owner or TT.
That, or the fact that there's still Hunter-Killer drone warfleets scattered around following "le kill them all if anyones enter this place :)))) -TT" orders.
unhinged post
There were 2 (or was it 3?) entire wars fought over the usage of AI inside the core worlds. Part of it was absolutely just the powers that be wanting to keep law and order but part of it was also that AI cores are legitimately dangerous. Or at least they have the potential to be much more dangerous than a normal person. Remnant are stupid powerful in game and I suspect part of the reason no major faction even tries to colonize new systems is because of the threat of Remnant drones wiping all their hard work off the map. Not sure any vanilla faction fleet could take on an Ordo.
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Where it at?
replace HAGs with Devas and its good
And you don't really need all those vulcans
just leave the smalls empty
you have 4 fucking dual flak cannons you don't need any more PD once you replace the HAGs with Devas
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remove all small slots
remove all needlers
slot 3 HVDs on the front
do not remove hephaestus they make cool sounds even if they suck
add 4x reaper tube even if you dont hit anything they are cool
delayed again
best you’ll get is some lazy faggot maybe “updating” it by adding another random sprite from the folder and tacking on a few omega builtins because he needs them as a crutch
You didn't answer the question tranny
Where the fuck is it
So, I got a new gpu, technically better in every way than my 6 yo one, and suddenly starsector has been running like shit, is it because its a amd board?
>remove all needlers
>slot 3 HVDs on the front
are they really better? i thought needlers were the best weapons
I fell for the nexerelin meme and it doesnt really add anything most of it is just background bloat i dont give a shit about i wish i never installed it.
If you didn't care for dynamic faction interactions then why did you install it retard?
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>Space Pirates and Zombies is a space game that feels like a watered down Starsector
>it has the exact same plot, except for the zombies being behind the closed gates
Yfw Alex rips that off too
needlers sound like toy guns so they are shit
replace the sound effect with warthog brrrrrrt and i will use them
Most of this game's sound effects are honestly pretty bad
>install mod that adds something you dont want
>complain about the stuff you dont want

>is it because amd
always is
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>no omegas on this one
>look inside
>sprite has a color taken from omega ship sprites
what faction """interactions""", x raided x wow that is heckin amazing gameplay and i care so much or wow random planet is now orange instead of yellow thats heckin amazing
>not playing while listening to your own music

do retards really?
i was memed that it was le biggest and best mod of starsector but its just dumb shit that adds literally nothing but bloat
This game is another genre than what you want, this is a space combat spreadsheet sim, if you want a map painter or visual novel play something else.
Should've just used Omega's Damper Field
its just as defensive as damper field and fortress shield but it still lets you fire your weapons
>major overhaul mods like industrial revolution or nex
>faction mods
>more ship or hull mods
>literally everything

is there a single mod that isn't bloat?
Console Commands
Sorry, I don't have ADHD
>adding more options to the game
>adding more free space to your disk
>eventually rotting underground and thus producing gases
Ur mom
HAG do not suck at all I don't know where people get this idea. They are objectively worse than a Hellbore against slow, easy to hit, heavily armored targets but most enemies in vanilla do not have super high armor and have at least a decent amount of mobility. Hellbore shines against stations, Heg as a whole, and specifically against an Invictus. Outside of those three scenarios I would take a HAG every time because it's easier to hit small/fast targets and because it performs just fine against light/medium armor. It used to be pretty eh but Alex decided to buff the thing a ton over the last several patches.
I actually do not care for factional war in the game at all. If I had my way the only territory exchanges would be occurring through the narrative, the way escape velocity nova did it.

But regardless, this game is not a space combat spreadsheet sim. Dude obviously tried to branch it out into something else, it's just that he's sucked at doing that and totally lost all passion and interest in developing his game further so in spite of trying to branch out, the only thing it's good at being is a space combat spreadsheet sim.
it is the biggest and best mod you just hate fun
okay noah
i do listen to my own music but also have combat sounds playing on top
it is important that the weapon sounds hit just right with my boomer rock
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i would rather leave the slot empty than equip the piece of shit that is hellbore
mjolnir cannon exists if you want a good large ballistic weapon but i use hephaestus because it sounds great and dakka is more fun than energy projectiles
isn't mjolnir an energy wp though
The one that puts all your Intel items into one list, so you don't have to memorize where all the unsalvaged shit is.
no the damage type is energy but the slot is ballistic
my damage type is autistic
Oh I agree with you, not a fan of Hellbores and never use the things. But I do get the justification for why some people use them.
Can the derelict drone ships actually be good or is using them a meme?

I like the way some of them look but fuck they die fast.
Debloat the planet by killing yourself.
I'm convinced the automated ships skill in its entirety is a meme because of that weird cap on DP and combat readiness. Some of the Remnant ships are at least kinda fun even despite fearless AI cores suiciding themselves fucking constantly. I have no idea how to make the derelict drones work though.
Automated Ships is fucked because Cuklex lives in fear of you having a full power Radiant, but refuses to make his magical teleporting robo-onslaught less busted at the same time.
You've got to be a complete min-max autist to get much out of the retarded way the automated ship skill works with its' stupid soft cap shit, or just brainlessly use a Radiant anyway because Alex made it so that is one of like three viable ways to use the damn skill.
>derelict drones
You don't. They're all shit except for the Rampart and that thing is basically just for cheesy deathstacks of like 15 of the things coated in a protective layer of Dmods and using specific skill combos that make it stronger without any AIs in it than with one.
Or you could use that one derelict mod and laugh as a big angry rectangle the size of a station skullfucks every supercap to death without moving because
>8 Mjolnir Cannons still wins
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>tried Knights of Ludd (KOL) because I want more Luddic ships
>turns out the luddic ships are just a front and it's another OC donut overpowered AI le stronk ship mod for its exploration
Selkie if you are reading this you should stop modding you useless bitch cunt whore. Fuck you for tricking me, a faithful warrior of Ludd.
saar calm down bloody bitch cunt whore benchod
I forgot to say that your mod is also a massive bloat with shitty, out of place AI ships. Detach the garbage AI exploration content you absolute shitbag whore.
I gave automated ships a try one time years ago. Never again. You have to go all the way to the end of the blue line of skills just so you can use 2-3 remnant funnies each with a gamma core and lower CR than every other ship in your fleet.
It's basically mandatory to at least use Better Vanilla Hull Mods (which lets you spend a story point to cap the stupid CR penalty at 50%) if you want to use roboships. Better yet, go with adjustable skill thresholds or something and set the point limit to something stupid high. Fuck Alex, fuck his soft caps.

If it's OP to have 14 Radiants, maybe you should actually fucking address that shit directly instead of crippling new systems from inception to run away from it, you retarded shitlib leaf.

I think the derelict expansion from earlier at least has some pretty good ships you can get cheap enough to slip in under the vanilla limit, but its' still really not worth the skill investment, especially when chaining Support Doctrine+Derelict Ops is basically a must for getting the most out of them.
Wow you guys are bad. Just put an alpha on a radiant with combat endurance and it'll rape everything in vanilla even at ~50% CR if you build it non-stupidly
And what if I don't want to run a hyperspecific build of the Radiant Anon? What if I want to run Automated Ships and do anything beyond the exactly 3 minmaxxed cheese builds that halfway work with the retarded way the skill is balanced?
Did you ever think about that?
there's no such thing as a mod that isn't a cheatmod
vanilla isn't even balance you flaming homosexuals
He's just a faggot who surrounds himself with faggots of greater magnitude.
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Next time, read the mod description, idiot. Oh, wait, a luddite probably can't read.
The AI content is deliberately hidden you retard. But he's a luddite so he's probably a retard as well.
Shut the fuck up Selkie
Shut the fuck up too Selkiesimp
>avatar nigger
Yeah, just what i've said - liberals from california
You owe me an Iron Shell update.
>Cuklex lives in fear of you having a full power Radiant
>but what about niggurat
>you don't understand this is a different thing don't talk bad about my original donut steel le scary spacce ghost op snowflake ship
>comatoses after mentioning the guardian
Most fleet-oriented builds and even some flagship-oriented builds are going to go deep into blue anyways, and the Radiant is so broken powerful that it's worth every point you spend to get it, even if you just put an alpha core in it (but piloting it yourself via neural link is even stronger; you can shit on literally everything in the game).
The game has severe ludonarrative dissonance problems like this, all over the place.

It's an unserious game. Alex wants to have a storyline of some sort but he struggles to maintain any level of internal consistency or coherency in what he's created. Almost all interactions in the game are totally gamified like this - alex never asks himself anything as basic as "what would an actual human do in this situation?"

Instead it's all thoughtless shallow systems that are never fleshed out in a coherent universe-consistent way. Just gameplay pieces that exist in a vacuum unattached to the universe he created at large.
Take for example the random starbases you can find littered around:

These don't make any sense in the universe - why would anyone leave these things abandoned? They're so insanely useful that the first thing everyone does if they don't mod them out is use them for free storage space for all their ships and weapons.
Who guards them? Who pays for the staff that manage everything? These are total non-issues to alex, and yet even the superficial complexity of having to pay for guards and techs to maintain and protect your station would introduce additional meaningful content to the game.
This is a recurring problem he has - a fear of complexity that has resulted in an incredibly shallow game outside the context of spaceship combat. Pirates are just fodder who suicidally charge your fleet for no reason. There's no thought behind them like "what do pirates want? what are their goals?" So the end result is just an uninteresting fleet blob you avoid or kill with no other meaningful interaction. Whereas in games where people actually give a shit about narratives, complexity, consistency, and details, you'd have some kind of agency and reasoning involved - why are they pirates? What's their method to it? What reasons and excuses do the characters involved have? In other games it's not just NPC pirate fleet #7122, it's Captain Fuck Hegemony whose fleet operates out of Kanta's Den, trades freely with luddic church exchanging stolen goods and quietly helping the church when plausible deniability is needed, while raiding and fucking over the hegemony every chance he gets.

The game is just completely missing any sort of human touch like that. Everything is utterly soulless. Even modders suck at adding soul because the framework that makes adding it easily just doesn't exist. The game simply isn't designed around any concept of complexity beyond spreadsheet numbers autism over ship builds.
Pirate and Luddic Path behaviour really should be reversed. Pirates should be the ones shaking you down for credits but letting you go if you pay (thus ensuring their shakedown works in future because everyone knows pirates just want your money and you don't have to fight to the death) while the religious fanatic Luddic Path should be the ones who just want to kill you.

As it is right now it's ridiculous because the pirates have a near suicidal desire to destroy you even if it costs them their own lives (NOT how pirates should behave) while the ultra space jihadist Luddics are literally harmless as long as you toss them a bit of spare change.
>why are they pirates? What's their method to it? What reasons and excuses do the characters involved have? In other games it's not just NPC pirate fleet #7122, it's Captain Fuck Hegemony whose fleet operates out of Kanta's Den
That kind of stuff is mentioned in the world descriptions, though.
World descriptions are meaningless chatter. You need game mechanics. A pirate shaking you down is a step in the right direction >>1803031 - but even better is having reasons for shaking you down, which instigates other actual observable behaviour you can mechanically interact with. Pirates who jump in-system and declare in a broadcast all hegemony registered trade fleets will surrender their goods or else, as simple as that is, already takes things further than what starsector currently has. This situation gives the potential for player actions with knock-on consequences. It makes the universe feel like it's actually alive.

This is something that a planetary description does not do. You're lucky if anyone even reads some blurb like that.
>nobody cares about a partially mytchical remnant of AI wars phaseskim capital piloted by ai core in your fleet
>everyone looses their minds when you get a mythical snowflake op story phase capital and try to intercept you with it.
>fly with 300 AI cores in cargo hold
>15 different domain era techs that would radically alter the balance of power in the sector
>10 million tons of high tech weaponry in cargo that could arm two or three invasion fleets
>6 ancient derelict hulks
>hegemony and luddic church do cargo scans
ah, all well and good ol chap, I see you aren't transporting any drugs, on your way then
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Here's the stumper: how do you implement this into the game without it becoming bloated and boring? The more technical details and lore bits and fleshed out systems you add in, the more risk there is to the game becoming too cluttered.

>Take for example the random starbases you can find littered around:
Do you want a 500 page lecture exposing the intricate politics of the people who left the starbases? Will it even make a difference?

>and yet even the superficial complexity of having to pay for guards and techs to maintain and protect your station would introduce additional meaningful content to the game.
That sounds like a very easy thing to mess up, especially since it boils down to "make the space station cost more for the sake of security". Starsector, as is, works because it's not that complicated. Your attempts to add more to it are commendable, but you're not really adding anything of depth.

>what do pirates want? what are their goals?" So the end result is just an uninteresting fleet blob you avoid or kill with no other meaningful interaction.
This could be nice, but are you willing to have the massive performance hit in order for the game to give each and every NPC and ship a story of their own? That's several thousand unique NPCs, and the game has enough trouble managing 20 or so. Starsector already suffers memory leaks because sometimes NPCs forget to despawn when they're supposed to, resulting in them cluttering up the game. Now imagine that multipled by 1000.

>Pirate and Luddic Path behaviour really should be reversed.
This though, I can get behind. Pirates that don't just mindlessly kill you would make it incentivizing to do something besides blast them to billions of pieces.
Well, once i've played with roboships only and hegemony investigators stopped my fleet near my colony to do scans. Somehow they've got inside a brilliant and lowered its cr by 15% while finding nothing out of ordinary.
>how do you implement this into the game without it becoming bloated and boring?
Add funny voice lines like its almost organ harvesting season or away with you vile luddite
>Here's the stumper: how do you implement this into the game without it becoming bloated and boring?
Just be good at your job as a dev

literally skill issue
skill issue that it's not there, skill issue if you can't add it and make it good
Anon, i skip all text when it is more then 20 words and skim if i feel i need to know something. For bloated mechanics I simply ignore them and only engage if I absolutely have to because all those mechanics is just noise.
I didn't say add more text, I said add game mechanics
selkie owed me sex
And I also said i ignore bloated mechanics.
Fuck the story, what a waste of development time.
what you actually said is that you operate at about the level of an NPC

not really a point discussing this or anything else with someone whose eyes glaze over
>when it is more then 20 words

all of your arguments are extremely reductionist, you're not actually arguing any points, all you've said is essentially that you're a retard who needs games to be dumbed down to the absolute bare minimum lowest possible level and you'll ignore it all anyway. I just don't even understand why you're posting at all.
>all of your arguments are extremely reductionist,
You mean my one and only argument? I am your audience and i ignore practically all of your idea guy moments.
>i am your audience
you are one nigga
Despite representing 13% of your audience, we make up for 52% of your feedback and playtime.
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No, I wasn't going for some weird Brawler/Lasher hybrid... I was aiming for a mid-tech Tempest and ended up going with the flow...
i cant tell for sure from this image for ants but i think the sides are misaligned
A lot of this could be done with just adding a few extra prescripted behaviors to each faction. For performance reasons we could even have fleets only do this when the player can see them if that is necessary.. and a significant rework to how pirates work.
As it is, Pirates are easily the most underdesigned faction in the game. They have this big bio about not really being a single faction and basically just being a massive collection of disorganized outcasts and rebels that hate all the main powers in the sector... but they are portrayed as just Hostile_Faction_002, same with independents, who aren't very independent at all actually.
Both factions should be reworked, and effectively combined. The key thing with pirates is that until they decide they want your stuff they should be indistinguishable from regular independent fleets. There is already a mechanic for this with the random 'scavenger' fleets that are sometimes seen, but that should be extended to every pirate fleet. Pirates and Independents should also use similar, if not identical fleet lists, the only difference between them is their level of desperation, after all, why wouldn't indies use falcon(P)s and vice-versa?
Pirates and independents both also need to have various behaviors that will cause them to fight each other. Stuff like two mercs going apeshit on each other and 'disputing contract details', or pirate fleets getting in a fight after dupstering a Hegemony strike force while 'splitting the loot' would go a long way to characterize them.

Realistically, this should actually be doable by a modder who has half an idea how the fleet behavior system works, so I'm suprised no one has thought to do it already.

Also, officers commanding patrol fleets should be recycled between fleets on different visits. Actual fleet content doesn't matter a ton but having semi-persistent characters leading fleets would go a long way towards making that character relation system actually matter.
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This game didn't need a main quest
Is that in the base game or a mod?
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I don't think you know what bloat means
next is bloated to hell, there's a lot more than the 4x added to it
>Here's the stumper: how do you implement this into the game without it becoming bloated and boring? The more technical details and lore bits and fleshed out systems you add in, the more risk there is to the game becoming too cluttered.
Well as the anon who pointed out the Luddic vs Pirate behaviour (I'm not the same as the other one) but I'd just swap their behaviour, as a decent baseline. If I wanted to invest a bit more into it I'd have them actually shake you down for some of your cargo, maybe a ship or two. If you have valuables like Domain artifacts, they'd usually demand those - and you'd have to fight in that case. But most of the time you'd be able to pay them off.

But even just a straight behaviour swap between Luddics and Pirates would be a huge improvement.
I never understood that either, just that slightly change would be more immersive.
it is bloat it just adds background shit that doesnt do anything, random star system changing from blue to green doesnt do shit
its because pirates are fodder enemies that youre just supposed to grind in the early game while pathers are a lot tougher so the dev offered a way to get out of fighting them
I just stared playing with nex, is there a reason i shouldnt colonize everything and give them autonomy for massive money?
Do as you like, only thing to be aware of is other factions start getting uppity once you start colonizing.
It just feels a little ridiculous you can colonize every single planet without any limits.
Adds too many systems in my opinion. Even UAF and Iron Shell are better in that area since the former adds like 3 systems at the edge of the map, and the other just adds two planets to a pre-existing system. SBR adds like 5 systems relatively close to the core worlds, in reality it doesn't need more than two.
I agree, which is why I manually removed some of the ships from the faction.
Are there any decent minor faction mods?

Talking about ones that are basically equivalent to the player faction. One or two planets and no custom ships. Near as I can tell finding a faction mod that doesn't add new ships seems to be an impossibility because everyone wants to be special snowflakes. I really don't like the ones that add ships which are just kitbashes of vanilla sprites.
What about the fact that pirates and pathers are capable of maintaining outposts outside the core worlds seemingly indefinitely, yet no other faction can?
Which itself is dumb. Shit pirates don't stay pirates for long.
The sensible thing would be to give them a bit of a buff, bringing more of their ships in line with the Falcon P as fast missile focused raiders, treat them as an occasional opportunistic threat like the Pathers, and use something else as the mindless fodder enemy.
And oh hey, the game conveniently already has a faction of brainless murderbots that have good justifications to harass you as mindless fodder without reguard for their own lives.
Derelict shitbuckets chasing you to the ends of the universe is probably only slightly more repetitive than pirate crapstacks in vanilla anyway. And thats with their vanilla pool of like 6 ships. Modding demonstrates you can get some good variety out of shieldless disposable shitbuckets if you try.
>mid-tech Tempest and ended up going with the flow...
Where's the built-in pd drones then?
Looks more like a midline hyperion ripoff
I'd have sex with this ship.
>SBR adds like 5 systems
iirc they are multi star systems so its not actually 5 new systems it just looks like shit on the map with the cluster of them
thats not what bloat means
bloat is adding things to the mod that have nothing to do with the purpose of the mod
Expanding on this a bit:
>Pirate Behavior
Pirates are really more jackals than wolves. They should probably be the easiest faction of all to fend off, as generally they should try to avoid engaging fleets that they don't think they can bulldoze easily enough for their threats to mean something. So once you get a good number of combat ships they should avoid you and go after easier targets. Throwing your life away doesn't get you rich. Combine that with them pretending to be independents basically whenever they aren't imminently about to kill you, and these nu-pirates could potentially be pretty interesting on the strategic layer, especially if actual encounters were more infrequent like with Pathers
>Derelict Behavior
Being dumb robots, having stiff, NPClike behavior would actually make derelicts more convincing rather than less. Have their stock behavior be split between various generic robot tasks where they ignore you and fly around from point to point, and specific telegraphed sorties where they'll go on patrol and attack anything they don't recognize. Since they're disposable robots, they don't actually care if you kill them unless you stopped them from doing something important. Give them current pirate stations, but have them be the little probes they currently defend, when they despawn say that the probe just moved on (I think it just disappearing would be acceptable, but making it do the hauler takeoff animation would be a neat easter egg if you specifically wait for one to depart). Since the shitbricks use warp instead of hyperspace, they shouldn't show up in hyperspace and should generally be more common near the outer edges of star systems where they cause trouble.
Well, now we have story points as a way to get out of fighting Pathers, so we can ditch the whole "pathers taking bribes" thing. Then add Pirates taking a LOT of your cargo and credits (it can be an unreasonable amount that no player will ever pay, but they should still demand it, and it should technically be possible to give them your stuff and walk away) and we're good to go.
It could definitely use some interactions but alex and his best friend who can totally write well I promise; cannot actually write well. The writing in the game ticks a checkbox rather than comes from the soul as something anyone wanted to actually write. If anything the writing goes by far the furthest to show that there is zero passion involved with this game. The incels writing cringe rapesector anime smut have more soul than the actual game dev does.

It would give a good reason for those secret cargohold hull mods to exist. With slightly more complexity - like allocating cargo to specific ships, or ticking specific cargo to be in protected holds or some other similar mechanics - you can now have your most valuable cargo protected from pirate ransoms and the like. You could have some pseudo storyline elements like conversations with the pirates, spending story points tricking them, keeping cargo hidden, etc.

All of a sudden the game has just one babystep more depth to it.
Unfortunately these lefty type devs are allergic to depth, and not in a good way. Too much complexity sucks, but too little complexity is even worse. You have to strike a middle ground, which starsector hasn't managed to do for years now.
no he didn't, it took 0 effort to search this (only two results for high fleet by user Alex) and my disappointment with you faggots is immensurable, I wanted a petty dev drama!
thread permaschizos love to make up faggy little shitstirring stories for engagement
everyday I crave more and more for an insane mod like snacks to appear and snap half of these people away for 3 months for the lulz

I've actually thought about this problem with Starsector more than is reasonable for someone who's probably only played 150 hours or so. But - the only way to "fix" the game is to make it more like Battle Brothers. It will never contain more than the mere skeleton of a narrative, but the worldbuilding is okay enough that if you layer on forced, scaled combat it can still be enjoyable. Like you say, the core combat mechanics are the only enjoyable part of the game (and building your ships, but that is a means to an end). The idea would be that lootboxes (research stations, derelict Paragons, minor loot caches, etc. etc.) would typically have enemies guarding them, with their strength scaled based on some factor - likely weighted heavily towards your fleet's loot storage capacity. That way the game isn't just storm surf simulator picking up easy loot to easily found a colony to easily build any fleet you want to easily wipe end game content. You MUST engage with the core mechanic, and fight your way to power. Add a bunch of cool end game bosses that are strong/weak vs different fleet comps, and you end up with a complete game.
Not really. I spent a ton of time looking through the mod index on the forum and at the end of the day just decided to play vanilla instead. Every faction mod has something bad in it. I've done mods before and so far in my current campaign I really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything
You do realize vanilla faction also has their own exclusive ships right?
Yes and that has nothing to do with my post. I want factions comparable to the player faction so that the player isn't such a massive anomaly and the player doesn't get unique blueprints.
>can i get a mod with the most generic faction ever
you mean pre-0.96 persean league
That's a you problem more than it is a game design problem. Your inability to either enjoy the campaign level for what it is or find your own fun in mods means you will perpetually be unhappy with a game that has no interest in catering to your particular preferences.
>picking up easy loot to easily found a colony to easily build any fleet you want to easily wipe end game content
this is a you issue though nobody forces you to start those colonies because they ruin the experience
no the dev is not responsible for tard wrangling autists from ruining their own experience
If you have to deliberately sabotage yourself to create difficulty, the developer failed.
I think you're being a bitch about it
>just don't use this game mechanic chud
>no the dev is not responsible for tard wrangling autists from ruining their own experience
it's literally his job
if I wanted to take the responsability of making the game fun, I'd just make my own game
>no the dev is not responsible for tard wrangling autists from ruining their own experience
See if you were talking about people doing major spreadsheet/stats autism to make the combat easy, then yes I would agree with you. But if you're talking about engaging with a major mechanic of the game (or not doing so) then it most definitely IS the dev's responsibility to make doing so not ruin the game experience.
That said, though, I think both you and the anon you replied to are too compromised (I'd argue by exposure to this thread) to be able to talk from an unbiased position about whether stuff like colonies makes the game too easy or not.
honestly you can just do the colonies inefficiently. high hazard planets, no AI cores, poor item compatibility and so on. There you go, you can build your ships without trivializing the economy. Can even make your own life harder too.
>Every faction mod has something bad in it.
Addressing the itch, what was it about my KoC that turned you off?
>unbiased position about whether stuff like colonies makes the game too easy or not
my anecdotal evidence over hundreds of hours played tells me that the moment i put up a colony i lose interest and quit the playthrough shortly after
once your colony can support your fleet costs theres nothing in the game that can do anything to you so playing is pointless
So like the pet stuff in indev?
>Highfleet dev is literal monarchist
Kinda based.
exactly holy shit i hate that retard for implementing it and also doing it badly so markets start spawning pet food anyway if you turn it off
And I think you're being a faggot in your response.
Most of faction mods are just there as neat shooting target and not all of them has super duper awesome ships, especially older and minor faction mods. You huffed too many shitty discord mod, and also being a bitchy autist throwing a fit about some no issues in general.
And those are fine, but not what I'm looking for.

What I actually want would be a handful of dynamically generated factions with random names that would colonize random planets outside of the coreworld. To add a little more variety in encounters and help the player feel like less of a complete anomaly.
Good luck looking for it
Not the anon you've been replying to but making sure we give a fuck enough to know what you want is going to make us want to help you or make it for you
But good luck
you need Everyone Loves KoC
Maybe I'm silly, but I can't help but feel that extended shield could use an OP decrease. Pretty much whenever I feel that a ship's shield doesn't cover enough, it's because it has omni shields and Shield Conversion - Front solves that issue. It just seems better, and it costs less OP.
Part of the problem is that too many people don't understand why anything is fun and don't try to think about why things are fun. Not understanding fun is like not understanding bouyancy and then trying to build a boat. You can still build a boat, but you can't perfectly optimize it, and you can make very dumb mistakes that sink the boat at sea or even in harbor.

I have seen 2 types of fun when it comes to games - I don't know what to call them but fun 1 is a sort of superficial fun that appeals to people who want to waste time. They don't want to be challenged. They don't want to think. They just want pretty colors, flashing lights, nice music and maybe it's even a movie??

Fun 2 is an instinct based fun, it's a fun derived out of your need to play games as a child to practice skills you'll need for survival later in life. This is the fun the more complex games tap into, and it primarily derives from challenge. As soon as you overcome challenges, the fun disappears and the game can only - at best - deliver fun 1.

There are different kinds of challenges and different kinds of skills that are challenged by fun 2. Games like Starsector, Rimworld, and Factorio are different flavors of (mostly, though there's other specifics) optimization problem solving. You are given a huge number of possibilities and variance and challenged with solving a task (such as destroying an enemy fleet and staying cashflow positive) using the tools at your disposal.

When Starsector stops being fun is when those challenges disappear - your fleet can destroy literally anything it runs into, and your cashflow is permanently in the green. There's no more challenge so there's no more dopamine reward for playing. Game becomes boring and you shelve it.

So distilled down this way, the things I'd want to focus on in Starsector to keep it fun and challenging, is to create more complexity (more interlocking game mechaincs) in fleet engagements, fleet upkeep, and player progression.
shield conversion front was already nerfed because it was all anyone ever used
now extended shield exists to give hammerhead a 360 shield
Oh, I haven't been playing that long. Was not aware shield conversion front was nerfed.
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why is there such a long space after AI but before the period
>skipping best boy Alvyss
You deserve to have your PC crashed and your saves corrupted
What loadout do you guys like with Gryphons? I salvaged one recently and thought I'd try actually using one.
All Reapers or All Dragonfires
otherwise full omega on all slots
>When Starsector stops being fun is when those challenges disappear - your fleet can destroy literally anything it runs into, and your cashflow is permanently in the green. There's no more challenge so there's no more dopamine reward for playing. Game becomes boring and you shelve it.
That's why the journey is just as fun, if not more so, then the actual destination. I love replaying Starsector from the beginning and figuring out how to survive. Seeing your balance in the negative for 2 months in a row is nerve-wracking, and you desperately look for ways to bring in income, even if it means tackling a bounty fleet you're not ready to face.

That's why I had to delete more military missions. It was too easy to sit behind a star fortress while a bunch of jackoff pirates slammed into it and died, which was an easy 500k in the bank.
What mods should i get if i want to just explore and colonize shit?
Virtually all of the mods for starsector are just filler. For exploration and colonizing, there's industrial evolution that adds some stuff, but its not changing anything its just adding more of what's already there. More industry items, more charging up your colonies. Little to nothing that changes how it works.
It's an optional feature from Nexerelin.
That and being able to pick your starter fleet/faction are the only things I use nexrelin for. Everything else gets turned off.

Kinda weird it's the only mod to get those features considering what the rest of the mod is.
Perilous Expanse. Long trips fuck up your hyperdrive and eat into your fuel supplies, so crossing the sector isn't just a matter of adding a prometheus and gassing up, you gotta plan that shit out. On the other hand long trips add science data to sell, so you can make money just by exploring. Also adds the ability to siphon fuel in nebulae, and "planetary operations" available when surveying planets that change one resource for another. So you can conceivably just fuck off at the start of the game and spend the whole time exploring space as a nomad.
It is considered a mainstay mod and is modular, why even bother making something like it?
but enough about pokemon
nothing ever happens
player faction wonned
motes losted
Because you are dipping into your toes at modding or see a niche you can fill.
there's a standalone for skip story so you don't have to infest your game with nex
There is literally ALWAYS a retard who tries to make this argument, and it always distracts from the other points in the post because you're so fucking stupid you don't know what makes a good game.
>but I enjoy the clicking even though it presents no decision making, no difficulty, and no thought
If this is true then you are subhuman, and your opinion can be safely disregarded
after years of vanilla fagging and only minimal qol mods
wha mods should I instal?

no nexerelin & ubergiganigga 13yo self-insert op factions pls
autists enjoy repetitive tasks with little decision-making. they're also loud, noisy, and unable to understand that their mindset does not apply to others.

never design for autists
>no nexerelin & ubergiganigga 13yo self-insert op factions pls
there is nothing else worth installing
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>Milking your audience this hard.
Lmao! Is this nigga serious?
can't I just larp as mid sized scavenger discovering spooky shit instead of fighting the 3rd ai war, damn
>meanwhile on UAF's server
UAF niggers confirmed watching this thread to control what's being posted, talk about trying to fuck over SS threads even
>check the amount of people who voted for which
>this is the result
What the fuck lol
Discordtranny moment, nice dubs
>Verification not required
Cy simps really just allow themselves to be fucked in the ass with this.
Trannycord niggers are just that retarded lol.
God I hope another coup d'etat happens in >malaysia
God I hope the Discord servers blow up
Solar emission targeting the Earth next year lads
Meanwhile the VTuber he works with is back to streaming Starsector lmao
I gave up on mods, vanilla has its weak points but I really dont care for yet another faction with overpowered/underpowered ships or a shitbash ship pack. The word bloat gets thrown around a lot but I really dont know what else to call it.
Sending a friend request to Selkie and a dick pic
thanks for the report now go back
Have they started randomly banning our "spies" again?
no i'm still there
Meanwhile USC can't even go 1 single day without someone randomly shouting NAZIS in their lore channel and doesn't even elaborate on it
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>tfw you've installed UAF, but you refuse to install rapesector, since that would imply that you find their disgusting waifu trash to be sexy

For me, it's sat bombing all of their colonies, then sat bombing Sierra as well if she doesn't like it.
unfathomably based
That's fantastic buddy, please go back and stay there.
For me, it's gaining her trust and then selling her off to TT or the lober scientist.
None. Play something else for a few years until Alex slaps 1.0 on the game and calls it good. If you must just look for things that might be fun to blow up and stick to vanilla kit yourself.
hey fags where is rapesector hosted, like the link. i haven't been here for a year and i want the updated version.
No CY, I won't spoonfeed you now.
Google it you fucking retard.
I'll spoonfeed you just this once, Anon.
It's hosted on the internet.
huh it was really that easy, i thought it was on a google drive link, lmao.
>posts Blue Archive while making this shit statement
Yes selkie, you also shit up threads on /vg/
>he still thinks a selkiemod will ever be not about the zig
its always been a zig mod you stupid faggot
it will never not be a zig mod
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the black hole is hungry for that 100 million souls
Do it anon. You know you want to.
>100 million souls
>RS enabled
We're going to need industrial quantities of lube for this one...
>100% of them are men
You da big gay
Is AotD good?
There is a path where the Malaysian is dethroned by his own Vtuber spinoff mod. In fact that path is even fairly likely at this juncture.
The question is, is this path any good?
Depends whether the interactions in that mod will be worth it. I'll wait and see.
If you want to focus on the colony aspect of starsector than it’s fine, AotD is a large mod that takes attention away from the real fun of starsector (Fleet fitting and Combat).
Just don’t install industrial revolution, bloats the far too much for what little content it brings.
>>Is AotD good?
Only the cryosleeper one
everything else is absolute dogshit bloatware
If you like to have 10+ pointless commodities, grinding meaningless things for the sake of other meaningless things and wish colony system would be even more cancerous bu cucking you even out of farming industry - it's a good choice. Otherwise use the cryosleep module.
I am afraid of this game.
everything except the cryosleeper module are gabrage
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>malaysian vs vtuber (filipino)
The only game that felt genuinely stressful for me was Highfleet, compared to it Starsector is pure chill. Nine times out of ten you destroy anything the game throws at you and if not you can spend your mana points to get out scott free.
You said it, how's this game? Worth checking out?
Now that I think about it we really need to add health and sanity bars to our crew and officers
going to bars and going through random events can sometimes raise or lower their morale

higher morale = better following commands
lower morale = more chaotic when in combat and may even turn traitor
this goes both ways for you and your enemies

health only serves one purpose = torture durability
we can torture prisoners of war to gain security codes to help with raids or something
but accidentally or purposefully killing them while being tortured greatly reduces crew morale not to mention rep loss from the faction the tortured came from
the codes would wont expire until you raid the faction they're from, then you lose the bonus since they'd have changed their security codes by then
And how, pray tell, are you gonna reproduce and colonize a planet with just men?
Find the other cryosleeper Ark that has all the women in it
protip: its already inside the black hole

use the one you already found as an organ harvesting farm while you sell off their meat and skin on the side to some aliens or something
Very worth it. The presentation makes it seem high budget despite being produced by one man. Two different parts of the gameplay - strategic and tactical, not unlike Starsector but much smaller in scale; you control a single ship in battle and you view it from the side instead of the top down perspective. The gameplay itself is intense enough to make me sweat trying to dodge or shoot down all the missiles while also trying to read the weak spots of the enemy. On the strategic layer you have a dozen ships tops, with some of them performing non-combat roles (tankers, ballistic missile carriers). The atmosphere is thick enough for you to feel the despair and the difficulty of the situation, hence my mention of it being stressful.
Are there even any space-only carrier-ship designs/blueprints created with autistic realism? I wonder what it would look like if it was ever actually commissioned in a 1000 years or so. Nearly every design I find just assumes we will find a way to generate gravity in space instead of spinning. Ender's game had some neat ones but mostly drone carriers, no visible fighters, let alone ship builders.
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Redpill me on why this thread isn't a general, plz
Help, i'm addicted to running phase-only fleets and cannot stop
>a strategy game thread on a strategy game board
>muh general
Do you really have nothing better to whine about?
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Forget this post I've just read the sticky. I always just assumed this was a /vg/ 3: revenge of the 2nd electric boogaloo. The more you know...
A large cylinder spinning for gravity, with fighters/drones/whatever attached to the outside so "launching" is just undocking and dropping straight down, letting centripetal acceleration do the work.
If you haven't watched the Sseth review yet
Kill yourself
so is that avionics mod with the transforming ships dead? I saw there was something about malware. haven't played in a year or so. Wanted to get back into it
Diable Avionics evolved from "town-bicycle tier mod" to The ModiBalkans
There's like a trillion versions of it now
I have never heard someone describe a mod as a town bicycle lol. Thx for the heads up, I think Ive found a normal updated version
That faggot stopped being funny a few years back. Go back to r*ddit to talk about your favorite content creators there.
Stop kidding yourself Sseth I know its you
Get back to fucking working on that new vid you lazy bum
rape ssethkie armpit
>I always just assumed this was a /vg/ 3: revenge of the 2nd electric boogaloo.
All of the new /v/ spinoff boards are general boards, we're just supposed to pretend that they're not.
Friendly reminder that the reason why Starsector isn't in /vg/ anymore is because of the tranny named Vayra and the USC Discord.
To be fair, janitors really hate anyone making indie generals on /vg/ so this not!general was formed from essentially a permanent ban. it is also one of the most active threads and the only reason this board isn't stagnant water.
how do I remove portraits from a faction mod? simply deleting the portraits in graphics just mad it crash on startup
She is Dutch I think.
Either mod them out or overwrite them.
seems like replacing data > world > factions and copy pasting vanilla portraits defs is best I can do
Just replace them with vanilla portraits or edit the faction file. I've replaced every scy portrait file path with vanilla tritach and merc ones.
Should I play secrets of the frontier?
Out of curiosity which mod are you removing portraits from?
>data > world > factions
Just find that file for the faction mod in question and delete the lines referencing the portraits you want to remove from there. It's a bit more complicated for pre-set characters but that'll work for generic captains and contacts.
Yes then rape Sierra
any mod to increase the amount of black holes and neutron stars?
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I was removing "audio only" from slyphon and adding pfps instead
just use the old galaxy setting
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tried it just now, does not seem to have made more than usual
yes it has. literally what the setting is for, retard.
even if you say that I want way more than that
why sly? shouldn't it be SYL?
It's SYLPHON not slyphon
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>even if you say that I want way more [black holes and neutron stars] than that
You mean you want something like this?
Go to starsector/data/campaign/procgen/star_gen_data.csv and you can easily adjust the frequency of stars/holes.
>and use something else as the mindless fodder enemy
rogue derelict fleets would be good for that
varya sector had it, no idea if it still working
there was also that little mod for generating extra factions but its outdated
>the only way to "fix" the game is to make it more like Battle Brothers
but bb is even more barebones in global mechanics than ss
that is some old skull fun, plain genocide without all that degenerate stuff
=nafri then
discord users only sow discord
and while in there remove clouds too
Pirates ironically enough do not suffer from ludonarrative dissonance in being crazy psychos. They are the only faction that do not use shielded phase tech because they have to unga bunga their way through their technological innovations and invented a phase ship that uses human hands to maintain it. Now tie this in with what is revealed in the main story involving the big Ziggy ship and AI's being crazy and paranoid and it naturally stands to reason pirates are the way they are because of this technology.
hmmmmm i sure wonder why the site named after a word for conflict/strife is bringing conflict and strife
there's no such think as an ironic discord user

>oh i just fucked that donkey as a joke
>he's never fucked a donkey as a joke
mate what is wrong with you
What does donkey pussy even feel like?
It's a bit like ass.
Pretty sure she is of European descent. You don't find that kind of autism otherwise.
Hey anons I'm back
Have this webm of me dying, I thought you'd appreciate it.
I might turn off iron mode it's not fun to be hindered by my subnormal IQ
Whelp, where to begin. You picked a bad time to vent, you overcommited against a damper field using centurion, your fit deals poorly against fast movers, and you're badly outnumbered. Nothing in starsector likes being badly outnumbered. You can drop the burst lasers for more cap/vents. If you wanna fit all the slots use mining lasers. Apogee gets good shield eff plus active flares. You lack reliable anti-shield dps and the flux to really handle that plasma cannon. If you're gonna put a plasma cannon on an Apogee you gotta make sure you can burst down anything that gets into range, you're not gonna chase anything down with that speed. Squall isn't what it used to be, while it's still usable a Locust would've fared better here.
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>gets over 50% flux
>targeted by 3 frigs and a destroyer
>>>>"i should push foward instead of retreating this will surely work!!!"
Quit the game man, clearly it's not for you
Never over-commit. If the ship you're targeting retreats behind the rest of it's fleet, just let it go.
so FUCKING WHAT if you lose your cruiser?
YOU at least KILLED that shitty little FRIGATE that's gonna give you 5 creds at most post battle
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>When the AI baits players
Lol, lmao
>50% flux
>surrounded by frigates
>push forward anyways
You're being way too aggressive buddy, especially with a poorly-fitted Apogee.
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I've decided. Gonna spice up my next playthrough by daisy-chaining a few of my games, and it'll all be held together by a flimsy bit of backstory.

>start off as an aspiring captain, without a ship
>get stranded in the world of Terraria
>build up a space faring vessel, which needs the heart of a killed moon lord to function
>once I do that, use my new ship to report for Duty for the Federation in FTL
>travel to sector 8 to help defeat the rebels and triumph over their flagship
>take their flagship and use it as my own as I begin playing starsector

Oh yeah, it's time for kino.
So many ships to choose from and my fucking brain got obsessed with the fucking Gemini. Why am I like this? I suppose the double fighters mechanic is fun. Does anyone know of a mod that adds a stronger Gemini?
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>Does anyone know of a mod that adds a stronger Gemini?
'Stronger' in what way? I'm assuming you want some semblance of balance.
just mod it
Are there any mods you guys recommend that add cool boss fights like the Doritos or the Ziggy from vanilla?
I know a lot of faction mods add bounties, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. I'm more looking for unique exploration encounters.
I know about the Seeker mod that adds the plaguebearer ships as boss fights in unexplored systems and that's pretty much what I'm looking for, is there more like it? Preferably beatable with vanilla ships and not tuned for super ships from mods.
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>everyone arent safe. nobody is.
- joe stalin, 1936
Have you looked into RAT? It adds a bossfight at the end of it's peuso-dungeon, but it's a bit edgy and the reward may be a bit overpowered. LOST_SECTOR also adds two unique bosses in unexplored systems, but I personally think they're quite unbalanced (at least one of them) from a vanilla-centric view.
I like RAT a lot, but I'm a bit concerned about the huge amounts of power it adds to the player with the bonkers artifacts and the hull alterations that are essentially an additional free s-mod for every ship.
I'll look into lost sector. Maybe I'll just use both and the extra power from RAT makes the lost sector bosses manageable.
Name me another mount & blade in space that lets me pilot a big space battleship around (but without the strategy stuff) and I will, anon.
Go back.
Hm, that does seem like an interesting concept but I'm not sure about having to build my entire ship, that just seems like the outfitting autism from this game but cubed.
I think I'll just keep playing SS but I'll just make things easier for myself so I'm not just doing CBT.
You don't need to vent, turn off shields and press X to hold fire, you can react quicker if someone attacks you. Also if you get overfluxed you can turn autofire off with ctrl+(number). Especially useful for flux hungry main cannon and it will keep your PD operational.
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Nigga what the fuck was his problem
Ship design is simpler than SS, you put on big guns and make them go pew to get fancy mats for bigger guns. Optimal design is a box with PD at the top and a small gap for deathbeams in the middle.
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But could I still do well even without doing that optimal ship and just building an obscene space battleship?
I kind of think that's my issue with SS. There's so many factors to deal with but I just want to cover an Onslaught in flak guns, naval turrets and machineguns and jump drive it into an enemy fleet and watch the enemy ships explode in a cloud of debris.
It's 5 bosses if you don't count the "fuck you if you enter here without a doomstack" system and the "aaaaiiiieeee blue ships save me domain of man!!!" encounter at the end
God decided that he was to be the Ideal Malaysian
yeah lol
as long as you got the power and armor for it not to eat shit within 10 seconds of fighting you should be good
Just uh.. don't use them then? Everything player usable that's mod added gets thrown out the airlock if I'm doing a mod run. RAT is an excellent example of having power creep shit that doesn't deserve to be used.
"Just don't use the good options available to you" is generally not very fun. It cheapens the feeling you get when you overcome a challenge ("was this only challenging because I limited myself to bad stuff?") and it feels especially bad when the overpowered things are cool in concept and genuinely fun to use, but just overtuned. It's much better when the mod author keeps the numbers somewhat reasonable or adds downsides to compensate for strong upsides.
If you can't do self imposed challenges, then that's unfortunate. You're missing out. You can extend the fun in a lot of games if you do. Mods in particular usually add stuff that's better than vanilla in any game, after all if they added stuff weaker or about the same nobody would bother using it when there's a perfectly good vanilla alternative.
>after all if they added stuff weaker or about the same nobody would bother using it when there's a perfectly good vanilla alternative.
Part of me wants to answer: "If you can't see the fun in new things when they aren't better than the old things then that's unfortunate, you can extend the fun in a lot of games by doing that."
I'm sure you can agree that more options and alternate playstyles have a lot of value even if they aren't strictly superior to vanilla content.
I do agree that self imposed challenges can be a great thing in many games, I just don't really have the mindset for them. This is a me problem.
But I do not agree at all that mod shit should be overpowered in general. The point of mods is not to remove challenge from a game (it can be the point if it's an easy-mode mod, but not generally). If you install overpowered mod weapons and then overpowered mod enemies to get challenge back into the game then all you've done is make vanilla content obsolete (but it still exists and wastes time) and you're left with less than you had before.
Adding one more thing
>nobody would bother using it when there's a perfectly good vanilla alternative.
This is true, but for me the point of mods is to add shit that does not have a perfectly good vanilla alternative.
I don't install mods to get another small ballistic kinetic weapon when vanilla already has tons of options for that. I install mods for something like carrier-focused factions because vanilla feels lacking there.
More options and playstyles are great, but that's sadly beyond most modders. Most of the time you just get a vanilla item reskinned but slightly (or greatly) better/worse. Worse stuff goes into the bloat bin. Better stuff goes into the "breaks the game so don't use" bin. it'd be nice if modders toned down the power sure, but I don't see them doing that typically. I'm not saying overpowered mod stuff is ideal or wanted, just that's what usually ends up happening, and yes I've seen people then mod in stronger opponents and come full circle, which yes does obsolete vanilla.
The Knights of Ludd
Are there any mods to add medium ballistic anti armor weapons that aren't the mauler
I want an equivalent to the medium autocannons
if I get into an alliance I can no longer take commissions?
It may not be optimal or even very good but I am enjoying wiping up pirates
sabots on an onslaught is funny
I like using them as a shotgun blast. Ideally combined with the burn drive, so they spend most of their flight time inside my ship's hitbox before they burst.
>crisis meter reaches full size
>a pirate raid is incoming, it is likely to damage your colony
>oh no
>wait what's that colony I've not heard of it
>it turns out that the pirates are going to travel halfway across the sector to attack an outpost I set up a while ago to store stuff in and forgot about
oh no?!
Someone made a blue gemini?
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>get bothered by a small scavenger fleet
>decide to try and fight
>lose hopelessly, lose another apogee
>immediately find a derelict donut
calling that a win
Yeah Apogee are not exactly ideal combat ships, it doesn't really make up for it's fragile nature with anything other than being a nice non-combat exploration profile.
It's part of the KoC: https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=23393.0

On a related note, I'm finding the Tempest feels too powerful because of the drones, same issue as the vanilla Tempest, looking to remove them from the KoC variant. First thoughts on this?

There's still the Kite variant if someone needs drone on their frigate. It also diverges the two nicely. The Tempest is almost a straight upgrade at the moment. Ok, I've pretty much convinced myself now...
>when it literally has one of the best shields in the game that doesn't come with fortress shields
If it had fortress shields it would've been the best cruiser hands down
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Yeah, that's mainly what I've been using it for but in lieu of a donut, which I much prefer.
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I was thinking a ship that looks similar but has better options for building.
I don't know what to give it. It doesn't have many weapon mounts, the only thing I thing I would add, would be another hangar slot. And I don't know if that is easily modded
>the only thing I thing I would add, would be another hangar slot. And I don't know if that is easily modded
Probably the easiest mod you can do:
>/data/hulls/ship_data.csv (open it with a database editor e.g. Calc/Excel
Change Fighter bays from 1 to 2 and hit save
True, the only artifact/hull alteration I use are the one that decreases the fleets minimum crew requirement and that one alteration that negates SO's CR penalty (for my flagship). I don't really like giving my entire fleet upgrades that are unobtainable by the AI.
I don't really know if it's what you're looking for, but Amazigh's Ship Foundry has a carrier conversion of the Apogee that's kinda like an upscaled Gemini.
You can also edit csv files in notepad. They are just normal txt files with a different extension.
Notepad++ has a handy addon that highlights columns in different colors, probably the best tool for that stuff.
*Spreadsheet (not database)
>Notepad++, probably the best tool for that stuff.
I'm going to disagree. Yeah, I know they're plain text but a spreadsheet makes it much easier to read.
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Why does Starsector have so many modders who'll straight up remove their work?
Every goddamn time I take a break from this game and then go and download some updates I find the mod just doesn't exist anymore.
HTE is under the "modding" subforum
Apex is on the devs github
Oh, ok. I thought this was another Dassault/Magellan.
hte is shit anyway
>playing HTE
remember it has an unironic trannyship
I just stick to the same mods I've been using since I started the game desu I don't know shit about tranny drama or whatever that plagues most video game communities.
It's just an unused sprite in the mod folder anyways
This is why I love Diable. Their stuff being slightly underpowered means I don't have to hold back. I can be as cheap as I want, and there's still fun stuff to use.
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..I had not realized that they were spreadsheets. I have been editing ship files for days now trying to guess the rows by counting the commas.
How do i balance the market spawn chances between 3 different ship mods using default_ship_roles.json? Does a .faction file with KnownShips also influence the shops or is it just for the fleet spawns?
Can i restrict which shop the weapons spawn into and how often?
Can i erase a hullmod from ever dropping or spawning at all? I tried..wait i'm seeing it
>uiTags,base value,unlocked,hidden,hiddenEverywhere,cost_frigate,cost_dest,cost_cruiser,cost_
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Reminder that Diable 'mechs' are pretenders and supposedly actually look like this:
at that point why not just make a fighter?
Something about that looks familiar
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I love mechs of all kinds. No discrimination here.
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Whut mod?
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I love every demon core edit
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Yes they're great but what mod is that ship from? While I'm asking, what mods add lots of cruiser variety? That's the ship class I'm most comfortable with. Wolfpacks die too quickly and capitals take up too much deployment room.
It's from BSC, Bean'something, it's one of the good ship packs if you ask me.
I thought this guy specifically removed his mods because he couldn't crash code the chuds anymore due to new rules?
Big beans ship compilation
meds and sproke now
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>I thought this guy specifically removed his mods because he couldn't crash code the chuds anymore due to new rules?
You're right. Alex has banned crash code and tehDragman has continuously stated he would never remove his crash code on principle (image) so he instead asked Alex to remove his mods ( >>1807099 ).

Then he realized his mods weren't getting any traffic/discussion on the discord so he dropped his principles and made a forum friendly version. He'd also made a bunch of Rorschach posts on the discord insisting he'd "Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon." which he's since had deleted.

Turn's out he's just desperate for attention.
It says something that such absolute faggotry by the game's mod makers is nowhere near the worst thing they've done. I fully expect one of these niggers to try and hold Alex at gunpoint in the near future for some retarded reason.
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>He needs legs
Yeah of course for all the walking in space
>the only way to fix the game is to make exploration into a generic dungeon crawl
is it meant to look like an ass?
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They did serve a purpose tho
AMBAC or "Active Mass Balance Auto-Control" allow you to turn your machine around without needing to use fuel in thruster.

I'd also personally argue that if you want to mess up with automated targeting in a setting when magic particle make stealth viable again, having a machine that change shape and is difficult to understand for a machine would be a working tactic.
Shooting the center of mass don't work that well when it keep moving around as if it was dodging.
hasn't the nazi mod not even been updated for like 4 years at this point? Why does he even need the crashcode in it anyway
For forumfags and the cabal, NGO was the boogeyman of Starsector modding but literally nobody cares about it these days.
the ngo retard would have gotten away with it i think if he just used a little subtlety
There's always new boogeymen that need to be fought. After all, R*pesector still exists, so it's become the new thing to hate. Just ask Matt Damon.
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how are you meant to defend against this exactly
Presumably, with your own fleet.
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I'll be honest - I did try, and got all of my military ships actually obliterated by I think one of the fleets.
Probably one of the mods letting them deploy with four of those prometheus capital ships while I have enough DP for like, two big ships and a couple of small ships (or a shit ton of drones but those are good for nothing).
I am a bit confused, I've faced giant shield-less bulk monsters (in pairs too), modded and otherwise, before and you have a conquest. You should be able to face them. Maybe not all four fleets at once, but pick them off bit by bit sure.

What exactly happens, do you just lose war of attrition even in single battle? Could you provide more details, maybe even some pictures for the fun of it?
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>LP Sunder
next time try intercepting them en route and fight them 1 by 1
I'll give that a go
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alright, first one
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>Grayson Goone
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okay, not great but they did retreat. Need to return to my home system to resupply though.
My character's name is 'Bufficker Goone'. There's an Actual Names twitter that just posts some choice stuff from historical records.
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I think this is the same one as before.
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Only one loss, and the force broken, nice. Two of the other big fleets got past me in the process though. I'll catch up to them.
Great job anon, I believed in you!
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Now I think I die.
time to save scum
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Gonna see if this works - keep a line using the onslaught and dominators, enforcers on escort (all equipped with the escort package, it seems to work pretty good)
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nope didn't work
is there a mod to tone down ironshell?
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This time I didn't over complicate things
Just daisy chained escort tasks onto the whole fleet to form the Death Blob
this apparently counts as a win
no, you'd have to edit the ships yourself.
Ive never played with random core world. Is it fun? got a bunch of faction mods installed
It's alright, neat idea for longevity, but personally the novelty wore off abit too quickly for me where I went back to non-random worlds after few days.
This game has mysterious keybinds. I cannot find the file.
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Yah. The keybinds being shit and not changeable isn't something I expect Alex to ever fix. Probably doesn't see a problem. Makes me avoid the planets that have luddic shrines and vaulturn now, because I'm sick of triggering those interacting by spamming 1 for bar.
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If they appear in the game then they're in the files and i will find them.
I've looked everywhere that's written in clear text, They're in the .jar's !
what was that mod that had the big sledgehammer ship?
>Probably doesn't see a problem
this is the guy who has turn-to-mouse OFF by default
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yeah that one
neutrino corps
ah damn, hasn't been updated in a while
But can it CLANG?
yeah it's dead, don't even think there are any bootlegs but i'm not totally sure of that
There is Neutrino Nostalgia in the lober
Think it's for 0.96 though modinfo ver swap should work
>The dogshit AI writing is so noticeable lmao.
>the ark is big, uses cryopods and was designed to venture through space
>the ark is big
>the ark is big and designed to venture through space
>the ark is big and uses cryopods
>the ark was designed to venture through space
I wouldn't be fucking surprised if the description was taken from an AI text gen
That's AI, you can tell immediately by the prose. The faggot probably just fed it his ESL handwriting for the first sentence and then told the AI to generate the rest.
is this game mmo?
>posts a suit that jobs to old MS with legs
yeah but the other players are AI
yeah but it's free and everyone except the lead dev is a tranny
so I guess that just makes it a free mmo huh
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do these special task groups matter? like if I wipe them out are they gone forever?
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Oh fuck yeah, I didn't realise this was even a thing
that's breddy cool
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You bet. I'm paying 90k credits a month to this son of a bitch, maybe once I kill them I can resign the Heg commission (maybe after the PK mission) and then strike out on my own properly.
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goddamn a pirate fleet with no D-mods. did you give kanta the nanoforge or something?
Still a trashfleet though perfectly doable.
You're overestimating the anon who lost a good amount of cruisers to fucking DERELICTS
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actually no it's fine
I AM that bad, yeah. only lost a handful of ships
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>gamma mexico
Imagine the pollution
>half of the ships are civillian freighters/tankers
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I'm naming them after my officers. Norris gets the next one, then Huffman.
look I saw a lot of big ships
plus pirates love their converted civvie ships
speaking of freighters and tankers
everyone gets what they deserve
Might actually rename Sumatra to Sumatra Norris now I think of it
>"""fortress""" shield
get squished idiot
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I cannot digest this writing, it's like swallowing rocks. My imagination is bruised and beaten to death. Let me try it, can't be difficult:

>The shrine is a grand tomb set at the bottom of an enormous airshaft. A baroque sculpture made out of industrial viscera, twisted into the shape of a wing and with swords for its feathers, casts rays of gleaming metal across the the vast space like killing bolts.
>In the center, surrounded by a galaxy of flickering candles, lies the lead-lined casket of a martyred Knights squad. The manner of their deaths, the subcurate explains in a revert whisper, left their bodies unidentifiable and radioactive, observing them would kill you even to this day.
>You are guided to an alcove and abandoned there to contemplate the horror.


>A young knight-initiate(?) throws a defiant look at you from a nearby alcove. His head is freshly shaved; he must be very new to the order. "You're not a knight." he asserts quietly, visibly sizing up your uniform. "Nor are you one of us. Not really. Why are you here, YOU FUCKING NIGGER FROM OUTER SPACE?!"
how many flaks do you need nigga
also sabots are absolutely heretical
Remember to proof read your posts before sending them especially if it's a post about writing quality, for shame.
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>he didn't call the luddic dude a sissy to his face
What's unclear about the "Knight-Initiate" part? He's a new initiate in the Knights of Ludd (I.e the Church's military arm).
>What's unclear about the "Knight-Initiate" part?
He's called a knight-initiative in the original text becasue David is a hack
kek didn't even notice
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Reset soon fellow Nikkers
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gotta finish the job
>knight initiative
It's all so tiresome
>observing them would kill you even to this day.

Better than the original
>how many flaks do you need nigga
>also sabots are absolutely heretical
they're good though
one of the best missiles in the game
I can't think of a better weapon to use when burning down towards an enemy - overwhelm the shields, then start firing the TPC and miss almost every shot because the enemy ship is narrower than the arcs
wrong thread danchou....
Classic case of thinking that more big descriptive words == more gooder description really.
David writes like a politician makes speeches I swear. Give or take a case of thesaurus-induced brain damage

Let me make an attempt.
>The shrine sits at the bottom of what used to be a massive ventilation shaft. The industrial equipment here was recycled into an elaborate sculpture resembling a giant wing with swords for feathers, with support beams stretching over the shrine like rays of divine light.
>A spiraling array of candles surrounds the lead-lined casket of the shrine's subject: a martyred squad of Knights who, as the shrine's subcurate fervently explains in hushed tones, died so brutally that even now their unidentifiable remains could irradiate you in seconds if you opened the casket.
>You are guided to a remote cloister and left to contemplate, though if it is the horror of the death, or the nobility of the knights that faced it you'll have to decide for yourself.
>You aren't there long before you catch attention. A knight stares you down with a look of contempt and indignation. His young face and freshly shaven head suggest he is new to the order, barely more than an initiate, and evidently eager to prove his piety.
>"You are no Knight." He glares disdainfully at your choice of attire. "I doubt you are even one of the Church at all. What makes you think you of all people deserve to set foot here, you damn dirty no gravity-having canned air-breathing technology-relying on SPACENOID

It's really not hard to improve on David's writing though. His shit would be miserable to slog through in audiobook form, much less crammed into the tiny text windows Starsector uses.
Too busy padding his word count to check his grammar I guess.
Your version is unironically worse m8
Reads like something AI would write
>UAF niggers confirmed watching this thread to control what's being posted, talk about trying to fuck over SS threads even
only now you noticed?
they are basically persona non grata anywhere else
Really? Is it because I tried to avoid convoluted descriptions too much?
Being accused of writing like an AI feels like one hell of an indictment.
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Should I even bother balancing shit as to not make it OP in the hands oft player?
I decided to fix the Banshide from no such org which in my opinion, sucked ass and was completely useless.
To do so I decided to turn it into a very lightly armored but very fast and heavily armed frigate-hunter.
>Integrity down by almost half
>Armor down by almost half
>OP up by 20
>Speed cranked up A LOT to 110
>Acceleration, turn rate raised by about 40%
>Flux capacity down by almost half
>Flux dissipation up by 20%
>phase flux/s up by about 40% so it can't just sit there
It feels almost perfect when piloted by AI, >murders frigates when in range, but isn't so oppressively fast they can't run away
As intended
>gets murdered by destroyer groups if pinned down in phase
>gets murdered by capships the same way
>but also can really put the hurt on cap ships if it gets a flank/doesn't get focused down
It feels perfectly fine in the hands of AI, maybe a tiny bit overtuned the flux dissipation rate but overall very fresh/

But in player hands... load up 4 AM blasters and 2 phase lances and it will just dance around everything and shred it to shit as long as the enemy has *anything* else to shoot at so it can vent. It feels very fucking gnarly because it seems the AI fits don't have the damage to punish it's low HP pool/armor for the most part.
Feel like I should decrease the acceleration on it to make it easier to punish when you fuck up, but then I feel like it won't be able to chase frigates well enough. It already relies on phase to stay on target long enough to deal damage.
>Phase ship
>Shits on everything when not controlled by brainlet AI
Welcome to Phaids anon. They're all like that. People have wiped out star fortresses with a solo Afllictor before. Basically any phase ship that the AI can even use will demolish everything in the hands of even an unskilled shitter.
Yeah, honestly, I feel like the other parts of your version are fine, but the descriptions lack flair, they don't highlight the way Chuddics do things like David's do.

Can't really pinpoint it, but when I read your version I feel like the shrine could be anywhere and in any setting.
David's? Yep, that's a description of a Chuddic church shrine no questions about it
Obviously does not apply to the second part but you get the point.
Eh, honestly I don't see anything particularly unique to the Butlerian Jihad in David's version, outside of a few 'old fashioned' words... maybe the melodramatic description of 'sculpture made out of old industrial equipment' maybe, but David kind of does that for everything. I probably went too far in trying to pair things down though.

I do think that both versions would probably be annoying to read in Starsector's narrow windows. Page size massively affects how you end up reading, and I think the biggest problem with David's writing isn't the meandering descriptions, weird grammar or uninspiring word choices. I think it's the fact that his stuff just wasn't written with it being displayed with every sentence split across two lines in mind. I wonder if he ever tried reading any of his stuff back from the in-game display?
it's because you're autistic. at least an AI copy-pastes from humans
let me try
>The shrine is a grand womb set in an enormous airshaft. The industrial visceral has been transformed into a barbeque sculpture.
>In the center, surrounded by a galaxy of flickering candies, lie the lead-lined caskets of a squard of married Knights.
>You are left in a prayer-niche to contemplate the honor
>"You're not a Knight," he says quietly, making a show of looking over your uniform. "Nor one of us. No really. Why are you here, spazer?"
second to last paragraph is perfect the way it is and was untouched
Since everyone is now doing this...

An enormous air shaft has been transformed into a crude tomb. What remains of the industrial installations has been transformed into a baroque sculpture. The bladed wings of an angel layered across the tombs wall offer promises of sanctuary from the cold outside.

In the centre of the shrine lies a galaxy of flickering candles surrounding the caskets of martyred Knights. In reverent whispers the subcurate paints a picture of their final moments, by the end, their bodies were so irradiated that the church was forced to line their caskets with lead to protect the pilgrims who have made their journey here today.

You are left alone in a prayer-niche to contemplate their sacrifice.


You hear heavy footsteps and look across to see a freshly shaved Knight-initiate looking down on you with feigned authority. His footsteps sounded more intimidating than he looks and he is clearly new to the order.

His eyes linger on your uniform and his voice is low “You are no Knight and no pilgrim. I demand you state your business here?”
What do you think industrial viscera is even supposed to be? Sharpened pipes or something? I usually like reading descriptions, but something about the event text usually does make my eyes glaze over a bit. Probably the fact that half the words serve little purpose. Did we really need the hyperbole of a galaxy of candles?
>Autist writes terrible prose
>Other autists criticize first autist's work, proceed to write just as terrible
Many such cases
Next thread should be 'knight-initiative' edition.
>Next thread should be 'knight-initiative' edition.
Won't happen, got UAF furfags making new threads with noah'd titles when we're still on page 7. It's how they 'get us back'.
>'get us back'.
for what, calling them trannies?
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The galaxy of candles isn't so bad. It's spacefaring imagery which makes me imagine the circular field of candles. Industrial viscera? Why not, mangled scrap, twisted rebars melted together, metallurgically gruesome.
Lead casket, awesome idea but i would have called it a sarcophagus instead of a casket. Sarcophagus would have been THE word to use right there.
Rays of metal, serrated or not, do not thrust or boldly form dangerous arcs. Gleams from the serrated metal. The rays appear imbued with murderous intent.

But what gets me the most is the enormous airshaft. I assume the shrine sits at the bottom of it with a trickle of light coming from high up and reflecting on the statue but what if it's a sideways ventilation tunnel with the shrine suspended on a platform constructed in the middle of it? We just don't know: talk to me game-master! Instead of hiding behind your paper screen oh god not the ultradense infodump, i rescind my request!
>What do you think industrial viscera is even supposed to be?
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*plaps you
oh no no no no no no no shieldsissies what the fuck is this
Guess we need to take the initiate and initiative the next thread ourselves.
Are there furries in UAF? Didn't have that impression. USC seemed to have more of those.
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playing with colony crises for the first time and it made me want to wipe out the whole western sector
>colony crises
as long as you wait until you have enough cash to rush max station and have a decent fleet they're not a problem really
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It wasn't an issue, I even beat the blockade, I just wanted them gone for being annoying nigger faggots. I see no reason not to sat bomb them before I start a colony now.
Month or so ago I wanted to do the same, wrote up a python script for it spent days working out how to rip stuff from github while checking same versions to reduce duplicates and overwrites.
>half the links are bitbucket
>some are google drive
>some use clone github master ignore version conventions
>1 is gitgud
>just today found out about the sabotaged and hidden mods

still playin .96a-RC10
Just download them manually you lazy retard.
later, I don't want to do that every time there's a tiny update
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I just don't get it. Tried to play 0.97a but battle is extremely laggy at 18fps on 400DP test. I'm getting 60fps just fine on 400DP at 0.96a, shit is frustrating. AMD btw.
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Just gonna drop this here...
I'm not sure if it's related but on the main menu the fps would drop sharply to 20 as soon as a ship is passing by then returning to stable 60 before another one spawned in.
alright wtf this malay vs pinoy thing?
How many mods? Have you done the usual RAM allocation stuff? Have you updated to Java 8?
Around 60 I guess, most of those were just utility mod. Java 8, 6gb ram, yeah. I identified several mod causing the lag by elimination but as soon as I re-enabled the mod not responsible, the lag would just return.
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I'm thinking something is interfering with RS. If I removed RS it worked just fine, the same if I load RS with only the essential library mods.
give me factions mods to make the game harder
I wreck vanilla factions too easily
Is there any mod that adds an XIV Lasher variant?
>HAG gun buff
Reinstalling, time for DAKKA
Hivers and Legio
Anyone got the meme portrait pack that was banned from the mod forum?
Is the game good out of the box? Or do i need to install things like Nexelerin,speed up,bugfixes,etc?
I'd say it's good out of the box, though I would get the java 8 mod.
you can learn to play the game fully vanilla it isnt very long (beat the story) then start a new playthrough with mods and skip story using nexerelin
Thats like a bugfix for the memory leak correct?
Will do,i see the game keeps updating so i rather play vanilla else i will always have to wait for mods updating to the lastest version
The trannies got mad that the portrait pack had people like Alex Jones and Trump in it. So the author pulled the pack, and edited out the memes.

I found the pack on >reddit
I wonder if they ever consider ignoring stuff they don't like.
>memory leak fix
They'd rather put malware into their mods before ignoring things they don't like, and I wish I was joking.
If I recall correctly one of the main mod libraries (GraphicsLib or magicLib) does something that fucks over AMD cards, I had to disable some option in one of their files to get normal FPS. Also you could try updating to Java 23
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I put my money on that explanation. I'll post a custom free meme image not currently uploaded to the internet for you to save if you find the culprit.
Is this the newest memory leak fix? Been out of the game for a year or so
Apparently, I haven't tried it myself, same as you I haven't played the game for about a year, but some anons in a /v/ thread were praising it as it fixes memory leaks so they dont have to restart every 30 minutes. FPS seems to improved across the board as well.
The pack got removed because it had a happy merchant in it, not whatever the fuck you're talking about.
Oh Lol, yeah that is a def a reason to take it down.
it made the game playable for me, especially with a lot of mods, definitely recommend it
I tried JRE 23 and felt no difference with 8.
>I had to disable some option in one of their files
Is it the shader?
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Think its the shader options in the ini file. Also are you using the combat radar mod? It doesn't work with GraphicsLib and an AMD card at the same time.
i need to gather 8 million credits asap. how do
drugs or space t-34s to the pathers
Addcredits 8000000
Ship and Weapon Pack
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They removed the Azur Lane portrait mod for sexuality even though it is just official pictures from the same game that is safe enough to be hosted on google play
alex is a noted anime hater
>is... is that a voluptuous female?? oh myyy gooood im going insanee save me gargoylemanwoman!!!!
>furries are welcome tho :^)
pretty much, and trying to pretend that furfags are not sexual is just dishonest
>hating tranime
To be fair those image crop are pretty shit, you either sacrifice coom for face clarity, or squint to see the boob on 128x128 resolution.
I did not use it or like it, personally I just use an AI retouch of vanilla portraits, I just think it getting banned is ridiculous.
is there a mods enabling ai to use the gates?
No, closest thing is Nexerelin which gives your Task Force Fleets the ability to use gates if there's one in the system they're currently in and one in the system they're traveling to.
Can you name them?
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>mfw finally trying prv's berguv torpedoes with s-modded plasma agitators
my eyes have been opened
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I found the problem. I red the log and a lot of important mods like Nex and Armaa were throwing error left and right. Replace the whole mod folder and got no issues. I'm such a dumb tool to use that TriOS bs to install mod since SMOL was working fine back then.
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Generic anime portraits. 100% more swastikas until you're sick of it.
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