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Why yes, I do enjoy getting maximum glamour from my missions. How could you tell?
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Cats are the true path..
why the fuck did the last thread get deleted?
gals are superior
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Synth paperdoll rework when?
>not even wearing a bikini
Because retarded OP linked it. The rule is 'no generals'. Same goes for Star sector thread.
What do you think of Garage(budget version of hangar) for male path? Early access so you can build it fast to make use of Trucks.
garage should be baseline imo, encouraging ground vehicles shouldn't be path-specific
rumor has it that a suspiciously wealthy furry commissioned a bunch of the catgirl artworks and paid dioxine to include them in piratez.
if such a thing is true, i cannot help but wonder just how much it all cost.
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This thread didn't exist while the previous one did. Other OPs have linked previous threads without either thread getting deleted.
Agree, everyone should have access to early and cheap hangar type facility that can support land vehicles and hunting parties.
Now where do we find a suspiciously wealthy robotfucker to pay for new Syn paperdolls?
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I don't want to fuck robots, I want to watch lesbian robots hold hands and kiss.
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>playing vanilla
>time to build 2nd base
>have the opportunity to build it in a way to stop invasions easily
>"Nah, I'll just stop the ayys from even detecting my base. I can shoot down any scout."
>build it without any regard for defense
>months pass
>battleship in retaliation mission scanning area
>my avenger and firestorm are out of commision from a previous battleship fight
>only have an interceptor and a lightning ready, neither can take on a battleship
>well shit
>ayys scan the area with impunity, leaves
>few days later
>base defense mission
is cats4life good yet?
Absolute mad lad!
Male path have shit all tho.
That is BS. Cats were made by russians as submod first then integrated into main mod later. Most art was done by them.
Of course it's not like dio would offer much resistance if you tried to bribe him. He is polish poorfags and starved for money.
I remember on my last vanilla Ironman playthrough I put a second base pretty late, but ended up losing my main base with all the mats and weapons to ayys because Skyranger was out on the mission and backup crew of 10 and 3 tanks just couldn't deal with with all the blaster launchers and psionics Sectoids had.
Anyone got the link for the UFO Defense and TFTD Files? I want to ensure that the copy I have from 2020 still works. I know /retro/ usually has a rentry for that these days.
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>responding to a terror mission
>at night, because I'm a month away from having my funding cut and can't afford to miss this
>land in a secluded field on the edge of the map
>only two narrow alleyways leading out
>send my rocket HWP down one with support following behind
>send other group of pure infantry down the other
>first guy rounds the corner and sees this black shape at the other end
>he pops off a snap shot, naturally misses
>end turn
>the slaughter begins
>why yes, I do feel like killing myself, how could you tell?
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What does the game infamous for being unable to find the last enemy needs the most? That's right, more fucking mazes.
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I am aware I am probably giving it more credit that it may have, but I wonder how different Synths would be if Dio had played Signalis considering the whole huge and strong resbian lobots would fit pretty well in Xpiratez
Also the idea of vodoo-synths
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The (problem) with Syns and to a lesser extent heroes, is that they're much MUCH harder to get than gnomes sadly. The only guaranteed mission is space freighter and that's like pulling teeth. Hopefully a new mission focused on acquiring them will be added.
Thankfully it's floaters who are attacking my base, but I only have 6 men and a tank. Blaster launchers are fucking up my squads, I'm terrified of them now
Is it just me, or is the post-1999 XCF utter dogshit? The pacing is beyond stupid, you basically unlock every alien tech immediately the moment mediums start showing up for abductions, aliens never really escalate the invasion beyond a couple missions per month, the game bombards you with old piss-easy missions from hybrids/osiron that net you infinite score and make it impossible to lose, and progression depends on getting a bunch of overly arcane and speific captures that only appear on special missions that you have to wait 10 months to show up once if you are lucky.
This would be fixed with better/more scanning equipment than ayephones and whatever paltry number of sense outfits there are.
>Is it just me, or is the post-1999 XCF utter dogshit?
Nah that's a common complaint.
Anyone took a tab at fixing it yet? Are mods for mods a thing in oxc community or do original creators get anal about it?
XCF has been in this state for a very long time so I doubt you can expect any sort of fix out of solar or the community that enjoys XCF.
About mods for a mod I doubt they care as long you ask for permission to use their assets and credit them for what you took, since the Hobbes incident as long you ask and make your intentions clear there shouldn't be any problems.
furfag update ruined the general, where are all the muscle mommy bros?
Is it XPiratez that has green-skinned alien psi-dominatrixes in latex corsets? Are they a playable unit type or enemy only?
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I can't tell if you're asking for lokk narrs which are these goblin females which are playable or muton gals which are only enemies and aren't exactly green but it's closest to what you're describing.
Don't blame catgirls for having the best paperdolls.
How do I get catgirl voice lines?
Click on them
I don't think that's a problem. I quite like how rare they are, considering the carnage they bring. And that's on top of being borderline unkillable.
Mine don't do it. I'm hours into catpath and have never heard them speak (outside dying)
I think they only do it in some outfits, put your cat into maid outfit and I think she'll nya or you'll hear a little bell sound.
Bell outfit
I once spent inordinate time searching for the last enemy in a cleared base (Openvanilla). Turned out the game wouldn't let me finish the mission because I was mindcontrolling that giga-robot whatitsname and I wasn't supposed to be able to do that or something. Got a fucking crash when I tried to haul all of my team and it back manually through the extraction zone.
>borderline unkillable
That one is on death's door and there's a Deep One right in front of her.
It's self-damage from the skull. And even if they fall, you can repair them.
I thought demon skulls are only morale drain?
crystal skull
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named cats when?
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Are the pepper pistols worth using for anything besides accuracy training?
Piratez needs a grapeshotgun.
>he doesn't know
Get your synth a Vibro Ax in one hand, Crystal Skull in another and pop some combat stims on her just in case. Have fun wiping half the map on first turn.
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I actually don't mind some of the gals between total ugos
Here's a hack for training firing accuracy, gather at least 3 unconscious enemies and fire smoke grenades from a grenade launcher do it once for minimum amount of xp to roll 1-3 accuracy gain or repeat 4 times to get a shot at 2-6 roll.
Since smoke grenades deal 0% hp damage and can't hurt yourself this method is foolproof you can train an entire convoy worth of people on just 3 knocked out civilians if you only have the patience for it.
Exact same method works for normal smoke grenades except that'll train the throwing stat.
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God i love cats
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I wish drawing guns were easy as drawing units
>the Hobbes incident
I still can't believe some schizo claimed ownership over palette-swapped vanilla assets, and the entire faggot community bent over and honored all of his demands.
Smoke grenades from launchers are fucking expensive. Why not just use assault shotgun rubber pellets?
Because those are lethal and you gain experience much slower, one shotgun shot even if it has 12 pellets awards 1 XP point. If you gather up 3 unconscious people you get 3XP per shot and when you're trying to train up 20 retards on targets that can't fight back you really want to cut tedium to the minimum because while efficient the strategy is really boring.
Draw new Syn paperdolls, if you're so great
>early game files
>try and keep every agent alive, keep track of their medals, every new training is a small celebration
>late game files
>every mission has 15 sectopods and 25 turrets, all with 200 laser damage cannons that oneshot veterans in juggernaut armors
>doesn't fucking matter anyway because you can hire a fresh rookie, give him spartanism + 6 upgrades and have maxed stats without doing a single mission
XCF endgame is especially ridiculous thanks to overtuned aliens. I feel like they should've built up more on early game concept rather than turning the game into roided up UFO Defense, because early game is the best XCF got to offer.
The only reason any of my veterans survived end game XCF was because half of my squad were olympians mind controlling mutons as reaction fire bait.
And God help you if a post invasion mission (crashed UFO) spawns before the invasion.
Never had problems with those myself, if you are talking about "military shot down a medium scout" missions. AI soldiers can sometimes do it by themselves. And it's always sectoids, so they get dabbed on by smoke grenades.
Now that abductor one with a big tiddy hybrid was almost a wipe.
Really though, you can have personal armor before 1999 easily. And veterans in personal armor have decent chances to survive plasma. It's all the 100+ damage kinetics and lasers that suck, because you can't protect against them. Late game armors are vulnerable to their damage types, and earlier game stuff doesn't have the raw numbers. MiBs and turrets are just going to oneshot you and there's nothing to do about it. That moon HQ mission where you have 8 guys against 100+ MiBs with 20 sectopods is just fucking dumb.
It is dumb but what does it say about xcom power level when you can win outnumbered over 10 to 1 and you've likely won without losing a single unit. A lot of XCF missions feel like a clown car extreme but it sort of has to be this way because xcom is extremely overpowered.
the power level inflation is another thing i dont like about files
>you've likely won without losing a single unit
I squad wiped 2 times and then won with 1 death on the 3rd attempt.
It really just comes down to whether or not one of your units gets oneshot by some bullshit in the opening turns. With such a small squad size a single loss early snowballs really hard.
>xcom power level when you can win outnumbered over 10 to 1
Mostly a result of dogshit map design, TFTD and most of its mods don't have this issue.
I'm having an issue in vanilla where I have a couple live engineers and navigators but they don't appear on the research list. Do they stop appearing in there if I have researched all ship types and missions?
you probably have "show only new" toggled on the research screen
Yeah, once you got all the info out of them, they're useless.
As it turns out I already researched all ufo types and missions, that's why those ayys don't show up for research. But now I have no way to eliminate them. If I understood correctly, there's no limit to the number I can keep? Vanilla game enforces a limit of 10 ayys per containment facility but apparently openxcom removed it
>now I have no way to eliminate them
You can sell them.
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>want to shoot big guns because they're fun
>this wastes money
>want to blow things up with explosives because it's fun
>this wastes money
>want to kill things because capturing stuff is boring
>this wastes money
>want to blow things up with explosives because it's fun
>this wastes money
oh shit are those farmers suing? I only preemptively nuked their farmstead 'cause losing men to a second story sniper seemed like a waste of money but also because it was fun
Stop being poor
penny pinching gone too far
its more a thing in x piratez and x files
in base game money are hardly a problem and you can easily solve it anyway by just selling laser cannons
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>x piratez
yeah money's tight most of the way through
>x files
money is tight until a certain point at which you get so much money you don't even know what to do with and then it hits you that despite having a worldwide military force capable of defeating alien invaders and 1 billion dollars in the bank you're still poorer than certain real people haha isn't the real world a funny place
>x files
yeah, early its thigh then like you say
solar sucks at making his mod fun in past invasion game
>blowing things up in Piratez wastes money
It saves time and lives, though.
>x files
The economy in XCF is so broken that I don't see how it's even possible to lose money there.
>wastes money
Not even guaranteed. Some enemies are tough enough that blowing them up to start a bleeding wound or puncture their shield is all you can do.
I want to get into the original xcom ufo/openXcom before jumping into any mods. How long is an average play through of the vanilla game?
its not long game
30-40 hours. More or less depending on your luck, skill and multitude of other factors. I always try to play as much as possible, but I still usually end the campaign by the end of 1999 or somewhere in the first half of 2000.
I've been playing casually over the course of a month and I'm pretty much at the end. I just want to do a few more things before I head off to the final mission. In-game it's november 1999 and I should be done in a few more months. If I had been playing optimally I could've finished it already
A lot of the time the most valuable loot in the mission is in the exact building you want to blow holes in.
What a shame.
Why blow holes when a vibro axe wielding gal can sprint acrossa half the man and koolaid man through literally any wall? Also the greater telekinetic blast from that flying peasant voodoo outfit vaporizes walls while leaving the loot largely intact
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O my God! JC! A bomb!
I hate explosives because they generate too much smoke. I could flatten a group of enemies with a grenade but it's pointless if everything behind the blast is now invisible. I'd rather maintain sight with whatever was behind that group
It's also frustrating that in piratez you can either have good smoke vision or good armor but not both until guardian armor which takes a fucking long time to research.
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Anyone knows about a way to disable the random damage range for OpenXCom so all weapons do a fixed amount of damage? There's nothing like hitting an enemy 6 times with a stun rod and doing zero damage. I can't seem to find any mods for it
If you're talking about vanilla there should be just an openxcom option to use TFTD damage calculation instead which is 50-150% instead of original 0-200%. For mods I don't know but it would break balance because some guns do TFTD style damage while other original and it's intentional.
So Ive never seen this thing before but I am intrigued. Where do I start?
Yup I just found that option. I wish there was one to have them do 100% all the time but I guess that's a bit better
Download X-COM UFO Defense
Get Open XCOM
Download mods you want
Equip programming socks
>destroy cover with bomb
>it just gives the opponents new cover in the form of smoke
You're looking at XPiratez, which is a mod for a mod for a mod for the original X-Com: UFO Defence from 1994. You can download it from https://www.moddb.com/mods/x-piratez and it contains everything you need except the base game.
That you can buy from Steam for about a dollar when it's on sale. If it's not on sale, well, it came out in 1994 and never had any copy protection. I don't have a download link memorized, but it shouldn't be hard to track down.
The mod might seem a bit overwhelming, but you can also use the same executable to just play the original campaign. It's much shorter and smaller in scope. Go to mod settings to change it.
>smoke from grenades
The obvious solution is to keep tossing grenades. The obvious con to that is that grenades destroy the loot. One of those dudes might've been carrying the RCF Carbine you desperately need.
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Actually I found a way to change it to always be 100% fixed damage. I just took the mod to use the TFTD style of damage calculation and changed this one parameter from 50 to 0 + adjusted the metadata file to make it a new mod
Just in case anyone wants to do the same thing, it's really easy
This may have some unexpected side effects, I believe someone complaining that even with TFTD damage model sectopods become nigh invincible because you can't roll high past its armor.
RCF carbines are gay and shit and shit and gay. I only worry about bags of cash being destroyed.
Losing experienced units <<<<<<< getting loot
Look in TFTD_Damage.rul and adjust damageRange. I guess if a value of 50 gives 50% to 150% damage then a value of 10 might give 90% to 110% damage maybe, not tried it.
oh, I see you got there first, guess I'll post this anyway in case someone searches for it one day.
They're the best guns you can get until Omega Rifles

>bags of cash
This too.
Note that many weapons don't use this calc for damage, especially in mods, there's more about this on the openxcom forums.
If you need to adjust overall weapon damage I'm not sure if there's any global way to do it but you can find the individual weapon stats in the two item.rul files (or piratez.rul) and copy/adjust the numbers to make another little mod for that. You might adjust sectopod armour as well if you want.
I prefer UAC rifles.
laughs in shotguns and snipers
Yes, the RCF is the best early game rifle. But 'until Omega Rifle, dId you mean the Blunderbuss and the Laser Tommy?
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>using guns in the only mod that makes melee truly viable
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>not using all of the guns to provide covering fire for your elite pikemen and axegirls to get close.
>RCF carbine
>best until omega rifle
the Auto Rifle has the same shooting profile as the RCF and does more damage. the bayoneted AK has a melee attack, similar accuracy and TUs, and does more damage. Battle Rifle does even more, but the TU cost makes it more of a sidegrade. With bravery and firing scaling, the Ol' Rifle is a better pick than the RCF Carbine if you don't mind losing the autoshot.
Outside of rifles, you can replace an RCF with autogun or tommygun, play it exactly the same, and still come out with more dakka. The low damage on the RCF struggles to deal with even Guild Security. I've had it struggle to drop highwaymen and bitchboy bandits. It's a servicable entry-level rifle but it gets replaced by bigger guns or better automatics quite fast.
The real purpose of it is when you get EP ammo. It's amazingly good at sniping zombies with it.
>grenades destroy the loot
only explosive grenades destroy the loot, and only stuff that's already on the ground.
first wave of explosives is normal bombs (or chem if you feel spicy), to demolish cover and remove obstructions. second wave is incendiarys, to illuminate targets and apply burning effect without damaging loot. third wave is gas to extinguish the burning terrain and make it safe for melee to close in and mop up.
one must appreciate the assault cannon, grenade launcher, and rocket launcher for the diversity of their payloads
Can never find that shit
It spawns on only two missions: UAC Vault and Escape Tower, and even then it has a very low drop rate.
Pretty sure more than that. Any mission with human commando should be able to spawn it. Also rng from boxes.
use linux
I'm using windows.
>sniping zombies
14mm rifle is better for zombie plinking.
linux origami with EP ammo is the premiere electric-type shoota. it's pretty robust with normal slayer bullets too.
Eh, ep does ridiculous stun damage to zeds along with the fact they're all weak to it.
Yeah it's either that or the bullpup rifles I give to peasants/slaves
>stun damage to zeds
that's the problem, i don't want these assholes alive for processing
I want them dead so they don't get up and annoy me, though.
The problem with a weapon that's good against zombies is that the domestic shotgun that you get in your second mission is also good against zombies.
Linux EP is a weapon so good you can use it from the moment you research it till elite plasma guns. Electric damage destroys blue shields which is ideal against hovertanks sectopods or star gods which is not something you can say about piercing damage from shotguns. Also linux EP has effective range equal to visual sight, auto firing at 40 tiles with tier 3 linux smg is decently accurate.
It's sort of amusing how this gun went from meh to one of the best guns in the game with addition of EP ammo it truly is a game changer.
Blunderbuss and Blunderbuss with chem shells are the only tech you need.
Prove me wrong.
What about HE?
>Kustom Blunderbuss
Fuck both of you.
Pay me.
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>need a hangar, some defenses, a lot of crew quarters, a factory, an industrial printer, a hellerium plant, a fusion plant and a LOT of vaults
There's no room for everything.
You should consider making a second base by the time you've unlocked factories.
You don't actually need a factory for anything. It just adds more workshop space.
>a LOT of vaults
Slaves exist
>>1804107 (Me)
Forgot a radar

I know, I'm talking a dedicated manufacturing base that's still generally able to go on missions.

I don't know if its the version I played (N7?) but there seems to be a limit to that. After a certain amount of slaves, adding more will not increase the vault space.
If you have fusion plants and a factory you can also afford the workers needed or have enough culture for land deeds to satisfy your storage needs
I played N6 and slaves made vaults pretty much irrelevant, so maybe it was fixed eventually.
How good are the two handed axes?
i think all of them are ranged now, which is good vs enemies that fly or are deadly in melee but worse for general use
lobsterman erasers
>the only mod that makes melee truly viable
>the only
Bardiche can open armored cars and power armor.
Armored cars can be defeated with pikes.
Doesn't either make them blow up in your face?
Somewhere there's a thing that says what damage types don't cause explosions.
Thoughts on IDT mods?
The most famous being the historical pieces like UNEXCOM and TGWOTW, but there's less talk about the smaller ones like CTO and Halo Reach
Please explain your acronym?
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I know this is nothing special to you guys but I'm happy. First ironman win. I like the game but truth be told I was getting tired of all the redundant missions when I had unlocked everything but still needed a few more months to train psionics, so I said to hell with it and sent 8 soldiers (the only ones with 50+ psi strength) and 3 hovertanks to Cydonia. It was a slaughter, lost half the squad, some were getting mind controlled, but managed to reach the alien brain. And it was the commander, the guy who was with x-com from the very beginning, and the only survivor of his original squad, who dealt the killing blow. A fitting end.

I'm putting the game down for now but in the future I'm going for a superhuman ironman win.
Inventorum Development Team, a group of OXC modders. You may recognize the by the angil-in-a-wreath logo on some of the mod pages.
>breeze through the missions with minimal losses
>dagooners and their sea shits attack a resort
>land the osprey, facing a map edge, omg how lucky
>a sonic pistol staring right down the ramp
>kill him before he shoots
>3 more sonic pistols I couldn't see reaction fire into the osprey because they can see the guy's toes through the bottom of that shitty diagonal opening
>end the turn
>2 gilldogs run up the ramp and kill more guys
>whatever, start unloading troops
>map is open fucking field with zero cover, 62 enemies in sight
>since I already run down the ramp I can't just go back and leave
>whatever, take some shots at gillmen and nearby melees
>enemy turn
>6 incendiary grenades come flying from the other end of the map, none miss
>everyone insta dead or panicked and on fire
>1 (one) guy has a turn and evacs
damn, really should have played that one better by being clairvoyant and aborting the mission before knowing how the map looked or where the enemies are
>load autosave battlescape 1
>abort mission
x files is shit
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thanks dio
On the bright side, it's not the -2500 infamy event that can happen if your score is too high
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Can somebody tell the devs to please compile the 12.5 version or later for android, the latest xpiratez needs it and im stuck without a computer for the time being thank you :)
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Catgirl and Marsec Bodyguard
How many of these are being commissioned? It never ends.
There's a nice link with all the fanart
I guess not, any way to compile it on android yourself?
no idea
You can go to openxcom forums and ask meridian to do it, just ask politely and be patient.
and by ask politely i mean demand it immediately and throw some insults to speed things up
remember kids, nothing help your case more than calling names and throwing fit
and by be patient i mean be patient of mental asylum
they can't say no to disabled person
Remember to say nigger a lot, so they know you're based. No one's gonna compile code for a basedboy cuck.
best advice in whole thread
>nothing special to you
Completing vanilla on ironman is impressive. I tried to do it and everything was ez even with occasional losses but I was filtered by the first encounter with enemy psionics. Trying to capture the first of those niggers to start your own bullshit
factory is an enormous pain even with savescumming. Of course, once you do it and train your dudes to mindcontrol everything in sight the game becomes manageable again.
Not to take this win from you, but playing veteran with saves would have prepared you for SH ironman better than begiiner ironman.
Beginner halves enemy armor and accuracy, which leads to a qualitative difference in armor/weapon effectiveness. You got used to certain weapons requiring certain amount of shot to kill certain enemies, but on other difficulties it will be completely different.
The jump in other scaling variables is also very extreme between beginner and SH. Aliens looking at your craft with full TUs on turn 1 are barely a problem on beginner, but on SH almost ALL of them will do it, and there are more than double the number of enemies on most missions.
Superhuman does have side effect of being easier if you're good at the game because more aliens means more loot you can sell and mind controlled aliens having better stats works in your favor once you get there.
Loot to sell doesn't really matter much in vanilla, because money are never a problem, and the game is over so quickly you don't need a lot of scientists or engineers.
If you just go for the win, you do it with one base and one lab because you skip 90% of research topics anyway.
Psionics-procurement center.
Aren't we talking about vanilla oldcom? Just shove a stun rod up some random sectoid leader's ass on a medium ufo mission, you need him for martian solution anyway.
Oh sorry I expressed myself badly. My ultimate goal is a SH ironman win but I'm not doing that right away, I want a veteran ironman win first as preparation for SH. That beginner run was mostly to learn basic tactics and to learn how and which techs to unlock. I genuinely didn't remember how to unlock power suit and psionics, but now I do.
Thank you frens, will do
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aliens did a night time L shaped ambush after my guys moved out of the transport and everyone died ;(
is there a pastepin or link with the whole thing already installed or at least an installer? I never played x-com but this seems interesting
You download it, copy the original game files you legally acquired through steam or otherwise in the right folder and you put mods you want to use in another, what is there not to understand? There are dozens of guides
And while you're at it, tell him to add a RMB emulation for menus. Resource management and manufacturing in XCF/Piratez is a nightmare on mobile.
No, because the mod makers don't have distribution rights to the original game.
It's not difficult to install, though. You need to copy some files from one folder to another. It's not a difficult task. Even if you've never done it before, you can figure it out.

what exactly do i need to play it? x-com has like 10 different iterations
You just need ufo defence

welp, i installed it and played for lke 10mins, controls are just too archaic. I'am sure its a cool game (or was) but its just not for me
>zoomers will never play X-Com, Silent Storm or Jagged Alliance 2 because they're "archaic"
>doomed to play shitty modern remakes forever
Lost generation.

iam 34, a game being old is not an excuse for shitty UI or controls, age of wonders 1 is ancient but still plays like butter
Ok boomer
Try Sony movie games, they're more up your speed.
Open xcom makes this better tho....

in what ways? I'am still interested, does it run in higher resolution? Is the interface less clunky?
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I'm not sure anyone even remembers what pure vanilla is like for comparison, openxcom has been around for ages. But yeah, it plays at any resolution you can throw at it and has a million QoL improvements.

What part of the vanilla interface was bugging you?
You can customize just about every aspect of it.

Thanks, i'll try it again tomorrow.

>What part of the vanilla interface was bugging you?

Aside from the resolution, i'am not sure how to explain it, it feels like there is something wrong with the mouse tracking, movement has a weird stutter whenever i move the mouse over any object, be it a soldier, or a menu button.
Oh, well I can tell you that's definitely not a problem in openxcom/OXCE or any of its derivatives, at least. I'm an XCOM-Files addict and it runs snappy on a toaster even with the newer bells and whistles cranked.
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started xpiratez today.
how can i quickly find out what loot is worth holding on to for materials, and what's worth selling?
for example I have no idea what "Grrrl guide" is, but I can gather that Rare Earth Elements are worth keeping.
using the Q lookup just shows me what can drop Grrrl Guide. using Google produces no good references. the bootypedia doesn't mention it.
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nevermind i'm retarded.
Q, the research tree viewer, shows what research topics you get from research grrl guide.
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F brother
ethereals launched a psychic barrage after my A team moved out of the transport and now half of them are dead (the other half has a new employer)
did you played it using dosbox or something?
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new update when?
The interface looks the same, but OpenXcom adds keyboard shortcuts for everything. Once you learn just a few of them, you won't have to use the on screen buttons all that often.
For some screens, the resolution is fixed. Like, for the base, or the ufopedia, that's just the resolution of the graphics, and that's what you're gonna get. The geoscape and battlescape can be scaled to whatever you want, though.
>weird stutter
That definitely sounds like a DosBox problem.
Don't sell anything, especially anything that looks fairly expensive in the beginning of the game. Grrrl guides provide you with hints on mod's features and quirks.
Research tree is cheating.
Middle click and right click.
Read or die.
>Read or die.
Again, research tree is cheating since it spoils all the tech in the game. It's a debug feature.
Goblin Supremacy Path when?
Yes, Dio's intent was, for you to get as far as you can, taking physical notes the whole time, die, and then start again.
he can honestly fuck off
that may be plausible earlier but now tech tree is full of shit, tech costs are higher and you start with less research capacity and research expansion is harder to get
Even with tech tree preview people get lost in the tech tree all the fucking time, take your elitist faggotry somewhere else.
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Try nuCOM, it's more up your speed.
Oh good we have a tribal faggot over here, can you imagine liking both openxcom and nucom? Watch out it might explode your head.
Finished XCF and Piratez without resorting to research tree while playing on my Samsung tab. Then again, I was playing on recommended difficulty since I'm not silly enough to play the megamods on difficulties untested by their own developers.
How long did it take?
Months, I wasn't counting to be honest.
i've met a terrible fate
No way that's real
It is real the game has like 3500 researchable topics.
I kneel dioxine
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Such beauty. Is this how Zakharov saw the face of god?
>70% of it adds nothing of value
it adds SOVL you mongoloid
Cats might be useless but that doesn't mean they're worthless.
Build > Fight > Research > Manufacture loop is addictive as hell, it's one of my favorite things about OG X-Com. As much as I enjoy the gameplay, as soon as you research everything there is it's just not as fun, hence why most people pull the trigger on final mission at that point.
>give my cats golden rifles
They're killing everything.
I like giving them these laser guns because small cats with huge guns look cool.
>You can't make her make Mommy Dom porn
Shit game.
sell hellerium and plastasteel for money. loot apples and brew them into chateau de mort to sell for more money.
>right clicking text in the menu is a debug feature
It isn't, by the way, Dio puts a base level tip that encourages all forms of clicking.
I think Dio discouraging scanning the tech tree is an actual thing, but in the sense of it being too minmaxy rather than it being "cheating". It's similar to how you're not actually supposed to do every single mission.
Problem is, I think with the obligatory 'gates', DIo encourages tech scanning.
If Dio didn't want to encourage meta knowledge he wouldn't add shit like captain's log #1 & 2
Captains Logs are the reason why I have a physical tablet that says, "research these as soon as they become available, no matter what."
Dio has a design philosophy of doing things that will improve the intended game experience even if they simultaneously motivate the unintended game approach. For example, early pogroms and narlocks encourage savescumming for being dangerous missions with inordinately good rewards, but he won't remove the ability for a player to challenge themselves just because people can savescum their way through the mission and get really strong.

I think research gates are the same way. They're possibly meant to establish a certain general pace between each tier of research without just putting in a ton of mandatory filler tech to grind, but a lot of people just do everything they can to break that pace with meta-knowledge anyway. He just won't go out of his way to stop an unintended playstyle the way many devs would.
Nice Waco impression.
>spoiling everything the game has on offer is a feature
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Yes it is. Dio himself said so (just use it sparingly, wink wink). You can stop being a faggot now.
You Will Never Be A Gnome, it literally says there that it's not recommended to use.
The only reason that page exists at all is because Dio treats Piratez as its own game, so he respects people who might not be familiar with X-Com and got an in-game guide for all mechanics and quirks of the engine.
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>we have this cool thing here
>you can't use it
>you WILL spoil yourself
>even if you play this mod for years and know all about it
About that faggot thing, please cooperate sir.
>you shouldn't use this if you're roleplaying
>unless you're roleplaying a gnome
Lolis win again
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They're lolibabas, a major difference
I do not think research gates are the same way.
I think they're arbitrary and stupid. A car thief will sell a stolen car to anyone who brings the cash.
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Gnomes need more lewd armors, fact.
Brainers are smarter than gnomes, and you're in a post-information-era setting. It isn't totally unreasonable that brainers could have research routes planned using available information, the same way people today can plan their studies years in advance. The reason people don't hesitate to browse the tech tree is because it feels more appropriate than a group of superhuman scientists having to reinvent every field of technology from scratch, when they could just be mass copying from their surroundings.
I think the most satisfying system would be the tech tree itself being a research topic, and getting to see more of it based on getting certain topics or facilities done. This would have to be combined with a procedural research tree, so the these techs aren't rendered useless by meta-knowledge. However, all this is obviously outside of the open Xcom's capabilities.
all you'd really need is some way to limit visibility of research topics and linked articles. for example you can't view a topic if you have less than 30% of its pre-requisites, and you can only see all the pre-requisites if you have more than 50% of them.
but the brainers *are* mass copying from their surroundings. they aren't reinventing electronics, for example, from scratch they're reading textbooks and tinkering with shit to figure it out themselves. that's why the research costs are on the order of days-to-weeks for brainer teams rather than months-to-years. consider the other anon's example of car thieves. the car thieves will sell to anybody with cash to buy and trustworthyness to not rat them out to megapol, but you first need to find out that car thieves exist and get somebody to give you their space-phone number.
>but the brainers *are* mass copying from their surroundings. they aren't reinventing electronics
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. On one hand they find some electronics and just ask the merchants how soldering works, on the other hand they manually climb from black powder weapons to modern/futuristic firearms, even though that can easily be skipped with some second hand knowledge and modern materials.
>you first need to find out that car thieves exist and get somebody to give you their space-phone number.
Explain how Rank makes any of that happen.
Rank is an abstraction of the pirate queen's notoriety and criminal reputation
Reaver's Harmony mod does this, albiet on a much smaller scale. Most research topics you do unlocks a ufopedia brief on the next topic that has a "difficulty" rating and some flavor text describing what it will unlock.

Of course, Reaver is much, much smaller scale than Piratez and is less complex but the precedent exisfs.

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