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>Get the urge to play SimCity 4 again
>Think of all the mods and dependencies you need to keep track of
>Don't bother
Anyone else like this?
No, because I made a pre-pack for myself back in 2016 and I use it ever since.
If you are a zoomie that's new to this game and its modding, try OldShoe's pack. It's been floating the net since dunno, 2012?
Part of me wishes this game was easier to mod, or at least to handle multiple mods, but I simply learned ages ago how to do this shit and have a checklist for things whenever I need to uninstall and get a fresh install
As for me I prefer playing 3k. On top of not needing any mods and being perfectly playable right from the start, I'd rather build one city rather than a region with two dozen interconnected cities
that's pretty much why I havent installed sc4 yet. I know I gotta track down a bunch of mods and buildings to add and stuff. Love the game and seeing it grow but yeah i'll get unlazy at some point.
I will try to find this oldshoe pack later. is it hosted anywhere specific so I can go download it for later?
I'm playing SC4 vanilla, no mods, and having a decent time. SC3K is also quite good, but missing a lot of things I take for granted in SC4
Nah, not at all. But mostly because I never got into most mods because they're fucking insane with the dependencies to begin with so I can definitely see where you're coming from. QoL and functionality mods for me and I'm happy for the most part.
I never run into this problem, because I don't play shit games.

Remember kids: If a game needs mods to be good, it's a shit game and the devs are double faggots for relying on the community to "fix" it.
Making a pack for yourself is a good idea. I'll remember for next time.
>If you are a zoomie
Been playing on and off since 2003.
Also, it might just be a good idea to go to Stex -> Dependencies -> sort by downloaded, and just get the top 50 files. It's bound to be pretty much everything that's needed.
oh look the contrarian faggot has shown up to give his wrong opinion about the game and post le edgy contrarian takes to get you(s) for being a lil bitch that cant handle the game. why even post in the thread if not for attention you sad pathetic bitch
fuck you faggot, SC3K and SC4 were the peak of the genre and mods only made them better
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This was done in Vanilla: Skill Issue
Very impressive map, anon.
Not mine, made by some Jap. Here is the video and I think link to the map.

Still impressive.
Can you recommend any other maps of actual countries? Would love to build places in northern and eastern Europe for instance but I could never find any good maps that weren't pathetic in scale and I never managed to become particularly adept at making accurate recreations of real life maps.
He's right though.
who asked? /v/ is too doors down the road
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I just play vanilla cause I'm a weirdo
Would at least recommend getting something that fixes the traffic AI and RAM issues in vanilla for a better experience but you do you if that's still fun to you. Network Addon Mod should do the trick though and you can just opt out of any feature that doesn't interest you in the installer iirc.
Shill me on this game.
Why would I play it over Cities Skylines?
because skylines is setup you have to get certain things done in the city to unlock other things to build. its a reddit game made for reddit people that wanna get all sorts of updoots in game for building good. sc4 you just build with no restrictions except city size and regions. skylines is decent but its not actually a pure city builder its built around reaching certain points and unlocking more things so you can continue to build your city cuz for some reason everything is locked behind how many people your city has and other reddit tier things
Never fall for the "100 small mods will fix it" meme.Get Nam and any fixes from the pcgaming wiki and you are done.
Shoe and other modpacks are bloated garbage.
Based NAM enjoyer.
No, seriously. Network Addon Mod is all you need to get going. It fixes all the woes of the original release without bloating shit.

You can still find lots of great individual buildings and other improvements on sites like Simtropoilis, but seriously, you can get going with just the NAM and still have a great time since it fixes just about all the major issues with the vanilla Rush Hour release.
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Is there a mod that allows me to build bus stops ON ROADS LIKE IN TRANSPORT TYCOON without needing to demolish buildings to get an otherwise ideal corner location? All the mods from Simtropolis that I've tried have been shitty and glitched and blocked all traffic by just counting as buildings as far as the game is concerned. Good for cul de sacs, bad for everything else.

Anything that can function as bus stops in urban settings without requiring me to demolish hi-rise buildings?

While we're at it I wish things like road bridges over railways and such were as easy in SC4 as they are in openTotalTrannyDeath but at least I have functional workarounds for that as it is.
I meant SC4, sorry, my bad.
SC3K is still fine as it is. But maaan, I wish I could build proper regions in it. There are a lot of things I like more about SC3K than 4. Sometimes I just wish I could have a good mashup of both, even if I like 4 more in general.

PS: Please try out either if you haven't, they're great, both of them.
You can just mod CS so that you have all buildings unlocked from the start.
Does SC have any other advantage?
>bus stops on road
see >>1801462 you need Network Addon Mod
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Don't put bus stops on the corner, put them on the straight away.
I pretty much use pic related as my template for my most basic city block.
If you make a 6x6 block, but leave 1x6 stripes on each side of the lot empty and unzoned.
You can plant trees in these stripes to boost property value, as well as creating noise and air pollution breaks. It also leaves you nice convenient spaces to plop down some small utility buildings and parks as your city grows without needing to demolish anything. Plus it will help drive up the density. Also if you alternate the direction of these blocks (north/south oriented next to west/east oriented ones) it will break up traffic because because people dump out onto a road every other block instead of all pooping out on the same road at once.
Generally you want to avoid grids (or rather, you want to avoid intersections) but I make little islands of residential and commercial services plugged into a bigger city template.
If you make a ring or spine of train tracks put a thin strip of commercial around it, and then residential with a passenger station. Commercial thrives where traffic is highest, and with the NAM you'll have congestion on the sidewalks with a decent passenger rail system. If you lay industrial tiles against train tracks, they'll load freight directly onto trains without needing a freight station.
If you tax the shit out of dirty industry, and leave those stripes of green belts between heavy industry tiles you can have a thriving high tech industry sector that produces almost no pollution, so you don't have to segregate it as much from everything else.
I usually put a big ring of industry along the outside edge of the map. 4x3 squares, with a ring road around the map, with exits to all the other grids, then a ring of rail right inside of that (also connecting to neighbor tiles). You'll eat shit on maintenance for the first few years, but now you have a nice artery that you can build your city from.
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>get the urge to play a city builder
>load it
>ok now what?
>"lol just build a city dude"
>too brain damaged to use my creativity to build a nice city
>unable to make my own fun without explicit goals or objectives to aim towards, even if they are hours in the future
>give up after 30 minutes
How do I overcome my retardation?
>what do I do to force myself to play something I don't want to?
just play a different kind of game man. I'm somewhat like you, I just lurk in the city building threads but whenever I launch cities skylines I get bored very quickly. I loved playing simcity, don't remember which installment, but I don't even have access to that origin account anymore. The fact that you unlock stuff as you progress your city in CS is so retarded
It's not that I don't want to play City Builders. I enjoy them when there are more obvious goals to accomplish besides "make a thing that looks nice".
Even if it was just something like "get 10,000 citizens" or whatever. I'm just too retarded to make such objectives myself.
you say that you enjoy city builders with objectives, have you ever played one?
if yes, just play it
if no, then you don't enjoy city builders and you are making an excuse
I don't know of such a game so I have no idea what you are talking about
sometimes you just doesn't feel like. Try something else or watch some google maps videos for inspiration
Just do some self imposed challenges or projects.
I remember one time wondering if I could build a city with only ONE road So I just had this one road that spiraled inward. Much to my surprised it was one of the most successful cities I had ever build because the pathfinding can't be retarded when it has only two total directions you can go. In and out. Also was super easy to spread out utilities where I needed them, and the bus was super efficient because it was just the one line.
If you don't want a pure autism sink sim city 4 might not be for you.
Go check out tropico 4, or Surviving Mars (made by the same team). Tropico is peak comfy, and surviving mars has an offworld colony gimmick, and you can choose "quests" in maps, as well as all other kinds of variables and random events.
You build domes, the domes have so many pie slices you can put buildings in. Colonists have basic needs (food/social/comfort) and specializations that you need for different jobs (botanists work the farms, engineers work in factories, scientists do research, officers keep everyone docile, and unspecialized people work retails jobs at shops and bars). You research bigger domes, you can build special arcologies like apartment habitats, super research towers, medical centers, etc. Its pretty simple, but there are a lot of variables, and even if you just play pure build mode, you can terraform the planet, so you've always got that as a long term objective after you've solved all the other planets.
I listened to the red/green/blue mars trilogy on audiobook while I played through the game over a few nights.
You can also engage in eugenics by forcing undesirables into certain domes, and then you "accidentally" cut off power and oxygen and let them all freeze to death. You can also recruit colonists and be sponsored by different countries, so you can have, with diligence, ethnostates. (I was multicultural, but refused pajeet men into the colony as hard as I fucking could).
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This seems like good advice for someone that wants more structured challenges. Might add Frostpunk to that list too. For me I take a more free-form approach to the "make your own challenges" approach in Sim City. Usually I start a region and try to have it resemble a functioning, self-sustaining country. Ie, here's the industrial parts, here are the agricultural regions, and so on.

On a related note, really wish that regional interconnectivity was more developed that way.
>Unlocked buildings and projects are region-wide so you don't need to re-unlock shit in every city
>Making it so that cities can cooperate ie your rich cities can carry non-profitable rural regions to get the benefits of having healthy agriculture

That's two things I always waned. There's more that I could think of it I put my mind to it. Really sucks how they made something as great as the regional system of that game and then no one did anything with it. Like man, how could would it be to instead of just being a mayor of a city, you could also take on the role as the governor of a region that makes the big picture come together too?
it seems the community found a new way to mod the game this past 8 months and they are excited about it. About the topic, yeah modding simcity 4 is too much. I got bored even before downloading everything.
Agreed, most city builders don't give any meaningful impulse. You feel like rather than gently trimming a bonsai garden, you're just an industrial farmer dumping fertiliser on a wheat field.
Only game that gets it right is W&R.
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It's been a problem of theirs for a while. I love Simtropolis and other sites for all the good they do, but sometimes I really just wish we could get the convenience of Steam Workshop support to ease the hassle of all the millions of dependencies by just making it easier to sort things. When every decent building that isn't straight outta vanilla has a dozen different required dependency packs each it becomes a real drag.
>roads are built instantly
baby game
i remember installing some transit-roads mod to help with traffic and it took SO LONG to install everything that it's just too much for almost nothing
I might check it out bro thanks

Goal-oriented citybuilders:
Any of the Impressions games (Caesar 3, Pharaoh, Zeus, Emperor)
Constructor (may also count as a RTS if you add opponents)
Farlanders (recent indie game where you build a Mars colony)

I find these a lot more interesting than pure sandbox citybuilders
Constructor is a banger, I liked that it had a bit of humor to it.
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which game doesnt have that
I think Workers and Resources require it in that hardcore mode they added at some point but I haven't played it myself. I also had a false memory that this piece of shit I saw on my dad's computer as a literal child called Holiday Island had it but nope.
It was just literally everything else that had construction times.
>the millions of dependencies
There are too many dependencies and too much bloat.
Almost all mods seem to be either autist projects or compilations.

I want
>High Tech job fix
>Opera house fix
>pathing fix
>different capacity buildings
>more than one "big" farm building that's always called Pumpkin Acres or whatever it is
I don't want
>death march pedestrian commutes
>road values adjusted to x10 capacity cheating
>x100 capacity x0.1 maintenance buildings
>"This was intended to be used in my total graphics overhaul mod and not used next to vanilla buildings..."
>"You need this mod which changes the graphics of all the roads, adds 500 puzzle pieces, the graphics break if you edit a single piece of the road, and..."
IIRC the Network Addon mod's installer has options to include the pathing fixes (ie motorists take the fastest road instead of the shortest so they'll take the highway instead of clogging a street) without adjusting the road capacity values. Overall though yeah agree on everything, would love to have metropolis and maybe some medium 3x3 versions of buildings like hospitals, an actually meaningful set of agricultural building options for rural maps and so on. Everything on Simtropolis has its caveats. "Yeah, here's a hospital, but it has 50000 dependencies and its cost scaling is whack." "Yeah, here's some woodcutting industries, but it's broken unless you download these other mods that fuck up these other things." So on, so forth.

I love Since City 4 but man the modding community really feels like it's stuck in a turn of the century mindset with their approach to some of these things. If only the tools and distribution methods were better a lot of it would be solved but alas, we'll never get either and EA has obviously just killed the franchise at this point.

While we're doing wishlists:
>More brush tools for trees when building cities so that you can build tree lines without it taking years
>A bridge building tool like in OpenTTD where you can easily drag it over roads/rails to easily create overpasses
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Is Cities Skylines 2 still shit? I heard there was a bunch of quality of life improvements released recently.
That lighting is just awful.
like the other anon said, Workers and Resources. You can build extremely shitty roads instantly but paving them takes time and resources (and a fuck ton of manpower if you don't have enough steamrollers)
Just incase anyone else was thinking of it, just reinstalled, still ran like garbage, my PC sounded like it was about to take off at the same time as it looking like shit. Controls were unintuitive as shit and I couldn't do a simple thing like linking sewage pipes to the outlet as the area around it was bugged out. Lost all interest to play after about 10 minutes and uninstalled.
sorry to hear that anon. its a great game if its not glitching out like that. I dont have it installed anymore atm either cuz I just havent wanted to pllay it but sucks your experience went so poorly.
>its a great game if its not glitching out like that
Peak Paradox right there.
>its a great game if its not glitching out like that.
Is it? From what I've heard, the simulation is more braindead than the last one.
iirc there was a site some anon made with a load of japanese mods hosted there. does anyone have it?
That's ok, I think it's just fucked at a fundamental level and nothing short of a complete rewrite of the game will fix it.
Maybe quit being a nigger and play games normally instead of modshit. Who the fuck plays mods? Like yeah, right, let me just play this game again, but this time there's a set of armor designed by a nigger hidden in a box out there. Oh, here's another mod, it's all the same fucking game, but the UI is different. Oh, here's another one, it's ALL THE SAME FUCKING GAME, but your character looks like a faggot designed by a faggot.
Woah, muh modding.
Fucking faggots, holy shit.
why the fuck these consolebeggars keep crying about mods?
so many games are borderline unplayable without mods, im not talking about changing game but just QoL, even good games like battle brothers without higher travel and animation speed option is an absolute chore, Paradox games with their shitty UI, font choices are another example, old games which were designed for 320x240 screens getting fan made HD remasters, only 40iq retards are against modding.
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>Why do you want your game to run better by allowing it to use more RAM than what was available in 2004? Consoom and buy new games instead!
>Why do you want to fix bugs that the devs weren't allowed to address because the publisher kicked the game out to the market early? Consoom new products instead!
>Why would you want to add new items/buildings/features and extend the longevity of your favorite games? Consoom and buy our new products instead!

A post so awful it's either a troll or a Paradox employee seething that we're modding a better game instead of buying their overpriced DLC. If I want to modify my software to make my games more fun I'm going to do it.
I have never owned a consoleshit in my entire life, and the last time I played anything on console was Street Fighters 2.
What games are you even playing that are "unplayable" without mods? QoL and HD is one thing, another is what niggers really use modes for: metaphorically and literally sticking machine guns and Ladas into Skyrim.
>Waaah, but they can, that's cool
Sure, they can, and they are retarded niggers for doing that. Who the fuck plays a game and then thinks to himself "yeah, now I wanna play this again, with all the same mechanics, bosses and code, but this time there will be a different skin, WOOOOOOAH". What kind of a breed of absolutely retarded zoomer nigger faggots do this?
Look at some shit like "Gracebone". It's literally the same fucking game with the same fucking bosses, but reskinned. And then look at Horn of the Abyss or, god forbid, Wake of Gods, and how it really MODIFIES the gameplay instead of just making another shitty fucking nigger reskin here you can play as John Paul II and Santa Claus.
>Why would you want to add new items/buildings/features
Yes, nigger, why would you want to do this when you know it's been designed by some nigger from nexusmods and has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the game, its gameplay or its story?
>Buying Paradoxshit, more so their fucking DLCs
Holy fuck, you're a cuck too? It all makes sense.
>more """fun"""
You're one of these faggots who played GTA3 with cheats, aren't you? Oh wait, no, you're a zoomer modder nigger, what am I talking about, you don't even know games existed before niggers modded Skyrim with naked bitches, rifles and bugatti.
>Only consoom products never get community content ever
>Portraying me as pro-Paradox when I literally said that mods are an alternative to buying their slow
>Advocates for literal anti-fun, schizophrenic rambling about off-topic bullshit
Literal mental illness. Please never post here again.
>Who the fuck plays a game and then thinks to himself "yeah, now I wanna play this again, with all the same mechanics, bosses and code
>He doesn't want to use my retarded nigger mods, he must be a corporate shill
Holy fucking shit, what an absolute nigger. This is your mind on "ayo hol up ya be sayn me finna catch big titty mods on nexas".
Wtf is this phone shit?
are you 12? Speak like a normal human being and not a pol brainrot and yes you are full retard
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just the last year the dependencies are slowly becoming less of a problem. All the tiny packs are being merged into mega packs
Whenever you look at files at Simtropolis most of them were posted ages ago and link you back to a general pack so it's just adds to the clutter of files for me. It'll get better with time though, I'm sure.
I'm 35, nigger. Fuck your mod shit, zoomer faggot.
take sometime off the PC kid
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>When the lefty tries to shill mods
>When you debate the leftys and theire btfo into treats and the m8s cannot stop kekking
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>When the seething troonoids shill that bloody pile of kekking crap mods
Top Sodding Kek! The salt levels of these shilling troons are rising lads!
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>MFW mod shills and discord groomers continue to job and cannot debate based anons
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Hold the bloody line against these troons, lad. More shills keep coming up from the woodwork whenever an anon is based in this thread. FFS we can't let them lay their withered goblin like paws on our historically accurate vidya.
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>MFW when the troons and shills have already ran out of banter
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The troon is seething so bloody much, lads! The salt levels in this thread are off the sodding charts!
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Hold the bloody line ladz, ignore demoralization and thread poisoning! Kekistan and her people will and must endure against the troon hordes.
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>POV you're a sodding troon who made the grave error of trying to shill morallly repugnant mods to the based anons of /vst/
The banter is too much for the enemy, lads!
Every sodding troon has been driven off this thread, and soon we rout them from the entire board!
Three Keks for /vst/, lads!
This may be the most cringe instance I've ever seen of someone talking to themselves.
Take a break between installing 100500 bugatti mods for Skyrim, faggot.
Yeah, the modkid got triggered pretty bloody well.
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tf happened to the thread. cant have nice shit.
man had a meltdown after being called retard. What a sad life.
some random autist offended about how people play games. I swear to god this board has the worst case of retards, even worse than /vt/
seems some autism sperged out cuz people use mods and it gravely offends him.
>Start a thread saying that you can't be bothered to play a game because of all the mods you need to install
>Get told to be less retarded and just play the fucking game not bothering with the mods
>Zoomer modniggers get triggered
>"""it gravely offends him"""
Nice projection, nigger.
Retard being retarded.
Nice picturesque setting btw.
comfy pic anon. I swear I can never get trains to actually seem productive. they sure look nice on the map tho.
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Absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing, anon. Like the nature textures in particular.
Is this SimCity 4? Looks stunning.
What mods?
Is this game playablke no mods installes?
sc4 is def playable without mods. just make sure its patched to the most recent available version (that might involve an expansion pack I think) and you should be fairly good to go. might have to run compatibility with windows 7 or something (idk it works for me under 10). but it offers enough without mods to play. Tho I will admit mods can help clean up the horrible traffic system but that gets into a whole different topic of what mods.
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If you get the Steam version (or literally any commercially available version I'd imagine) then the expansion comes with the package and it will boot up on Win 10 machines without any additional settings as it comes with the latest commercial patch. The traffic issues can be fixed with a fan patch called the Network Addon Mod which (among other things) upgrades the RAM available to the game and fixes the traffic simulation (you can disable anything you don't want in the installer).

Really, it's that simple. Boot in Win 10 from Steam and optionally run a fan patch to fix some of the basic functionality issues and you're golden if you're intimidated by the experience of downloading and installing mods and dependencies manually. And while I do enjoy playing with additional buildings enabled, SC4 is one of those games that can also be enjoyed in vanilla just fine.

Really, a fantastic game. No wonder it's still seen by many as the genre's gold standard. A fine and functional experience out of the box which also gives players the options to adjust their experience to their own liking. Best of both worlds if you ask me.
It's a great game. The only extra building mods I would still be interested in would be ones that add more 1x1 houses and a few shops. But I can pass on that and play vanilla (the network addon mod might be the one I was trying to think of since it was the one that adjusted ram) with exception to the nam. I dont have the steam version and had no idea they sold it on steam still. I just have an old version I downloaded off idk what site.
Gb2 consoles zoomie
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IIRC the RAM patch is its own thing that can be downloaded separately, but it's included in the Network Addon Mod installer so you can just pick your preference there. The version they sell on places like Steam and GOG is called "SC4 Deluxe Edition" and it basically just has everything that was commercially released for the game in one pack. I think NAM requires you to have the Rush Hour expansion with its latest patch for it to work though.

>1x1 houses
Would love that and just better options for rural construction in general. All that the base game gives you are very dull farms that are just acres of the same crop and the crappiest houses out there. Would be nice if you had light rural industries and more farm buildings as well as a better variety of rural shops and homes. I want to make large maps with lots of nature that are dotted with small villages, a bit like a Transport Tycoon Deluxe map if that makes sense. Haven't found anything that addressed this that wasn't also a big hassle. One can dream though.
Excellent pics anon. I like to play SC4 as a sort of virtual model train set. It's not about making an actually financially viable city, it's about making a great setting.
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>He needs mods
You're never gonna make it unironically
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>>If you are a zoomie
>Been playing on and off since 2003.
Those two aren't mutually exclusive, you know

>Remembering the past fun
>Realising the modern day ballache
>Doing something less ballachey

I want to play sc4 but I just know it will be a giant ball of autism. Plus im on Linux anyways. Fuck it.
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Mods are fucking pre-requisited for bunch of basic features of the game to actually work properly.
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Nah son you're just bad at the game
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am i the only one to notice anon taking the piss? is the board just shit chatbots? is dead internet the truth? more than i wanted to ponder this pleasant summer afternoon.
I get what you mean about the rural villages and towns in open ttd. I routinely will build small villages and hamlets in sc4 and connect them but keep them small with alot of nature. take alot of time tho to make. More farm stuff would be nice for sure since its quite lacking and I dont use it all that much. And yeah I am a huge fan of 1x1 houses and shops and used to years ago have a buttload of mods specifcially based around adding more houses and shops that were 1x1. love dotting whole cities with large areas of 1x1 houses.
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It's dead as shit man
With default settings, NAM is essentially a cheat mod, and that makes me prejudiced against figuring out how to configure it myself. Like, if the AI fixes are good on their own, why aren't they distributed on their own? Why are they bundled into a system that basically removes the city planning aspect of the city planning game? Without limits on road volume and acceptable commute length, what is the game even about?
IIRC you can adjust the limits. They aren't unlimited, but the capacities are greatly increased, perhaps to a fault by default as you say. Still would prefer that over vanilla which is hamstrung and broken in the other direction due to the raw limitations of computers back in 2004.

I really wish Sim City 4 had Steam Workshop support. Most stuff out there now are good but have caveats. If it was on Steam with good mod tools all the issues would be gone and it wouldn't have to be as much of an either-or situation and without all the hassle.

>without valume limits what's the game even about?
Dunno man I just like building pretty cities while listening to podcasts, it's stress relief for me. When I want actual challenges in my city builders I prefer playing different games. Sim City is more of a free form sandbox to me. You do you if you prefer to play it differently obviously, more power to ya.
I think its more no one felt like replying to him just to point it out until you came along
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I know it's bait but fuck me that's awful.
you don't understand man "vanilla" is perfect
>"we" were pretending to be stupid
shit thread lamenting the lack of steam spyware to idiot proof copy pasting a few files, and no one noticed the 3d camera mod.
do you even game bro?
What autism is occuring in this thread right now?
what happens when you don't have enough janny to filter the schizos to hell. Dude is crazy because people called him a retard.
Usually I make nice clean utopian cities, you can deal with most of the trash with incinerators and space them out far enough to soak up the pollution.
But I do still turn a few of the small grid cities into thunderdome just so poorniggers have a place to commute.
What I wanted is just a better way to edit the map on the regional level. If you want to put water ways, or elevation, its a fucking impossible nightmare to reconcile all the edges.
I really wish there was a Sims 4-2.
I've tried skylines and hated every second of it.
But RIP Maxis.
Yes it is annoying and yes I tried to fix it, unfortunately it caused the bridge to unfinishable if smoothed out too much, and guess what smartass? Mods won't fix an issue like that. Only autistic spastics are bothered by these things or want their city to look like a real life 1:1 replica.
Nigga post something other than bullshots of your perfect NAM city that wasn't even one I was originally gonna post anywhere but it still BTFO all the modded shit here that I'm sure you totally created yourself and didn't pull off google or reddit
No talent havin' asses
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this game is too comfy to have a thread this angry
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RIP Maxis.
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Just a gentle incline
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What the fuck is even going on here? You can't rotate your view like this in Sim City 4. The buildings aren't even 3d models, they're prerendered 2d sprites, they don't exist in this angle.
Did someone take every building in the game and use some algorithm to determine what they'd look like in 3d? How did they get SC4 to display them? Or did they make like a graphics pack for Cities Skylines, and then paste the SC4 UI bits into the screenshots?
its a very recent mod made just this year so you can rotate the in game engine to see the pre-rendered game engine from any angle you want
>Mods won't fix an issue like that
>April 1st
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Well, that explains the WHY, though I still don't get HOW. All the comments say it works, the github page has real c++ code on it, and EVEN IF it was all fake screenshots, that still wouldn't explain how they were faked.
>BECAREFUL Not to save the alternate view, it will distort the regional view.
Nigger I'm not changing my whole cities design to better accommodate your autism
It's real nigger I took it myself, get the mod and try it out for yourself
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Why ya'll niggas be out here talkin' shit about my town then
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the fuck this retard is trying to prove?
Is CimCity 4 worth playing today?
How is this game holding up against Cities Skylines and other city building games?
One more question: how is this game running on modern systems with 4k resolutions? Does it have tiny UI, crashes and other gifts of playing old games on modern systems?
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Nigga you gonna post your city or talk more shit like a terminally online retard?
Skylines is probably better, but SC4 is at least comparable. Pretty close to feature parity, except you're building on a square grid instead of designing your own freeform highway intersections.
As for other games, there really aren't any with a similar scope.
You need to set some command line arguments, but so long as you do, it runs reasonably well. The UI is not scalable, though, so that's probably going to be a problem. It's fine on 1920x1080, but I think it'd be pretty fucking tiny on 4k.
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suppose I'll dump something useful so this thread isn't just full of autistic screeching
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Based, thank you for the non-schizo posting. Saved.
You guys are making me want to play SC4 again.
OK, genuine question.
I have a 4k monitor. Every time I launch SC4 it fucks up my folder views. Any easy ways of fixing tis?
Thanks in advance.
t. boomer retard
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it was uploaded april 1st to make people think its a joke but the real april fools joke is that its real. Theres tons of images to prove it btw.
probably because its making you mad
set your desktop resolution to the same resolution the game launches in see if that helps
That'll just resize the folders I have open by default which is what I'm trying to avoid.

Legit though it's just a mild inconvenience to close them all before booting the game I just wish I could launch it in 4k borderless or something that prevented it from being a problem to begin with.

At least the GOG release of SC2K launches flawlessly...
>Download mod
>Has dependencies
>The dependency has its own dependencies
Because you're shit-talking mods, WHILE USING MODS. Not only 3D camera, but I also spotted NAM's real-railway in a couple of your screencaps.

It's a good city, don't get me wrong, but it's the hypocrisy that's the problem.

Also how the Hell do you get screenshots in this game? every time I do it it pulls up a big obstructive menu in the middle of the screencap.
yeah... I was hyped to play it after seeing this thread but simtropolis awful modding made me give up.
100% this retard is pulling the pics from reddit and others communities and never played the game. He is malding since day one because people called him console peasant and retard.
Lmao, probably true.

My question still stands, if you know the answer. I'd like to post my WIP region, but whenever I hit the screenshot button a menu pops up and shows up blocking the middle of the picture, and the ingame screenshots are like 144p (I use SC4Launcher so my game itself is pretty hi-res).
just use win key+printscreen and it saves it to pc>pictures>screenshots folder
If you want to see some real fuckery, look up what it takes to make the Maxis seaport work.

Seems legit.
The issue with Skylines over SC4 is apparently Skylines has some really wonky taxation and economy mechanics running in the background compared to SC4. I can't remember the details but the tl;dr is Skylines is "number go up" compared to the more detailed economy in SC4
I was going to write a message about SC4 not being particularly complex either but the more I thought about it it's actually pretty deep. Easy to learn and not very complicated sure, but you have things like education being a long-term investment and regions being interconnected and cities working together by transporting goods and services between each other. I wish I was able to add more regional interconnectivity and have more systems function together but the system actually strikes a good balance between being approachable while also offering a bit of challenge if you want to actually go for a complex, functional city.

Never played Skylines but if it's significantly easier that doesn't sound very fun at all.
Having everything unlocked is literally a default option retard.
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Two of my screencaps were above the max file size :(
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These power plants are fucking cursed, but you need power, y'know? I'll swap everything out for hydrogen eventually.
I usually just use windmills until I get enough high tech to unlock the microwave power plant.
Being able to actually be your regional neighbors was hot shit when the game came out twenty-one years ago.
And its comfy when you start building out of your region and you get airplanes flying and ferries traveling the water between towns in the regionview.
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Meticulously plopping dry stone walls is about as fun as building a real one.
they're still up though?????????
That's not the one I was thinking of, but thank you.
Why play SimCity 4 when Cities Skylines is better in every way sheesh
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horrible bait anon. skylines isnt nearly as good as sc4 and has alot of casual babby features for casual players who dont wanna struggle and only want to build and win.
Do cities scale correctly?
This. Also you shouldn't be bankrupted because you built one too many road tiles.

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