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>unlock Superleggera chassis and make racing monsters with it for 50 years
>it gets banned in 1980
>try not to cry
>cry a lot
>at least you still have your money
GearCity thread
looks like a 90s point and click game with paradox ui slapped on top
>GearCity is a complex and in-depth business simulator. It focuses on a realistic economic simulation of the global automobile industry.

Try the demo or yarr harr it to give it a try. Once you get the hang of it, you can reliably succeed on Nightmare difficulty even, but until then, you'll probably fail at least with a few companies even on Normal. I love this game.
I feel like a retard, i have failed like 13 so far
is there no way to automate prices in this game?
If a car game doesnt let me use car models from the 1900s in 2010+ so I can make 320hp model t's I dont caree for the game. did this guy ever make it so you can use old models of cars in the game in later years or was it still like it was years ago where cars would disable and be unavailable? I know he mentioned in a post he was going to add that feature but I never came back to check if it was even an option because I put the game down. I dont care about modern car looks I just wanna make 1900s-1950s looking cars in 2000+ with modern engines and parts. gimme that 1920s chassis dammit
With predesigned bodies, it still works as you know. I think if you customise the body and save it as a preset, it stays available throughout the game. And of course, if you design a car early with an early body and just iterate on it with new generations, you can just keep that body indefinitely as long as you don't change it.

Mega Menu - Autocommands - Auto Sell. Still advisable to adjust your prices somewhat until your company is huge. But you don't have to adjust them all manually, under Autocommands you can use Change Prices to adjust them for all models or whole districts at once.

Warned ya, bud. Been there. Some tips:

1. Reuse components. There is no reason your Phaeton and your Sedan need their own, special engine.
2. Check the Body/Fuel Type demand in the Reports under Industrial. It'll give you a good idea what people want. Nobody drives compact cars in 1900.
3. Use Missed Sales to gauge your prices. If you have a significant number of Missed Sales, that is your clue to either build more factories (if you can afford to) or raise prices.
4. Take out Bonds to fund growth, i.e. new factories. An IPO helps too.
5. Expand your branches. Focus on North America (from East Coast to Chicago) and Western Europe. Cities with 1M+ people are a no-brainer and even cities with 500k people can be profitable.
6. When designing a car in 1900, keep it cheap without dumping all the sliders. There's a somewhat hidden Low Slider Penalty for that. Keep the average for each little design window's sliders at least at 20 and perhaps focus on one stat (like Dependability) that you want to nail.

I think those are a good start without telling you too much. Glad to see you gave the game a shot.
>Zoomer goes full retard

Other than the stuff the other anon already said:
1) Learn your ropes by starting in 1920 or maybe even 1930. This way you avoid the extra hell of very early parts
2) Research is predominately passive in this game. It's a sinkhole of money to fund it
You really want this guy to start at the height of the Great Depression?
Love this game, bless the oen autist that made this
What are some good tutorials (text or vids) to get started?

Also, is playing on modern day good or is it made to be played on older time periods?
Give me some autistic goals to do ig
The dev has video tutorials on his channel. The supply & demand one is pretty good, but just pick the ones you feel you need to brush up on.

Playing in the modern day is much easier, good for beginners. Starting in 1950 should be good.

Hyper-Luxurious is a fun one. Never design a car with less than 50 Luxury rating.

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