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Is this game just RNG? It feels like the magic poinst barely do anything
>create new clan
>pick all of the war-oriented saga choices
>invest 3 magic into war
>go raiding, sacrifice, brings a lot of army
>still just BARELY win
>next season i get raiding and get my shit pushed in

What's the strategy for this game? I don't get it.
the tactics you pick at the battle screen are important and if the enemy counters yours you'll get fucked. I always pick the don't sacrifice option and it tends to work out
The strategy in this game is to stop thinking like a modern person and get into some creative thinking when doing diplomacy since your ability to do that is more important then the fights which are just simple counters.
Do you have an example? Should I just ask for tributes? Make alliances? Not even bother with war in the first place?
I hate how random this game is. Even if you pick all the correct heroquest choices you can still fail
Because there's a skill check. If it was about picking the right choices, it would be a puzzle game.
Honestly KoDP does this worse than the Six Ages games, because in those there are fewer clearly "right" or "wrong" answers, and more that can work based on what skills, treasures, etc. you bring.
>Is this game just RNG? It feels like the magic poinst barely do anything
Yes, it is pure RNG.
>What's the strategy for this game? I don't get it.
There is none, it is just a glorified visual novel. You memorize the good picks for the events that happen and then pray to the RNG gods. To have those events come up that you have solution for, that is all you do.
Full scale war isnt great IMO. Only if you have a neighbor thats a rival. Cattle raid is way better. Magic does a lot. Sacrifice only works if the enemy doesn't charge (which they do a lot). You probably need more weaponthanes and shrines to gods that improve battle odds.
It's a so-so VN with bunch of features that make you think it's a strategy/RPG mix. Everyone forgot about it (and rightfully so), but then it had a phone release and here we are, with a "timeless classic" bolstered entirely by contrarian zoomershits.
God I wish there was an actual village builder game in Glorantha setting.
I've always had success by picking the winter thing at the beginning that lets you raid during winter, I then just chill hangout, take care of the cows do trade route and explore might do some light raiding on clans I feud with. Then come winter I raid hard and hit most clans around me besides ones with decent alliances and trade routes but I might still do the sneak raid because ya know you don't have a right to a cow if I can steal it without being caught, also fight ice demons every now and again
always listen to the trickster
>pick peace clan
>establish as many trade routes as possible
>make peace with everyone asap
>never raid, only cattle raid when you get the random event that guarantees it to be succesful
>roleplay a fantasy iron age viking leader
>refrain from fighting
immersion ruined
Don't weaponthanes get pissed off if you never fight?

I like that the game subverts that. Trying to be a noble leader and unifying everyone is a far more difficult challenge than just going to war as you do in every other game. Plus in canon the one who unified all the tribes was a pacifist
If you're a peace clan it takes multiple years before they get pissed at you for not raiding. Should be enough time to go on the occasional raid and still have good relations with other clans or to get enough morale otherwise so you can tell them to fuck off.
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>bully targeted clan so much that they say fuck it and just pack and leave
also beware of the duck
>roleplay a fantasy iron age viking leader
.... wrong game, then?
>muh vikings are murderous war machines only made for raiding
lmao, even
No. All you need with weaponthanes is to have like 8-10 of them, and just keep rolling. If you do the guaranteed raids, then they will never be unhappy, while their existence will discourage other clans from ganking you.
You need to stack blessings, especially on Hard. The difference is night and day. If you can't afford temples, don't build them, but still sacrifice for the blessings.
Don't listen to that berry picking faggot. Raids are a great source of resources.

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