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File: Kane_is_not_amused.jpg (156 KB, 1920x1080)
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Have there actually been any good RTS games that came out this year? I can't think of any
Yeah, a lot of games were announced but it looks like almost all are scheduled for the second half of the year, if they even make it this year without delays.
Looking into my wishlist, I see that The Fertile Crescent left early access just a month ago. Dunno if good, but seems well-liked.
9-bit Army, even if it recycles its predecessor
Godsworn was a good attempt
I can't remember the last time I saw a non-AoE game that advertised its PvP.
Well we're only halfway through the year
Otherwise, we have AoM coming in September, Cataclismo, Frostpunk 2, and 9-bit armies
I'm just looking for something different

Have supreme commander, PA titans, and now dawn of war. Each is different enough from the other to justify buying.

Ant recommendations? Gates of hell looks cool
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>Have there actually been any good RTS games that came out this year? I can't think of any
Come on, your memory can't be that bad.
there was, uhhhhh... that game with league of legends tier graphics that's being shilled as SC2's second coming
>Any recommendations? Gates of hell looks cool
dunno, maybe try some of the classics?
-C&C's entire franchise is on steam, you can also pirate them if you don't want to give your money to EA
-Company of Heroes 1 and it's expacs for WW2 kino
-Starcraft 1 & 2 (pirate these, don't give money to blizzard)
-Age of Mythology and experience one of (if not) the greatest RTS campaign, ever
-LOTR Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2, but you can only get these via pirating
-The Settlers, if you want something more slow paced (once again, pirate them since Ubisoft deserves nothing but contempt)
>Gates of hell looks cool
As much as I enjoyed the Men of War games all the way back to Soldiers, I can't seem to like GOH. They kind of increased the realism, but at the same time you pretty much have to kill everything thrown you way and there's a lot of tedium to it. Similar to Blitzkrieg games, scouting and hammering things from stand off distance seems the way to go most of the time. Then there's the dynamic campaign which early on is just lame skirmishes. Also, the game tends to run like ass even of beefy hardware and I had to lower some details to avoid crashes, they still happen sometimes - game seems to be really memory hungry.
Personally I've given up on new games, Whatever there is on the horizon seems to just be remakes of classic titles with zero innovation.
Go over to Moddb and get some standalone mods for TibSun. I know people on here like to shit on stuff like Twisted Insurrection, but despite the absolute ass difficulty of the first few missions, I think the story is kind of cool and the graphics and music provide a cool atmosphere. Another one I like is Warzone, which just adds some units and sprites, but it has a completely different vibe thanks to the music and reshade used and the destruction and particles have been cranked to 11. IDK you might like it, for me it's refreshing to play an RTS made with a mindset from before Starcraft homogenized the genre. You can also just play standard TibSun - it's free. Some other stuff I played and enjoyed recently:
>Cultures series
basically Viking Settlers with more autism and a focus on the story, very comfy (it's on GOG, so buy there of argh it)
more wood needed! also on GOG
>Age of Empires 2 HD
pirate this, ignore the enhanced edition, don't give Microcucks any money, get mods
Um we got a HoI4 DLC, a Victoria 3 expansion, a Stellaris DLC, and TWO CK3 expansions. What more could you want? Paradox games are the zenith of strategy games combining every sub genre into incredibly complex world simulators. If you can't see that we are actual in the GOLDEN AGE of strategy games then that's on YOU.
>the GOLDEN AGE of strategy games
>mentions Paradox's shitty practice of making dlc, that sooner and later everyone will get tired of it
Stormgate will be launching next week
Gates of Pyre will also be launched most lkely by eoy

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