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>check it out on release
>neat idea, but solved game, just get rockets ASAP and sell food into space
>win every time on any AI difficulty

>redownload recently
>get filtered by tutorial "win your first game on your own" mission
>barely manage to win on Assistant (2 difficulty levels below one where you're on fair footing with AI)
>there's a campaign now
Damn, with simple rebalancing this game is actually good now. Too bad they didn't try it at release, maybe it wouldn't be dead. Also, is it just my inexperienced ass, or are Robots and Seneca straight up worse than other companies?
Is this game worth checking out? Or it's another one of those proof of concept "games" made on unity?
>Is this game worth checking out?
That's what I'm saying.
>Or it's another one of those proof of concept "games" made on unity?
It is unique and made in Unity, if that scares you.
its good.
i wish i weren't so burnt out on games, or i'd probably revisit it.
Have they standardized maps?
This game falls into the category where I am not sure if I want to play it or not.
Lol no, it's mobile game tier and 90% of the games will play out mostly in a similar manner. The exception being ma6be minor impacts if you are dumb enough to get gated out of a specific key resource.
It's a good game but felt somewhat repetitive when I played it a bunch. I think that's why the multiplayer ultimately died. I really like the concept and the execution is good, but it's more of a "get together with friends with beers twice a month" type of experience in my opinion than something you'd play constantly.
i definitely suck at it
is the game still gookclick settlers of space catan? if so, that's why it fell off and will continue to be a niche game.

it's shit tho. OTC has broad appeal to strategy fans on the surface but in actual practice... arghhh
I wish this game was bigger and longer. It's only fun for 10 hours.
you can play it with 10 apm, so no.
The APM thing only really applies if you are trying to get resources on the other side of the map before someone else. In general, if you are competent enough not to over stretch yourself then it isn't a factor.

Either way, the game balance itself is the real issue. Factions only play out as minor variations to how the game itself always plays out(90% the fucking same). This has to do with map design, too few resource types and no redundant or duplicate resources for the same function. The game "addresses" this by making factions interact differently with the raw resources and their needs. But this only ends up making it so you can have loss conditions from game start.

There needs to be more resources, redundant resources(like bronze in the iron age), more processed goods with redundant analog as well.

90% of games play out nearly identically due to how production chains for processed good work. They need to revamp that and add many more variables in the map that effect gameplay itself. The ones you get from different planets are too tame.
>indie game with tiny multiplayer scene
>200 DLCs
why do northgard and this game think that they're able to do this?
Just pirate.

Also Neustria is fucking OP and I love it. Spam archers + lord and picking militia is actually viable.
>make a game
>ask the fans to get paid to keep making it
What's the issue?
Northgaard specifically follows paradox tier model. With overpriced dlcs that have little content. Also, Offworld Trading does the same.
Then don't buy. It's easy.
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I don't.
Okay, cool. Why complain about it, and why pretend your opinion matters?
stuff mods could fix but won’t happen due to mtx
>why pretend your opinion matters?

Lmao, you unironically believe "voting with your wallet" or some other stupid thing? Or do you really belive that my criticism of the game or their business model is not valid because I didn't pay? Is this bait? Are you really a sycophant or a paypig?
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>Guy who got scammed into paying full price for this incomplete shitty game(even with dlc)
>buthurt about it
>proceeds to defend devs like a battered wife
It ruins otherwise fun game's balance.
Even with dlc the game is horribly imbalanced. Stuff like yoshimo is highly dependent on starting location and inflexible but still OP. They only really need energy to get rolling and they get bonuses to the first production chains most people do anyways. They have the potential to steamroll the fastest. Combined with their adjacent bonus they potentially start shiting out resources immediately.

Game balance is meme in this game because all that really matters is map rng plus staring processing fastest. Most factions have bonuses to stuff that don't revolve around that or things/chains that come after.
There isn't that many DLC you niggeridoo, the only DLCs you really need for a complete experience are
>real mars map
>ceres initiative
>patron and patriot
>jupiter forge
>market correction
>europa wager
The rest is a worthless waste of money (conspicuous consumption) or just "challenge missions"
I didn't say "not valid", I said "irrelevant". We live under capitalism. And I hope you understand what matters under capitalism.
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You are a fucking midwit retard, Capitalism is not financially democracy. You pay or not paying for something is just what you choose to do with your fiat. Those with the most money impact things proportionally to that. People can make things at a loss to promote what they want(interest, culture, morals)regardless and megacorps do so all the time. As long as some other enterprises make up for it.

Even then, it's a moot point because we don't have free markets anyways. The biggest heavyweights in the room have no incentive nor pressure to do anything different when they have near monopoly.
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> the state is your enemy
What's this game like?
You are too stupid to understand that power is power. State vs market dichotomy are only useful as classification or some analysis. Sure, differt people derive power from different sources; But that doesn't mean they don't overlap(or can be made too). It's pretty much a given, default and historical norm. At the end of the day, the existencing power structure is very consolidated right now. So there is no big difference between market or state at the highest levels. Sometimes this really is the case. But you are delusional regardless if you think the state will save you from interest groups. That's only if you are part of the club(you aren't).
You first initially decide where to set up camp depending or resource placement on a random map. This is important because different factions interact with resources slightly differently and also distance increases inefficiency.

First you set up the first types of production chains you can(tier one processed). Then you try to monopolize markets for raws that you can crowd others out of. Then you do the same with the tier ones but some other strategies open up.

After that, if you have the most money you use it to crowd other players out of the most expensive of the processed goods(which are always the same). Then you build a rocket to export them and win(lol). You can see GG or not 90% of the time from early/mid game.
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Market manipulation simulator.

You compete with other player/ai to supply a local colony, you win by buying out stocks from your competition before they buy you out, to do so you fuck with the market and dabble in black market dealings such as setting up pirates on your opponent's route between their mines and their HQ or setting off a nuclear pipebomb under their most productive resource node to ruin it.

Can get real sweaty and stressfull, even with AIs, multiplayer is somewhat dead because of how niche the game is.
Nobody is going to take a loss to promote to you, dimwit retard.

"Muh wholesome smol bidness" is not coming to save you from the big, bad "monopoly", free market worshipper.
>Nobody is going to take a loss to promote to you, dimwit retard

The dim witted retard is you and all you're doing is projecting your stupidity. You don't even understand what im saying. People obviously run at a loss to promote their own interests, policies and views. It's no different than a writer who colors his work with his ideology. Of course no one will promote my interests for no good reason. Not even the government you litteral buffon. Laws? Selectively enforced, political in nature. Even when it comes to areas that don't exist to acrue soft power or influence, sometimes people run at loss to maintain market share or undercut others.

Where did I ever say that Goliath would ever stand up for the little guy? All markets have the potential to become monopoly regardless of policy. Because power knows no distinctions. The only difference free markets have is that the "finding out" phase of your greed and stupidity happen much faster.
I rarely understand free market shitstains, true. Their scripture esoteric, their opinions detached from reality, their logic incoherent.

So I gather piracy is your way of making a company "find out" for their "greed" and "overpriced DLC"? A form of protest? A distinction made by... you? Nothing warms one's heart like being told wanting to be paid a living wage for your work is "greed", after all. Or devs being actively expected to crunch.
>retard still doesn't understand that I'm not a libertarian

100% chance your IQ is below 70. Also you didn't even bother to read the whole reply chain. Because then you would know that I was replying to the "free market" guy. Double retarded.

No, I just won't waste money on inferior products nor shitty monetization schemes. If they wanted to do a dlc model then they should have done it well. You don't really effect the market as a sole individual unless you are loaded or collectivize. The same people saying to vote with your wallet are the same types to think that their vote actually matters.

Meanwhile others control every single incentive lever and even down to the supply of currency itself. And these doofuses think that you can vote with your wallet.
Why do you assume I'm not loaded?
And I'm six foot seven and have nine wives. Sure buddy, you're loaded. That's why you're on this board using your valuable time to talk to me. I'm flattered, now would you consider being my patron to make a much better version of what Offworld trading should have been?
Oh, I come to shit on degenerates of this board all the time.
Paradox thread is that way, good sir. Remember to leave a tip.
You last played this game at release, didn't you? I vaguely remember things being like that, but now...
>Stuff like yoshimo
>Most factions
You choose factions at scouting phase, so it's a strategic choice and not a matter of balance.
>They only really need energy to get rolling and they get bonuses to the first production chains most people do anyways. They have the potential to steamroll the fastest. Combined with their adjacent bonus they potentially start shiting out resources immediately.
Let's say you have a 3 iron next to 2 iron source, reasonably best scenario. By HQ level 2, you put down 2 iron mines and 3 steel mills, producing 2(1.5) + 1.5(1.5) = 4.75 iron and 0.5(1.85)+0.5(1.85)+0.5(1.75) = 2.725 steel, at cost of 5 claims and overproduce useless Iron. If you put down another steel mill, you start potentially overproducing steel, and cuck yourself even more out of producing electronics on which you rely on to expand.
As scientists, putting 3 steel mills on iron next to each other, you produce 0.5(1.75)*3=2.625 steel at cost of 3 claims.
If you play as Scavengers/Nomads you can plop down two quarries for 4.5 Carbon/Silicon which you can use lategame to produce high end goods.
Robots' real strength is the ability to forgo Water/Food/Oxygen/Fuel/Glass without paying through the roof for them in early game, but Food and Glass are the best moneymakers and you'll lose water sources to conpetition.
>Game balance is meme in this game because all that really matters is map rng
That all the players have equal opportunity to adapt to.
>plus staring processing fastest.
Nothing random about that.
Overproduction is a meme(at least for raws and tier 1s), you can sell excess or make it unprofitable for others to make what you produce. You can dump shit onto markets to cuck others profit margins short term. Economy of scale.

Either way, the lack of resource types and analog compounds this. You can just use excess early game money to branch into whatever you want. Especially if you do it first. You're acting as if you would loose out on opportunity cost from early game monopolies. But there are too few resources for that to matter. The most expensive higher tier processed goods are all always the same and in small types. Even raws are abstracted to too broad categories. You can't expect the balance to be good when you do this. Market manipulations or simple geography can make inferior resource types or behaviors economically viable for some.
>You choose factions at scouting phase, so it's a strategic choice and not a matter of balance.
Poor choice.
>Overproduction is a meme(at least for raws and tier 1s), you can sell excess or make it unprofitable for others to make what you produce.
By overproducing I obviously mean producing so much that prices can't return to normal. You could run a deficit on iron in my scenario but then you miss out on adjacency bonuses which you claim to be robots' strength (with 1 iron mine and 3 steel mills you get -1.5 iron/2.375 steel).
>You can dump shit onto markets to cuck others profit margins short term.
Most of all the one who's already committed to the material, that is yourself. And if you're dumping building materials you're making it cheaper for others to get ahead of you.
>Economy of scale.
That's not what economies of scale are, nor does this game feature this concept in any way with its very limited demand in the system.
>You're acting as if you would loose out on opportunity cost from early game monopolies. But there are too few resources for that to matter
It's not about monopolies, it's about claiming 3-level resources before anyone else, to maximize your profitable resource output with small number of claims you're bottlenecked with.
>The most expensive higher tier processed goods are all always the same and in small types
Offworld market is randomized each game. I.e. aluminium being the most expensive there radically changes the game.
>You can't expect the balance to be good when you do this
As long as everybody has access to the same resources and factions why not? The only luck-based mechanic is scouting phase, when you can find a great cluster of resources before everyone else.
>Market manipulations or simple geography can make inferior resource types or behaviors economically viable for some.
That's great for strategic depth and replayability, neutral for balance.
>Most of all the one who's already committed to the material, that is yourself. And if you're dumping building materials you're making it cheaper for others to get ahead of you.

No shit, which is why you do it at the proper tines. My point being that even hoarding resources has a good use.

>That's not what economies of scale are, nor does this game feature this concept in any way with its very limited demand in the system

So winning is not a demand? The game is simplified so it does actually feature it. You can influence the price of any good directly from simply having or making more. It's just a matter of which direction to choose from when it comes to price manipulation.

>It's not about monopolies, it's about claiming 3-level resources before anyone else, to maximize your profitable resource output with small number of claims you're bottlenecked with

And how do you think that happens? By snowballing first and making more money faster to be the first to do so. And you do that by throttling the prices, profit or maintenance cost of specific resources. Monopoly does matter(especially early game). That's akin to saying progression isn't multiplicative on games like these. The only way to escape from being behind in this game is to use the asymmetrical tactics. Not that sabotage is somehow wrong or bad. But it's underpowered.

Remember that there are limited nodes for every Raw and investing monet into any raw is less profitable the more that an existing player already has production chains running. You are wrong. Unless you have excess money and good nodes to build on. You will not be able to steal maket share from them.
>That's great for strategic depth and replayability, neutral for balance

You're also wrong on this. When you generalize resource(Abstract them) like this game does. Then you are basically tying all the prices of every single commodity in that category together. Real markets don't have a singular demand on fucking "calories". It makes it too easy to do cheesy shit with pricing. Even just expanding the existing things you can process raws into would aleviate this.

Like I said before, all it takes for you to lose is someone crowding you out of a specific resource you need(not even for profit but maintenance resource). They don't even have to shut you out entirely, just make it so that you have to haul it from far away enough. It's all about money snowballing.

If you tie too many resources together in one broad category + having production chains that do the same.
Me and a friend of mine played a bunch of 1v1s but after a while I realized that the only way to not lose is to just make food, O2, water, fuel and energy until you're in the green because if you don't do this and your opponent does you just lose.
Steel is good too because you need to rush rockets but like everything else is a super situational luxury, like a patent lab might be worth it, maybe an optimization center but eeeh in general you need to invest heavily in what you consume and that leaves you without freedom to go for wacky builds or whatever.
lol at all the seething that followed this

>no they MUST cater to me and not their paying audience
>multiplayer is somewhat dead because of how niche the game is
it never really stood a chance, niche appeal multiplayer from a no-name studio is a heavy barrier of entry. i'm surprised they did as well as they did.
>Retard actually convinced himself he could make an actual video game
>j... just pay me first
>claims to be rich for fake brownie points
>offers no money
>pretending on the internet discarded

Next you'll be telling me you aren't ret.
I liked it
I could beat you 10/10 times because you are a retard.
Isn't it just M.U.L.E. in realtime?
>hos no real response
>I would win bro

Coll story, next time try with a real reply and not being buthurt.
It's pretty cheap and pretty good for its cost.
Offworld is kinda fun, but mineable resources and energy generally define the game, which means that early game is significantly more crucial than late game.
Only case when this doesn't happen is when prices are adjusted in such a way that fast lvling up is impossible (usually including something like an ioquake which shoots up all prices and destroys buildings)
Generally nomadic=scav>robotics>expansive>science>elite, though if the game does go late, the order reverses

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