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Post about your experiences in MP, your best moments, your strats, rulesets, etc.
Playing mp in paradox games is literally taking all the fun I could have in larping and throwing it away.
My only experience with mp in eu4 is with my friend but he is so boring to play with when there isn't a 3rd person involved that I can't say I enjoyed this experience. Would love to play with a larping autist such as myself though
Play a PUG. Most are arranged via Discord.
>play with multiple random people
This board is going to Hell.
I don't see how playing with people screaming based and talking about the newest drama/niggerball match or whatever could be any sort of fun.
How about you stop projecting and go experience a game firsthand, you damned coward?
why would I?
even if they didn't do what I've just said (I watch some multiplayer games on youtube and it's exactly like that) then I don't want to play meta. I want to play a larpy game, obviously not trolling but I'm not gonna play the "optimal" way calculated by a goytuber. Unless I could get to know people and filter them out I don't see the point in playing mp. Especially since I can play other games than paraslop 24/7
>why would I?
Shut up and do it.
>just play for 4 or more hours straight with people you have never seen before once per week
once again, pass
Okay, then leave the thread. This is for people who do.
well this thread is going to die then, noone here plays mp unless it's with their friends
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I only play with friends but somehow we have 3 separate discords for map games. I typically try to do soft/casual runs with smaller nations (Papal states, savoy, Denmark) or foreign powers (Vigianegar however that's spelled or Siam)

The one time we tried an actual "competitive" game, the lobby died in 1460 after the french player ragequitted after imposing himself a deathwar.
>play as Denmark
>get the event to claim small scottish islands (Orkney +Shetland)
>Scotland allied with France
>know the french player won't accept
>ask the Castille player to back me up and he agrees
>pause the game and tell the french player
"Dude, we're declaring for this, but we're not taking anything from you."
>he replies "Nope, I need them to kill AI england so you're not touching them"
>Death wars and max out loans on mercs
>France loses anyway
>"GG" and he leaves.

The one "Rule" We tried and broke about a dozen times is
>If you're at war with a player, don't cheese their AI Ally
this caused several game endings when inevitably someone forced a stackwipe of all the AI units by less than legitimate means.

I also made a mod with a handful of 'fixes'
>Renaissance may spawn anywhere that has feudalism and (I think) 20 total dev (but Italy still gets it 80% of the time)
>Protestantism can spawn anywhere that is Catholic, that isn't the papacy, with increased chances for those with humanist ideas (No size preference)
>Comet Sighted costs one stab, but the different answers give a small boon in compensation (50 ducats, Tech points, an explorer, ect)
>Shady people event gives legitimacy instead of prestige if refused
the only person who plays with me is a minmaxxing tryhard who ragequits everytime something bad happens, can't into friendly banter and doesn't know how to play nice.
every time i've played eu4 multiplayer the biggest shitter has picked a major which everyone was ok with because they're the biggest shitter and then they've started waving their dick around like a huge asshole treading on everybody's toes so then the minor players plot against them and beat them in a war which makes them start sulking and quit no matter how merciful and reasonable the enforcements are
I played EU4 MP once, just after the Persia update and so obviously I wanted to play Persia (I didn't realize how broken Persia had just become). It was meant to be a chill game but this one guy picks Venice then rushes East as fast as possible to the point that it's not even 1500 and he's in the Persian Gulf making extreme demands of me. It's just annoying. I want to play MP for better diplomacy, but the cost is people doing things that totally break my immersion, it's just not for me
>It was meant to be a chill game
Here's your problem. SP coddles you and you expect more of that in MP.
what the hell is a pug?
a kind of dog I believe
Last year I had a seven years war with a Portugal as britain over the new world. When I started landing in Portugal proper, spain joined and kicked me out. After chasing Portugal and spains combined fleets around for a while, I caught them in the Caribbean and they never recovered. Slurped up all of Mexico and the indies. This was enough to get france to side with them and they had specd into naval+maritime and my Austrian ally was busy helping russia fight the ottomans, so I was probably going to lose. Sadly we never continued that game so we'll never know what happens
Taking every trade node between Venice and Aden by 1510 makes you a FAGGOT! Doing that with Venice's infinite money loan mechanics makes you a double faggot
nta, playing mp is so pointless. I like eu4 because I can make historically acurate-ish borders and build my country up. Playing with people who are like me in this regard would be awesome, but if you try to play with random people they are just gonna go for the meta bs. It feels like taking out everything fun about paradox games just for the sake of playing with other people.
Pickup game.
Sounds kino.
Recently I've been giving people loans and slowly turning them into debt slaves. Normally with loan offers players can choose to just let the loan default and their only consequence is a cb to take lots of money. But if you make the loan payment terms hundreds of years, they don't get the option to let the loan default until they expire 200 years into the future. More often than not, they will pay back early instead of paying interest for 200 years kek. And because buildings and other investments have such shitty roi in eu4, I can make the interest rate 1.5% and still be making more ducats than if I splurged on manufactories
honorary jew
>Venice's infinite money loan mechanics
wtf is this?
>"AI" thrashes a major tag player in a defensive war
is my favorite, especially when it's not a rando group (Playing rando groups is an experience in itself).
The amount of cheering, and people putting down their rivalries just to enjoy the moment feels like England getting its arse kicked in the finals.
Losing "a" major doesn't ruin the game.
I play as a shitter when I'm major, but I play all the way until I'm annexed, and alsop bant all the way in (Poland WILL be great again, mark my words! we wil beat the Swedish scum, retake our rightful land and join our allies in the HRE with the respect we deserve!), Overall, mp is more fun if you act out a retard,.

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