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Nuclear war game thread: Games like ICBM, DEFCON etc.
I remember playing a game like this but it had nationbuilding as a bigger focus also you could play as real irl countries even african shitholes but i cant remember what its called.
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I kinda wish we'd gotten something like Bravo Romeo Delta that tried to simulate something resembling actual nuclear warfare except it wouldn't be shit like Bravo Romeo Delta.
Superpower 2?
God that was a piece of shit.
All these games are.
They're all the clunkiest, user-unfriendly, busted pieces of shit ever.
I wish that one of them would come around and actually be good.
Anyone played this? I've only played a demo like 20 years ago, it was sort of interesting at the time, but it probably doesn't hold up.
Had to look it up. Nope, haven't played it, but it looks like a fun concept at least I'll give you that! Not gonna lie though, just looking at the UI and knowing what early 00's strategy games were like I wouldn't be shocked if it was an acquired taste at best. Even things I remember liking from that time period tend to be, assuming they can run on anything at all.
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Has anyone here played First Strike?
It's basically a simplified and fast-paced arcade version of DEFCON x Risk. I used to play it all the time on my iPod touch. Too bad the devs abandoned it
cloudy with a chance of Minuteman II's
I love ICBM and Defcon, ICBM is one of my favorite strategy games actually
No mention of Shadow President?
i remember enjoying the demo then not being able to find it for the longest time. i didn't forget the name or anything, but googling "global thermonuclear war game" just didn't seem to yield results, i assumed it must have been cancelled or something.

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