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Once again, 4chan's output is greater than that of the actual TNO team by releasing literally anything over the past month.

Current(ish) leaks:
https://files.catbox.moe/mnyk0n.pdf - Helldorff & Moskowien mechanics. 160 pages, can you finish it by the time the next rework drops?
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. It's taken them over a year to touch up the superregional.
(These are actually the old leaks but the only thing posted in the last thread was years old - step up your game, dev lurkers!)

In loving memory of Burma Anon.

>TNO fails to update in June, surprising no one
>Mango and Corn are (allegedly) fighting over which reworks should be reworked first
>Some reworks were launched that are so minor we already forgot them
Slow news month? Slow dev month.
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ded mod, lmao
Mango is too busy writing Evil President Simulator no 836 for the campaign trail please understand
Guangdong was the mod's last oorah...
And they'll never make anything like it again. After all, "Sony AnCap dictatorship in China" isn't exactly a Wiki article and therefore unrealistic/bad. What would a Guangdong rework look like though? No doubt they're itching to do that too.
>kaisertroons say this despite their own mod being equally dead
lol, lmao even
>KR updates and adds content that's actually playable
>TNO doesn't update and only pledges content cuts/screensavers
>Pony mod keeps working on things that are distinctly not ponies
Equestria rework when? I LITERALLY do not care about ziggers.
Why do you want them to go into rework hell like TNO?
I trust in Pony autism.
I know Scroop is a perfectionist, especially when it comes to the pony content, but MAN it's taking a while.
So how long will it be until development on this mod just stops?
Unless Mango pulls a vaush and streams a loli folder it'll probably go on in dev hell for years without any meaningful progress. The leads will fight and bicker and everyone will have a shit time. But will it go on? Yeah, better people that came before them gave the brand enough e-cred to keep this thing going for the sake of their egos for a long, long time.
Holy cope lmaooooo
Dead mod
Italy never
Have faith anon, the next Italy rework will be the final one. Seventh one's the charm.
Just want Balkan content man.
One thing that Mango does a lot in reddit is to go: "UMMMM YOU POST AT A SUBREDDIT I DON'T LIKE" or "NO U" whenever something he or his Campaign Trail buddies did is criticized.
That's so pathetic for someone who loves prancing around as an intellectual.
>Gross retard tranny acts like a gross retard tranny
News at 11.
>nigger thinks i'm a devnigger shilling tno
cope kaisertroon, both your mods are piles of shit
He's right, though.
Dead mod, we'll never get Italy. We can all agree on this.
i never said tno was active
i said kaiserreich is just as dead
Different anon but to me it's more like "Zombie Simpsons" if that analogy works for you. Still big, still puts out new things, but all the magic is gone. Others have surpassed it since its fall from grace and a lot of its former fans just wish it'd be put out of its misery. It being dead as you put it would be a blessing that I wish it'd receive personally.

TNO on the other hand is like a show that had a great (albeit flawed, ymmv) first and second seasons before going into a hiatus, firing its entire cast, change its writers and directors several times, then fired the new cast, and are currently in dev hell reshooting a retconned first season after telling all its original fans to fuck off and die. Let's not even mention how one of the original directors (allegedly) was something of a Dan Schneider and that all news surrounding it are of scandals and reboots.

Both are in bad spots but one's way worse than the other is what we're getting at.
They're literally reworking it
They post tooozers about it all the time
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>the most recent big content rework for a country was on march 29th
keep coping lol
>b-but no one plays ireland
cope more
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Ireland felt like something KX would do rather than nu-KR. Routes for every ideology, lots of freedom to do foreign policy as you see fit and lots of interesting people. It actually made me interested in Irish history and had good replay value, at least if you like playing smaller tags. Meanwhile TNO just promises more restrictions, less content, more "realism" and they can't even update their mod to add demo content for places like Mexico. ffs I don't like the German rework in KR but at least they got it out of the door while in TNO half the leaders are still literally unplayable pending reworks.
KX has some level of a focus tree for every country except AH member states, they can literally only do reworks.
>Be KX
>Do literally everything fans want
>Go back to spruce things up

>Finish nothing
>Rework everything from scratch
Honestly as much as people hate KX for all the wacky bullshit and for being veeeeery badly optimized/bloated, it is probably one of the few mods which puts out content on the regular without being dogshit. Even if there are minigames they are not as convoluted as in TNO or KR.
Bored Anon here, do you other Anons think TNO might Work in the style of a true visual novel in a proper engine? If not, what would need to be changed for that?
Think Suzerain and its Rizia expansion.
There's already a political VN.
Honestly something like Crisis in the Kremlin would be the best.
Or CitK, yeah that works too. Honestly look at the entire Kremlingames (now Nostalgames because of the war, presumably lmao) catalogue.
I only wish they would finally finish Austria, because Austrian tree is just horrible.
Didn't know they rebranded but that makes sense. Love their games, if anything they're better at doing what TNO does even. Ostalgie for instance is just amazing with the breadth of things it lets you do and that's just for a handful of communist states.
The thing is that Guneric either has crazy ADHD, a weird personal life or both cause when he does start developing, he is doing so at an insane speed. He shat out several focus trees over the period of three months, the guy can work like a fucking machine if he puts his mind to, there are just probably things holding him up.
The CitK games feel like they are made by people who actually love cold war history/alternate history, it is apparent by just glancing at the achievements. I think they are working on a modern remake of the original CitK aren't they?
Achualie the one they released is the modern remake. 8)

Also what you're saying is true, joking aside. It applies to their other games too. You can look at the Steam achievements list for Ostalgie or the Mao one and I dare you not to get excited for at least some of those outcomes.
Yeah, I figured that. I know that, but maaaan, the Austrians just really ruin the pace of the war.
At least Central Asia seems to be coming along nicely. Can't wait to reestablish Kwarzem and then beat up Sternberg. #NeverForgetKhorasan
Honestly I am pretty excited for Central Asia, they absolutely knocked it out of the ballpark with Afghanistan, so I have high hopes for this region too.
Holy shit is going to have mod support? I guess TNO DOES have a chance to be on a good platform.
Realistic expectations, please. Your best hope is Mongo converting the whole mod to TCT to reduce the downtime between all railroaded events you have no impact on.
kys nigger
>TNO on the other hand is like a show that had a great (albeit flawed, ymmv) first and second seasons before going into a hiatus
TNO might have been the one good thing Panzer managed to create in his entire life. Ever since trooning out and making that lame CK3 mod literally no one knows the name Knightess or gives a shit about that unoptimized pile of garbage.
Do they ever say what happened to Togliatti in TNO.
You mean the city in Russia?
KX actually runs better than regular KR, there is a bunch of tags in KR that are bugged beyond repair and will fire events that crash your game (Monarchist Brazil por example) and it doesn't suffer that much from frame drops in comparison.

TNO and MD takes the cake when it comes to FPS issues though
he probably means palmiro togliatti. he was the had of the italian communist party irl from 1927 to 1964. the city in russia was renamed in his honor. no idea about tno though
TNO stopping would actually be a step forwards, considering progress has been actually negative.
>KX actually runs better than regular KR
Completely false. KR actually launches on my pre-2010 toaster, KX will absolutely not.
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>No user name
>No screenshots
>No examples
Probably bullshit but funny if true.
Christ this mod is still a thing? I haven't given a fuck since I got booted from the dev team back during the whole Pacifica fuckfest
I am saying it in terms of FPS, not the mod's stability. Yes, KX is a LOT more polished compared to KR, but it is still three times the size of it in terms of pure gigabytes. It does lag a lot more due to the sheer amount of content.
You quit while things were as good as they got. Somehow, it was mostly downhill from the time that you left.
You thought things were bad under Pacifica? I'd sooner have Pacifica in charge than any of those two fucks Mango or Corn.
Mango and Corn are also both more focused on making mods for a web browser political sim/questionaire game called "the campaign trail" than actually making TNO.

They've released many mods, which people have assumed to be written from the perspective of biased, unreliable narrators, when they're just the TNO guys venting their own political opinions.
>TNO on the other hand is like a show that had a great (albeit flawed, ymmv) first and second seasons before going into a hiatus, firing its entire cast, change its writers and directors several times, then fired the new cast, and are currently in dev hell reshooting a retconned first season after telling all its original fans to fuck off and die.
TNO is post Clarkson Top Gear confirmed
Let's be honest, the only fun part of TNO is the main gameplay of HOI, fighting wars.
The rest of the mod is just pushing random buttons (selecting techs, building shit just to built shit, selecting new focuses)
Sending volunteers as the great powers, or playing a Russian warlord and fighting major wars is the part of the mod which is actually fun.

While a game about TNO, without HOI as a framework could work, and most of the mod can be carried over, it just wouldn't be as fun without the HOI4 warfare mechanics.
Never crashed in KX, still crashed a lot with KR while playing the older tags
You are thinking too small. If you could remove HOI4 engine constraints, you could focus on other things besides the war thingy. Make it a proper sim/political VN, with more choices, a budget management mechanic, you actually investing in your country to be a better place making an actual impact, rather than just being random numbers and so on.

Think of it like SuperPower but better
Why do all these "redux" projects try to restore William Afton america, when it doesn't even relate to tno lore or even fit into FNAF timeline
Another Manchukuo dev left, this time over getting cyberbullied by the Chinese community.
Made by retarded children who think adding meme paths for the sake of being funny like William Afton FNAF Presidency is cool or was what old TNO was all about (it isn't)
Not True Unfortunately
that would be amazing

I got into TNO in 2020 b/c of the narrative, the worldbuilding, and the political intrigue. I didn't care about the war. And then the endless reworks made it so that nothing ever happens with the mod development.
The horsfags have some people reworking old shit while others make new shit
Its not nearly as bad as TrooNO that never releases anything
Wait Corn is a TCT fag too? What has he done for that game?
>the people ruining TNO are a retarded clique who tried to ruin another game by harassing creators that dared to make anything other than W rehashes or Gus Hall mods where it's comically easy to win
How does the economy work, can I set all the values to maximum and brrrr the deficit minus a hundred trillion, or should I fight the national debt?
>It's a mish-mash of incompatible fan mods and their own mega projects
Dead before it even got announced. It's going to make Project Restoration look good.

Depends on who you're playing as.
As nearly all countries, debt leads to debt payments which eats into your budget and then leads to cycles of fiscal crises which gives you debuffs. So you don't want that as it makes red line go down instead of green line go up.

If you're playing as America or Germany you can theoretically just let money printer go brrrrr because they're immunized from most of the negative effects (your econ tab will look like shit though if you care about that).
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So does anyone know what this new South African content wil be? So far not much appears to be different from whats actually in game.
IIRC it's meant to add post-war events and stamp out some issues. It's meant to be a small expansion that improves an existing conflict and not a huge overhaul I think.
he does look like someone who would hunt for cheevos in HoI
The Chinese community are seething about Manchukuo because it can actually achieve Five Races Under One Union and Ashley is their main target to harrass.

Is it over, Ashleybros?
I thought Ashley left and Yugo was cockblocked from doing any work so what's there to seethe over? Literally never happening.
>Manchukuo because it can actually achieve Five Races Under One Union
Ah, so it is made by someone who only ever played KR Fengtian and doesn't know anything about IRL Manchuria under Japan.
It should even be reworked, because the original thing was already a perfect representation of corporate state that Mantetsu would create.
there is none. This mod is dead
watching trash burn is more entertaining than this shitty broken shit
The main mod is dead and only retarded niggers that don't know that they're being duped for Mango's, Corn's and Lam's egos still work on it. I think that image is from the HV submod though so it might actually release since none of them had anything to do with it.

Nigga, this thread is about watching the trash that is TNO burn.
No, unless Corn is under a different username, he isn't on the Mango's TCT mod team
t. TCT fag
Damn. Almost wished it was true and that Corn was making incredibly cringey Russian and Ukraine-themed TCT mods where you elected Navally to prevent Hitler or something.
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Wait that's actually worse for Corn.
Mongo at least has the excuse that he, on top of being aborted as a child, is part of a different game community and that therefore making shit quiz games is fine in his mind because that's how it be in TCT.

Corn's just retarded lmao.
No fucking way, has it really gotten that bad? The end of TNO actually led to me going off and doing my own thing so I suppose I made the right choice by fucking off when I did.
Yeah the mod was taken over by Mango, Corn and Lam along with some of their retard friends. As much as we hated Pacifica at the time that guy was one of the last bulwarks against rework hell. Now literally everything you might have joined the mod for back in the day has been deleted and they're stuck reworking most major tags from scratch. You should be happy you got out while you did instead of staying on like I do (le sunken cost fallacy).
It's pretty retarded.
I lost interest in FNAF after 3, but from what I understand Afton is a random engineer who opened a pizza restaurant.
How the hell would he get elected president?
>How could the villain of FNAF be realistically be elected president in a meme mod
Jesus fucking Christ, take your autism meds. The mod's shit but this is like complaining that magic in LotR or the Force in Star Wars is unrealistic when realism obviously isn't the point.
He's actually some genius typa sociopath, not unlikely for him to get elected in TNO timeline desu.

My biggest gripe is that it doesn't fit into FNAF timelime, Afton is toddler by the time TNO starts and the mod content is shit, not even cool shit like Lovecraft KX or Satanist Mussolini from that old mod
man I wish, also
Post screenshots?
My condolences friend, Wish you the best going forward.
Unironically let's stop with the periodic TNO threads, it's useless and it clogs up the board
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>t. Mango/Corn being butthurt that the OP makes fun of them
>HOItroons chasing shadows at every reply
I'd rather have a comfy old RTS thread with 2 or 3 replies than another HOI mod made by trannies on the catty
Cope and sneed, Mango.
Anon, this shit is just embarrassing at this point, get a grip.
Fuck tno it's a dogshit of a mod not only doesn't make sense that you can't build mils in a three way fucking cold war scenario even millennium dawn which btw only focused on economics plus ui and mechanics are dogshit. Fuck this mod
>can't build mils
>millennium dawn
and i thought nobody could be this retarded
idk who are worse
devniggers shilling their gay reworks or kaiserniggers hijacking the thread and shilling their gay mod here
go play thousend week reich then.. what's the point to complain here?
Kaiserniggers and tranny nigga opium mods are shit. Same lore what if gayremany won the world war while of course having more focus in random country in butt fuck siberia
>why complain about something in its dedicated thread mostly populated by disgruntled devniggers and lapsed fans
Because tranny nigga opium is the most popular hoi4 mod just because of Taboritsky and Yazov
>it's popular so i have to care
actual retarded faggot, GTFO
lmao at all the butthurt kaisertroons who come here just to seethe about tno by spamming "le dead mod" as if their own mod isn't just as dead
both of them are pathetic
Why did America win in fashion?
And which of the four Germans you don’t choose wins the USA
Only ponies are alive, only ponies really live
it is an embarrassing and pathetic look for the hoi4 community that the only mod that gets active updates is the brony mod
The actual pathetic thing isn't that, EaW is actually well-made.
What's pathetic is that a brony mod has one of the sanest communities within HOI4 moddding.
Let that sink in.
Maybe they know that if they start shit they get less ponies.
>Corn, Mango & Lam start more shit
>get more reworks
inverted incentives, inverted results.
checks out.
Hello niggers, I will be reworking Komi and Sverdlovsk next. Go ahead and try to stop me. Also we are renaming Kiev to Kyiv.
Nice try Daffy. We all know the real Corn doesn't have the guts to rework Komi into Corni.
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Instead of actually working on the mod TNO jannies are spending their time banning edgy 14 year old Mexicans for having fake pronouns in their bio.
Learn to hide your power level, retard.
>along with the content of old submods.
>no mention of Addio Africa
shit project, shan't be following it
>working on the mod
Bro it's literally their unpaid "job" to ban edgy 14 year old retards that honestly would be too shitty even for /pol/ judging by the screenshot.

Smart move. You'll sooner see them integrate DV than something good like AA.
>power level is naming yourself 88cunnygroyper88 on discord
okay buddy
Actually yeah. Maybe he's just a LARPing fag but this is outright ban bait. Literally any janny will look at that and go, "yep, this one's gonna be a headache", especially on a platform that bans that kind of content (ie being based) in its TOS.
that's not a power level, that's just you wanting to fuck with janitors. i respect that i love fucking around with janitors but it's not a power level
What's your definition of power level?
retarded schizoshit people use to feel special
It's literally the jannies "job" to ban 14 year old mexican edgelords
KX exists though.
and it sucks
Do you even like anything in the first place?
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>reworking Komi
It already is named Kyiv when the Ukrainian tags take it, you're slower than the TNO devs
KX is full of ESL/ChatGPT-written meme paths
At this point so is TNO, did you play the ruin on release?
Don't reply to him, he baitposts in all HOI4 threads about how x is "ESL/AI slop".
Someone draw gay fan-fiction between Corn and Mango and post it on announcement channel please
>Fan fiction
Retarded phrasing for a retarded idea.
Never post again fag.
he had the right idea desu
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>Sparrows: Erradicated
>Landlords: Genocided
>Capitalist Roaders: Purged
>Reactionaries: Reeducated
>Hanjians: Executed
>Imperialists: Destroyed
>Mao's Vision: Vindicated
>East: is Red

imagine having a mod so shitty one of the most content-filled interesting things is a submod made by chinks that used google translate
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I don't play kaisershite.
And TNO is still ded mod, lmao
I felt like it was a bit too quick to capture all of china, I felt like it should've taken a few more years to work towards the war. still a good mod.
I watched TNO die. I was there. And I watched it die. I watched it overdose and rework to death. I could have saved it. But I didn’t.
You're probably just joking.
Would be funny if you actually were someone that enabled the current leads doing all the reworks.
But I don't think either of them mind the mod being destroyed.
Mod name?
the east is red
Did they fix the translation or is it still shit
-broke: tno is shit
-woke: kaiserreich is shit
-bespoke: all hoi4 mods are shit and we should touch some grass
Ascended: goy$ is flawed from the concept.
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if i saw this a while ago i'd say something like
but now... i'm a stonecold tnocel... i know it'll never come out..
Is there Russian translation available for East is Red mod? Thank you fren
Even if it did, who cares? It'll all be railroaded and you'll never get any meaningful gameplay let alone any actual wars in Mexico. Another instance if TNO wasting years to intensely research something only to give you a screensaver where nothing you do changes anything meaningfully. A color in a pie chart, maybe, if you're lucky.
Is this legit?
It already died, retard.
>small team talking about reworking things without any manpower
>"look at our compilation of wildly contradictory submods!"
Dead before it even launched.
dude i fucking hate these gay children in the TNO fanbase they are just as obnoxious as the NAFO trannies in the TNO discord
its still ass
tno doesnt need wars to be fun
But they need some kind of fucking gameplay and all this toozer is telling me that at best sometime between 1962-4 there will be a pointless mini game that won't matter to me beyond maybe picking the next ruling party which also won't get to do anything that matters.
What is "anything that matters" to you? Every single path in TNO ends up with a changed country in one way or another, to a greater or lesser degree.
>Every single path in TNO ends up with a changed country in one way or another, to a greater or lesser degree.
You could argue that in the past but the current crop of leads are complete shit
Look at Mango's "vision" for the US, where nothing is allowed to change. Even arch-segregationist and racist Wallace being elected only derails things for a couple of years before nature heals and a holesome 100 liberal is elected to undo everything he did. And he's also kneecapped by a liberal VP.
I agree Mango's plans for America are retarded, but TNO isn't just the US. If you look at any other country in development, you'll see what I mean. Italy and Japan are the best examples imo, Brazil too to a lesser extent.
When were we supposed to get Italy again?
my friend told me (im the same anon from last thread with a dev friend who sent me some leaks) that apperently fash and communist italy are basically ready but dem italy is getting reworked (again) because it was too similiar to IRL Italy and it didnt make sense
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We've known that for months. Fash Italy isn't close to being ready though.
ah i see, im not that active on the discord. thanks for the info!
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ayrt but >>1806569 puts it well: nothing changes even when you do news-worthy things on paper. Russia is the most popular part of the mod for a reason. Most content in the pipeline just pledges to let me do absolutely nothing other than sit around and do what the base game or any other mod would relegate to late game busywork after everything's over. Like what'd two different games even look like?

Game A:
>I sit around doing focuses
>I press a button in a mini game
>My pie chart color doesn't change because party 1 stays in power
>My faction remains unchanged
>I never send volunteers anywhere no borders change nothing changes but maybe a few policies changed
Game B:
>I sit around doing focuses
>I press different buttons in a mini game
>My pie chart color changes because party 2 got elected
>My faction changes
>I never send volunteers anywhere no borders change nothing changes but maybe a few policies changed in a different way

Holy shit, who cares? You're not Guangdong so your setting sure as hell isn't going to carry. Everything they're working on now is abject horseshit that's just Mass Effect 3's ending picker without any gameplay along the way. There's a reason why Russia is the only place anyone gives a shit about and even that's something the current devs are working hard to destroy with their endless reworks.

>The mod isn't just Mango's bullshit we're hopefully never seeing
>It's also these tags with content we're actually sad that we'll never see because they're getting reworked again
Read what the focuses, minigame buttons and events are doing. TNO is a narrative game, we change the history of the country through our actions. These changes are reflected in the form of natspirits, updated bios, assorted laws, new policy laws, different outcomes to the storylines of event characters. In short, changes are displayed mainly through text, not border changes.
>It's also these tags with content we're actually sad that we'll never see because they're getting reworked again
He was the first one to mention content not yet released. What I said also applies to older content, like Iberia or Germany or even the current US.
At this point why even bother butchering the Clauswitz engine for this? Why not just make something like Suzerain with no illusions of it not being a glorified political VN?
I guess it's easier to mod an existing engine than to make your own.
>Read our political wank
>My button to spend 50PP is deep
>Maybe at the end the updated bio will reflect how little input you had
>Basedak as I change from private to public education
No one cares about your mid-at-best writing about generic politicians in predetermined outcomes that don't matter at all. The "it's a narrative game" is just a cope and a bad one at that. Nothing in the pipeline is going to be able to hold a candle to what Guangdong did because of how creatively restrictive everything is these days. What most people fell in love with was either the more gameplay heavy content in Russia or the extreme ways they could alter countries with total segregation and space missions and the dev team has literally spent years to make it blander and less interactive.

Suzerain is actually a good game though. Imagine Suzerain with the writing you can expect out of Mango's America and you have a pretty good idea why that's a bad idea and I say that as someone that absolutely loved that game.
people here enjoy playing America/Japan, at least i do. i can agree that as it gets more restrictive it will get worse, one great aspect of TNO was the variety but until the actual updates are released i'd wait to see. i want to believe, anon, that they can actually do something, i enjoyed the brasil minicontent drop hopefully the finished project is as good.
>the more gameplay heavy content in Russia
Russia if anything has less gameplay than other majors. There's months between regional and superregional where you do nothing but wait. And only a few warlords have unique (and still bland) mechanics, the rest are recycled.
>the extreme ways they could alter countries
Giani, Jordan, Salgado, Mexican Civil War, Turkish Civil War, etc aren't extreme paths?
I lost all hope after everything became bad after Guangdong.

Having to sit for a few years between getting to do something and getting a big payoff as I alter the rebirth of a fallen superpower is far more compelling than sitting around for ten years with only a few proxy wars and busted GUIs where the only difference is that another person's in office at the end and maybe I did a few more reforms to kill racism.

>what about all these things that they've been toozing for several years without visible progress?
Not releasing this year and next year most if not all will have comprehensive rework plans dropped that sandpaper away anything interesting. Just give up already.
New Heldenvolk teaser
Bro just one more rework and it'll be realistic one last rework bro just trust me please, it'll be so realistic it'll blow your mind bro trust me just four more years of research bro
>the reworks are gonna remove everything fun about tno
>but also they're never coming out
then why are you so mad?
They should've changed South Africa's ideology to Herrenvolk Democracy, like DV does.
Utopia is just one rework away.

Because after years of circling the drain and breaking nearly all their promises it's obvious that a mod I liked is on life support, that I have nothing to look forward to and that the devs destroyed what was once a very promising setting with endless reworks, drama and mismanagement.
Don't think it can apply to the United Party since, besides not being boers, they're also less racist than the National Party
Fair enough.
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Flowchart of something that will never release.
>Leads rework everything, 60s content will never be finished
>These niggers are wasting time on thinking about 1980s content
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If Mexican fails to stop the crisis and WW3 doesn't start. It'll be the most disappointed thing ever in the next updated.
>TNO fans when no teasers: oh wow this mod is so dead it’s been ages since the last teasers why don’t they communicate
>TNO fans when teasers: urgh what’s the point of these toozers they’re never gonna release this mod is so dead
nigga the Brasil update was supposed to drop at least a month ago now
everybody was saying it was about to drop, and even then it has been a good while since we had a full content release
>having expectations
Newbie mistake.

Maybe if the toozers weren't shit for shit without gameplay. Peopole give mods like HV and 2WRW more leeway because they haven't disappointed their fans endlessly.

By the time they did their Brazil stream we were told that it'd be out at the end of June at the latest and that it was only a "few weeks of loc work" left. June came and went, July has almost turned into August, and they still have jack shit to show for it. Brazil might as well be reworked by now.
did they say that in the stream?
Anon, there's a reason why "only a few days of loc" has been a recurring meme for months by now.
Sorry, I fucked up. They initially hinted at WEEKS, not days. My bad, please forgive my autism.
I haven't been keeping up with dev statements desu
Funny thing is. There are only like 30 big bugs to fix for the update to be ready, the problem is that nobody wants to fix them
Almost as if...
No one was ever meant to play it...
Really makes you think...
>ignoring the 100s of loc pieces waiting to be done
JUST FUCKING DO IT YOU NIGGERS I WANT TO PLAY SOMETHING. im not sure but i think i've played almost every single path of every single nation available. YOU JUST NEED TO RELEASE SOMETHING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Maybe they should release more actual updates and not either teasers for shit which will either take three years to release or (more often) be cancelled prior to ever seeing the light of day.
>Read what the focuses, minigame buttons and events are doing.
I mean, fuck, why not just read an actual book? Or play a real VN, it's not like the TNO paths are 'high literature' it is easy to find better written, more captivating narratives in other media.
If all TNO can give is a handful of largely disconnected text walls, then why not just read an actual alternate history book, or even just fucking imagine a scenario in your head.

TNO is a mod for a video game, it needs to work and be fun as a video game.
Point me to a book that treats an axis victory setting the way TNO does, focused on geopolitics and not centered around a single country. They either go for the sci-fi angle (MOTHC) or focus too much on Germany and/or personal narratives (Fatherland).
Yeah you're right, I can't think of anything that botches shit as badly as TNO does since most books that actually end up getting published are written by functional adults lmao.
>but I'm trying to do these serious things with big people words!
And failing badly at all of them lmao.
I'm not arguing that TNO is better, what I mean is that its grounded, hollistic approach to the setting is unique compared to most if not all novels, which is why I find it interesting.
It's not grounded and never was, please stop lying, no one believes this, not even you. Even in the reworked "realistic" shit it's just a wish fulfillment fanfic for retards and by retards. If you disagree please explain to me why you believe it's realistic that a communist can assume power in the Oval Office on a technicality without support of either party. You can't, because it's retarded and no more realistic than the Aryan Brotherhood attaining power in a farmstead in rural Russia.

Please stop pretending that TNO is realistic. Realism starts and stops with the lead dev's political beliefs and you ought to know this after several years of reworks for "realism" that somehow always are in line with the lead dev clique's politics. It's frankly insulting to be talked to as if we're children that don't understand that the shit we're being fed these days isn't just fantasy nonsense.
Fair enough, that wasn't the right word to use. What I meant is I like the effort it puts on fleshing out the whole world instead of just focusing on the 3 superpowers (most books only focus on 1, be it Germany, the US or Britain and never ever Italy or Japan) and especially how well researched Germany is (and East Asia too). And again, books tend to have a surface level understanding of their regimes and history (MOTHC is particularly egregious in this regard)
Problem is that it's badly written wish fulfillment by retards. I like 1984 (using it as an example since everyone's read it), it's a pretty good book, and there are other books like it that make a compelling case against authoritarian regimes (which TNO struggles to do). If you told me that 1984 (or a similar book that you like more) was being rewritten by a bunch of retard teenagers, there's an almost 100% likelihood that neither of us would like it, just like I think there's a rather high likelihood that both of us would've found a work by Orwell compelling if Eastasia, Oceania and Eurasia had been replaced with the CPS, OFN and EP.

Subject matter can be as serious as you want, it's still written by retards like Mango, Corn and Lam. And frankly at that point I'd prefer if it was silly nonsense about LARPers creating a Slavo-Germanic Reykh because it's easier to accept something silly meant to be fun than something extremely stupid that I'm expected to take seriously. At least then, I can suspend my disbelief and laugh with the author than being baffled and laugh AT the author's childishness.

Yes, Mango, when you're reading this: your America rework is stupider than the Aryan Brotherhood.
Once again, TNO could work so much better if it was a mod for CitK, thank God the new version is going to have mod support. Then it will be true kino time.
Eh, TNO is already CitK but more fleshed out (and less sandboxy)
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More useless shit that is never coming out.
Toozbone: tickled.
I pity toozer addicts. They should find healthier dopamine sources.
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>get fucked reactionary fags
btw this is being done because mango wants hawaii to be controlled by America at game-start
Japan never wanted to occupy Hawaii so I don't mind the change.
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Please don't insult CitK, decisions there actually matter.

Good to know that America losing WW2 has absolutely no impact on America other than all of American society becoming more liberal and agreeing with Mango even more. Funny how they could lose the greatest war in human history and then be forced to make zero concessions to the enemy and, in fact, just go on a faster road towards OTL liberalism that Mango happens to agree with.

Almost as if TNO isn't a realistic nor grounded mod at all, but is in fact just a lazy, masturbatory wish fulfillment work of fiction by mentally ill radlibs.
America didn't really win WW2 otl, they rode on the Soviet victory. So losing it wouldn't really have big effects.
Not really sure how america having nazi germany as one of its' main opponents would somehow make americans more aligned with nazism. It's not really like the soviet union's existence made americans pro-communism.
it's leaaaaaking
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me when I leak fr fr
>a communist can assume power in the Oval Office on a technicality without support of either party.
? Not overly familiar with Hall, but I thought he's a presidential candidate that can be elected normally, no?
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he's talking about the rework
he's doing a lot more than leaking there
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...okay, not quite sure what to make of this.
But, seeing that 269-269 thing, and the set circumstances; I assume that getting him isn't literally going to require you to get that EXACT number of votes through the unusual election GUI. So is this all going to be event-driven at some point? So the whole point of the GUI is wasted?
You thought I was lying about the Batov rework? Well try again niggers! Be sure to look forward to three new unifiers and the removal of another!
YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAWAII CRISIS REMOVED!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!
Why not? There was a large ethnic Japanese population on the island and it was a very strategic position. I can see a Japan that's actually kicking the US's ass to want to occupy Hawaii.
>in other news; sakhalin is made russian again because it gives corn another tag to rework
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screenshot since it's been griefed
>Following his inauguration, Hall will gain access to a unique "Crisis Event" mechanic, represented as a series of television screens in the president's offices displaying different locations.
alright that's awesome but... its never coming out
what the fuck does half of this mean?
can the devs stop talking like such faggots and just say
>(thing) is nearly done.
yeah the tranny speak makes it very hard to understand
also what the fuck do they mean
>Mexico will have lots of olympics events
who fucking cares about that? I know mexico doesn't have alot too do with but come on
worldbuilding I guess
Document is unreadable now congrats. Who are the unifiers that are being reworked and who got cut?
... It's not KOMI, is it? >>1805630 will be sad if they're cutting Komi.
I bet Corn's just salivating at the thought of cutting something that beloved.

I think it's a reference to that one time there was a bug that made an event for Mexico appear hundreds of times and broke the mod. It forced them to put out a hotfix instantly. Fun times.
>I think it's a reference to that one time there was a bug that made an event for Mexico appear hundreds of times and broke the mod. It forced them to put out a hotfix instantly. Fun times.
That was the Canadian Centennial.
From now on, you will need to unify the twin cities of Kom and Min (with a minigame), before you even unlock the proper Komi political tree.
Oh right my bad. I have no fucking idea what it is then. I thought it was just a harmless joke but I guess that some tag that's never getting updated will have lots of references we'll never see to something that'll never matter. Cool.
Can't tell if you're joking or not.
It's simply that the olympics are a big plot point for Mexico.
if it comes out in less than 30 days from now you should come out too
The events will pull support (and eventual bonuses) towards either one town or the other, but at the cost of either locking out future advisors, or getting timed capital state debuffs.
mexico is ready for release i'm told
September 27 (Mexican Independence Day). I'm calling it now.
>Shit that won't ever matter
Nice, glad they spent their time on this.

Never releasing.
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Top secret leak, do not distribute!
They didn't, I'm just trolling
Good troll. Completely fucking worthless, but definitely one of those kinds of non-events they'd make a big deal out of to pretend they have content.
>3 new unifiers
>Document says reworks
AB, Sverdlovsk and...? Who else is getting a downgrade?
Also holy shit fuck Corn for pretending he'll ever do 2WRW content let alone making it to 1972.
Tomsk? That's really out of left field. How are they ruining that?
>Salons removed for being unrealistic
>Everyone replaced with generic politicians (or turned into generic politicians)
>Fewer paths "but it's better trust me" - Corn
Just guessing.
Also wait a minute they're just straight up deleting one? Why? Oh my God I hate these people have we really gone from endless reworks to just giving everyone they don't like the Burgundy treatment?
>Writing like actual children
>ODF integration dead
>Corn straight up deleting a unifier
>"Making progress" on things in dev hell for years
They've gone from letting the mod slowly die to just straight up mercy killing it.
Doubt it but it really would be the most nu-TNO thing ever to respond to the fact that they completely botched the Amur rework and wasted years at this point by just deleting it. Would explain why we haven't heart about it in forever despite it just being them "fixing up the superregional".
Oh wait I'm dumb I thought this was in reference to the "who'd they delete" question.
Apparently the new rework is Tomsk according to another anon.
Yes, while they completely botched the Amur one because everyone left on the team is dumb as shit and can't do anything right.
>Apparently the new rework is Tomsk according to another anon.
And he provided absolutely no proof or argument whatsoever.
Imo the new rework is Sablin. They announced they were gonna rework him months ago after all. Either that or Tyumen.
Tomsk is being reworked and it's where Gorbachev will go when they delete him in the new Moskowien rework. You heard it here first.

Corn is reworking all of Russia though so all answers provided here are sadly correct.
Any actual merit to these claims?
The notes from one of their meetings leaked. Document got vandalized and nuked after leaking. The post the anon you're replying to has the cliffnotes from the meeting screencapped and their assumptions are based on it
TNO insider here, I can confirm the NPP is being removed as well as Heydrich content due to both being too unrealisitc

Also all work in new content has frozen, with most devs being always offline or too busy and the actual team dwindling to about 2 active devs.

It’s over.
Tell us something we dont know.
Red Italy is gonna be removed for being too unrealistic at this point.
they are going to personally kill Togliatti via time machine for being too unrealistic
>Maybe they should release more actual updates and not either teasers for shit which will either take three years to release or (more often) be cancelled prior to ever seeing the light of day.
Do you expect monthly updates ? Even Kaiserreich, the number 1 HOI4 mod, takes several months to update (even if it’s still more frequent than most other mods including TNO)
brother we just want *something*, currently we have nothing
We learned this years ago but thanks for confirming that they're still on a steady downward trajectory.

I'd believe it. Swear to God "unrealistic" is just code for "has actual gameplay" at this point.
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"Red Italy is not unrealistic, actually."
Kaiserreich has updates with actual gameplay and years of playable content all the way up to the campaign crescendo that is the Second Weltkrieg, as do most mods. TNO takes longer, almost never has gameplay, and drops shorter updates. For crying out loud it's still a big if whether or not they can get out their Mexico demo content without actual gameplay.

I don't know how the devs can fuck up this bad and still expect their diminishing userbase to not be unhappy with their complete lack of progress especially when they spend more time removing content than adding new.
it would entirely depend on how radicalized the unions grow but it's not that far off yeah
>almost never has gameplay,
gameplay isn't just war
last update for TNO all the countrys we got had half a gameplay
For TNO that's roughly the same amount as other mods. I always finish my KR games around 1940/1941. That's 5 years.
are you a dev shilling? because your posts are getting stupidier and stupidier tryng to beat a dead horse. no it's not the same amount of content, and even if it was release it all dont make half baked updates even KR gets this right
>gameplay isn't just wars
>it can also be looking at your screen doing nothing

>5 years of looking at a screen doing nothing is the same as 5 years of waging WW2 and radically transforming the world
>both have you playing a game so that's gameplay right?
TNO is more than just staring at a screen. By your logic games like Suzerain aren't even games.
Suzerain is more of a game than TNO is trying to be at this point.
Please don't compare your masturbatory fanfiction to Suzerain. It was built from the ground up to be what it and did not mutate every time a new lead come in. It understands what it is and its writing isn't condescending atrocity porn or wish fulfillment puked out by amateurs. The fact that you think the mere existence of good politically oriented VNs that are light on gameplay just magics away all the glaring problems with the garbage you put out is embarrassing especially as you're only saying it after you failed at being an economics sim and after you decided that wars in a wargame aren't necessary.

You will never achieve a fraction of what Suzerain's team have.
How? It's just reading. TNO has interactive minigames, proxy wars and, occasionally, conventional wars.
I was never arguing that TNO's writing is good. My point is that it has gameplay, although different than the gameplay of most other mods.
Yeah and it's bad and most people prefer playing Russian warlords because it offers something the engine was built to do so stop bringing it up as if it's an argument.
>most people prefer playing Russian warlords
Well, I don't. I prefer playing as the USA, Guangdong, Japan, Germany... I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying these.
You won't believe it but developers have lives besides modding
>TNO devs not seething about trans rights on Doki for 18 hours straight every day challenge impossible
nobody believes this
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Any news on the Bormann rework?
"Releasing sometime this year" since January. Nothing concrete yet. Given how Brazil has just needed two more weeks of loc to be ready for release for three months if not more I don't really believe them.
Anything new for Goring yet?
IIRC he's the only one who still doesn't have concrete outline for his path unlike Speer, Heydrich and Bormann.
Lacerda's mechanic had to be completely redone which added a lot of loc to the pile. Even the leaker who posted the graph said a june release was incredibly optimistic.
Goering is never getting content dude. They haven't even started yet. Just accept that you're only going to have two Fuhrer candidates.

Doesn't change the fact that the party line was optimistic until it turned into total radio silence.
Any peer reviewed sources for that?
Running a discord server is not having a life. Besides they get mogged by every single submod that gets released
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I actually don't know if Tomsk is the third rework but it is slated for some changes in the future (which will probably never happen)
>cutting Shostakovich
Also doesn't this just make Tomsk the same as Novosibirsk?
>no Mayakovsky
it's so over
If they're changing out all the paths and making it something completely different then yes, it's a rework and AT LEAST the fourth since they're STILL spinning their wheels on what they said would be a quick update to Amur's superregional. That sounds so awful too. Tomsk was at least unique, now we're just getting four shades of normal politics with some being "good" (things Corn agrees with) and some being comically evil. Apt, coming from the retard that's deleting Sverdlov's content to make it blander and more depressive.

No because at least Novosibirsk has megacorps and a bunch of other stuff that helps it stand out. So you're getting a shittier Novosibirsk (at least until that tag gets reworked).
it's leaaaaaaaaking
>click link
>expect Tomsk or Moskowien rework
>it's another Italian thing that is probably already reworked
>realize that it's no different from Tomsk never being finished never releasing and being reworked again
>unsub from TNO
I'm cured!
TNOsissies found out
I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't up to date, if it's any comfort.
dev here, both are wrong.
red italy is in dev right now, idk how much is actually finished but the team is making some progress. i can see it releasing in 2025 or (more likely) 2026.
dem and fash italy are at 0%. there are no coders or writers assigned to them, all you have is some team leaders writing lore outlines. dont expect these any time soon.
trvst the plan, two more ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶s̶ years
Thanks for confirming that Italy is never releasing.
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what the actual fuck
You niggers should stop seething about reworks, they're the tree hiding the forest. Corn can rework all he wants, he's not getting any manpower for his things.
Attention in the team is focused on new tags (Mexico, France) or content expansion (Brazil or Iberia). Once "design hell" and its gazillion design docs are behind, things can go along more or less smoothly
Fash Italy does have some writers working on it though. Don't lie.
>Do you expect monthly updates ?
I expect fucking half yearly.
The last thing we got was a teaser for England, and the last real content update was already a year ago.

TNO should be able to put out one focus tree in the time it takes Paradox to make a whole fucking DLC.
What else is there, pressing random buttons for GUI nonesense mechanics which don't actually do anything?
Pressing a button in the decision tab every other month, reading?

War is gameplay, plain and simple.
The mechanics determine the ending you get and the final stats of a playthrough (gdp, poverty rate, social development, etc) which basically serve as a scoreboard.
>Pressing a button in the decision tab every other month
A good mechanic is deeper than that.
Motherfucker, if they just spent an hour most days modding or writing, half the shit they imagine would have already came out months ago.
Yeah but most fucking aren't so can we please stop pretending that dumping 50PP into a glorified decision category is equal to winning WW2 in base HOI4?

>Retards spend more times rebooting reboots
>You get more teasers for things that will never release than before
>given pressure it [removing scuderi] might need to be done
what? what pressure are they talking about? from who? I’m so confused
Probably internal drama or realismfags crying at a guess.
>no tno updates in like 9 months
>thinking "what should I do?"
>download toolpakt and the faction switching submod
>look up some console commands
>create my own proxy wars
>write down lore in google documents
who needs more than 3 years of british content? who needs reworks? this is... PERFECTION..
What the fuck, wasn't fash Italy almost done? What the fuck happened
>some progress
>2 years
A monkey on a typewriter could make shit after, what the actual fuck?
Time to start using ChatGPT to write events, cause you sure as shit can't outsource this to Indians
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It wasn't up to current standards code-wise.
>current standards
ah yes, current standards like haiti somehow respawning due to a US-enforced ceasefire long after the haitian government capitulating
Only because a monkey on a typewriter wouldn't delete everything and start over every couple of months because a new retarded lead decided that what they wrote stopped being "realistic".

How many times have we heard that they were just raising things to new standards, only to then learn that there was a bunch of drama behind the scenes? It's just an euphemism they like using much like "realism" as a way to handwave away needing to explain the actual petty bullshit that goes on there.
i've been here since 2020, the mod is actually fucking dead
>The Siivagunner channel did a TNO Video
The mod is so dead, the best thing to have happened to it is that a meme channel did a video on it and it wasn't even one of the better songs.

Just stick a fork in it, it's fucking done.
This channel announced an event day for mods and rom hacks for august, maybe there will be more HOI4 mod-related songs
Oh my God please do OWB they have some of the best shit.
TNO has some absolute bangers too. But assuming that there's one per mod/hack, OWB should get some love.
Every time I see his post as screenshots/going on tno plebbit it's some of the dumbest shit written
Thank God he's a troon, can't wait for him to an hero
Ok, then why can't the same thing happen with Yockey?
Also what's wrong with previous implementation? Didn't play US but afaik getting the radicals requires fucking up as the establishment, which makes sense.
>Ok, then why can't the same thing happen with Yockey?
America is already a fascist country. It doesn't need another nazi candidate.
I'm joking but I can see Mango saying this.
Ngl I hope Trump wins only cause I want to see Mango killing himself in a discord call
lmfao why are you even in this thread then go play vanilla
there is no way to have constant war in a cold war setting you fucking mong
Because Mango agrees with Hall and wishes he would've gotten power IRL, the CPUSA winning the elections and Hall taking office on a technicality is very realistic and your parents deserve to die from cancer if you disagree bigot.

But also, because Mango disagrees with Yockey him gaining power under any circumstances is highly unrealistic and you're just a braitrotted racist slop-devouring retard if you disagree and you should probably just kill yourself.

This is far more realismgood than a radical taking over an established party if the establishment goes to shit and then goes on to win an election fair and square using what's left of its institutional power.

Enjoy your rework lmao, releasing fucking never.
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I have to admit, the old tranny dev team made really fun Russia content (even though it was just them picking their favourite obscure socialist ideology and making a power fantasy for it)
I miss them. Now those troons work at paradox, which is the worst possible outcome
>Don't subscribe to our mod if you want literally any content other than reading events about LGBTQP+ rights in the country you're "playing" as
Don't worry, I ain't subbing to your shit. Still going to point out that you're a bunch of talentless hacks that can't do fucking anything right.

>man pushing 40 if he isn't there already
>has the political acumen of a 12-year old radlib
He's said this verbatim before.
>"My issue with [the Midnight series of mods for The Campaign Trail] is that America is inherently a white supremacist nation and so [George Lincoln Rockwell becoming president] wouldn't change anything since 90% of the people who Americans would vote for would be white supremacist.
so many shills in this thread
btw fuck you mango kys
take me back with you, time traveler-kun
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>America is a fascist country at game start
Then why in the hell are they fighting the Nazis, jackass?!
bro forgot Italy exists
I'm pretty sure ayrt remembers what Italy was better than you, anon.
In TNO they're also fighting the nazis :^)
nta but germany and italy weren't necessarily close because of fascist ideology. in the mid-30s italy briefly allied with the uk and france against germany. the disagreement was later resolved, but their alliance was more related to common enemies than common ideologies.
>Actually defending Mango's strawman that America is basically the same as fascist Italy because they're in different blocs at the start
Well I'm glad you people are regurgitating your shit here instead of unleashing Vote Swine upon us.
>undemocratic, capitalist and imperialist regime that uses violence to repress the masses
>undemocratic, capitalist and imperialist regime that uses violence to repress the masses
>T-t-they totally are different, I swearrr!!!!!1!!!
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>Mango's hands wrote this post
undemocratic, capitalist, and imperialist countries which use violence to supress the masses aren't necessarily fascist. don't try to sell capitalism's general failures as the result of some specific subset of capitalism.
I wasn't defending mango. he's a retard who doesn't know shit about what he talks about.
>undemocratic, communist and "liberating" regime that uses violence to repress the masses
"Liberation" used by leftist is just red imperialism similar to how the bolsheviks invaded every single country that declared independence from Russia, including leftist countries like anarchist Ukraine. Leftists have put down more proletariat uprising than democracies ever have. To the point the term tankie has a double meaning depending on the era you are from since it can mean Soviet tanks putting down a anti-soviet communist revolt in Hungary or tanks putting down student protests in the CCP.
>Vote Swine
It's called YIPPIE! now, get with the times.
Shit name now kys devfag.
Who lets these fucking commies right political fiction?
A literal child would have a better grasp on the political landscape than these delusional lefty retards.

If someone if so fucking mind-rotted by 'le theory' and 'praxis' that they can't tell the fucking difference between George Wallace and Adolf Hitler, they shouldn't be allowed to write political fiction with a ten foot pole.
These people are retarded, they view America both presently and historically as basically apartheid South Africa/some fucking riechskommisariat but if America ever were like that, then how and why the fuck did we ditch segregation, achieve integration, make racism a taboo which no one is capable of breaking without serious repercussions?

These fucking commies believe that no change can happen without their 'le wholesome 100% commie revolution' meanwhile the whole history of the 20th fucking century is centrist, democratic, liberal governments achieving meaningful reform and change without violence.
And every fucking commie government turned into genocidal nightmare states.

It is the second dumbest political position to hold, only above anarchism. Which I don't even need to explain why they're dumb.
How does *anyone* genuinely believe in commie bullshit after studying any amount of history?
>Calling the USA undemocratic
>Calling the Nazis capitalist
>Believing that the imperialism of WW2 Germany and the Cold War USA is even remotely similar
This is the dumbest fucking post I've ever read.
This is dumber than the /his/ post saying that the Eskimos should have farmed whales by breaking massive breeding farms through the artic glaciers.

Dude, by these standards the Dutch republic of the 1600s is the same as present day China.
Anon, the nazis were capitalist. AEG, Siemens, IG Farben, Hugo Boss, Krupp... these were all private companies that collaborated with and benefited from the nazi regime. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending his stupid post, but in this case he's right.
>The existence of private companies means that it's a capitalist society
>Economics are binary
Children really shouldn't be talking let alone be making mods about these kinds of things.
Better to describe Nazi germany as a mixed economy.
All I know is that TNO will never release.
given that nazi germany retained the characteristics of a capitalist mode of production (i.e wage labor, extraction of surplus value, commodity production, etc) it would be absurd to deny its' capitalistic nature.
truke dropped
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>These fucking commies believe that no change can happen without their 'le wholesome 100% commie revolution'
No true communist believes this. Whoever says this is stupid or hasn't read history, or both. Progress happens in capitalism, naturally. The problem is when capitalism exhausts itself and resorts to increasingly more and more destructive methods to sustain itself, not only on a material level but on a cultural one also (you can see this for example in the current epidemic of neoliberal postmodernism or "woke politics", a nihilist, liberal ideology at its core dressed as "revolutionary" and "left wing" and financed and promoted by capitalism to erase class conciousness and alienate the working class).
>And every fucking commie government turned into genocidal nightmare states.
Every ideology, every government, every mode of production has blood on its hands. It's not something exclusive to communism.
>How does *anyone* genuinely believe in commie bullshit after studying any amount of history?
In my case I realized that history leans to material progress and that progress has always been achieved through class struggle (plebeians vs patricians, bourgeoisie vs feudal aristocracy, proletariat vs bourgeoisie). Also, communism is a scientific ideology, we learn from past experiments. To dismiss something, especially a pioneering experience because "it didn't work" or "it was too evil" is fruitless. One must learn from past mistakes and improve upon them. Capitalism also has failed many times in history and it learned and keeps learning from those experiences, this is why it's changed so much over the centuries.
>Calling the USA undemocratic
It's democracy for the bourgeoisie, liberal democracy doesn't represent the working class.
>Dude, by these standards the Dutch republic of the 1600s is the same as present day China.
You've just discovered what a mode of production is.
if you turn this thread into /pol/ because there's zero TNO content im fucking slaughtering both Mango and Corn
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rent free
he says as he regurgitates his muh dialectical materialism diarrhea in front of you
and proud
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Fuck off retard don't turn this board into /pol/ no one cares about the stupid shit you have to say.
People don't even know what the term rent free even means nowadays
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>make racism a taboo which no one is capable of breaking without serious repercussions?

National Socialism was an alternate way, or otherwise known as the 3rd way. It has capitalistic and socialist components to it, leftists only say it wasn't socialism because they say that about everything not being "real socialism". It was a command economy like in a communist state where vital industries were nationalized. Those companies you listed were nationalized state owned companies, you didn't even list the actual private companies since they were all worthless amenities and luxuries like the German Coca-cola branch. Their form of imperialism was closer to that of Communist liberation since they annexed territories with significant Germans and made puppet states in other territories like how the Soviet did. Actual imperialism would be direct annexation.
the socialism understander has logged on
why does it take actual years for TNO devs to complete code reviews and audits of only couple thousand lines of scripting?
i do not want to see the state of any of their homes
Because it's actually not years of reviewing code. It's team infighting, new rules being made and reworks leading to new reworks. It's a very dysfunctional team.
I wonder how much time it'll take for devs to reconcile with the fact that people like Panzer and Bamba were necessary to develop a mod like TNO because only insane people can actually run the mod instead of obsessed historyfags who want to rework everything to be as accurate as possible.
Nothing about TNO lately has been as memorable as when it was released.
>tfw a schizophrenic furry troon former marine who looks like zelensky and an equally schizophrenic communist troon who literally simps for certain soviet political figures accomplished more for this mod than anyone else
autism is a virtue
old canada dev here. i know no one gives enough shit about canada but i thought i'd at least share one piece of content that was thought up but was completely shot down by a dev (you can guess who), so i guess it really doesn't matter if i share this or not.
at some point in the social credit path, the government would try to leave the ofn and obviously the united states wouldn't allow that, so the way they would do it was that they would secretly build an arsenal of chemical weapons (sort of like how china does in current content) to threaten america if they didn't allow canada to leave the ofn.
now, i unfortunately i dont have the access to the documents anymore because im no longer a dev so you'll have to take my word for it, and if you don't want to either that's fine too.
>canada has one interesting thing
>"errrmh akhtually not allowed"
I fail to make sense of this. Why would buildong chemical weapons deter the US? If anything it would escalate the crisis and make the US take drastic action.
the popular backlash would be insane, imagine just losing a world war and your closest ally now can totally bomb your cities with lethal gas. the average american shits his pants so bad he might just emigrate to mexico
there were three stages to it but now i dont remember what they were. and there was supposed to be a mini tree about the cia doing some kind of leak of it if im correct about it
Mexico loc has been completed.
That's actually pretty common.
>Fun idea
>"This would fuck up our railroaded vision for the exact way the Cold War plays out."
>It never happens
Devs literally hate fun.

Because America only invades countries without WMDs. Mexico is never getting any content at all though so who cares.
But I'm sure Mexico isn't getting content either and that the anon above me is a liar that just wants to get my hopes up (joke's on you I've already given up on any post-Guangdong update being good).
Which line of presidents makes for a good story? I'm planning to do an USA playthrough so I thought I should ask here.
Wallace > Hart
i love Wallace but that's my personal preference. i cant ignore LBJ and Bobby Kennedy also being awesome
Full segregationist Wallace > Schlaffy
RFK > Thurmond > Goldwater > Hall
The devs hate all routes and think they're all shit. That's why they're deleting all of them while trudging on to make ones that are far worse and even more preachy.
Just play a different tag.
Can confirm Mexico is basically 99% done now. Update is planned for before the end of summer if nothing goes wrong. Brazil will be next, then projection rework (they're holding off on the last one atm because they don't want any lag in the release)
does... anybody believe this?
You wouldn't have to wait much to prove me wrong
If I were
Post your TNO headcanons, if you have any.
>Here's my hot leak guys
>It's the opposite of what they originally promised!
Probably bullshit because if it's true that means that Brazil is in outright dev hell and that everything they said in that stream was a lie.

Devs know what they're doing but have a humiliation fetish and ruin the mod on purpose.
Wait wasn't Brazil supposed to come out?
Oh well, I imagine Mexico will have it's full content and it won't be a short demo right?
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>Oh well, I imagine Mexico will have it's full content and it won't be a short demo right?
you have fourteen days
>itz totally done guiz we just need a little more time
can't wait for the release in 2026 with two years of 'teaser content', if the devs can ever stop rewoorking
I've posted a few Serbian/Yugoslav ones before, but a thought I had in mind recently is the fate of the anti-Partisan campaigns, maybe instead of going up to seven operations have them be formally defeated with either the third or fourth. Tito gets shot but not killed in the retreat and both sides claim he's dead; the Partisans doing so to regroup and hide in the Bosnian mountains while also fooling the Collaborators and the Collaborators doing so to solidify their power base. I might be forgetting things but the current skeleton content and what little lore I can gather in the region leaves much to be desired.
get your seetballs up for this new nothingburgerino
you have fourteen days
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Too long to write it here so have a screenshot. Tried to make it as accurate to the lore as possible, including recent leaks. Let me know if any path or outcome is outdated.
What makes you think Fountaine would win over Rab?
It's possible in game and I find him interesting. My headcanon isn't supposed to be realistic (my South America is literally commies vs peronist USSR lol)
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>Half a year after the botched Britain demo and incomplete Ukraine railroading VN
>No ODF integration and map rework this year despite ODF being done for years
>No Brazil until the winter at the earliest
>At best a few years of Mexican demo content without any actual gameplay
>The inevitable PP dumping GUI is going to be as laggy as the Ugly American Madagascar bullshit
>50-50 odds that it just gets reworked and never releases like everything else
>"Quality takes time and not all gameplay are wars. Go enjoy your KR/KX/OWB/EAW slop if you can't handle an actual game with good writing, bigot."
>setting tight deadlines for yourself
>for a mod that's basically developed in an anarchistic manner
if it's actually 14days i will believe TNO threads for the next 20 years
The other post clearly said by the end of summer. If anything happens in 14 it most likely is the release date announcement.
just realised 14 days is "two more weeks" so much more believable now
stop shitting up the thread and do some work obvious tno plant
>14 more days
for what? le epic new toozer with a totally cool unique mechanic that will just get rewoorked?
Sorry i can't hear you over the sound of this cool Algerian War mech the France team just finished developing
French wank returns...
They're getting reworked again aren't they...
Honestly I'm only excited for Mexico because I wanna read the entire Trujillo assassination storyline.
Prepare to be disappointed.
How so?
>Getting excited for something that'll never release
>Getting excited for something that won't live up to your expectations because standards have fallen since the inception of that plotline
Pick your poison.
Damn, must suck living with such negativity. Just move on if you've lost hope.
I have. Now I'm trying to get the rest of you to stop sinking more time and energy into this piece of shit. I consider it community service for all the times I defended the devs that clearly hate their fans and don't care about the mod at all any more.
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>play America
>can't bring myself too weaken the krauts
the burdens of being a chud
Fail on purpose and get Yockey.
The release date is the 9th of August.
big if true
>Nazi mod
>Not doing an 8/8 update
Like I told you: you have fourteen (now thirteen) days
It's real. Rapop posted it to the dev announcements. The ninth is their projected release date. It's not being made public in case it's still unplayable by then. The update is meant to hold people over until Brazil which has been a complete clusterfuck.
>just a month away
>just two weeks away
>just a week away
>no sorry actually it's mexico ahahah no brasil sowwwwyyy
these fucking faggots
Like this anon said it had to be reworked. There have been many other issues as well that weren't foreseen at the time. Mexico is happening now because everything else is a disaster.
why dosent the TNO team just tell us that then? no poiny hyping something that's not going to come out
They want all their updates to release and believe that they will. It's a common problem. Do you think Corn for instance understands that none of his dozens of Russia rework will be finished? No he believes they'll release and that people will thank him for making [TAG] more realistic in soon+2 weeks.
do they really believe they can release them? i feel like they're being dishonest, if they do believe they can they're being dishonest to themselves
Probably just high on their own supply. No sane person wastes years on something knowing it will never release.
>then y r u on the team anon
Because the one particular thing I'm working on is totally the one releasing soon and I'm not guilty of the same fallacy even thought I should know better.

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