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File: CSA A.D 1873.png (2.92 MB, 1918x1080)
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Ello map staring enjoyers. I've got this vic 3 game as the CSA and it's 1873 and I dunno what to do now. I've taken Cuba and the Dominican as well as part of Mexico for the Golden Circle meme but am at a loss. The economy is semi-industrialized with a fabric/ cotton based economy with the slave trade and universal voting.

What do the fine advisors of the Confederate government recommend I do next?
File: Racist liberalism.png (2.4 MB, 1916x1080)
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Here's my laws rn.
Here's a final one of my cabinet, the Democrats and Agrarians keep changing every few years after the big Agrarian schism where everyone who wasn't a yeoman farmer left to form their own shitty parties of little relevance
whoops forgot to add it
I feel the surge to vomit everytime I look at thiis game's screen, who thought of making it look like a mobile game? Everytime I look at this I search for the X of the ad bar, I keep searching, but you can't find the exit between the other 100 buttons on this screen.
Oh yeah it looks atrocious, I feel like they did this intentionally to make it console accessible like with Stellaris, especially since one of the main devs was on the Stellaris team

Isn't EU5 gonna be like that too?
ew gross liqy 3
First thing you gotta do is uninstall this garbage and play vic 2
Then install crimeamod or blood and iron
Conquer Mexico while building a defensive line against the US of Gay.
When Mexico is yours invade US.

>t. Has never played vic 3 and had no idea how it works
That's a jinx, don't do it anon, instead spam on the forums and let your opinion be heard.
>defensive line
>>t. Has never played vic 3 and had no idea how it works
Yeah we figured.
Encroach more into Mexican territory for rubber and gold
Also switch to private healthcare/education so your slaves don't get the same benefits as free men.
Fix your border with the usa so it doesn't look like you told a child to draw a straight line. Even it out all the way to the west coast.
You should conquer Cuba, use its human resources for your own purposes. Then conquer the rest of Mexico, have it all.
You can play as CSA? That's pretty cool. Think you can beat the US? If you can pull it off, your only possible rival in the continent will be dead.
Go take a shower
File: file.png (1.52 MB, 1360x768)
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I just finished my Slovenia>Yugoslavia playtrough. Ended up owning the entire southern end of Africa all the way to Senegal-Egypt line after the UK shit the bed and I had free reign colonizing. Picked up parts of Australia, India and Shangdong as my protectorate after China shit the bed too . #1 GP with almost double GDP of the next major power (NGF lel). The vast majority of my pops are in integrated states in Europe though.

The assimilation and emigration/immigration are wild. Taking Austrian/Ottoman lands gives you a bunch of pissed of pops that start leaving immidiately in the thousands so the land depopulates and is then filled by immigrants that assimilate into your main culture because you can't form Yugoslavia yet which means when you finally do form Yugoslavia there are barely any 'Yugoslavs' left in certain areas. Not to mention all the provinces that are part of the Ottoman empire import slaves by the thousands.

Civil wars are still retarded and happen way to often. Half of the game is just putting down pointless uprisings that happen at regular intervals. 90% of them should just be coups instead, there is already a mechanic for it. Instead we get the 27th Oldenburgian Peasant revolt. There should really be something that prevents countries from debt spiriling into endless revolutions. I just give independence to these fuckers, there's no point. I tried salvaging New South Wales (my protectorate) by building shit and giving them land but they still had a cycle of endless revolutions.
What is NGF?;
North German Federation. Prussia didn't have a good game in part thanks to me ganking on them with France when they tried unifying into Germany as for some reason the state of Slovenia was a part of their unification play making me auto-join the French side. We were otherwise good pals troughout the game beating the shit out of the Austrians forcing them to release Bohemia, Slovakia, Galicia-Lodomeria, Venice and Lombardy. I also took all Yugoslav homelands + Styria and took Romania from them.

Its retarded that Austria-Hungary just keeps going named like that even when it loses all Hungarian or Austrian territories or when its substantially weakened. No collapse, no nationalism, no change of name, nothing. Meanwhile the devs made a meme Two-Californias instead and a fuckton of retarded states in africa.
Austria is hard scripted to be strong for some fucking reason, the game loves. Austria. In my games Germany never form because Prussia can never beat Austria or France. It's bad actually. It didn't even cross my mind that NGF means what it means because of how little I have seen it.
Its not scripted, its just that Austria has no weaknesses that it historically had. There is no mechanic to cause the break up of Austria as it happened in 1918. There is no nationalism and everyone is happy under 'racial segregation'. Its as if parts of the game were designed by retarded american humanities students. The fact Austro-Hungary 'accepts' Czechs shouldn't mean that Czechs don't want their own separate Czech state, as an example.

The other problem with Prussia is that other GP's get involved in their war with Austria and when that happens it just goes downhill. If and when they actually manage to recover they also have to fight France where again other GP's may step in.

I did see Germany form several times but the starts need to align for it. Austria has to lose the war and France has to be weak enough. That being said I've seen Prussia turn into a minor power almost as often.
here's what you do
>build universities
>ban slavery
>watch GDP skyrocket
kinda funny how Austria always end up building a massive navy.
Yeah you are right, I meant to say that there are no scripts for Austria to become weaker. Now Austria is just a smaller Russia.
Maybe we should dedicate one war per game just to liberate a bunch of countries in Austria around 1880. But the AI won't allow it, France and Great Britain will propably step in to save her.
Why is the CSA there? Kill them. Kill all of them. Kill them. Kill the traitors.
Hitler lost Chud.
Alliance with the brits to put down the northern threat seems logical, give uk some of the northern states
>There is no mechanic to cause the break up of Austria as it happened in 1918.
Austria was dismantled, it didn't break up on its own. And while it was weak historically, it was improving over time as they began integrating their various minorities better. Had WW1 not happened, the USGA would probably exist to this day.

Victoria 2 actually models Austria-Hungary rather well, as it starts off pretty slow and the AI usually doesn't do a great job, but it does gradually get better over time unless it gets dunked on hard by a neighbour - but if it DOES get dunked on hard by an external power, it tends to never recover. Just like IRL. And the player can go harder on implementing FF's plans for the Empire, which turns it into an actual powerhouse.

Of course, as you say, Victoria 3 doesn't model its internal conflicts. V2 doesn't do a great job of it either, but it at least reflects some of the administrative difficulties.

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