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Tinto Talks #21 - 17th of July 2024

Hello Everyone and Welcome to another Tinto Talks! This is one of those Happy Wednesdays when we talk about the top secret game with the codename of Project Caesar, so that we can listen to your feedback.

This week we are going to take a look at how exploration will work in Project Caesar. In previous GSG games we’ve done, exploration has primarily been done by units, giving them manual orders to move, or sometimes automated orders, to explore places on the map to reveal. We have a new system that works separately to go away from this and separate the military from exploration.

Exploration in this game works entirely on Areas, and for those of you who don’t remember one of our earliest Tinto Talks, an Area contains a group of Provinces, and a Province contains a group of locations, so it should be about 25-75 locations in an area.
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Explorations exist in the “geopolitics tab” together with colonization, maritime and privateering.

You need a proper helmet to be a good explorer!

To get an area explored you need to start an exploration for it. You can only explore areas that are adjacent to an area you have already explored, and if it is an inland area, you can only explore if it is adjacent to an area you own.

Starting an exploration mission for an area costs a significant amount of gold, but there is also an additional cost to start a mission depending on whether it's a land area or a sea area. For a land area, you need manpower, and for sea areas you need sailors.

You also have a constant upkeep cost of gold for your exploration mission, and during your explorations, you may get events related to the exploration.

Missions always have a risk of failure, resetting all progress, and the characters involved can die.
The administrative ability of the leader of the expedition reduces its upkeep cost, while diplomatic ability impacts the success chance, and military ability impacts how quickly the exploration can be done.

Incompetent at a lot in life, Matias redeeming quality was that he failed fast...

While most characters in the game can be assigned to explore an area, there are some characters that are far superior. These are ‘explorers’, which besides just being innately better at exploring, they also have different unique traits making them better or worse at certain aspects of exploring. While there are some explorers that join certain countries through historical events, there is also the possibility to recruit a new explorer. This requires the “Commision Explorers” advance in the Age of Discovery, that is early in the advances tree for the “New World” Institution.
Speaking of advances, there are a few advances throughout the game that speed up explorations, or make them less prone to failures. At the start of the game, at near range, an Exploration led by someone who is not an Explorer may take a few years to complete, but as you get more advanced, this will become shorter in time.

The trade winds on the sea lanes also have a significant impact on how quickly an area can be explored. We have designed the oceanic locations of Project Caesar to take into account the historical ‘sea lanes’ that were used by ships and fleets during the Age of Sail, taking advantage of their knowledge of winds and sea currents. These sea lanes shaped the way explorations were done, as their mastery was critical to the success (or failure) of an expedition.

A purple advance is a unique one, and this is one that is unique to anyone in the Western Europe sub-continent in the Age of Renaissance.

If you have built a spy network in another country, you can use it to steal some of their maps.

As an exploration mission is finished, the knowledge of its discoveries will start spreading to other countries that have the capital on the same sub-continent as the explorer. Currently, the map spread takes about 150 years.

Stay tuned, as next week we will go deep into how the combat for armies will work.
the absolute state of paradox 3D portraits, it cheapens the whole aesthetic.
>Stay tuned, as next week we will go deep into how the combat for armies will work.
I'm ready to be disappointed.
tldr rehashed the exploration mission system from eu4 with slightly more details
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>>So exploration is, like in EU4, done per area. While this is a logical choice, there are some historical voyages done that cannot be replicated by this system.
>Yes, I know. Sadly it was a choice we had to do for better gameplay over historical realism.
Simulation bros...
>US states on the map
>US states on the map
>US states on the map
>US states on the map
For real?
>Michigan UP when the game ends before statehood
>US gets perfect straight line OTL states
>Brazil gets a nonsensical wobbly mess of states with no rhyme or reason
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kek, true. At least they should have put them some straight lines to simulate Tordesillas and the first colonial division
All of these regions will have their map threads. None of this is anywhere close to being done yet.
What reason could there be for making the US states normal (aside from Pennsylvania and New York being split)?
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I like that a lot, hopefully it results in less chasing to do to catch enemy navies.
>sub-saharan us states on the map
yikes fr fr
What reason could there be by using "Kyiv"?
Making thirdies seethe.
ohio goyzamas
Because Ukraine identifies as winning and you should respect xer pronouns.
>great lakes sea
Confirmed navigable?
ohio do be seething fr fr
there ain't no way this post is real, it's way too perfectly constructed to draw out robbie and /uhg/ tourist types
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Aaaah. The daily Pajeet seething about some city name. I was afraid you missed the new thread.

Looks like it. Also Johan (I think) hinted at navigable great rivers.
Damn, that makes the US look good.
>camera rotation
It's over. This game will be shitting itself 30 years into a campaign on release.
What does camera rotation have to do with performance?
Those divisions, called Capitanias, only lasted 14 years and were based on the coastline, the inland parts were pretty much still uncharted, the Captains to whom they were given were responsible for colonizing and charting the interior in their respective strip of land. That's why they are straight lines, so the Captains easily knew where their strip of land ended, by simply checking their latitude.
Early Portuguese colonization of Brazil was a private enterprise since the Crown was focused on India and the Far East, so making the borders based on undisputable facts like latitude was a smart way to avoid land disputes between the Captains. They were mostly a failure, that's why the system was quickly abandoned, with the notable exception of São Salvador da Bahia under Captain Tomé de Sousa.
Shut up + You’re brown
Hohols are still losing
No one cares except Indian shitskins? Muslim shitskins and South American shitskins
>West Virginia
Explain Republicans then.
>inb4 mexicans
Did you not watch the recent Republican convention? Exceptionally brown.
>Camera Rotation
Time to redefine history, the Global "South" will become the new Global "North"
It was not that different from the first borders of the american colonies, though
Yeah, that's why I don't get. There is no reason for West Virginia to exist unless they put Civil War shenanigans, thing that obviously is not gonna happen, so I wonder why they are wasting so much time in modeling all the states as they are right now.
Maybe they already now people will mod the states in North America so they are preemptively designing them. If so, they should do the same to all big New World countries, like Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and even Australia.
Johan's probably planning for a time span up to 1936. Maybe not on release, but they'll eventually extend it that far. He's going to support all the mechanics from Victoria 2, and eventually the time period as well, and one day Project Caesar will include the Victorian age, just so that he can mog Victoria 3 and dab on Wiz.

Look at how Johan's been shitting on Vicky 3 and talking up Vicky 2, you know deep down all he really wants to do is show Wiz how it's done.

So they want Vicky compatible borders from the start. It's also probably why he said he's going with a more railroaded campaign - he wants to be able to arrive at a Victorian age that's not all that different from real life.
Futa bros we're in
>Johan's probably planning for a time span up to 1936
At that point might as well model the whole Cold War, while being at it.
this really feels like an imperator rome expansion pack
No that's for the ww2/1 game.
They have been talking about Rivers a lot lately because of autists(including yours truly) seething about them seeming to be unimportant again. So it's possible we may get actually important rivers for trade and even warfare(both riverrine warfare, which is still probably unlikely frankly, and crossings).

It's a bit odd but it's probably the best they can get. I am hoping/assuming areas aren't that important for native tribes, don't want to see them forming borders around straight lines. But I figure areas are probably mostly a colonial and modifier thing surely, not administrative. Though maybe, IDK.
>They have been talking about Rivers a lot lately because of autists(including yours truly) seething about them seeming to be unimportant again.
Those are valid concerns, though. Rivers were the life source of all villages and cities since ancient times and treating them as mere "roads but with water" would be a big mistake.
Rivers should be the source of water avaibility, agriculture output production, and source of all primitive guilds and markets, but I know there is no way they could input all of that into the game.
They were also a really cost-effective way to move goods, and remain so to this day. And a source of power (water wheels & dams).
>current day american states in 1337
But why
These are just the areas that locations (or rather provinces) are grouped up as. They use existing divisions that people are familiar with. That doesn't meant that "West Virginia exists" as a state, it's just the name of an area.
Johan and his team said time and time again that most of the map is full of placeholders. Wouldn't surprise me if they just plasted modern states on the US territory without much thought to work on it later.
No point because that doesn't dunk on Wiz. But we might see Johan make a space GSG (an actual GSG with a hand-made setting rather than 4X procslop) after Caesar.
hooooooooooly the fr fr brothers sure do be seethin lmfao
Vile borders holy shit
America would be cooler if it wasn't all soulless blocks
Autists will screech when America comes up on a friday and they'll change it even if they didn't plan to do so already (this is a good thing)
What else would you put there?
Injuns didn't leave us any pre colonisation maps lol
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I find it hard to believe large parts of southern Italy approach 'cold arid'.
>European colonizer names for Indigenous provinces
This is Eurocentrism and it's not okay.
>This is Eurocentrism
Well, duh, this is pretty much Europa Universalis 5.
the sea province gets the same climate as the adjacent land province?
They're naming it something else chudlet
why did they put fruit in province 5269?
it's ahistorical
>added some more marshes to the Po Valley
>not griko
dynamic states based on the on the ground realities of colonisation like songs of the eons would have had if the tranny head coder didn't flee to japan
after a lifetime of failures and blunders, punished jotran will finally redeem us
>Technically speaking, the Trastevere and the Vatican belong to Rome:
Why did he change Trieste to Slovenian?
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3D portraits are so fucking ugly and that UI is not helping
You can mod them out, Johan already showed them using a 2D image instead of a 3D model a few talks back
Based Johan
the equivalent of a dog pissing on a tree
kikes mark their territory by bastardizing languages and toponyms
it's like everything is a fucking humiliation ritual for these people
>it's like everything is a fucking humiliation ritual for these people
Well, they are Slavs, it's in their blood.
gyaaaaaat damn!!!
boring, arbitrary restrictions when irl native woman were used as guides and even taken back to the homeland. They becoming conquistadors is a possibility, also the player is the one guiding a nation and by the time 1490 rolls around they should be able to have influenced the state to one that allows for female conquistadors.
Those are Moscovite Cossacks btw, Ukrainians fought with poles to enslave them to the turks.
conquistadors was a male only profession. women would have been called conquistadames
>zaporozhian cossacks
It has always been Slovenian, until Italy stole it from them. Even now there is a large Slovenian population living there.
The more I look at this shit the more I realize Europa universalis has always been shit and always will be shit.

So fucking hard to understand and obtuse just to be obtuse
Skill issue.
Aye. The skinner box gameplay has been ruining paradox games since Stellaris.
they really make up shits nothing to do with history whatsoever and paradrones are still somehow lap it up as some r/im14andthisisreallydeep gameplay design
Least dishonest southern sl*v
It initially was a tiny village conquered and colonized by romans, and its population was overwhelmingly italian until the h*bsburg began developing the city and the harbor around mid 1700
>kikes mark their territory
It's native spelling of the name instead of bastardized Russian pronounciation. It's like Turkey calling itself Tüürkyuïëeë or whatever.There's no kikes involved you schizo fag.
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>Moscovite Cossacks
Just stop. Cossacks were Cossacks. Period. They swore allegiance to different overlords over the time but there never were any "muscovite" cossacks.

>seething about Poles out of nowhere
Aaah. Now I see. You should seriously stop crying about the sack of Moscow that happened 400 years ago, Vanya.
>bastardized Russian pronounciation
that's literally what Ukrainian is though, give or take a few bizarre loanwords from other languages that make zero sense
Eastoids past the iron curtain pretending they are all not the same will never not be funny to me
globohomo moment
>he doesn't actually use his brain and investigate why they do things and why they call them what they do.

sad sad waste of a human body.
great firewall to prevent thirdies from posting when
Whiter than you Muhammad
Hello ESL
Hi, Robbie.
You might natively speak English, but you're still a North American Pavement Ape.
i'm from europe beithoughever.............

are you ok Trayvon?
>quotes the same reply twice
sub-saharan vantablack nigga so mad lmfao
Flase. Old Ukrainian/Ruthenian predates old Russian. At least as far as literary sources go. Both are split/developed from old East slavic.

Yeah, kikes forced Ukrainians to change their capital's name because they mark their new territory this way and plan to create new great Isreal there or something. And without the name change kabbalah won't work. Sure thing bud. That's the most reasonable explanation to these events.
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>norse pagans have majority location
Christcuck "le historic truthers!!!" dismissed by Johan the heathen
imagine le heckin steam achievements
"An Odyssey of Hope" AAR and its consequences have been a disaster for Paradox game design

Welcome everyone, today I’ll talk about the Scandinavian region. Part of it was the first maps we drew for Project Caesar back in early spring of 2020. Today we will look at all parts of the Scandinavian Peninsula (including Denmark & the Kola Peninsula). Greenland & Iceland will be looked at in a separate map talk.

Scandinavia has only five location based countries at the start of the game. Denmark, who is in a bit of a crisis at the moment and their vassal Schleswig is in the south. On the peninsula proper, we have Sweden and Norway who are in a union at the moment as they share the same King. Scania was sold off to Sweden by the Danes five years before the start of the game.

There is no need to show off a Dynasty map, as Denmark does not exactly have a ruling King at the moment, and the rest is ruled by Magnus IV of the Bjälbo Dynasty.
While Scandinavia has a lot of locations, we have to remember that this is a huge area, and together with Kola & Karelia, it is the same size as France, Spain, Portugal, Italy & Benelux together.. The size of locations are smaller in the south, particularly where the population was and still is relatively bigger.
We have tried to follow historical traditional province borders here, but some ended up too big like Småland, Lappland or Österbotten, which were cut into pieces, and some are just too tiny to matter.

Now I wish I had time to write up a history about each province here, but I’ll just add a few fun tidbits.

Satakunta, which is the Finnish name, is named in Finnish like the old regions of Svitjod, which were divided into “hundreds”. It was also refered to Björneborgs län, named after Björneborg (Pori in Finnish), a town founded by Johan III when Ulfsby was no longer accessible from the sea. The regiment from the area was the last Swedish Army Regiment that has ever won a battle inside Sweden, and their military march is a song I think every Finnish Citizen want to play repeatedly on TV during the Olympics..

Småland, which is divided into Tiohärad and Kalmar Län here, should really be referred to as Småländerna, as there were 12 small countries there.. Compared to the 3 other much larger countries of Svealand, Östra Götaland and Västra Götaland. And now why is Östra Götaland not containing Kinda?
It's mostly flatland.. I went by the rule that if the peaks are less than 500 meters it's flatland, and you need to have over 1,000 meters and rather uneven to be a mountain. Norway is interesting there.. We do have a lot of impassable areas in Norway, making this one of the most fun parts to play in.
There are some farmlands in Denmark, Scania and in Götaland, but the rest is basically a big forest.. And up north it's even worse.
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Yeah, well. There is a reason I moved to Spain..
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Most of the north east is still Sami, and the Finnish tribes have not unified into the more modern Finnish culture. We decided to call the modern Meänkieli with their more ancient name of Kven. We still have Gutnish on Gotland, but the Norwegian, Danish and Swedish cultures have been becoming more monolithic already.

The Finnish are mostly Catholic, but the Sami, Tavastian, Savonia, Bjarmian and Karelians are mostly still following their old pagan beliefs. There are still some Norse people in the forests of Dalarna and Västmanland..
It is mostly lumber, fish, wild game, fur and iron. We of course have the famous copper mountain as well.
Scandinavia is divided by the rich markets of Lübeck and Riga. A strong Scandinavian country will probably want to set up their own unified market.
Not many people live up in the north..
I liked nice round numbers as estimates, but the team I hired for content design are mad men, and wanted the distribution to feel more organic.. For the far north of Scandinavia we know that people were semi nomadic, and that some people lived there.. But if it was 100 there, or 250 there or 20 there it's just guesswork..

And let's end with a quote from the Greatest of Poets..

Jag vill, jag skall bli frisk, det får ej prutas,
Jag måste upp, om jag i graven låg.
Lyss, hör, ni hör kanonerna vid Jutas;
Där avgörs finska härens återtåg.

Next week Pavia is back with some German maps…
can you fuck over the European economy by messing with lumber?
Why play game at all? Read a book or watch yidtube historical borders maps
unless you intervene those pagans will be gone before 14th century is over
>"An Odyssey of Hope" AAR

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I hope Johan's code monkeys manage to pull this off. It would be really nice to have for modern day/fantasy/sci-fi mods
Wouldnt central finland be considered marshland atleast in some areas?
>That font
Holy fucking shit, what a piece of trash.
There has never been a Slovenian (or even Slavic) state in control of Trieste, ever. Slavs were the medieval equivalent of niggers, which were imported for cheap labor or sold to other people for money. There is no difference between southern slavs and turk immigrants in Germany (on all levels).
Europe ends east of the Danube and the Elbe.
for the art directors at pdx that keep deciding that all portraits are to have sub-millenial test-levels with the numale stylings
please.... repent
Keep yaping your racist and nationalistic bullshit. Trst was Slovenian city in Austro-Hungarian empire and was betrayed by allies in the first world war when they offered it to Italians who later under fascist rule genocided Slovenian population in Trst. It was the biggest Slovenian city in 1910 with 52.000 Slovenian population even bigger than our capital Ljubljana.
>52.000 Slovenian population even bigger than our capital
>52k is considered large
Theres thousands of unimportant literal who tier towns with populations bigger than that all over the world.
Who cares about others. That was ours. I don't care if London has 1 million population, what matters for me is what we have.
Trieste had 200k inhabitants, Slovenians were all recently arrived poor shits who slaved away for their wealthy Italian masters until Austro-Hungarian socialism tried to empower you against growing Italian nationalism in the city. Uselessly, might I add. Slovenes just can't live without someone to lord over them (they have an high degree of Slavic genes). That there were more Slovenes working as slaves in Trieste than in Lubiansk is proof that.
>racist and nationalistic bullshit
>says the balkanoid rambling about historical revisionist bullshit
Keep being racist that doesn't change a fact that Trst was a Slovenian city. Don't reply to me and have a nice evening.
There were more Slavs living in Trst than Italians.
>Slovenes just can't live without someone to lord over them
They've been doing just fine since they left that failed s*rbian project you mongoloid.
They are ranking 22 on HDI list just bellow US and just above Japan. And their PPP is the same as that of New Zealand.
Wasn’t lumber from Norway a whole thing due to easy access through the fjords. Today Sweden is known for its wood production but back then wasn’t it too difficult to transport from inland?
Well, think about what it would take to pull it off. How do they render the map? Map goes first, and lines drawn on top? Maybe spawn little cities? Changing and removing stuff is so much more complicated than adding stuff. Efficiently, I mean.
It would mean that vegetation graphics layer is stored for each province separately. Which I can see could produce some problems.
For each TILE, actually. Each, custom made, tile. Having mobile-tier simple graphics would probably be the only way it could "work", and not look like trash and not melt the PC.
Delaware STILL isn't a separate state!
Least delusional slovenoid
It always has been italian and just because the austrians flooded the city with your kind for cheap manpower it doesn't mean it's yours.
>Changing and removing stuff is so much more complicated than adding stuff. Efficiently, I mean.
How so?
I want a GSG where you can change everything about the terrain. Raise and lower the sea level and shit.
Good, it doesn't deserve to be.
It's exactly like a house. Want to build a shed out back? No problem. Want to fuck with the foundation? You're in for some shit. And there's no telling what you will break in the process.
I mean in technical terms, not analogies. Pretend I'm already familiar with graphics programming in C++ using Vulkan.
Remember how badly Stellaris runs?

Original request basically asks for every single tile to be a terraformable. While the map is double what maximum crowding Stellaris map generation allows.

Static maps allow you to render it once, and never think about again, and spend computation on things that truly matter, like flooding Europe with Turkics, instead of spending process time to check on the map.
>Remember how badly Stellaris runs?
you're being disingenuous
it runs badly because there's a gorillion pops running OH CAN I DO THIS JOB? I WANNA DO THIS JOB NOW checks every single fucking tick
changing a location's terrain type is NOT that computatively intensive
>like flooding europe with turkics
oh nevermind you're a shitposter
Slovenians lived in Trst since at least 8th century(we have written records about that) Keep dreaming that that town is Italian. It has always been Slovenian.
More second-world nationalist delusions. Mussolini didn't massacre six gorillion Slovenians. You've always been a minority in the city ever since you arrived.
>we have written records about that
About as believable as the Donation of Constantine.
Keep coping in your fascist delusions. Trst was first under Italy when first world war ended. Until then it was never part of Italy.
>changing a location's terrain type is NOT that computatively intensive
Civilization games have a map that's stitched together from tiles you can terraform, and 5 still maxes out at 10240 tiles.
Only if you are a retard and build your engine without changes in mind. Like how EU4 must restart the whole game to load a new scenario. There is no reason why changing a province type should be computationally expensive. EU5 still (probably) runs on the same core engine so it would require too much work to change
What is Venice, Andrej?
Flexibility requires standardization, or an amount of work few would be willing to compensate. And people thumb their nose at Gilded Destiny for doing this AND Warhammer's DLC.
All paradox games read province types from uncompressed BMP files, unless something has changed in the last few years. This is not hard or expensive to modify locally or in memory. The only slightly slow part would be loading new data to VRAM, just do it on a month tick and the lag won't be noticed if you arent changing provinces all the time
The map is a singular image with provinces overlaid on top, like a spreadsheet. Changing one province textures means fracturing the map, and stitching back together.
You don't understand, the armchair programmer anon has spoken.
How the fuck do you know my name??????
I only know about history through mappies. Was Denmark ever NOT in a crisis?
Every frame the whole map is redrawn anyways, it isn't a static texture. You just need to change the data is drawn based off
"Redrawn" just means the static texture gets reloaded. It's not actually being drawn, pixel by pixel.
>pixel by pixel.
This is literally exactly how Vulkan/OpenGL/DXD11 whatever works, every frame every pixel is run the shader pipeline. Even a static texture gets assigned pixel by pixel. You are retarded or trolling
Are you equating how an image loads, with how an image gets drawn?
Read the EU4 shaders nigger. Each BMP map type + texture blend shit is just loaded in and processed every frame, there is no massive static generated texture
>Remember how badly Stellaris runs?
I remember it having sim tick performance issues related to jobs and pathfinding; I don't recall it having framerate issues.

>Original request basically asks for every single tile to be a terraformable. While the map is double what maximum crowding Stellaris map generation allows.
The request is to be able to change terrain. If this is a texture, then a sampler2Darray with each terrain texture on a separate layer will allow you to switch between textures extremely quickly. If this is in terms of 3D models (i.e. trees vs farmland) then your bottleneck should not be mesh upload (as those should be fairly static), or object registration (because if this is a very lightweight operation if you're using instanced indirect rendering with mesh reuse) but rather, just calculating where the objects should go. And that IS a bit non-trivial, but it's not that big, and for small numbers of tiles (because terrain wouldn't change that fast) it's not a huge deal. And you can do it async anyways.
>If this is a texture, then a sampler2Darray with each terrain texture on a separate layer will allow you to switch between textures extremely quickly.
This is how vicky2 did it, but EU and onward is more complicated. It should still be pretty fast as terrain types are still indexed, but there is more weird blending stuff in the middle and no indexed texture array
And I thought ausniggers bitching about Alto Adige were annoying
Why Norway is Kingdom of Norway and Sweden and Denmark aren't Kingdom of Sweden and Kingdom of Denmark?
pp(territory) too small
Norway is long enough to have a full name displayed
>I want a GSG where you can change everything about the terrain
Quarter of a century later and I don't think a gsg or a 4x game has even tried to beat SMAC at terraforming
Jag vill leva jag vill dö i norden
Someone on the forums tell Johan that the Geats still existed, they weren't all assimilated 200 years before the game start. There's a reason why kings of Sweden started calling themselves "Sveriges och Götes Konung" literally right around the game's start date
They all are right. Shitaly is a mistake that shouldn't have happened.
They were larpers. Prussians also called themselves like that even when the original Prussians already died.
What sort of spaghetti code do they have going on where they can mechanically change the terrain of a region but are not sure if they can make the graphics work? But even if they can't make the visual change, I think they should keep the mechanic anyway.
They are over overcomplicating things at adding those pastel-like gradients and including those 3D assets. Sometimes using simple solid colors is better.
In the newest PDS games, the 3D map is pre-generated and hand-crafted. You can edit it with the map editor that comes with the games. Forests, for example, are painted on the map with a brush.
In order to have the 3D map change dynamically, they need a way to remove or change these map features without conflicting with existing placement of cities. You don't want farmlands appearing in the middle of the city, for example. Doing this dynamically is much more complicated to get right than a developer simply making the initial map manually.
The normal kind? Terrain type is just a category. Displaying it visually, efficiently, and not have it look like ass, is the real challenge. Depending on someone making a revolutionary shader, like that liquid inside bottle in Source 2, is not a reliable long term strategy.
>no 3d assets
>simple, solid colours
I really don't want to be subjected to another year of "mobile game graphics" posting, Goddamn.
Shut up Hans, you lost two world wars against italians
>winning shit
Just because they use jewish tactics and always switch sides to the winning side doesn't mean they are good at war.
>muh switching side
git gud and be less retarded next time Hans
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Somewhat fitting to the map of yesterday.. a rural only building that can only be built in a location with woods, forest or where the raw material is lumber..
they probably already covered it but I don't remember, can you build roads like in imperator?
if they do i hope they change the way you build them. microing a bunch of legions doing parallel loop-de-loops around the map was horrible
There was a larp going on but in a different way. Right after the Swedes conquered the Geats they went "Geats? Sounds close enough to Goths. We'll pretend you guys are the Goths for the prestige." Besides that the Geats remained distinct from the Swedes until around the 1400s.
Based. They will be loyal subjects for my enlightened Byzantium. Time to make Syracuse Greek again.
You have been HACKED by the famous hacker known as "4chan"
>this thread
There is nothing to complain about so you fake controversies like hurrd Durr states hurr durr font
Either it is the spookiest coincidence that he guessed my name, or he trully did hack me. Either way I don't like it it's eeire.
Roads are a thing yes
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I'm hyped.
Hi hyped I'm dad
Even if it works like that, you could just do that every 1-5 years and that would probably be frequent enough.
>combat still has not been showcased yet
kek it's over lads
It's probably the same system used in Imperator. Johan is recycling a lot of ideas from there.
They are embarrassed about it or it would be front and centre perhaps behind the pops reveal only. I don't know what Imperator is like but I hope that it's just a carbon copy of EU4
I hope it isn't. EU4 is shit except for institutions and even this is ruined by mana and that game should be buried and forgotten.
The thing that ruined EU4 forever? Hot take.
Mana ruined EUIV forever during the dev diaries, institutions are a good idea tied to a shitty game.
Reminds me of Vic3. They tried to hide the war system and when the game was leaked online people found out it was shit, people coped by saying it was a placeholder for potential hoi4 combat lol. Que to devs doubling down on the shit system and paradrones saying its the best thing ever.
>EU4 is shit except for institutions
I see someone doesn't like losing to RotW tags.
People knew it was shit long before the leak
This game is gonna lag like fuck.
Imma buy a Ryzen 7950X3D and a Radeon 7090 for this
It's literally the next DD
It should have been the first or second.
Why would they start with combat
Because combat is the most important mechanic of EU games.
So they're going to show it now, what's the problem then.
Whether it's 1st or 100th doesn't change what it is.
Amen, brother. Time to retake the Holy Land, Eurocentrism is a go! (I will always play as an European Christian nation and take the focus that gives me Deus Vult)
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ngl, the Voltaire's Nightmare sized provinces kinda killed the hype for me
nta but you are clearly retarded or paid.
You show the most important part of your product straight off and up front with no obfuscation.
When it's hidden away behind 8 months of other reveals and also behind exploration (lol) you know there's something up.
They either have a reason to hide combat away (it's shit) or they don't understand their product (they're shit).
Neat, how hilly a province is is now separated from how much forest a province has. I remember some anon suggesting that (before these Tinto Talks threads were a thing) in one of the gamedev threads that come up in /vst/ once in a while.
>You show the most important part of your product
That most important part is pops and it was shown first
Nobody will give a shit about war as long as it's not as bad as vic3
Mana removal is the main selling point of eu5 and you're either retarded or dishonest to not admit it
They've used basically the same combat system in every game they've made with the exception of one game. If they give us that, it's fine. I hope they do away with the months long battles with the ability to reinforce from across the country and have a bit more unit variety. They've hinted at the latter, so there will probably be some improvement.
>Nobody will give a shit about war as long as
I'm getting real deja vu here bros...
>I hope they do away with the months long battles with the ability to reinforce from across the country
if only
They won't. They'll think up some copes like "gameplay > realism", and "it'd add too much micro", and never implement it. Anything other than meaningful innovation. Which given how Vic3 went, is maybe a bit justified.
I know you need some sort of bait but cmon anon
Are you implying that Vic3 was meaingful innovation?
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Where are the proofs that EU5 is just an anti-Victoria 3 seethepost?
Sorry for having rudimentary pattern recognition abilities.
It was a significant change upon the previous system, yes. It was horrible, which may make them afraid of trying to make more significant changes in the future.
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Tinto Talks #11 - 8th of May 2024

Military matters
That's how the colonies that preceded that those states were shaped. As for those that did not exist as colony, any other shape would be equally arbitrary anyway.
Almost every fucking dd dunking on wiz?
More like profound retardation mixed with schizoid grandeur delusions
>Almost every fucking dd dunking on wiz?
They sound more like suppressed homoerotic lust for wiz.
shut the fuck up, you freud wannabe
Keep pulling his hair and saying his toy sucks Johan I'm sure he'll get the signal eventually.
Are you Russian? You sure are thinking about gay sex a lot.
Weakest comeback attempt I've seen in years. Good job.
Your attack was weak in the first place and rooted in (((Freudian))) psychobabble bullshit. No, you can't hate someone or something, you have to want to fuck it!
You seem very emotionally invested in this conversation. Tell me more.
kek what a schizo
Go fuck yourself, you wannabe shrink. The internet has enough retarded pseud armchair psychologists. Don't be another one.
Take deep breaths and calm down. Repeat after me: "What Johan does in the privacy of his bedroom is not my problem." You can do it if you put your mind to it.
You're really pulling off the smug faggot act well. Bravo.
passive aggressive behaviour is very feminine
>More like profound retardation mixed with schizoid grandeur delusions
they should let me create the borders since its my colony
Natural border based regions.
This board literally predicted exactly what warfare in Vic3 was going to look like before they even showed anything about it.
>like ten fucking reworks of the combat system
>its still absolute dogshit
>it STILL bugs out nonstop
>with each rework the code gets more obtuse and hard to change
>they have openly showed that they still plan to rework the combat to be more agreeable
The difference is that Johan actually gives a fuck about the battle aspect in his games. I doubt he will go full retard like the devs went in V3.
Such a claim requires proof, because no, you fucking didn't. I had to sit and listen to retards whine about Paradox not putting HoI4 war system into V3 for over a year.
One Proud Bavarian was the one who predicted Vic3's combat system
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Picrel was posted before the reveal of the war system.
General Peniskov will NEVER take this city!
Dude you're literally a sagittarius
It doesn't count because it goes against my paycheck.
He made his "prediction" 5 days after the game's announcement during the big PR blitz. He didn't "predict" shit, they leaked it to him to try and soften the blow. OPB is a perennial paradox shill with countless sponsored videos, no reason they couldn't have him run PR for that, too.
this is actually more involved than release v3's war system lmfao
a shitpost mockup that was supposed to be the worst possible outcome
was better than the actual thing as it released
>robbie disappears for several days in a row
>thread is usable
Born in July or just schizophrenic?
whats wrong with freud huh? you wanna fuck your mom secretly or something?
>johan refuses to work on vic3, lacks confidence
>hypes it, delays it, like it's the sequel to orange box like
>assigns wiz to the game
>reaps free credit 10 yrs later, displaying how his game is superior to something an eu3 modder made
expert slow cook
>BTFOing Sinocentrists with his Euro dominance comment
>BTFOing feminists
Johan really wants the autistic chud audience for this game
he just said the conquistador in the picture isn't a female don't get your panties in a twist
felllow in the picture looks like a castrated 13 yr old moor
reminds me of imperator where 6/8 councilors would be female, and scarcely above age ~21
and that's no offense to those who are (moor-castrato)
working on growing a beard out at the moment i pray it ain't looking too wispy or like i stayed inside for weeks at a time modding 'march of the eagles' alone
It's the very core audience of Paradox. Only retards think otherwise.
>reminds me of imperator where 6/8 councilors would be female, and scarcely above age ~21
I thought Imperator was supposed to be a bad game.
>and scarcely above age ~21
Literally a nonissue. I mean, people used to live like 30 years max in ancient times, why do you think having 21 years old councilors is a bad thing?
would you have a 19 yr old female as your 'tribal elder' ? or as chief military advisor?

>people used to live 30 years max
no, they didn't, that's some gay canard they teach to brainwash modernism
infant mortality averaged out across the population will naturally depress the 'avg age of death' but it's a disingenuous metric
Why do some of the dev diaries not show up on the main page of the paradox forums? It seems totally random.
>no, they didn't, that's some gay canard they teach to brainwash modernism
He's joking. I think.
>The difference is that Johan actually gives a fuck about the battle aspect in his games.
Is that why combat is hidden behind exploration, leader portraits and the map of romania?
pack it up parabros and various other trannies. . . it's over . . .
are they visible on map? its important for my autism
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Yes, they are.
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Welcome to another Tinto Talks, the Happy Wednesday where we give you fun information about the top secret Project Caesar.

Today we will talk a little bit more about how armies work and take a look at how combat works. I’d say the entire unit and combat system is based on the mechanics of the EU series, but we’ve taken influences on combat and organization of armies from March of the Eagles, ideas of the connection between Regiments and Pops from Victoria, and logistics and automation from Imperator, to create what we believe is the best of all systems.

I am now assuming that you all read Tinto Talks #11, where we talked about different types of regiments like levies, mercenaries and regulars, and discussed how manpower worked. If you have not read it already, go to https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/tinto-talks-11-8th-of-may-2024.1675078/ before you continue reading this.

Regiments can be recruited in any location you have built the infrastructure to allow recruitment in, Levies can be raised in any province capital, and mercenaries in any capital, city or town. While regular regiments go as low as 100 men at the start of the game, Levies, which fight much much less efficiently, can be organized in up to 1,000 per regiment from the start, with the Chinese even having levy regiments of 1,500 at the start. Why does it work like this? Well, calling up a levy as Poland and get 11,000 men, but 110 regiments is a bit too much, but you can live with it. Delhi, Mamluks and others with 700 regiments are rather too much; and as usual, Yuan breaks everything, where even with low control and wrong culture, calling up a levy, and being forced to handle 1800+ regiments is a bit too much to most of us human beings.
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Before we go into how combat itself will work, when two armies that are hostile to each other are present in the same location, there are some things that will need to be explained. As in many other games, you have as much control over your armies as you want to, and you can move them around and reorganize them to your heart's content.

With the granularity of the map though, we could no longer use days as the smallest tick, but have to resort to hours as the time tick. The day ticks from 8:00 to 19.00 every day, and the remaining hours are skipped over (representing the fact that armies need to rest and are not always on the move). Now some may be worried that the game will be slower and perform worse, well.. When you fight a war and you care about it, you probably play at a slower speed, but at max speed the game should be as fast as EU4 or Imperator.

However, we have something here that we will only tease about today, and will talk about in a future Tinto Talks, ie, a powerful objective system that uses the same AI components as the AI itself uses.
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An army is a group of regiments that are organized as a single entity. These can be led by a character who may or may not have traits for being a general. If they don’t have a trait they may get one after a large battle.

The abilities of the character have a lot of impact on the military aspects, and each attribute has at least three different benefits.

It is always better to have a commander than not..
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The regiments themselves can be deployed to one of four parts of an army. They could be in the center, they could be on the left flank, they could be on the right flank, or they could be in the reserves. While you can micromanage your army in detail, there are also ways to autobalance your armies. We often refer to one of these four parts as a section as a common word.

Very WiP UI, but these are the feudal levies of Poland..

So how does combat work? There are a lot of similarities here with EU4, but we only have 1 type of main phase, but the dice roll is rerolled as frequently as that game.

The battle starts with a bombard phase, where any unit that can bombard, which is basically only artillery units, will be able to fire on the opposing army. The Artillery will be able to damage units in the opposing “section”, so your left flank fires on the enemies right flank etc. If there are no units in the opposing section, it can fire at any sector that is not the reserves.

In the main phase combat works like this.

Each section tries to get as many units to engage as their maximum frontage allows. Most of the time, every regiment has the same frontage value. They will attack their opposing section until there are no possible units left there, and then they will hit enemies in the closest section.

Only engaged regiments will fight in the current round of combat. And a regiment will try to fight another engaged regiment in the opposing section first. If there is none in an opposite Section, they can attack any other Sections, where a unit with a good flanking ability can do extra damage. If there is no opposing unit engaged, they will damage the morale of all regiments in that section.
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So how does a regiment engage then? Well, at each tick, they roll a dice and check against their initiative, and if they succeed, then they become engaged. This chance increases for every hour of combat. This will make you want to have every section of your army to have units that can engage quickly, to allow your heavy hitters to get enough time to engage. Now this may not always be an option, especially in the earlier game when your selection of units is rather low.

Every regiment, even those in the reserves, have a ticking penalty to morale every hour of the battle.

A regiment that gets too low morale, will break and leave their section until the end of the combat, and will be in the broken units section.

If there are not enough regiments in a section to cover the frontage, there will be a chance for units in the reserve to reinforce that section. However, only enough units for the possible frontage of the battle attempts to reinforce each hour. So having huge doomstacks has no advantage.

The broken units section are the regiments that have been routed in the current battle. They will no longer participate in this battle at all, even if their regiments are still a part of an army that is engaged.

A battle is over when one side has no regiments in their three front sections or the army retreats due to no morale or a manual order to retreat.

Pretty decent army, but not sure it will win against 11,000 polish levies.
There are some important new attributes to think about for units.

Combat Speed: This is how quickly units can move up from the reserves section to fill holes in another section.

Frontage: There is a limited amount of regiments that fight from each section. Topology and Vegetation can reduce this, and some units may require more or less frontage. At the start of the game, a regular 100 men sized regiment uses the same frontage as a full 3,600 men in the Napoleonic era. This is done to scale the numbers to feel properly historical while still getting good gameplay.

Initiative: How quickly a unit can engage as soon as combat starts. Lighter units have higher initiative.

Stay tuned, because next week we’ll talk about Logistics and Sieges, the most important part of winning wars!
>hourly ticks
absolute madman
Doomposting sisters.... we're not getting vicky 3 warfare
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When I finally stood the man brought me back to my knees.
Variable regiment size and hourly ticks are very interesting changes. Looks like the days of month long battles are over.
Cannaebros... it's time to put our weakest levies in the centre and strong mercenary cavalry on the sides
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It's not just a redemption arc, it's an entire redemption saga.
>So having huge doomstacks has no advantage
I'm on my knees Johan-sama
The UI just lack souls but otherwise I kneel.
How is this nice? Did anyone actually like CK2's combat?
Becasue it's miles better then EU4 combat.

I understand that this UI is WIP but I fucking hope round corners are not meant to stay. I know they are.
>system is based on the mechanics of the EU series, but we’ve taken influences on combat and organization of armies from March of the Eagles, ideas of the connection between Regiments and Pops from Victoria, and logistics and automation from Imperator
Based we are so back
Doomposting trannies btfo
I did. The tactics system in CK2 looks very random at first but when you understand the system it reward proper army building, recruitment/raising of commander that suit your army build/strategy, and picking a battle in a terrain that suit your army tactics. The war in CK2 suck but the battle itself is my third favorite below Stellaris spacebattles and HOI4.
Everybody who isn't gay did.
>only combat and units ticks at 8-19 hours
>the rest of the game ticks once per day
That's it. GSG to end all GSGs
Madman is so close
I prefer CK2's combat to CK3's that's for sure

eu4 and ck3 combat is like mashing playdough dolls into eachother when compared to ck2.There was a lot of depth in army building and other neat stuff ( like a battle going horribly beause your general has a lisp so the soldiers cant understand the battle orders), ck2 combat had a lot of soul into it, the warscore system that lets you trade and choose provinces/money/etc in the peace deal in eu4 is much better and makes more sense than the idiotic system in ck2 but the battles themselves are far better and more consistent.CK2 army sizes are also better represented in that they depend on what you have in your cities and the population of your realm, an army of 1567 infantry, 344 archers and 123 cavalry makes sense, you muster what you can, an army of EXACTLY 5000 infantry, 1000 cavalry and 1000 cannons (?!?!?!) is completely retarded. Idealy a game would have the WAR system of eu4 and the BATTLE system of ck2. The battle system in ck2 is directly related to your infraestructure in detail. You didint bother to build stables in ck2? Then no cavalry for you. You are an island nation in EU4?Here just build 4000 horsemen out of thin air. CK2' combat is very intricate and personal, in the other paradox games it feels like you are just watching numbers.
This art is so sus to me. They look like hasidic jews cosplaying as landskecht.
I don't even mind AI art but at least make the art look good.
Should be illegal to post a map game dev diary without posting a map screenshot.
When is the last time a PC strategy game released with a soulful UI?
what does that mean huh?
welp, the exactly 1000 soldier regiments are back in eu5 too it seems. this does trigger my autism
It means there are ticks that are hourly
Skipping nights is kind of bizarre
>Stay tuned, because next week we’ll talk about Logistics and Sieges, the most important part of winning wars!
vggghhhh I'll cut my shins off so I can kneel forever if we have real supply lines
only levies are in 1000s real units come in 100s
Read the dev diary faglord
>Johan is back on track
We're so back
I would let Johan fuck my sister.

Armie and unit types in CK2:

>Light Infantry
>Heavy Infantry
>Light Cavalry
>Heavy Cavalry
>Every culture also has acess to a modified version of one of these as a national retinue (ie: Camels, Huskarls, Pronoias, etc)
>they all have unique models and animations for each different culture
>there are dozens of different tactics used in battles, and each culture also has special historical tactics they can use in battles (ie: Shieldwall, Schiltron, Feign Retreat, etc)

In EU4:

>they all inexplicably come in units of 1000
>there are no real tactics, only combat width and pips matter
>95% of the time you will be looking at pikemen( or musketeers later on)
>The day ticks from 8:00 to 19.00 every day, and the remaining hours are skipped over (representing the fact that armies need to rest and are not always on the move).
Timezone bros... not like this...
>chyna will be awake at the same time as america
immersion destroyed dead on arrival game, it's so over
>autismo retards arguing that it also should tick at night and that the game should waste computing power in pointless bullshit like time zones
It looks like the hair and moustache are supposed to be the same style as pic related. No idea where the top hats came from, I thought they were a 19th century thing.
these kneel posting paradrones are so cringe
the map is ugly
the ui and overall theme is ugly
the gameplay is still arcadey
Timezones were only created by the British in 1870 using some dark ritual. Beforehand time was just the same everywhere.
you're right, it's over. this is the most empty paradox game yet.
>they all inexplicably come in units of 1000
Cavalry and Infantry are also functionally the same in EU4 in terms of how you build your army. Either you're a country without cav bonuses in which case you run 100% inf 0% cav, or you have cav bonuses so you max out cav ratio and build 100% cav 0% inf. In essence EU4 may as well only have two unit types.
so true , its never been more over for a pdx game
pack it up boys, time to go pack to eu4 and ck3
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My pp after this tinto talk
Wonder how hard it'll be to edit my generals and cabinet members into 100 stat men
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It means it's he's being held hostage by trannies and the game's going to be a boring overdesigned barely playable slog
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contrarian retard
>Skipping nights is kind of bizarre
The thought process was probably that it would be retarded for night ticks to act identically to day ticks with all the same stuff happening, but that making them distinct from each other would be needlessly complex technically and gameplay wise
Kinda small desu
I find it weird that according to this spreadsheet cav is supposed to be mostly obsolete when absolutism hits. Which happens around 1600-1650? But cav was still widely used at that time.
There are more stats than combat power. I assume cavalry will continue to have higher combat speed, initiative and flanking ability than infantry, meaning they'll continue to occupy a niche, even if they aren't the backbone of your army.
Cav and inf scale with different stats, have separate powerspikes, have different implications for combat width/flanking, and ultimately use ducat/manpower inputs differently.
If you minmax and watch your tech group, the distinction becomes highly important.
>Using ages to manage army sizes
>Not techs or administration
who is in charge of designing such a horrible UI?
im assuming those are the base ones, techs and culture/religion modify these too
Tedious mechanics and endless busywork isn't good fun for actual humans Vicky 3 cuck
Did you read the same Tinto Talk as I did?
Where are you getting "oh Project Caesar is just like vicky 3!!" shit from
seethe more mp cuck
From his insights about combat
Now that this was dismissed by new dd he doubles down to not admit his retardation
>eurocentrism so great that all armies around the world use Europe's timezone
From the Tinto talks circlejerking over 2deep4u mechanics that will never translate into fun and interesting gameplay.
>Europe's timezone
*Britain's timezone
You mean western India?
>I'm hoping that you will have the system from Imperator which slows down time to speed 1 or 2 when a battle begins. That would make it possible to be on speeds 4-5 while fighting a war without the fear of losing battles because the game is moving too fast.
nooo why is johan having gameplay in his game??? i just wanna click button and have a war graphic appear to simulate my war :) gameplay is not fun, chuds.
Lol good one.
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True, the Ferro Meridian should have been the Prime Meridian, instead.
Nice try, Gudrun.
What would you prefer? An EU4 rehash?
The mad lad actually did it

This is an entirely different, better Johan than the Johan that designed Imperator: Rome
what's so awesome about it ?
I want to believe that this was actually a thinly-veiled leak, but with how things are it's entirely possible that an anon just thought up the stupidest thing he could think of in the moment and turned out to guess right
Humility. Johan has a long history of success and failure and it looks like he is finally learning from his failures.
Those are supposed to be early Gussars/Hussars, those tophats existed in the 16th century already, though the art looks like shit in everything. The two braids are also a latter style from the 18th century. Looks very AI or uninformed shitty artist, like a mish mash of vaguely historical inspired stuff. But the idea behind it actually existed.
Lazy. (You) don't deserve one.
I highly doubt there never has been a battle fought past 19:00

It looks like they are using the same fonts and artstyle of CK3, or in other words, its gonna look awful and play janky as shit with the overlapping tabs. Why cant they just make the menus neat, simple and condensed like in EU4, why does it have to look like total shit? Cmon johan
So you want something that simulated at the cost of it running like trash?

They are using CK3 chassi wich is why iot looks so fucking horrible and souless
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I’m showing here a bit more of what the region is, so you can have a clear depiction of how it looks compared to the neighboring regions we’ve previously shown (and so that the Reddit guy who is patchworking the world map has an easier day ). What I can say about this when the map speaks for itself… The lands of Germany are highly fractured among different principalities, making for an extremely complex political situation. The Emperor in 1337 was Louis IV von Wittelsbach of Upper Bavaria… Because, yes, Bavaria is also divided. He is married to Margaret of Avesnes, daughter of Count William of Hainaut, Holland, and Zelland, while his son Louis is the Margrave of Brandenburg. But probably the strongest power of the period is the Kingdom of Bohemia, whose king John also Duke Luxembourg and rules over both lands in a personal union, while also being overlord of the Margraviate of Moravia, ruler by his son Charles, and the Silesian principalities. The third contender probably is the Duchy of Austria, ruled by Albert II von Habsburg. He also rules over some lands in the formed Duchies of Swabia and Carinthia. There are also plenty of medium and small countries all over the region, with very different forms of government, which will probably make this HRE a very replayable experience…
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The dynastical map of the HRE gives a nice picture of the situation explained in the previous one. The von Wittelsbach, de Luxembourg (John of Bohemia is considered of French culture, therefore it uses the French toponymic article ‘de’; if he would change to the German culture, then it would be the ‘von Luxembourg’ dynasty), and von Habsburg cover much of the map; you may note that the Wittelsbach rule over five different countries (Upper Bavaria, Lower Bavaria, the Palatinate of the Rhine, and Brandenburg); while the House of Luxembourg also control the Archbishopric of Trier through Balduin, uncle of King John. Other important dynasties, although in a secondary position, are the Welfen, von Mecklenburg, and Gryf, present in multiple countries to the north; the Askanier, who happen to control half of Upper Saxony, while the rest is in the hands of the von Wettin; and the von Görz, who rule over the Duchy of Tirol and the County of Gorizia.
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We obviously have to repost the HRE IO map again here. The purple stripes mark the imperial territory, while the different types of members use different colors. We currently have these divisions in the IO: the Emperor (1, dark blue), Prince-Electors (4, light blue), Archbishop-Electors (3, medium blue), Free Imperial Cities (23, light green), Imperial Peasant Republics (2, orange), Imperial Prelates (44, white), and Regular Members (280, dark green). So, yeah, that make for a total of 357 countries that are part of the HRE. And before you ask: No, we won’t talk about its mechanics today, that will happen in future Tinto Talks.
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Germany has the highest density of locations in the world, as we wanted to portray the historical fragmentation of the HRE at the most detailed level of any Paradox GSG. There are a couple of things that we are aware of and we want to rework: the location connections (as in some places they are not obvious at all, and we want to make warfare in the HRE not impossible); and the transition between the German locations and those at their east, making it smoother (something that we will be doing in the review of Poland, Hungary and this region [e.g. for Bohemia]).
Areas. We are currently not happy with the area borders (or at least, one of our German content designers isn't, and let me note it while preparing the DD... ;) ), as they reflect more modern areas so we will be looking into an alternative setup for them with your feedback. They also currently use their German names, which will change to English ones to be in line with other areas, as usual.
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Terrain mapmodes. The region is quite forested, in comparison to other parts of Europe.
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Let’s open the Pandora box and take a look at the cultures! The German cultures have come through a couple of reworks, until we’ve found a spot in which we’re kind of happy (or, at least, our German content designers do not complain!). The German cultures are very linguistically related, as we thought that it would be the best starting point for 1337. Please let us know about your thoughts on them.
danke, my yuqqa...

ay carumba that's a lot of provinces *drools onto reddit keyboard*
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Boring religion map this week, as the region is overwhelmingly Catholic. There are Ashkenazi Jews in a bunch of places (a quick account: they’re present in 204 locations all over Central and Eastern Europe), and you may also see the Waldesians we added in the review of Italy last week.
Raw materials! Plenty of!
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The main market centers of the region are Cologne, Lúbeck, and Prague. We have reviewed them a couple of times, and this is the configuration that makes for a good setup historical and gameplay-wise. And you may also see Bruges, which has been reinstated as the main market of the Low Countries, after some tweaks.
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The population of the HRE is… Fragmented. In that regard, Bohemia starts in a very strong position, with a strong competitor to its south (Austria) and north (Brandenburg).
And that’s it for today! I hope that we didn’t drive you into madness with this map… Next week we will take to a very different region, the Maghreb! See you then!
>John of Bohemia is considered of French culture
I hate that retarded french bias pdx has for french over german in all their games.
Autism desu. The oversplit of German and French is the only complaint I really have.
>There are Ashkenazi Jews in a bunch of places
Not for long...
Can't wait for my Greater Sorbia run desu.
Vgh, at last... My Germanium, my bleßed deutchland... Preußen... Bavarium... das Hapsburger realms... VGH! Fredrick, otto, adolf, angela... I will make you provd!
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Prussia is literally not there yet.
It will be . . . it will be
Are those disconnected Mamluk and Fezzan provinces reachable by those lines connecting them? Also they better increase attrition in desert and jungle provinces for anything more than a couple of thousand men.
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Yeah there are corridors.
He spoke French as his first language afaik.
John the Blind literally died frighting alongside the french and the Alsatian question was decided in France's favour. Stay mad, Hans
Vgh the culture autism, I'm kneeling
elsass is german cultured and belongs to a german nation btw thougheverbeit...
allied with the french does not make one french you retard
and the french question was decided in africas favour so whats your point, pierre?
>allied with the french does not make one french you retard
His ancestors were from culturally french regions, he received a french education (was raised in Paris for an important part of his childhood) and he was considered a foreigner by both his german and czech subjects.

>and the french question was decided in africas favour so whats your point, pierre?
Says the turk.
Who asked for this, will be borderline unplayable
You read my mind
This guy>>1808934 did
So, am I the only one who thinks the map looks disgusting? The France looks disgusting, that blue is far too dark in comparison to all the other nations around them. It could look good if only they removed the strange yellow fever that every single fucking nation seems to suffer from.

This + the dogshit UI really makes my hopes for this game fall into an abyss. Imperator's was great, CK3's was decent enough, VIC3's looks good.

So what the fuck is this shit?
It's genuinely bizarre how many cultures france has
English is one culture, spain has 4 France has 20
Fuck you
>what the fuck is this shit
A work in progress, even the 3D portion of the map is barely done
They've changed a few country's shit colours so far as well
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Tf is this?
>work in progress
peepoofaif map looks so washed and ugly
What is that light green in northwest Poland? Can't be silesian or pomeranian.
It's da jooz
They are yellow you blind retard
He is talking about one location minority right under them(which are some jewish culture)
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Could be useful in some locations, but you need access to fresh water..

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