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DonĀ“t gonna buy you poor chinese C&C/Starcraft mix bootleg, of wich the competitive ladder is gonna be full of chinese hackers.
i'll just keep playing mental omega
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>new demo today
>absolutely 0 hype
What the fuck is wrong with this board?
lol covid mask game
The fuck is wrong with you anti-AAA copium ideology more like it.
it's a shameless ripoff of C&C that brings almost nothing new or interesting to the table beyond the obligatory mammoth tank
is the campaign epic poggers at least
epic poggers for losers who will never get a work at EA to work for a new C&C
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I just tried the demo and the game is fun. The dynasty's mission on insane is really hard though.
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is that the voice actor for the spokesman? the setting/storytelling had a slightly nu-xcom pre chimera squad vibe
I doubt it'll run on my shittop.
More interesting for me is how anons have zero interest in this tacticon event either.
Dude, have mercy on the nerves of local anons.
Or should I start listing unsuccessful RTS releases?
This simple disappointment killed all the hype.
I wouldn't be surprised if the game fails, not because of the quality of the game itself, but because of the general negative opinion towards new releases.

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