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New video dropped. Actual “gameplay” is shown.


spreadsheet autists will be feasting
Not a fan of how the map looks but as a whole it looks promising.
>hex map
I'll play it, but man.
I love how they implemented trade so far. MP will be an experience for sure.
>you can war profiteer by raising export tariffs
>you can cuck your enemies by buying all the weapons and raw materials on the market at ridiculously high prices they cannot compete with
>you can effectively do proxy wars using the various commercial diplomacy options
It probably saves on memory AND dev time. I know Paradox's drawing map by hand takes a while.
If you've ever tried making your own maps for GSG's (not necessarily ones that ended up making it into any GSG's or mods), I find that you will inevitably reach the conclusion that hexshits make for the perfect map. Most autists try making maps on which the provinces are all of a similar size, but it's hard to determine how a province should look in a desert or tundra region where no one lives, and hexes solve this problem. Same goes for rivers; you ideally want your provinces to have rivers flow around them instead of through them, but you'll eventually run into having to decide between either re-routing a river or having a river cut across a province, and neither one is ideal (even though the latter scenario happens IRL all the time, you ultimately want your blobs to represent military control, and it seems silly to have an army have control over a small section across a river instead of the entire province opposite a river). With hexes you never have this inconsistency; all rivers either flow around a hex or take up the hex as the case is with this game judging by the footage.

With hexes, the biggest problem is that alternate history autists don't like them since they don't make neat borders for their scenarios like blobs do. I feel like at this point the people who made maps in MS Paint have long since been supplanted by memers who don't care and people into strategy games in general in this fandom, so maybe a hexshit GSG might be successful now.

Crazy how two of those three were features in Victoria 2 that the devs basically asked you nicely to not use. Them being re-done in a way that doesn't break the whole game is neat though.
this. river crossing penalty is usually fucking frustrating cuz often there are around 8 adjacent provinces, all with the river crossing modifier, now hexes can solve this
wtf is this finnegans wake shit?
>With hexes, the biggest problem is that alternate history autists don't like them since they don't make neat borders for their scenarios like blobs do.
No, the real problem is that if I look at Germany and Manchuria, and they have the same amount of hexes, I will be very upset. I hate Mercator so goddamn much.
Looks like a real Vic2 successor. Hope it gets released.
... still trying to hype this garbage?
Just but an ad allready
They're using a globe in this game, why are you bitching about Mercator? Mercator can't hurt you here.
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>If you've ever tried making your own maps for GSG's (not necessarily ones that ended up making it into any GSG's or mods),
I have, however
>I find that you will inevitably reach the conclusion that hexshits make for the perfect map.
No. I don't dispute the idea of using very small territorial blocks to allow for finer adjustment of exact borders (though I had to settle for only 32000 tiles as a matter of practicality, and that already took months), but hexes look absolutely horrid.
the problem with these other GSGs is that they're ALWAYS worse than Paradox games
hex map is perfect anyone who complains is simple in the head

it will make development and modding so much easier, people can focus on making the game great. It will allow you agency over every corner of your lands as it isnt just big blob "provinces". It is more or less in the same realm as why extensive dialogue choices over simplified voice acted ones can be good for alot of rpgs.
>it will make development and modding so much easier, people can focus on making the game great.
A dev who takes the lazy, shitty way out in maps will take the lazy, shitty way out everywhere else too.

>It will allow you agency over every corner of your lands as it isnt just big blob "provinces".
Easy fix for that, don't make the tiles big.
how easy will it be to mod it to not use hexes though
Why Greece only has Peloponnese? Is this supposed to start in 1826-1830? What a weird choice for a start date
Never mind i see it starts in 1822 and devs are just massive ahistorical retards
The retard bait

The real question
That's because they don't have the massive scam money that Paradox runs on their racket. Give it support otherwise competition will not happen. Victoria 3 was an aborted feutus and should not be forgotten.
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So you are saying a bad game with big budget will be less bad, but in the same time PDX games are bad, because they were made with big budget... what the fuck are you even about, anon?
>you are obligated to buy this game
Interesting new marketing strategy, devman.
I mean, you have to fund the competition, if you want them to compete with Paradox. IF. Can't dev on an empty stomach.

>massive money
I fucking wish. But their annual report for the year of 2023 shows operating profit of 658 Million Krona (26% profitability rate). That's 61.6 Million USD. For a "publisher", and a staff of ~600 people (~150 devs), that's basically nothing.
How do you know it's bad?
>I have, however
yeah and the map is the only thing you'll ever complete, Gouda.
Absolutely retarded obsession. I want good games. I buy good games. I won't buy a shit game to "create competition". Giga brain over here sitting in front of 20 monitors manipulating the market by buying one 30 dollar game.
Wait, how do you know this game will be bad?
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Can't wait to make a pony mod for it.
its not that he knows its that he wants it to be another tortanic epic bomberinoooo. its a way of coping with life
In that case, you fall into the latter group I described of autists caring more about borders looking neat than the actual gameplay (nothing wrong with that, it's a matter or preference). In one of the HOI4 threads a while ago, someone mentioned another weakness of the small blobs approach being that certain provinces will have more connecting tiles than others, which causes them to have disproportionately more decisive battles regardless of the province's actual importance historically or within the campaign. You can still make blobs work, but it's not easy if you care about how the game will interpret them.

It's probably a temporary thing while the game is still in alpha, or at least I hope so.

I personally have high hopes for it, but paradrones will likely hate it since it's hexes.
Yeah, they're still reworking the map
>paradrones will likely hate it since it's hexes
Nigga, don't hate me cause I'm beautiful, nigga.

What's up with that slanderous shit? A true paradrone is an addict, and Paradox is the only serious supplier in town. There's nothing wrong with expanding supply. It won't get me to switch, or anything, just another pile of booger sugar to stick my nose in. Hexes are A method, and I'll see if it works out for them.
>In that case, you fall into the latter group I described of autists caring more about borders looking neat than the actual gameplay (nothing wrong with that, it's a matter or preference). In one of the HOI4 threads a while ago, someone mentioned another weakness of the small blobs approach being that certain provinces will have more connecting tiles than others, which causes them to have disproportionately more decisive battles regardless of the province's actual importance historically or within the campaign. You can still make blobs work, but it's not easy if you care about how the game will interpret them.
This is more a function of Paradox's decisions with regards to RGOs and combat, for example tiles only having one resource, and combat being "toy soldiers" based rather than something more abstract like HoI4's air war. So it's not about caring more about borders than actual gameplay unless you insist that Paradox's gameplay is the only allowed gameplay.

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