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>words cannot encapsulate the hatred i have for your kind
>you're a stain on this galaxy, you disgust me
>enjoy these 11 titan class warships with plasma cannons you piece of shit
>your entire fleet is now destroyed and your civilisation is doomed after 1 battle

this game is hard
I still haven't figured out how to play the third part
post the game name you fucking retarded piece of shit
...do you mean MOO3? i never tried it
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Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares
goddamn zoomers, baka my head
space empires > moo
Rape the bug
breed them out of existence
Don't waste your time
Put structural analyzer, high energy focus, and achilles heel thingy all on a ship and even the neutron or gauss cannon can kill anything.
Were you literally born yesterday?
I've heard of Moo and played it for about 5 minutes before I decided it was inferior to my favorite 4x space game of the time. It's nowhere near as ubiquitous as you think, and especially not identifiable from some fucking giant ant picture.
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how come they do 8 designs of every class of warship but then only 1 doom star?
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lmao spooky
Convergent evolution
no custom race so no its not better, also Master of magic >
>being a min-maxing tryhard
... That's why I play strategy, so I can min max. Why the fuck not? Nta btw
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MoO Conquer the Stars thoughts?
looks nice, didn't like it
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i am more of MoO 1 fan
just didn't feel like i want to play it, looked nice tho
It's a decent game with the 5X and UCP mods.
Who tf knows this stupid mid game
senile old retards never had any good games back in their days so they got used to worshipping mediocre garbage
What's with this sudden hatred towards Master of Orion 2, and acting like it wasn't one of the most influential 4X games of all time? With the 1.5 fan patch, it's still incredibly entertaining, and even today, almost all space 4X games incorporate elements from it to some extent.
MoO2 is bloated garbage with le random heroes, pointless planet micromanagement, and tedious combat.
How are the GOG versions of 1 and 2?
you have no fucking idea what you are talking about
Get them and install MoO2Mod
MoO? More like PoO
PoO Conquer the LoO
And 1oom-fork.
Lots of people have heard of MoO, but almost nobody has played it.
I pre ordered MOO3 and was hyped as fuck when I picked it up from the game store in the mall.
I am STILL fucking angry. The dev's got a big juicy defense contract and just kind of abandoned the game, and I had an issue with a memory leak so turns would take longer and longer to process until I was waiting fucking HOURS.
You should absolutely find the manual online somewhere. All the MOO games had top tier manuals that are mostly really well thought out space opera. 3 included.
It had some neat ideas, and I really liked the expanded races, the 2 gas giant guys being notable, also the sentient virus/biological weapon that colonizes neighbors by slowly assimilating their populations, and terraforming everything into slush balls.
And while the tactical combat was garbage/non existent, I ALWAYS chose to watch the neat little 3d battles that played out, and it was nice seeing beam spam from your shit-kicker ships.
Only so many ways you can make a giant fucking sphere bristling with planet destroying weapons.
Is it true that you could win a match of MOO3 by only spamming the end turn button?
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I literally never finished a game because eventually each turn was taking HOURS to load.
I was in college full time, and working nights full time, so I would play a turn, do my homework while listening to Coast2Coast AM, and over the 4 hours I had to myself I'd maybe get 2-3 turns in, and it just got worse.
If their forums still exist you could probably find me REEEEEEing.
I learned my lesson about pre-ordering. I'm sure its been patched and fixed, but that's the kind of butthurt that lasts forever, and I'll always have MOOII and Galactic Civ for my space emperor 4x boner pills.
>I'm sure its been patched and fixed
that bug looks like it fucks human men!
There's no rule 34 of Klackons and I am VERY upset about this.
>people complain about the new humanoid silicoids in the new MoO
>this is what previous looked like
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They looked better in MoO1.
I remember reading about this guy's experience with MOO3

>start game
>try figuring things out
>suddenly a race he never saw before said they're sick of your insults and declare war
>few turns later they show up again begging for peace
>uh okay
>soon after the game crashed

Can't say I'm thrilled to ever give it a chance

Bulrathi also became awful in 2. They went from bears to pigs
Dumb faggot. You lose the privilege to call anyone else a retard when you can't even figure out how to reverse image search.

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