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Is it still the best 4x experience out there?
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Ive never played it? Whats different from base civ V
Why are Civ 6 fans like this
Is it the sudden realization that your game will never have any substantial mods enhancing and balancing core mechanics and add some
Civ 6 is gonna fall into irrelevance hard
>sees a civ V thread
>immediately spergs about civ VI
hoooooooly gigadumbfuck
I was replying to the dumb ass first post
most everything, I can't remember if there's anything other than cosmetic changes that have remained untouched
it's definitely superior to vanilla civ 5 but it is still civ 5 whatever that might mean to you
the next time i see a hex tile i'm gona put my foot thru the wall of my rental apartment
Just play with the community patch if you want better AI. The rest is bloat.
But Civ5 has fuck all mods compared to IV? In fact that's why I play so little Civ5.
>civ 6 fans
Civ V is an abomination.
t. started with Civ III
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Somebody needs to make superpowers with vox AI. It would be the perfect mod.
Civ peaked at IV everything else is slop
What's good about Civ IV and its mods? Genuine question.
I tried Vox Pop recently thanks to a similar thread's recommendation and I didn't like it. Everything has so many little "one time" effects (research a tech = get 60 culture in each city) (build a unit = +10 faith influence) (kill a level three unit = +5% food yields) and I have no idea whether I'm getting lots or little. It's basically just sensory overload and not a tight gaming experience.
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More total conversions would be my guess
>Civ V is an abomination
V is fine, VI is phone tier garbage
t. started with alpha centauri
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>vox tranny
lmao maybe back in 2016 yeah
there's a star icon in the top right UI that shows average of bonus yields for the last 10 turns or something
the problem with these is that they don't contribute to happiness in your cities
I like Rhye's and Fall. I don't think there's anything comparable in Civ V.
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>t. actually started with V, then got filtered by earlier entries
civ 5 with sapiens mod is peak
vox populi is just huge amounts of busywork for autists who want to adjust everything every single turn
>goatse icon
This is how leddit tourists cope with the lack of a downvote feature on this site. It’s not enough for them to simply hide your post, they have to give some form of feedback to try and make sure you know that it upset them.
It's in the works, and the creator even said Civ 5 is the best Civ game ever

no, you did not
no ring, bunch of posers
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civ 6 better
in short, autistic bloat.
Well, I did not, for I started with 2 in '98
You didn't think through your reply, did you?
>Famously narrow-hipped, to the point it caused her death during childbirth, with the poor kid getting stuck
>Civ 6 goes for [Ass] tag
the hips are about right but her civ 6 face is like a dog's and her tits are unremarkable
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Come play Civ V with anons. Better than playing against braindead AI.


Password: Bingobangobongo
This seems interesting. How often do people play their turns? Like once a day, a few times a week, or longer? Any mods required?
and I think 8 people might be too much, most lobbies struggle with even getting the full 6 which is usually considered the best amount of players.
Same. It turns the game into an entirely different genre, but it's so much more engaging and fulfilling to play.

As much as I love RFC, Rhye is kind of retarded. His work for Civ4 was janky as hell and immediately got dethroned by modmods. His work for Civ5 is... discouraging to say the least. He's trying to change the RFC formula while avoiding gutting the underlying problematic Civ5 mechanics. He's also excruciatingly slow at development and adds bugs faster than he fixes them. This all being said, I'm incredibly grateful for his innovative Civ4 mod and the genre that it spawned.

So true bestie
and I started with AC in '00
you didn't fix shit boomfag
>Bloat Populi
opinions on lekmod?
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my waifu
>How often do people play their turns?
NTA but it varies a lot with the amount of people playing. You can bang out a 1v1 in a week but once you get to 4+ people, you're usually looking anywhere from a turn a day at best to a few times a week. PYDT lets you set a turn timer and it'll have the AI play their turn if they take too long.
It can be pretty comfy, even if the game takes months. It helps to keep notes to remember what your plans were. Sometimes I'll decide to declare war while I'm brushing my teeth or something.
Turn timer gives everyone 24 hours to play their turn (I can lower it if need be) and in practice everyone goes through about a turn a day, usually 2 if people are quick. The games themselves can last months, my last ended in the atomic era with the other players pulling a diplo victory on me in the middle of an all-out war.

No mods required, just all the DLC.
a mess of random mods
Started a new game with Vox Populi a couple of days ago... And holy shit I had forgotten how utterly abysmal the happiness system is. I like the other changes, but it feels like this one is actively trying to suck the fun out of the game.
The touhou mods are better.
Whats wrong with it
On vanilla your global happiness goes down when you conquer new cities, until you build a courthouse, or if you cityspam too much (IIRC, it's been even longer since I played unmodded). And other than the courthouses, you can fix it just by building stuff like colosseums and getting more luxury resources.
But VP uses some sort of city-by-city happiness to calculate the global one, and this local happiness gets lower the more population the city has, so you get punished for growth as much as if you were cityspamming, and have to build stuff to fix it (like, a ton of stuff because the population will start requiring culture, science, and gold, while also getting distressed from work while also getting the usual unhappiness from specialists and from just the number of people that you'd get on vanilla) but it takes longer because unhappiness tanks your production and in VP if you throw money at buildings it'll just shorten the building time instead of instantly producing it like magic, and then you finally make your city happy again but a few turns later it finds a way to be unhappy again, so you have to keep micromanaging your shit mostly just for this single mechanic. Then at some point things might stabilise and then you might decide to settle new cities or go to war and annex a few ones... And if you do that you'll soon find most if not all of your cities going miserable again and barbarians popping up on your territory. It's just way more annoying to deal with than I remember vanilla being.
I vanilla the unhappiness is literally just population+cities=unhappiness. It punishes growth way more than VP, since it gives less ways to increase happiness, the negative thresholds are way lower and the punishment way more severe. Civ 5 has the worst happiness mechanic in the series bar none.
Then I misremembered the vanilla part, so ignore my retardation, but VP doesn't make it much better.
local happiness depends on your city yields Vs some sort of global average, that means your unhappy cities are bad. you should just stop growth when they're about to be unhappy until you can fix it, by improving tiles or working specialists or buildings that reduce unhappiness
just a reminder but the vanilla meta strat is a 4 (four) cities "empire"
This is why Civ 6 is better
>civ6 is better than civ5 because there exist a bad mod for civ5
civ6bab IQ at work
personally my crack is civ iv bts, if it didn't crash due to not being multicore then it'd be 10/10
Also, by the mid game you can build the public works project which gives you a flat plus one happiness in the city and lowers the individual yield requirements by one. At some point you very likely have to weave in building a few of these, depending on the situation in each city. Over all it's a cool mechanic which enables both shallow and deep engagement, but the downside is that you can't really see the global values or averages that set the bar, so sometimes you can be met with huge happiness spikes seemingly out of no-where. But this is mitigated by making falling below 50% happiness far less initially impactful. It's truly worrisome only below 20% or 30%.

For all of the seemingly extra yields that you get from sources other than the turn ticks, they've added an average yield indicated onto the top bar. You can use that you more or less get your actual, for example, culture yields per turn by adding the ones from the cities (that is the regular indicator) to the one on the averages' tooltip. It's a bit impreciece, but it's accurate enough for estimated the turns for a policy unlock, for example.
it's not even that civ vi is a better game
it's that civ v is the most fucking braindead over simplified piece of shit for retards and pretending it's good is the most retarded thing ever
hexes are great, turn based games were getting too simple with squares

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