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Hooded Horse's Rimworld+Crusader Kings game is out on early access, any guinea piggies try it out?
great... yet another way to abstract the quest for pusci...
Did anyone play it? How is it?
Looks like mobile game shit lmao Absolute state of vst slop
Your thoughts about DF or RimWorld?
Total trash made for micro-intensive spastic retards

Only true strategy games ever made were chess and checkers
yeah i did play the tutorial. it looks fun. a bit opaque ui but fine
oh hi robbie wassup
Ugly as fuck
Does it look like a real game or just derivative bullshit.
how severe is your main mental illness?
Quite severe tbqh
game looks like shit tho
I'll pirate and check it out in a bit
Is it already up for pirating?
Played an earlier build and it was fun. Played now that it officially came out and I enjoyed what little I played. It's no Rimworld but it has potential that I hope it fleshes out in the future.

Yes, on the usual sites.
>sex need in base game
i pirated one of the earlier versions. It was fucking hard, borderline impossible to manage without knowing exactly what to do.
Can they just jerk off?
and the difficulty felt artificial like in stoneshard or quasimorph, ie devs could have made it passable but decided to up all penalties to the highest level just for muh dark souls experience.
To think about it all these games were made by russians, including this one, theres surely a pattern here
life is hard in russia
Kill Makhas. Behead Makhas. Roundhouse kick a Makha into the cobblestones. Slam dunk a Makha baby into a barrel. Crucify filthy Makhas. Defecate in a Makha's food. Launch Makhas into the sun. Stir fry Makhas in a wok. Toss Makhas into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Makha's delicious ale. Judo throw Makhas into a fleshwolf's jaws. Twist Makha's heads off. Report Makhas to the Inquisition. Karate chop Makhas in half. Curb stomp pregnant swarthy Makhas. Trap Makhas in quicksand. Crush Makhas with maces. Liquefy Makhas in a vat of acid. Eat Makhas. Dissect Makhas. Exterminate Makhas on the scaffold. Stomp Makha skulls with steel boots. Cremate Makhas in the oven. Lobotomize Makhas. Mandatory abortions for Makhas. Grind Makha fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Makhas in ale. Vaporize drawfags with Mother Sophia's light. Kick old Makhas down the stairs. Feed Makhas to fleshwolves. Slice Makhas with a sword.
marry, fuck, kill the game
just play it on peaceful mode on a normal/easy map till you learn the basics
Puccian slop.

Slava Ukrainia!!! Glory to the heroes!
whats the difference between it and rimworld? why play this over modded medieval rimworld
I like it so far. I do hate that it's early access. I wish people could just finish their games for once. I hate feeling like I'm playing a skeleton version of a game having been traumatized by Paradox slop. But, I think the premise is great and I hope it improves.
Basically, you can only directly control the Nobles directly, and even then your orders are more like loose suggestions. They'll only work during times, and eat, sleep, or fuck when they prefer and ignore you until they're finished. You manipulate peasants by assigning managers to different buildings, gaining buffs from their administrative ability. I like the idea, but it will probably be fleshed out more. I think the game has potential, but for me it does feel a little bare. That said I've enjoyed it so far.
My wife got pregnant by a peasant.
ill wait till workshop support then, from the sounds of it it seems like the sims rather than a colony sim
take your meds
Are there Z levels or its basically a rimworld clone?
Tried it and it's pretty cool, everything works well and the presentation and UI are all good. It's just that it needs more stuff to do, content and scenarios. I expect they'll get added in over the 2 or so years it's going to be in EA so I'll probably hold off from buying it until then.
It's a bloody chore to play. People always hungry, shitting on moonshine, soldiers always deserting even though they make twice the money the builders make. Had the whole family die (4 people) + 2 supporting ally squads with their leaders, against a single nation invading me. Only people who survived were two children, a king dying of old age, and a wife to king's brother and heir, who became the queen after the king died (and she gave birth to her dead husbands child). Managed to get lucky by ambushing some noble for gold, but the moods, dramatically shifting relationships between realms (an alliance with good relationships turned into a rivalry, with our most closest ally turning to mortally hate us after the old king died), the financial part of the game, the constantly spawning bandit camps are all annoying to manage and honestly, I don't want to come back to the game. Not to mention I get mobile game vibes from it.
It's one of these puzzle games, where the entire challenge comes from figuring out how things work... but once you do, it becomes just tedious to play, since any semblance of challenge is gone.
I love how all the fonts in game keep disappearing
>puzzle game
Like Frostpunk?
It feels weird seeing the one culture that's obviously based on Arabs or whatever wearing generic European-style armour
yeah that's how it looked and splattercatgaming more optimistically described it
pozzed Devs, you're saying?
Won't be playing until there is a fantasy mod and sex mod with obligatory interbreeding mechanics
how do you even manage to fuck up a sandbox game so bad that it becomes a puzzle game
Thats pretty much all colony survivals, you figure out what to do to stop beign wiped out and thats it, game fun is over.
well you can apply that to my genres
You can literally say that about any other game retard.
they added a lot more niggs since the earlier version i see, almost like its a requirement to release a game publicly
The good part is that you can ethnically cleanse them lmao
Just set your execution platform/scaffold to inflict terror against Makhas,then set it to dish out executions.
You can also burn down Makha-settled towns and purge their ethnicity from the map. I started in the bottom right corner of the map and burnt down the two Makha settlements to my north and west, then resettled them with Tamanya (rightful ethnicity of the New Empire to come).
The game actually rewards you for this, too. If your peasants are mostly Tamanya, and you massacre your Makha population, they become loyalists, lmao
Similarly, it's actually better to bait your neighbours into becoming your mortal enemies and then burning their settlements down, then resettling them. The Church approves of that more than just force vassalising them.
SO, what's the verdict?
Is it like RimWorld in dark ages? Why are reviews so meh?
questionable gameplay
everything has to be managed by nobles or it doesnt work, if something happens to them all the work stops
it doesnt help they are whiny bitches and coomers that get massive mood penalties if they didnt fuck for a few days
also they research new buildings and stuff and keep knowledge in their memory and upon their death you cant build anything again
its questionable if such micro management is fun
I'am not a muh graphics guy but the character models/animations are fucking hideous, the artstyle of "cone people" was a massive redflag for me, i definetely wont buy. If they did them a little bit more realistic like, say, battlebrothers ( same cone people style, but actualy good looking), it would be ok, but i just cant stomach the way they look rn. It says a lot when fucking dwarf fortress looks better than your game
how many times you gonna samefag bc of the graphics lmao
Bro you can literally massacre the nigs if you want. There is a mechanic in the game for massacres between your pawns.
Same as the difference between victoria 2 and crusader kings. One has an elaborated economy system and the other doesn't.
i dont care enough about the game. Found the values in the files to remove them in 2 minutes but didnt bother
micromanagement hell

Your peasants need to be told by a noble how to farrrm every single day, or they will prefer starving.
Said nobles constantly will refuse to do that because their mood is terrible, which will be constantly unless you make them fulfill their every need manually.
Also, youur twenty man hamlet has its own economy that needs gold to function, spend too much of it and your peasants will starve with full larders because paying them in food like it was done in the actual medieval ages is impossible for some reason.And so on.

Could be fun, but imagine rimworld with your pawns being almost impossible to manage, thats essentially it. The potentially interesting parts like the overworld politics are just another annoyance in that equation.
>more hooded hoax slop
At least the hype train isnt as bad as that other forgotten dumpster fire of shovelware they released earlier this year
>I don't like games only because theirs publisher for reasons...
Get the fuck out.
>its own economy that needs gold to function
thats actually fun if done properly, like in Lords and Villeins, where from your own shitty management some families become disproportionally wealthy and i just wish they would go further with that, making demands and positions of power and stuff, so far they just use their gold to buy goods and pay for house renovation/expansion that you yourself initiate.
Whats good in said system is the level of control that you have over the economy, you could give some resources for free, or tax them, you decide the way rent is gonna be paid, if its a flat sum or percentage of their produce, or something else.
Very promising game but its crumbling from its own complexity with fps dipping bellow 10 in later stages.
there are many problems with managing your own town and yet you are expected to give a shit about foreign affairs at the same time, eh, what a bad design
>noble goes to hunting
>fucking dies
>the game becomes 50% harder instantly
not to mention all the knowledge that got lost
muh heckin dark souls difficulty is so "fun" and totally make me want to continue playing
What if you reduce some difficulty settings? Would that tone down the frustration a bit?
Norland? More like Flopland.
This game flopped, no?
who thought this micro shit is fun?
Rimworld has more micromanagement than this. You have to do way more to get established. Really don't get this point. Maybe go play Minecraft?
only in the beggining, rimworld mostly plays itself in between raids
ty anon. i'll just do a medevil rimworld run
Been watching streamers playing since I dont like pirating nowadays, other than >>1805229
The combat is also retarded, saw a bunch getting arrowed while everyone in the squad wait for the squad commander (or lord?) to "duel" and the whole 5-10 men squad getting stopped by 2-3 guys waiting their turn to fight or some buggy combat pathing.Saw streamer(s) complaining about their army fighting empty handed even if they are equipped, or a visual bug related to weapon not showing.
>saw a bunch getting arrowed while everyone in the squad wait for the squad commander (or lord?) to "duel"
was wondering if someone was going to bring up Lords and Villeins, good to know I should still wait on bug fixes
contrarian schizo alert
Exactly my though, there are no colony management games without inbreeding that are worth playing
I reunited the Empire and all I got was this crummy cutscene.
yeah let me guess.... you want "more"?
Is this Lord and Villeins a good game then? Should I check that out instead of Norland?
it a smaller game with some better mechanics like free build and economy but overall its early access
Not really. More jank than this and there's no world map. The art style is kinda bad. No warfare.
"the most basic, most rudimentary spiritual need of the Russian people is the need for suffering"
theres world map
no warfare is a desirable feature for colony builders ive been told
This is just another one of those "games" developed to siphon EU game dev funds to polish scammers. No coincidence that its published by hoax horse, much like scammer lords.
>Saw streamer(s) complaining about their army fighting empty handed even if they are equipped, or a visual bug related to weapon not showing.
That's cause the weapon broke, all melee randomly break in combat, and it is more common with early weapons maces and spears.
There actually is a visual bug if you raise soldiers in your settlement but if they get in a fight they'll draw maces/spears/axes/swords/bows/whatever
Streamers do seem like they'd ignore that weapon durability is a thing though
>save got corrupted
>its the only save
This game was made by a russian studio which registered in UK.
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misleadingest splash art ever
his head should be half the size of his body
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