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Multiplayer RTT developed by the same guys who did Syrian Warfare. Currently set to release in February 2025.
>puccian slop
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Definitely worth checking out. Syrian warfare was such a diamond in the rough. Haven’t had fun with a strategy game like that since I was a teenager playing coh.

The multiplayer thing worries me, I would have preferred them making another strategy game that’s less dependent on scripting. You can only play the same Syrian warfare mission MAYBE 3 times until you start going “oh there’s gonna be a tank/ATGM truck there” or “this mine got me last time let me defuse it” and it’s kinda ruined for replay ability. But a less linear single player game where the AI will use randomized builds and actively shift units, mine roads and plan traps would be amazing. Still Syrian warfare was amazing, and I’m not even sure it would have worked without so much of it being scripted and forcing the player into situations where they’re initially at a disadvantage or ambushed.

Still they made a fan for life by making one of the best strategy games of recent time. The first game where when it ended I was legitimately disappointed and wanting more.
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There will be a campaign but maybe as a standalone game or DLC
Did you have a stroke while writing this?
are you russian or something?
Did you play the terminator rts game? Same devs for the most part. What did you think of it?
I hope they will improve Infantry movement since in the Syrian Warfare there were problems with pathfinding especially in buildings and urban areas where on dude got fired upon and whole squad couldn't move.

I also hope it won't be RUS vs USA the game and we will have some more countries or armies to play with.

And basically what the other dude said, if they gonna just improve everything they gonna make one of the best strategy games. And I hope they will sicen the Terminator RTS game felt like just reskin for Syrian Warfare

And I hope they gonna make some scenario editor like they did for Syrian Warfare
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>I also hope it won't be RUS vs USA the game and we will have some more countries or armies to play with.
They say China is sure to come
Another piece of video gaming product with forced russian agenda stuffed into it for gaming systems? I don't even want to pirate it, fuck off.
>forced russian agenda stuffed into it
Such as?
>a diamond in the rough
Emphasis on rough. And it's actually glass, not diamond
competent military
Sorry, I forgot who won control of the developed regions of the country. Could you remind me
I knew any thread on this would be a shitshow lol.

Looks good, will definitely buy it. Playing Syrian Warfare right now and it's great. Wish I got Terminator on sale but it slipped my mind.
I agree, I also play ATOMIC HEART which is better than STALKER 2. Also did you try the best game of the last decade PATHOLOGIC 2 ? It's amazing!
Syrian Warfare opened my eyes, it's a diamond of a game.
>totally not a russian shill
I don't even want to pirate this "game" to find out.
>Syrian Warfare
This new game better have either configurable keybinds or use fucking WASD scroll by default. Unlike Syrian Warfare.

Fucking twats.
>make up bullshit claim
>"another" dude answers they're resolves
>make a praise out of nothing
poor job
what's the appeal of coming to an english speaking board if you can't speak english. and not even to discuss games, just to make belligerent shitposts and act like an asshole
seriously, i don't get it
what sayin?
Devs should pay me to suffer through this product.
i'm saying you're not very good at ingles, juan
and the worse part is, you aren't even attempting to contribute to game discussion, you're just shitposting and trying to be a dick
>you aren't even attempting to contribute to game discussion
do you want my help in promoting this russlop buddy?
i can't be buddies with someone who acts like a nigger online
do I really look like a russian to you
Hmm... Else you need to mention trannies and black cocks to look like a russian.
The fuck are you rambling about faggot... AI generated whore.
your suffering is desired, but not valued
>won control of the developed regions of the country
>by reducing them to piles of rubble
Brilliant, comrade Ivanov!
He said "developed regions". Last time I've checked, Western Ukraine was still in Ukrainian hands. Which I guess is even more humiliating and salt-inducing
>fully controls only one (1) oblast after 2 and a half years of war and 10 years of glowie ops
>goes from bmps and tanks to golf carts and motorcycles
could you remind me how this is complement?
>also, tranny janny feelings got hurt
>the game requires constant online to play
>according game's EULA it can scan your computer and send any info
>constant connect to russian servers
fuck off, I am not installing russian spyware
>just one (1) sperging spamming tranny completely ruined the thread
Why are russians constantly thinking about trannies?
>automatically knows it's about him (male)
>indirect implying replies
That's how you know he's a russian.
>replies 60 seconds later
>made 70% of the posts ITT
>russian propaganda
>online only
I'll pass.
Only bumping because a tranny is mad ITT
Isn't Frontage when two guys like dock their penises from the front kinda thing?
Why are you mad?
Lmao the fact that reddit and retards get mad about this game and to a lesser extent, syrian warfare is definitely a plus.
still not buying your game
considering the context, if i had to guess, i'd say "front edge" is some kind of dig/reference to the ukraine. in slavic languages ukraine means something like "border land" or "outer edge land"
Game's name in Russian is пepeдний кpaй, literally Front Edge. This is both an actual military term in Russian military meaning the forwardmost line of defence and also is essentially Russian translation of the term "Bleeding/Cutting Edge" in reference to state of art technology, but кpaй (kray) is a homonym that can also mean region in geographical sense, so yeah, it could essentially mean "Frontline/Forward Region", even setting aside whatever meaning could be derived from U>krai<ne being borderlands.
The maps seem very heavily based on the war in Ukraine, including random ass treelines and fields, warehouses, slightly Westernized post-Soviet buildings. The game is actually currently fully playable if you download the Russian language launcher from the creators site but it's very undercooked. It's playable, arguably fun but there's very few units, very few maps and helicopters still feel like shit, constantly jumping between standstill, full speed and the scripted attack runs.
I haven't played enough to care about balance but it does seem rather weird when it comes to that - Tigrs have RWS so their gunners can't be shot out while HMMWV gunners are open to fire (then again HMMWV also gets TOW and MK19 versions), Abrams reverses just as slowly as T-72, MT-LB and M113 are equivalents where again MT-LB cannot have it's gunner shot out but also somehow the shitty PKT it has has the same firepower as the M2 Browning from the M113, game gives you a modernized Grad but not HIMARS despite the latter appearing in the main menu.
It might be interesting to see when it actually comes out with progression and all that other stuff it's supposed to get in six(?) months but currently it's basicallya tech demo.
imagine reading that russian wall
Why did you write Ukraine like this? Are you having a stroke?
to emphasize the "krai" root retardo
Those runes suppose to mean anything zigger?
what runes? this is the latin alphabet we're using right now dumbass
>Russian language launcher from the creators site
Why are you advertising russian spyware here?

Are you an idiot or just playing one?
no, i'm talking to one
Why are you talking to yourself?
this game looks so lame i don't even want to pirate it
How's the russian analog of Sweet Baby called?
>3 paragraphs
So this what Zoomers are like
NAFO btfo again.
just say no to big pharma, kids!
Lakhta / Internet research Agency
Are /k/ and /pol/ really not enough for your slavic bumfights
Hilarious how one irrelevant Eastern Euro oligarch war is enough for the goyim to forever let their preferred side and their opposition live rent free in their minds on a daily basis.
I wish units would enter buildings through the side they are coming from instead of predefined entry points. There are plenty of windows on the ground floor to go through.

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