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I'm doing a meandering playthrough of the Dawn of War campaigns. Just finished the Order route with both imperial and eldar endings for Winter Assault and I think this is the best DOW campaign I've played so far. What's your favorite DoW franchise SP campaign?
>DoW 2
The upgrade and equipment mechanics are more interesting than the campaign tends to be. You kinda just do the same mission structure over and over and maybe like 3 defense missions. Only enjoyable if you really want some Space Marine squad fluff.
>DoW 2 Chaos Rising
I played a squeaky clean zero corruption campaign so it was interesting enough to have to do secondary objectives to keep from raising corruption.
>DoW 2 Retribution (space marines campaign)
finally some mission variety!
The missions on the space hulk were the absolute highlight for me, they were awesome. Escorting the loader robot and fighting off a billion tyranids with my upgraded squads was sick. Will revisit and play through the other factions in time.
>DoW 1
serviceable but basic, just blob up and steamroll the world
>DoW 1 winter assault (order)
my favorite mission was the third one were you had to build up and relocate your eldar and then hard pivot to a desperate imperial guard defense against infinite fucking orcs. Took me a couple retries before I landed on a winning strategy and got a better working knowledge of both factions mechanics. The Final mission is also really dope getting to use the titan weapons, I think I found it more enjoyable with IG but it plays compellingly different with Eldar as well.
>What's your favorite DoW franchise SP campaign?
dark crusade, of course
>honor guard
>world map
>unique battle maps for each HQ province with lore/race appropriate gimmicks
>persistent building placement for each province through multiple battles (looking at u soulstorm)
>davian fucking thule AND eliphas the inheritor
>the best imperial guard speech in existence
janky as it is, DC remains my favorite warhammer game to this day
I only played DoW2 and it could have been interesting, but fuck me is it tedious. I hate that 90% of the levels are just the same four skirmish maps forwards and backwards. No real strategy through any of them, just move Cyrus around and snipe the enemy. Damage on Heroic and Max is way too much to use Thaddeus since he'll die the moment he touches down. Boss fights are incredibly cheap with enemies who have 10x your entire squad's HP.

The fucking enemy AI is absolutely awful. You'd expect to have something like Commandos or Shadow Tactics or roaming squads who communicate with each other and try to scout out, but instead everything just stands perfectly still until you get in their aggro range and then you're being dogpiled by about 50 guys.

Chaos Rising looked interesting, but I told myself I wanted to beat Vanilla before playing it and then I quit during the second or third Angel Forge level because it sucked so bad.
the AI in 2 really can't do heavy weapons which is most the tactics
Dawn of War & Winter Assault were Kino. I much prefered a narrative campaign than glorified skirmish joined together that happened in DC & SS. Some of those missions were cool but overall a dissapointment.

Retribution really falls down when you go back and replay it as a separate faction... only to realise you are playing the exact same campaign with the exact same missions.
>DoW 2 Retribution (space marines campaign)
Sadly, the other factions have exactly the same missions and main objectives. A bit disappointing, especially the nid campaign.
At least the Tyrant is fun.
What's the best way to play DoW today? I tried to launch the OG, but it didn't have widescreen and Dark Crusade kept crashing.
retribution is good but it's so short

nids were so half assed, what the hell happened
>dark crusade
If it weren't for the shitty eldar missions the order campaign of winter assault would easily be the best. not a spastic faction bias thing, the lore is worse than gay aids. I just think the guard missions were way more fun. my favorite is the dark crusade tau campaign because i like shooting things really hard from really far, and the commander dialogue in that campaign is peak
while your criticsm of dow2 recycling content is valid (and i'm surprised you think retribution is less bad when the other race campaigns are outright identical), i loved the rts-rpg feel of the game and chaos rising expanded on it to include choices and branching paths which emerged through real gameplay choices
i wish we had seen more of it because i really believe that as a format is has massive untapped potential but alas we got dow3 which was written by an intern over a weekend

winter assault certainly plays better than dow1 but 1 is a perfect 40k story and an amazing way to kick off the franchise
the sorcerer in dow1 is just wonderful
winter assault unquestionably has better mission variety but the characters never grabbed me in quite the same way even if i did like sturnn

dark crusade has the best gameplay and mods and soulstorm is a downgrade
having beaten the game on the hardest difficulty multiple times i don't agree about thaddeus
while he is certain vulnerable as a melee unit not taking cover he's actually tanky and much more so than cyrus who i always found dies to some stray explosion and ruins my ranking
the campaign is very repetitive though
it just works for me but try windows compatibility mode
>dark crusade has the best gameplay and mods
lol no there’s a reason every modder abandoned dc as fast as they possibly could

primarch difficulty is all about abusing invincibility skills as often as possible so you have to keep thaddeus jumping on cooldown
>there’s a reason every modder abandoned dc as fast as they possibly could
but what is the reason
DoW 2 level scaling sucked ass
What was the point of the loot and leveling system if every single grunt you have to fight always has 10x HP than captain sideshave?
Dreadnaught guy with his cone attack literally carried me through the last 1/3 of the campaign
They didn't and Soulstorm sucks. Flying units make the game worse. Sisters of Battle are half baked.
soulstorm was newer and everyone preferred to play the most recent thing. Engine-wise it introduced fliers which everyone hated in vanilla but liked as a concept to expand upon in mods
and it doesn’t matter because the engine is improved and stable which actually affects modders
I agree one hundred percent.
It's a shame that this is only one instance, that's how a campaign can be. And I don't care that the lore has sunk into a puddle.

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