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File: king of dragon pass.png (491 KB, 640x480)
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How fares your tula?
We already have thread for this worthless VN.
Not for Six Ages.
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By Orlanth, begone, tr00n. Go back to your GoY $ containment thread.
Imagine being a zoomer.
Imaging larping as a hardcore strategy fan.
Imagine trying to act like a badass alpha male.
All because you play KoD/SA on your phone
Imagine seething about it on /vst/
Oh wait, you don't have to imagine
looks like you struck the paradrone's nerve kek
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Best uses for these things?
Imagine all the people
living for today
You're both dreamers
Real answer is obvious
Pulling ploughs.
What do you get for sacrificing them?
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Wiki says magic, but it doesn't say how much. Earth Deities are probably the best pick here, especially Maran Gor. I know sacrificing trollkin to Eurmal gives you like five points
You are better off with then pulling ploughs. Worth more than the sacrifice, both short and long-term
>t. plays on easy
>t. doesn't play at all
There is a solid chance that both the game and the solution to the problem are older than you.
Just roleplay, if you are peaceful clan then make them pull ploughs, if you are war clan or balanced then make them beasts of war
You need every combat related buff you can get on Hard. You can manage with a little less food.

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