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What are some good strategy games where you get to control street criminals?
Civ 6 has Brazil as a playable nation
There are a bunch of gangster-themed strategy/management games, unfortunately most of them aren't very good. Try Gangsters: Organized Crime if you don't mind older games.
Drug Wars is an old classic
text-based, but i played the app version recently and it holds up quite well
Drug Lord 2 i spose it's called
I inplemented an automate to win at that game. I have only one word: COCAINE!
Hooligans: Storm Over Europe.
ymmv on the good part but you basically command legions of thugs that smash stores and people with a football cup as a vague excuse to smash things up. Although I'm kinda stretching the definition of "street criminal" here because it's really just a faithful depiction of us Europeans being European.
niggers can't into strategy
prove me wrong niggers post hand and favorite rts game now
Chaos Overlords
i enjoyed this game but apparently the gog release has issues. might have to play the abandonware version in emulation
I used to play that on my TI-83 plus
>apparently the gog release has issues
That's sad. I haven't tried it either. I used to play the mac version long ago.
There's tons of strategy games where you get to play America.
Mob Rule/Streetwars
>nigger can't even follow a simple instruction
no wonder u can't into rts
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>no results
shit thread
granddad said syndicate was neat

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