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>try ck3
>no idea what is going on
>quit after half an hour

>try koh2
>everything is much simpler
>having a blast an hour in

do you think it's because the map of koh is simpler than ck?
the map of ck being split up into a million pieces might have fucked me up, or the ui being insane as well
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>filtered by the easiest 'grand strategy' game ever made
ck3 is not grand strategy
nor is it ever made
nor is it a game
Is KoH2 a good game worth playing?
>Simplier game with less options is easier to play than a slightly more complex (but not actually complex) game with more options
Who would have expected!

Which only further makes it laughable that OP got filtered. I mean CK3 has a functional tutorial that teaches you literally all there is to the game in about 2 hours, so being filtered by it is beyond bad.
No, it's a KoH1 with shittier programming and memory leaks. If you played 1, you also played 2. The only real change I can think about is a tiny handful of QoL changes, like displaying how many provinces are currently building something, rather than having to check manually. But it's KoH1 with modern graphics on dysfunctional engine and just absurd pricetag for the content.
I didn't polay HoK1 this is why I ask.
Why is there a small % of people who complain about memory leaks? So it's a very rare situation, correct?
mean not everyone plays it for a long time to cause the leak
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you can get it dirt cheap on key sites
>no idea what is going on
There are a ton of tutorial pop ups there to explain mechanics and functions
not sure what could even filter you. Start as ireland if you want, you just have a few raids from icelanders to worry about while you consolidate and invade england from wales or scotland to make the irish empire and from there you get northern and western europe that you've been able to breed into and make alliances with while you were insulated. Then you just win a crusade or two, and thats the game, that and becoming your own grandpa.
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>pope 2 is dead
>long live pope 1
The leak happens after you run the game for about 3-4 hours and is pretty much guaranteed to crash after about 6. Which begs to question how the fuck people play this game if they don't play long enough to start having memory issues. Alternatively -they are perfectly aware of this and play on 150 minut timer, then close the game and run it again in 15 minutes
Paradox games rely on game mechanics being intentionally vague and unexplained. Once you learn everything after about 50 hours 1 of 2 things happen

1) if you are intelligent you realize these basically amount to several layers of cookie clicker with no actual strategic thought. The systems allow for no variance of strategy or dynamic stories, hence whey every game has some sort of “mission” system where you click a magic button (provided by a $20 DLC) to do something that the game would normally be incapable of doing


2) You are a low iq chimp person, who is easily entertained by this sort of thing. Typing a really big number into a calculator would likely give you the same pleasure
... but enough about HoI4, time to go back to the subject of KoH2
i dont know about koh2, got bored after an hour
CK3, from what I remember, is mostly a more barebones CK2 sidegrade. CK2 is not that complex, so I guess Koh2 is even more barebones then?
>I guess Koh2 is even more barebones
Pretty much. It's an extremely streamlined version of Grand Strategy which intentionally puts a hard limit on the amount of characters you can manage (1 king + 8 knights), which in turn limits the amount of actions you can take at any one time, to make sure the player never has too many things happening at any one time. Doesn't help that realistically most of your knight slots are going to be taken up by Merchants and Marshalls by default, while you can often get away with having only one or even zero Diplomats, Spies and Clerics.

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