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This thing is in a Humble Bundle right now. Hadn't heard of it before but seems to be a HoMM clone. Is it any good?
It's great, but single devs + budget equals a single pizza = jank, crappy looking and shitload of desirable qol features missed.
It's ok. I have it on the Switch. The lack of any sort of curated content kind of killed it for me. Once you've tried all the factions you want to try, you've pretty much seen it all. I would like some campaigns or at least scenarios for a HoMM clone.
It's basically HoMM but the combat is handled in real time and the maps are randomly generated like in AoE2.
Kinda cool execution but ultimately gets boring after a couple of games like every other 4X. There's no campaign, no scenarios, and iirc no online multiplayer - only hotseat, so there's only so much to do. I think there was also an editor that lets you make your own random map templates.
>Is it any good?
It is "half" of a Heroes 3 it it keeps a lot of the things that made HE3 cool but also innovates in some places like heroes physically being present on the battlefield like in Heroes4. And there are a lot and I mean A LOT of faction mechanics compared to H3.

Obviously the greatest departure from Heroes 3 is that combat is not turn based but real time but you can pause. People say it is an "Auto battle-er" but it is NOT AN AUTO BATTLER! Unless you count that attacking the nearest target is automatic then maybe, but you can control your troops. You can deploy and mix your troops all over, you can select and move your troops around, you can change their behavior to hold position and still move them, you can even filter and select the types of troops you want. The only thing is a movement command only last for 3 seconds before the troops revert back to their basic orders of hold ground or push forward.

The other thing is the reserves mechanic which puts a limit on the power/amount of troops that can be fielded at one time. So deathball swarm armies that rely purely on numbers cannot filed 10x the number opponent's army all at once. They can only field more once a certain amount had died. Small things but they show that the game knows what it is doing.

Obviously it still has OP stuff and has abusive combos tough and stuff can go south due to some unlucky randomness. And obviously the AI is, while a decent opponent, is incredibly stupid.

Overall I think it absolutely is worth the price. I had a ton of fun with it. Battles can be a chaotic mess but I loved to try and keep some order in the chaos, battles aren't always easily predictable like some Heroes 3 fights are.
(It has a dwarf faction the "Earthen" which is a big bonus for me)
A thing I remember liking was how your support heroes - the ones you normally use to fetch extra units for your main army - could actually fight thanks to bodyguard units that were extra units generated based on the strength of the largest army.
it's quite good for what it is, yeah
It's very easy to become OP as shit and the AI is just braindead. I saw the enemy just creating a bunch of heroes and standing them around in random places or just like moving back and forth from the same spot over and over again. It honestly feels like a game that needs to be played against other people, but that's not an option.
It's okay if you can stomach the awful art direction.
>art direction
Isn't it just RPG maker or something? I swear I've seen the assets and UI before.
Unless you have someone to play using one of those hotseat emulator things, the game is pretty barebones. The AI does that thing where it has perfect knowledge and only takes engagements it absolutely knows it can win, so you get a lot of situations where you can corral even the hardest AI into freezing up like >>1805824 mentions. In fact, since the AI doesn't even really play the game, it just automatically accumulates resources and units until it feels like it can win a push. They don't take resource nodes and get mindbroken by town portal.

The devs are clearly amateurs who got lucky with early access and got in over their heads once enough people started demanding more features like multiplayer/campaigns. Instead of expanding the game, all they can really do is add more pointless units/multipliers/bonuses that all blend together vampire survivor style. In fact, it really is just vampire survivors with a homm skin.
>it really is just vampire survivors with a homm skin.
It is absolutely nothing like Vampire Survivors and you are talking vague stereotypical nonsense.
Not him, the first thing that came to my mind when playing it other than HoMM3 was vampire survivors. Sure the gameplay isn't like it, but it uses a similar aesthetic with what look like static free assets from gamemaker. I don't want to say lazy, but visually, the design is about as default as you can get.
it's pretty decent, imagine a huge mod or an expansion that adds lots of content and a super cool multiplayer
that'd be cool
Play or nay?
Play. Its got issues, it's not perfect, but its one of those few games that looked at HOMM's gameplay and tried something new and was actually fun.
Though I'll admit I'm looking forward to that weird HOMM type game with the mole people.
>I'm looking forward to that weird HOMM type game with the mole people
What's the name of the game?
Had to find it again. Silence of the Siren, has a demo.
It's just the "I can't draw but I also can't afford to hire someone who can" pixelart style endemic to indies. I don't much like vampire survivors, but it definelty looks better than this game visually, since it has "I can kinda do Simphony of the Night sprites" art

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