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Will there ever be a good 4x space game that has good diplomacy and politics?
I don't know about you guys but I think sci-fi lives on the interaction between alien races, espionage, intrigue and politics.
The usual war stuff is fine but it doesn't bring much joy or stimulation anymore and I am not sure if we are there technologically to have an AI with good diplomacy.
What do you think? Am I just jaded or retarded?
any insights, bros?
I don't know, Shadow Empire is good they say.
Or maybe a Dune mod for Crusader Kings, if something like that even exist
>Will there ever be a good 4x space game
>that has good diplomacy and politics?
I think Endless Space 2 has a good system for that but is not that good a game.
>Am I just jaded or retarded?
Probably retarded. You can test this by giving an example of a situation you want to see. Most players seem to think diplomacy just means trying to backstab each other.
>I don't know about you guys but I think sci-fi lives on the interaction between alien races, espionage, intrigue and politics.
I think sci-fi lives on the sci-fi aspects. I hate space operas and space federations.

Personally I want a space 4x with good battles. I can't think of a single one that has a good sense of battles or war.(as in multiple concurrent battles and not a series of skirmishes) I don't mean ones that are nice to look at, I mean an AI that can play properly and make ships that risk destroying your ships without needing a10x income bonuses.They don't have to be fair in the sense of everyone having an equal start, and the game doesn't have to pretend to be balanced for multiplayer when it's really mostly or entirely single player. Doesn't even have to be a 4x, it can be a tactics game or a chit using war game. The game I like most is probably Galciv 2 but I still don't like the battle system even though it sort of gives a feeling of war.
>can do literally anything in space
>choose to make a model UN
homo nerd
Why are mark hamil and R2 in a stellaris event?
Aurora does something interesting. When you discover an intelligent species, you need to send a diplomacy ship to them. They will work on deciphering their language and make attempts at first contact. These can fail, temporarily or permanently.

Fun idea, but other than that diplomacy is super barebones.
>can do literally anything in space
already wrong there bro, devs definitely do not let us do anything and sci fi lives on more than battles
>I hate space operas and space federations.
then why would you come into a thread about that
>I don't know, Shadow Empire is good they say.
it is good, but its not what OP is looking for
What is it then?
>Will there ever be a good 4x space game that has good diplomacy and politics?
Distant worlds U / 2.
actual garbage
One of the best 4x games.
This is a thread about space 4x not space operas
4x game can have space opera elements, they do not exclude each other
They do not necessarily include each other, thus this is not a thread about that.
normalnigger genre
what else is there? Gookclick or another nazi larper in HoI?
One day hopefully

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