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rackets truly are the jews of stellaris
Are X-Slot battleships still worth using even though the firing arc shit fucks them up so much?

Or should I just go full carrier+missiles for them?
I have no fucking clue I always leave my ships in auto-design
Put stellaris in the subject at least next time
Also yes, they are. Followed by the frog bitches
Smoothbrain mode
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fun fact; as me and the fallen empire were ganging up on them, the yapathi decided to say fuck it and just started nuking my planets
Is this game?
I have no fucking clue I always go for corvettes-only
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>screen not big enough to see construction completion times
>can't resize window to make it larger
Aurora 4X is too hardcore man... it's back to Stellaris for me.
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can the AI attempt to destroy the universe in Aurora 4X?
X-Slot for starbase breaking, any other build for fleet hunting.
God I fucking despise Cetana. Worst crisis in the game, given that she can just sit in her system with her millions of fleet power and win by doing fucking nothing.
Yeah the fact that she just wins the game by a text popup instead of actually going out and killing you is the dumbest thing ever.
You have to change your windows time display to a shorter format
She won in 20 years by doing nothing the first time I got her because basically every other empire was already dead. They did not test this shit whatsoever. Neat concept, but there needs to be some kind of roadblock in her way that forces her to actually fight you.
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Thank you friend.
I could not find an english date format that does year first.
Yeah. It is extremely frustrating that she can just win by a timer.
I hope you're using this as an excuse to do a themes chink run
Um actually that's Japanese not chinkese
>imlying you need a functioning brain for Stellaris
Play on GA, x25 crisis strength with x5 tech/tradition cost and say that again.
What are the downsides of turning on Xeno-compatibility

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