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It is now mid 2024, is WH3 finally better than WH2?
They're equivalent. It's a bad strategy game with that exists to watch little dudes mashing against each other and performing animation.
No, the AI is trash. 100% of the time, they'll just smash their blob into you and that's it. You can usually beat their entire army with one lord. Sieges are still trash, maybe worse than wh2 because the ai is so much worse. The map is way too big and full of too much shit that basically nobody ever bothers to conquer the map, and it's 10x harder to confederate other factions of your race because they're usually dead before you find them. Playing on 'very hard' battle difficulty is a complete waste of time because the autoresolve just forces you to fight battles you can win without giving your army an order. It just buffs a couple of stats that are completely meaningless after 20 or so turns, which is about where you'll get bored and start again because the ai has stopped being a challenge. And on top of all that, it costs like $500 for the full game.
I'm asking about modded WH3 vs modded WH2, I should have made it clear I'm not a vanillacuck.
While some areas are still weaker, it's better overall.
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Nothing about your post indicated that.
yeah i think that's why he said he should have made it clear
Why would anyone play WH2 if WH3 is the same but bigger, better and contains all the content from WH2?
It would be the same as playing Hitman 2 instead of WoA.
Yeah it’s far better than WH2 and has been for a while.
It’s however far easier than WH2, the AI is barely playing even on the hardest difficulties
>ranged units aren't a meme
>better colour palette
>better campaign
that's probably it. Also less factions mean quicker end turns in mortal empires but I'd personally rather just play wh3. but I see why some people stick to 2
Don't regions get smaller to accomodate the map size?
Did they ever unfuck sieges in WH3?

I didn't exactly like sieges in WH2, but the "solution" they came up with in WH3 made them far worse.
Lustria is one continent that gets way smaller in IE and ME compared to Vortex.
>No, the AI is trash
Speaking of trash AI, they just build 5000 heroes and can't hire any armies after a while. Are there any good AI mods that don't have this retarded issue?
As much as you can without redoing the whole thing. You can't just snipe a single capture point, you need to snipe at least two as one locks off another. Towers and barricades can't be rebuilt once destroyed.
is worse
>contains all the content from WH2
Only if you get the DLC from the previous games.
Always was for coop. Simultaneous turns better be a standard feature in every future TW game or I probably won't be buying them.
If you still don't know how to pirate dlc on steam I don't know what to tell you lmao
>pirate dlc
>account gets banned
Great idea.
No its shit, fuck off.
Best thing they did with Warhammer 1 and 2 sieges is that if minor settlement doesn't have walls built it's just open field batter, and that's for the best, since those are more fun, generally, but you often are forced to fight sieges because AI won't attack your army in the open field.
>play a 6 player campaign
>have to wait for the one faggot with the smallest empire every time
>"oops i forgot to hit end turn"
>something that has never happened to anyone
Go on
Heya retard wanna check my post and tell me where I said "buy"? I said "get" to hopefully filter out retards like you but I should've known you can never expect a retard to not be retarded
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>if I just say 'seething', maybe people will think I can read!
kys faggot child
I'm new to the series and playing Warhammer II but I don't feel motivated to complete a campaign. I've already played Empire, Tomb Kings, Bretonnia and it gets to the point where I dominate the map until it reaches a stalemate with the strongest factions, but every battle has a full yellow bar because my army is loaded with Royal Hippogryphs, so the armies avoid fighting me and then it becomes this game of chicken and I don't see a reason to keep playing. There's no goal in sight.
I wish there was incentive to fight the battles. A game based solely on diplomacy/economy management is boring and pointless.
The best part of this game is watching the kino battles in slow motion but its fluff.
Maybe I'll try Chaos on Hard/Legendary
>There's no goal in sight.
There are plenty of goals and stopping points for your campaign. Check your missions tab then go to 'victory conditions'. Nobody ever said you have to paint the map and everybody only ever bothers to do it once.
For one very obvious reason...
Okay, the victory conditions is to get 2000 chivalry, I'm at 1060. How do I get chivalry, other than painting the map? And I already own more than half the map, I'm allied with Eataine and Empire, Skaven and Dwarfs don't like me but are afraid to declare war so I'm stuck in this stalemate where there's nothing left to fight. I guess I could attack the Skaven and Dwarfs since they have higher strength rating so maybe it'll be a challenge but I feel like I've already won because all the factions want peace
Why are you complaining about diplomacy and no battles when you're afraid to go to war? Wtf is wrong with you? Just fucking go to war. It's a total WAR game, that's what you're supposed to be doing.
Because maintaining peace with factions while you decimate others is how you win. I guess you're supposed to stab everyone in the back and paint the map?
I think I'll start over and set battles to "Hard" while leaving the campaign on "Normal" to limit the save-scumming
>Because maintaining peace with factions while you decimate others is how you win.
You literally don't know how to win as you said yourself.
>I guess you're supposed to stab everyone in the back and paint the map?
see >>1807049
Pretty sure you can hover your cursor over the chivalry bar and it'll tell you how you've gained and lost points so far.
Idk what the fuck they did to Warhammer 3, but imo Warhammer 2 is still the better game. Bigger isnt always better and actually playing WH3 feels kinda shit to me. Like the campaign pacing feels all fucked up, the game mechanics dont feel cohesive anymore, and there feels like an overall lack if direction (in IE anyway). Not to mention all kinds of weird bugs that are still around. A lot of campaigns feel like a really shitty RPG instead of a pretty decent strategy game.
It's pretty much better in every way now after they took so long to unfuck the messy release, anyone that says otherwise is probably just coping because they cant afford it and will always use the same non arguement one lines
>cuz it's bad
>I can no longer cheese with archers as hard
Most people go for the short term victory campaign then stop, there's also an overhauled victory conditions mod that tries to make them more interesting and lore appropriate so check that out, but yes 99% of people don't bother to play their campaigns to its end because at some point it just becomes a boring map painting auto battle simulator
diplomacy is objectively better in tww3
It's pretty overpowered. Too many different ways to make bundles of cash and they all feel necessary, as if the economy is balanced around you extracting all the money you possibly can from diplomacy.

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