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What are some good historical strategy games that are glorified excel spreadsheet simulators or just extremely complex with shit UI? By that, I mean games like Aurora 4X, MEIOU & Taxes or John Tiller Software/Wargame Design Studio kino. Not vanilla EU4 or HOI4 slop.
uhhh some game about designing battleships in a Visual Basic 6 interface that was posted here some months ago
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That would be Rule the Waves.
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There is no more complicated a game than HoI4. Hearts of Iron combines all fields of nation management and warfare from diplomacy and espionage, industry and commerce, and naval, air, and land combat.

There are even weather simulations with real meaningful impact on the course of war. HoI4 is the culmination of the series with so many more features and increased depth compared to the older installations. HoI4 has so much going on that you could automate most of your country and still have endless things to do. In fact, automation is encouraged because of the tremendous complexity of everything. The choices you are forced to make in technology, politics, and production and of monumental importance and are very nuanced.
Weak bait, but I appreciate the bump
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Damn that's a hot map
>Overly complex and numbers based games?
>What are some good historical strategy games that are glorified excel spreadsheet simulators
... so which one is it, OP?
Why are naval strategy games the peak of spreadsheet autism?
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Because naval strategy is a LOT more niche than other types of military strategy. And it isn’t even close
A lot of that is lore albetitthoughever
like first 30 pages lmao, not that reading manual wil lteach you to play i did that before starting the game and still was utterly clueless. Its good used mainly for ctrl+f when you do not know something
Silent Hunter 3 with GWX3 and 100% realism setting (of that mod, not SH3).
Enjoy doing all on your own with a slip of paper something that in real life was done by an entire watch of officers and petty officers, along with analog machines to speed the computations.
That game is essentially all just applied geometry. Graphics are solely for some mid-00s eye-candy

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