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File: IMG_20240722_063317.jpg (266 KB, 720x1027)
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Do people still play this? The modding community is kinda dead. And the game updates from the devs are very slow.
What gives? It's a good game.
Also, I get why province resources are randomized to give replayability, but I would prefer it if they were fixed.
>would rather have fixed res
>wanting even less reasons to start a new game
As you said, it has a low replay value, play once, you win and that's it. I look forward to the updates as well but I couldn't be bothered to install it again just for a few QoL improvements
>live service games bad
>games done on release bad
Yeah, agreed. The crusades update was good but after that it's just been QOL and balance fixes. That's acceptable, but where are my new mechanics? New questslines, nation flavour, new units etc?
... how many more near-identical KoH2 you plan to post this week?
>Bad game bad
Plus - KoH2 isn't "done", which is part of the problem
It's definitely not me dude. I don't hang out in /vst/ alot. Just started desu to get some news on paradox games

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