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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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I give up. playing F-Zero GX right now and this game is insane. I tried Grand Prix, even in the easiest difficulty on the first cup I am struggling to catch up with the AI
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If only you knew how bad things could be.
what the fuck
This isn't even close to the hardest campaign mission either lol
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time for an old classic
Next time someone says they like mario kart slam F Zero GX down and say Mario kart is for fucking babies
Easiest newfag machine is Deep Claw because it has really easy turning. If you learn how to quick turn, Hyper Speeder can carry you throughout the entire game. Always set top speed to max on every course except for slim line straights (which you haven't unlocked yet anyway) let go of the gas when you boost until you return back to your normal top speed

Snaking is for fags
whats snaking
basically you take an ultra heavy machine like Black Bull or Fat Shark and jack the acceleration up to max you can break the physics of the game and go really fast if you slide around from left to right as you go
ooooohhh. I think I'm going to fag it up then because this game is driving me nuts.
its not that easy to do, hyper speeder and quick turns are much easier to learn. To quick turn you hold L+R to go into a drift, and then immediately let go of L as you turn right (or vice versa) to sharply turn and regain grip. Hyper speeder is fast and never loses grip unless you intentionally make it lose grip with a drift. Its normal turning sucks, but you can just quick turn basically everything

Or you can just use deep claw and basically play through the game without really having to learn any advanced techniques. It's not as fast, but you can still win with it.
I like F-zero and F-Zero X, not all that into GX.
>/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy
/vst/ is dying.
Kill yourself.
12 fucking posts before you worthless sacks of shit bothered to tell OP he posted on the wrong board. Fucking retards.
There can be strategy in racing games. But usually in more marathon/rally settings, where you actually have a choice between driving fast and risky or driving less fast but safe, and where you always have a spare set of tyres in the back to change at any time you deem necessary. Rallyman series of board games is a perfect example of that.

No idea if F-zero is like that but i could see an argument for it having strategical elements in how you manage your health/boost bar and how you approach attacking opponents
F-Zero GX requires more strategy than most strategy games I've played.
This just in: Literally every game ever made is now a strategy game, because if you ever have to think for a moment it counts as strategy.

You fucking gaggle of terminally retarded assclowns.
I've played it before and kinda agree. there are certain tracks where you need to take specific turns.
Hey don't lump me in with the shitposter. I just like to rally.

One of the best pilot themes
st for faST :^)
fuck i feel like hooking up my wii to play more f-zero
RTS faggots have really beenspoiled. You fucking retards have no idea what 'gatekeeping' is, do you? Because nobody gives a fuck about RTS games to invade them and fuck them up for you. But if you keep letting fucking retards like OP post his shitposts here, you'll discover what gatekeeping is too late and this board will be a cesspool just like /v/. You fucking retards need to think. Go to /v/ to shitpost and keep this board pure because the worthless fucking janny obviously isn't gonna do his job.
Get the fuck off my board you worthless piece of trash.
why would I love the worthless fuckwit jannies that leave shitposting threads like this up for days? Kill yourself you retarded fucking bot.
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You have a janny mindset, you wish to "clean up" /vst/ absolutely pathetic
>verification not required
>people are having fun
You got a whole board for your fucking retarded version of 'fun' >>>/v/
Fuck off there, you subhuman piece of shit. This board isn't for underage faggots.
You gonna cry when the janny finally comes to do his job and your faggot thread full of retards gets deleted?
You gonna suck the janny off after that too?
I will if he makes you cry, which he probably will since you're so heavily invested in this retarded off topic shitposting thread.
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>I will if he makes you cry
Your sperg out is more entertaining then the thread lol
That's because you don't belong here, /v/tard
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based. not quite sure why people get worked up over a thread. just hit the hide thread option and move the fuck on.
That's because you're a zoomer retard who has never had to watch a board you like become infested with cancer. Shit was already fucked when you got here.
This board is the last one without fucking retards literally everywhere and it's not because the janny does his job, it's because some people here understand the importance of keeping out the retards. If you can't understand that, it's because you're one of the fuckwits trying to turn it into the same retarded shit as every other board.
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>39 counts of off-topic threads
>and one cunny violation

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