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>trying Civ 6 for the first time
>it takes 40 years for my warrior unit which is in the square right next to me to return home
>you can walk across America in 6 months
Hey fuck this game, gonna uninstall. My autism can't deal with that.
>playing shiVI when VII on the horizon
You literally have five better civilization games you could be playing so its your own fault
nah boomer, I'm not 50+ lmao
Take your meds schizo
I remember going to the Civ Forums years ago because my attack helicopter died to knight. I told everyone in the forum that this game is fucking retarded.
This happens in every civ game you fucking tard.
If this pisses you off then literally don't play any video game ever.
Video game character takes meds and get healed. Unfortunately this doesn't work for the OP.
Play on marathon speed then
filtered by a literal game lmao
>nah boomer, I'm not 50+ lmao

fuck off you annoying little fag
its a board game what did you expect pal
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Civ 6 filtered so many Civ 5 babbies, it's incredible
Cute complains
Is that Jenna Ortega?
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jenna ortega if she real
I'll add it to the list of retarded rants about this game
>*gets filtered by happiness*

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