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Why are good Heroes of Might and Magic III maps where the AI can go to high numbers so hard to find? I want some high level fights with big numbers!
Random XL map, with underground and strong starting monsters. Set AI to rook.
>b-but muh maps
AI is equally incompetent on all maps. At least with random you are giving it a fair chance, since your starting position might be utter trash
I literally use Heroes 3 Save Editor to give them more troops, and I try to feed their Heroes XP (so they get specializations level'd) too, but it's super hard to get them to not run away from my stack of feeders.
have you played crapcore? Chris Orr/Absolute Zero played it recently
Beating the AI is very challenging even on lower difficulties, overcoming them tactically in battle with minimal losses doesn't matter since they reappear with a bigger army, full inventory of artifacts(again) and full mana to magic spam.
The truth is that the AI cheats and you are a sucker for playing fair, the way "skilled" players play the game makes HoMM3 seem like neither a strategy or tactical game. It is a game about abusing early and often, since using 1 black dragon with "I win" magic is very lame and boring.
Since AI takes no losses from fighting neutrals, the AI you aren't currently fighting are snowballing unchecked with constant doomstacks.
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Does anyone know why the AI does this? The top two holes were already present when I found the last Obelisk and then dug the correct location on the bottom. Does the AI just randomly dig close to the correct grail location? Pretty sure the AI couldn't have had all the obelisks yet, at most 60% if it was the underground enemy.
It could start digging before revealing the whole puzzle, just like the real player(at least it immitates the behaviour), its not a hota thing either, the ai did it in he original too.

But does it get the same puzzle pieces? Because until I found the last piece, all of the holes and quite a bit surrounding them was covered by a big block. It seems way too close to be a coincidence.
I dont know, probably the same, i bet the map should open evenly for all player, actually you could test it in hot seat.
I'm pretty sure this is one of the few games where the AI doesn't cheat.
AI is simply simulating "search". In reality, it knows exactly where the Grail is. It's just not coded to directly rush there and once it reaches the point where it can dig, it only goes on hardest difficulty directly for the spot.
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My fucking sides...
AI doesn't even build structures, it just generates them over time.
>Beating the AI is very challenging even on lower difficulties
Maybe you just suck
I don't get it, why code it that way? What determines that "now" it's okay to dig? The pic I posted where it dug twice almost exactly on the right spot was on impossible difficulty.
It visits a few obelisks, opens a bit of the puzzle map and start digging just like a human player is expected to start digging after first several visited obelisks when the player can approximately get the location
Will there ever be a better fantasy TBS than Heroes 3?
Age of Wonders 1
Does the quick battle take into account morale/luck? Or can you use it to get easily rid off negative morale buffs (temporary or from Diversity is our Greatest Strength armies)?
Xiedu, Lord Rings, Metataxers revenge, Rise of the phoenix king

For easier maps:
Wayfarer(E), Jedi Story, Gelu the Necromancer, Dragon Lord, Empire of the World II, Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
I am 99.9% sure it's only based on number stacks.
Just started the game with the gog version, the complete edition.

Should I take the HD edition on steam or mod it with the mod from the russian guy ? And why ?
HD on steam has no expansions and no support. stick wuth gog complete and hd mod
Is HD Mod the same as the one with the Hota launcher (where you can choose between normal and Hota)

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