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It's happening
>lost hope
do they know?
>look we made the map completely brown
looks like a failed synthesis of gfx styles from evry rts released since 2000
aims at sc2 and somehow comes off worse than ra3
that said, at least it has buildings//macro unlike the other one
wooow its fucking nothing
when i saw not-frost wyrms with not-ravagers going up against not-protoss i stood up and clapped shouting mcdonalds
great... another veiled call-to-arms for european ethnic-nationalism
omg not! starcraft is happening!
it's not gonna be the final product for another year or so. They've improved a lot since the last beta test though
The changes are that they took the leaves off the trees? Did the players say the maps looked too bright and peaceful or something?
holy shit it's trash
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What an ugly, ugly, soulless game. It looks like a remaster of a 2000s era RTS, because of the juxtaposition between the overdesigned, highly detailed units and the brown, featureless ground texture.

But this isn't a remaster. It's supposed to be an original, new game. Despite the fact they stole the creep mechanics and the goldmine from Warcraft 3 and easily blockable cliffs as a fundamental part of map balance from Starcraft 2. How boring. How completely and utterly unimaginative. Why even bother?
I cannot tell at a glance what the fuck is going on in this image. It's just a bunch of relatively nondistinct units in a moshpit. They really should have made units more distinct in size and shape, as well as making the team colors the primary color and not grey/black.
Should've called the game Shit Storm
Are you vanguard, infernal host, or celestials /vst/?
>Why even bother?
That's something broodwar boomers would say.
Sc2 zoomers need constant updooting to quell the vaccine induced ADHD.
that would require someone to care
Did they de-saturate the colors? It's looking worse.
>It's supposed to be an original, new game.
I thought they were up front about it being gookclick trash.
96 hours until early early access. What race are you maining, /vst/?

for me I'm going with infernals because spriggan reminds me of mutalisk.
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>SSsethTzeentach negotiates with Frost Giant to be a whore, and making a Youtube video of "how good" this souless game is
You would accept the shitty Guts Sci Fi cosplayer unit and you will like it.
Infernals. Spamming orges.
I'm convinced stormgate is just a humiliation ritual at this point
following the stormgate development and marketing for even a short length of time does actually feel like reading a kiwifarms lolcow thread.
i'd feel like i was stuck in a personal hell if i was an employee of this company, was passionate about rts games, and thought i'd be working on the next starcraft.
but then again, at least on reddit and especially youtube, there seem to be enough normalniggers hyping the game up so maybe it'll actually be really successful and 4chins is wrong again. let's not forget that tor"tanic" is close to reaching 15 years of being online and it most likely made billions

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