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Wake up anon, new space lab nerf just dropped.
Good game so far, but how can i make the mid/late game less of a slog? My ships are vastly superior to any of my fellow human factions, yet anything above two alien ships are pretty much untouchable, how am i meant to get space superiority? At leasts i can keep some of the alien ships busy with destroying my stations in low venus orbit repeatetly by just endless build stations there
How tedious are the current fleet interception mechanics?
Does the AI still come at you with a giant conga line that you have to intercept one at a time or have your modules destroyed one by one?
>He updates his game
>Rather than sticking to the build he likes
Lmao, even

You still need the good ol' "double-tap" fleet, where the 2nd one attacks 30 seconds later.

I don't think the devs even see this as a problem in the first place
>"double-tap" fleet
Wasn't that changed when they added the mechanic where you would get partial pursuit if you threw a higher TWR but lower dV swarm at enemies?
I remember I briefly tried playing after some update and being on cooldown didn't lock ayy fleets into combat when you followed up with a second fleet.
Nah, it's still double tap
Wanna hear a better one? It's still possible to land marines into alien installations without having to fight anything at all, which means you can build zero armor, zero weapons ships with non-existing turn-rate and then just sling them at full throttle to nearest citadel you want to destroy without firing a shot.
At this point, I don't believe it's a bug, but a deliberate feature.
Two main strategies for the space fight:
>tech turtle
You sit on your ass and play nice with the aliens until you consolidate power on earth, have space infrastructure and stockpiles of resources ready to go and the tech to defend it, along with the tech to make ships matching the aliens.
You can nibble at them in the meantime to stop armies landing, earth spy missions etc, just dont piss them off too much.
Then you suddenly build 50 ships and go total war
or you can
>hyper aggro murder death kill attrition warfare
Not much to explain here, this strat NEEDS to be started early in the game.
You basically get space infrastructure going asap, get tech for grid drives(unless they got nerfed idk) and just spam shitty tincans loaded down with missiles and send them off to kill the aliens
The alien ships are much superior, but they are expensive to build and early on the ayys dont have anywhere to build them at for the most part.
While your ships are cheap as dirt, very fast to make and effective at killing small numbers of ayys when outnumbering them.
So you throw fights like 7-1 vs ayys, lose 6 ships, but its still a net positive trade because you replace these in 30 days and the ayys just cant replace them at all if you do it right.

If you are arleady in the midgame and are doing none of the above? Consolidate around your key planets and just defend like hell and rush better tech. Make sure you have resources and defend them well it will be a slog
Thank you anon.
I tried corvette spam but with lasers and it really doesn't work, I'll try rockets next I guess. I've consolidated most of earth but don't have enough space resources to afford a fleet of huge ships, especially since I lost half my fleet on a failed assault on ceres.

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