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which strategy will break FM25 first?
new game will be built on the unity engine, leaving FM24 behind on whatever it's built on.
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Got some regens to show off. I bought this guy for a measly 13.5 mil from AEK and his value has almost increased tenfold after half a season at the club.
He's been very good. Would you guys keep him or sell for the right price?
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This fella came over from CFR Cluj for as little as 3.7 mil. He'll count as homegrown in a few months. Unfortunately he's also a mezzala and I haven't found a different role that really suits him. How would you play him?
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And lastly, a Chilean manlet my scouts really want me to buy. He's cheap and banging in goals in Chile but I'm not sure if there's any way I can use him
why would they migrate to unity now?
how did you find this board sportsball faggot
no idea, game would've needed a whole rebuild eventually so i guess now is the time.
What happened to /trb/
/sp/ is too fast, it gets bumped off
Thats a good #10, he should feed balls for >>1806981 to finish

Iirc the underlying match engine isnt changing, the unity engine is primarily for UI changes. Something like unity will allow them to more easily communicate what the match engine and everything else running in the background is doing. I think they said fm26 is where the match engine will get an upgrade / rebuild because its all just spaghetti code that nobody understands anymore

/sp/ moves too fast for /trb/. FM is far more autistic a strategy game than any paraslop that fills this slow arse board
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How difficult is it to pirate FM?
don't know what exactly you mean by your question but afaik 23 is the last cracked version and you just do what you do with any pirated game
Just got fm24 and will probably skip 25 until I see the new engine/ui.

Anyway, I have a problem with being a broke club in the Bulgarian league and failing to make any real money. Two seasons in a row I got to the conference league qualifying round and both times draw the two Serbian top dogs who trash me 4-1 easy. How do I make money fm bros?
new engine is likely to be a buggy mess

make money with pre-season friendlies, limiting wage as much as possible, and selling players.
>Iirc the underlying match engine isnt changing, the unity engine is primarily for UI changes
I was just under the impression after the runtime fee fiasco last year that devs had lost faith in Unity and were looking to other engines. Guess after the backpedalling it didn't hurt them that much.
i have no idea what the current game is coded on desu.
Yeah, unlike the current game which is completely free of ten year old bugs.
but UI in unity is pixelated and clunky lmao. take for example unity slop like among us, genshin impact, only up, crab game etc. also even a simple ui was so bloated performance wise last time i used it in 2021
for a game with 90% of the time being a UI gameplay, it'll cause nausea to look at
i guess by re writing their stuff in unity. they'll benefit from graphics (obviously), considerable match engine performance boost, way easier scalability and familiarity for new employees and naturally more employees would be eligible to hire, "game juice" for their ui, c# modules and addons, way easier to push an update or a patch as well as publishing in literally any platform
bonus point: oh well this is a major blunder and a dub for us bc it'll be easier to decompile an unity game and it'll be a great learning material for cooders, football database for other purposes too, and people will finally see how the game (match engine) actually works
anybody done an academy challenge?
which mod for regen portraits?
newgan manager
it's a whole ordeal to set up but once you do it it's pretty easy every year.
you have to add an unemployed manager to get all the newgens, then filter and save a report, then run the program.
zealand has a video on it
is there a left to right mod yet?
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thank you based kettering town
haven't been able to get into FM since it was revealed that only pace and acceleration matter
that's just like real life though, speed of play is the most important part of a player's game

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